
Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
With stand up the artist is the art, it is all coming from that person. It's not like a movie where there are a ton of people involved to make it happen, or a band with other musicians. There is no separation. And his art is the issue.

Does it bother you in the slightest that he is a bigot and you would supporting the work of a bigot?
Me listening to rips of his old albums isn't supporting him in the slightest. I reccomended his aughts stuff to those interested as the thread topic dictated.


Oct 25, 2017
Where was I talking down? I wasn't.
Sure and many times it isn't. I can think Michael Jackson was a pedophile and still think he was the greatest performer ever and love his music.

Also are you gonna respond to the first part of my post, or are you just gonna continue trying to force a " well technically" pivot despite it fully being what happened?

Me listening to rips of his old albums isn't supporting him in the slightest.

What does that have to do with his newest special that is the latest in a partnership with Netflix?
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Jun 21, 2019
Not to derail this too much, but Harry Potter is basically the big elehpant in the room that people don't want to talk about despite a big game and new movies still coming out. I think people just have to make their own choices... certainly there was a pass during Boba Fett too.

What's the story behind Boba Fett?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Me listening to rips of his old albums isn't supporting him in the slightest. I reccomended his aughts stuff to those interested as the thread topic dictated.
Even recommending the guy or saying you enjoy it though is presenting him in a positive light which is supporting him. I just don't get why anyone would support a transphobe if they cared at all about trans people. Your life can be just as complete without Bill Burr, there are so many different comedians out there, it just sucks. At the very least I wish it wasn't allowed on this site so we can have an inclusive and welcoming community to trans people.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
Also are you gonna respond to the first part of my post, or are you just gonna continue trying to force a " well technically" pivot despite it fully being what happened?


What does that have to do with his newest special that is the latest in a partnership with Netflix?
Is that's what's in the thread title? It isn't? Alright well great chat.


Oct 25, 2017
How is that talking down to?
Oh, guess I called it. Again, are you gonna address the "I actively choose to ignore Burr's transphobia because he makes me laugh" part? Cause that feeds directly into why your response to Kyuuji was talking down.
Is that's what's in the thread title? It isn't? Alright well great chat.

So i've been watching some Bill Burr on youtube this week and i really want to watch more. Looks like he has five on Netflix so which one would you recommend watching first?

Wouldn't be weird if I went into that James Franco thread about his new project and go "Me watching blu-rays I bought years ago isn''t supporting him."

Oh wait lol
I dig Burr's previous albums prior to netflix, been more hit and miss since then. I'll have to check out his new one, didn't know it was out.
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Oct 25, 2017
Also nobody can stop any of you from playing the game if you really want to. People didn't do it with Cyberpunk either. Lots of people absolutely can & will think differently of you if you play it & especially parade it around like it's the second coming of Jesus while conveniently ignoring the glaring issues behind it, but nobody can take away your copy & tell you to "Stop playing this game, Timmy, it's 9PM!" like a mum lol. People will be fucking fine. The internet is vast so if someone feels like they're being treated unfairly on here come release, they can also simply talk about it elsewhere!

I guess to make my position clear, I started turning on Burr because of his defence of racism in comedy, which was probably when he started going down his current path, so I'm by no means a Burr apologist.

But I guess this also sums up my view of it? So yes, tell people about Burr and why they should not support or watch him. But I don't know what comes after that.

What's the story behind Boba Fett?
Mixed it up and meant to say Mandalorian.


Oct 26, 2017
Bill Burr's transphobia is in his art. It quite literally is not possible to separate the art from the artist because his art is transphobic.

In a thread where people are talking about and linking to transphobic pieces of his comedy, you decided to let people know how much you laugh at his comedy.
It'd be like saying "I just don't look at the middle third of the mona lisa. But the rest is good!"


Jun 12, 2018
He's a gross angry shit, so I would lean toward not watching him or boosting him at all, but hey freedom of speech I guess?


Jun 7, 2019
It's also quite egregious to have literal SOURCED bigotry from this guy at the forefront of every thread that pops up about him, yet people still have the audacity to wringe their hands like they, the non-trans people, are the ones being hurt by some BS "thought policing," or arguably worse, just FLAT OUT IGNORE these posts and just act like "ah, people get offended at anything! WhAt SyStEmIc OpPrEsSiOn???"

He's not actively calling for the oppression of trans people like Rowling or Chappelle, but this shit is still harmful, and worse, normalized by people who just shrug about it rather than demanding he do better.

It's literally so fucking crazy to me, people truly don't know how to act. In some way the people who do not even recognize his transphobia and are just like "yeah, love his stuff hehe :)" are somehow worse, because it's like.. you truly do not even care the slightest bit. At least with others we seemingly annoy them enough to act like trans people are the true oppressors lol
I guess to make my position clear, I started turning on Burr because of his defence of racism in comedy, which was probably when he started going down his current path, so I'm by no means a Burr apologist.

But I guess this also sums up my view of it? So yes, tell people about Burr and why they should not support or watch him. But I don't know what comes after that.

Mixed it up and meant to say Mandalorian.

Oh, no worries, my "you" was rather meant in a general sense and not directed at you - who seemed to just really not know about how it's being handled? It's just a wee bit of an annoyance when there absolutely have been people on here acting like Era mods are taking their rights from them for not allowing them to circlejerk lmao


Jun 19, 2022
I remember Burr being on Conan after the 2016 election, and saying that nothing was going to change. 'They're all the same!'

I think he gets a pass because he admits he's an idiot. Maybe shut the fuck up then.
People that say they're an idiot usually aren't. Same with people who say they're smart usually aren't. Bill uses that as a get out of jail card for things


Nov 11, 2017
Bill's old specials used to feel like old man tries to understand the world. The most recent ones are old man yells at clouds. Anything with his wife tends to be good because she shuts his crazy ideas down.
Oct 25, 2017
His podcast when his wife guest stars is his best content.

This. Nia rips on him which is hilarious.

His early specials are the best, particularly when he just rants about everyday life or his ending bits as his red tie/blue tie etc kinda shtick feel stuck in the past (which is odd since he clearly knows the history of comedy from listening to his podcast so the fact he falls into lazy bits sucks more). His newer stuff has great moments but some old man yelling at clouds vibes and weird pacing.

His best is just YouTube compilations of him on Conan and cracking Conan up.
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