
Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
It's a fairly dumb idea, as more people would commit financial crimes than murder if that day actually existed.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Decided to catch The Purge: Election Year on HBO after reading some of the suggestions in this thread.
That was legit one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I hate you guys.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I've only seen the first movie. Was kinda bored really. I wouldn't want to partake in a purge in real life. Seems unfeasible. You wake up the next day and your Bus Driver is dead. No milk in the shops as key figures in the delivery stage were murdered. Turn on TV to watch the news and the news host is someone new and untested because someone offed the main one. Garbage piles up because there was a mass killing by a disgruntled employee on his fellow employees. What you want to do is say you are having one and for everyone who wants to go killing sign up and then everyone who didn't sign up rounds all the would be murderers up and ships them off to an island to kill each other. Then we can all live in peace. Purge the purgers.

so you prefer a volunteer hunger games situation

How about you sick murder maniacs leave the country instead? go have your sick kolling spree in a desert somewhere.

see you are suggesting a hunger games situation instead of the purge

I think these people are actually saying your idea is horrible, but if people want to kill each other they should be allowed to get on with it in a location where they will not cause any harm to non-volunteers.

In the Hunger Games, just as in The Purge, the majority of people involved are not allowed to opt out. The difference is that, whereas the Hunger Games involve only a small group selected from the different districts, in The Purge the entire country is filled with roaming death squads for twelve hours.

I still find it horrifying that any sentient person would want to inflict such a reign of terror on their fellow humans. That they openly admit it is a little disturbing, too. Are their friends and neighbours aware?


Oct 25, 2017
The problem I have with those movies is that it assumes that most of the human population are violent murderous lunatics whose only reason they haven't gone postal and filled his neighbors full of lead is because of the law.

Deleted member 20603

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Any purge type of scenario is not feasible logistically unless you don't mind hospital workers, group home caretakers, etcetera not showing up for work that day and all their patients die. Or security forces take the day off as well, leaving nuclear and chemical facilities unguarded and prisoners dying of hunger and thirst. Leftover I.E.D.s would kill people the next day, and you'd spend a buttload of money trying to repair infrastructure and structure damages from fires and explosions. People would gang up in tribes for the next one if society even survived the first, and revenge killings and violence couldn't be contained to one day, eventually spilling over into weeks. Society would crumble fast in my opinion.


Oct 25, 2017
Any purge type of scenario is not feasible logistically unless you don't mind hospital workers, group home caretakers, etcetera not showing up for work that day and all their patients die. Or security forces take the day off as well, leaving nuclear and chemical facilities unguarded and prisoners dying of hunger and thirst. Leftover I.E.D.s would kill people the next day, and you'd spend a buttload of money trying to repair infrastructure and structure damages from fires and explosions. People would gang up in tribes for the next one if society even survived the first, and revenge killings and violence couldn't be contained to one day, eventually spilling over into weeks. Society would crumble fast in my opinion.
they already have a thing people above a certain level can't be murdered


Nov 1, 2017
Love how the op keeps dodging all of the questions about him being a psychopath. Joke account?

On topic - thought the second movie was the best. Pretty scary social concept of what would happen if crazy alt-right people controlled every facet of government.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a really retarded concept. And people only like it because they insert themselves into thinking they would survive in this fantasy, when in reality they would very likely die.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd probably have my fill after kicking over a trash can and retire, so not sure if the risk/reward is worth it.
Oct 31, 2017
The concept is ridiculously stupid. I've never watched the movies because the concept is just so utterly nonsensical. And no, I would never partake in such an activity.


Nov 7, 2017
I would join in. Be loads of fun. Plenty of untrained folk out there. Easy targets every where.

Oh, but I would make sure you would have no fun on that night. Your night would be filled with pain, tears, and the laughter of your tormentors. The following morning you would only have pieces of yourself remaining. Enough to type out your regret, but not type it well.


Oct 25, 2017
No I wouldn't do it. Mainly because it's the most asinine concept in the world. The movie constantly tries to justify itself by claiming that there is an economic benefit. The idea that it would eliminate unemployment is bullshit. It's not that it provides jobs, it's that you're effectively killing off the unemployed part of the workforce. And don't even get me started on how it "eliminated crime"

Fuck the Purge.


Oct 25, 2017
No I wouldn't do it. Mainly because it's the most asinine concept in the world. The movie constantly tries to justify itself by claiming that there is an economic benefit. The idea that it would eliminate unemployment is bullshit. It's not that it provides jobs, it's that you're effectively killing off the unemployed part of the workforce. And don't even get me started on how it "eliminated crime"

Fuck the Purge.
If a lot of people die I'm sure new jobs open up

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Oh, but I would make sure you would have no fun on that night. Your night would be filled with pain, tears, and the laughter of your tormentors. The following morning you would only have pieces of yourself remaining. Enough to type out your regret, but not type it well.
You do not have the talent to get me. Nor does anyone you know. Nor does you and anyone you know combined. Like, logically, your only info about me is I am in the purge and I post on a forum.

Have you seen the 2000 dollar bow I bought? Oh it's worth it, I hunt it kills deer so easily
Is worth it for hunting. In a Purge scenario unless you hide in the woods (I prefer urban), it would be too bulky, slow, and the arrows too limited due to size and amount.

Bows are cool, though.

Deleted member 9197

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
What the fuck, OP? No!

What would this accomplish? Why should innocent people be killed so somebody can get off on murder for a day? How would this solve anything.

I mean as a movie to watch, fine, whatever, but Christ...


Nov 7, 2017
You do not have the talent to get me. Nor does anyone you know. Nor does you and anyone you know combined. Like, logically, your only info about me is I am in the purge and I post on a forum.

Is worth it for hunting. In a Purge scenario unless you hide in the woods (I prefer urban), it would be too bulky, slow, and the arrows too limited due to size and amount.

Bows are cool, though.

I would put assorted fleshy parts of you in the sheetwall of your apartment and pay a professional to patch it up so well you wouldn't notice until the rotten stink filled the air. Even with your "talents" you wouldn't be mobile enough to break the walls open to throw your rotting pieces away. They would be a toxic reminder of how poor your choice was to support the purge.


Oct 27, 2017
If a lot of people die I'm sure new jobs open up

That's not how jobs work. It's not like there are an immutable number of jobs in the world, the jobs are determined by demand. If a Starbucks barrista dies in the Purge, well, so did 10% of that Starbucks's customers, so they need to cut back their workforce anyway.

If people die, demand decreases, and jobs disappear.

Unless you're talking about jobs cleaning up after the Purge, in which case A) those are temp jobs, not really worth much, and B) we'd be better off throwing a big (non-murdery) parade and then hiring temp workers to clean up after that.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I would put assorted fleshy parts of you in the sheetwall of your apartment and pay a professional to patch it up so well you wouldn't notice until the rotten stink filled the air. Even with your "talents" you wouldn't be mobile enough to break the walls open to throw your rotting pieces away. They would be a toxic reminder of how poor your choice was to support the purge.
I am 100% confident this would never happen. You can try, though, it's no fun being King and no one attemptd the throne.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not how jobs work. It's not like there are an immutable number of jobs in the world, the jobs are determined by demand. If a Starbucks barrista dies in the Purge, well, so did 10% of that Starbucks's customers, so they need to cut back their workforce anyway.

If people die, demand decreases, and jobs disappear.

Unless you're talking about jobs cleaning up after the Purge, in which case A) those are temp jobs, not really worth much, and B) we'd be better off throwing a big (non-murdery) parade and then hiring temp workers to clean up after that.
I don't think so though its not even even like this