What gaming hardware do you have and actively use(PC,Xbox,PS

  • PC Only

    Votes: 101 10.9%
  • Xbox Only

    Votes: 21 2.3%
  • PS Only

    Votes: 124 13.4%
  • PS + Xbox

    Votes: 80 8.6%
  • Xbox + PC

    Votes: 61 6.6%
  • PS + PC

    Votes: 381 41.1%
  • PC + Xbox + PS

    Votes: 159 17.2%

  • Total voters
Oct 28, 2017
Just rocking a PS4 Pro atm, soon to be PS5. I'll be more likely to pick up an Xbox as well next gen with the way things are going.


Jan 14, 2018
I have a One X, PS4 Pro, Switch and mid-range PC. I barely ever use my PS4 because it's a terrible piece of hardware and not a good user experience software-wise to me. I primarily game on my One X, I enjoy Nintendo games like Animal Crossing on my Switch, and I play PC-only titles like League, Civ VI and Valorant on my PC, plus the few games where I get a noticeably better experience than on my X such as Dishonored 2 which I can run at 60fps.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
PC + PS + Switch. It covers basically everything. I get access to all exclusives, and I get THE best versions of 3rd party games on PC.

Having an Xbox and a PC is extremely redundant to me, but I could see why some Xbox diehards opt for that route if they want to be fully invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.


Nov 13, 2018
PS + PC(that will need an upgrade to be relevant next gen) + Switch

Once the PC is upgraded the PS5 and Switch will mostly be exclusive machines (Switch already is)


Oct 27, 2017
PC - 3rd party and PC only content
PS - PS exclusives
Switch - Nintendo exclusives

Going forward my expecation is no real change apart from swapping PS4 for PS5 at some point post launch. Unless MS decide to have Xbox console only content I have access to largest library comprising MS/Sony/Nintendo plus 3rd party developers/publishers.


Oct 28, 2017
PC - 95%
Switch Ring Fit - 5%

Most diabolical of all for gaming:
PC Desk - 55%
PC Lounge - 40%
PC Steam Link Anywhere (remote) - 5%

I "work at a desk" most days too, and depending on my mood, it's simple to enjoy playing wherever I want.


Oct 25, 2017
Xbox One (main console this gen), PlayStation 4 Slim, mid-level gaming PC.

Also Switch...and NES, SNES, N64, GameCube with Game Boy Player, Wii, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Master System, Genesis with 32X and Sega CD, Saturn, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox 360, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, 3DS, PSP...currently waiting to pre-order an Xbox Series X...I really like video games. Heh.


Oct 27, 2017
I know this has probably been done to death previously, but still very curious. Granted many of us have PCs but don't use them for gaming. I wouldn't count that. I didn't include SWITCH to not have a million combinations. You can list it though.

Xbox 90 percent (thanks to Game Pass)
PS4 5 percent (a few exclusives need to finish)
PC 5 percent (work on PC all day, not as motivated to be on unless co-op with a friend).

Pretty much same for me but i dont play on pc at all and have a switch on the side

xbox - 80% (gamepass, all multiplat)
ps - 5% 1-2 exclusives every year (never multiplat)
switch - 15% 3-4 exklusives every year and evergreen/classic Nintendo firstparty titles (never multiplat if it exists on xbox)


Oct 27, 2017
PC + PS + Switch. I mostly play on PC right now but it will go back to PS as my PC gets more and more outdated. I like to have PS2 + Gamecube + Nintendo Mini consoles hooked up for some retro gaming every now and then as well.


Oct 28, 2017
Pc only. I used to go PC + nintendo/sony handheld but i have more than enough games on PC and sony just killed off their handhelds so... that leaves nintendo but i only really got them for etrian odyssey and its nowhere to be seen on switch.
Oct 27, 2017
PC + Switch.

I haven't played a game on PS4 since I wanted to give the last Ratchet and Clank game a try but I only played for a few hours. Before that it was probably Spiderman. I have an Xbox but it's only ever been used to play Blu-rays and Rock Band.

I play everything on PC and then some small stuff/Nintendo stuff on Switch.


Oct 25, 2017
-PS3 (since 2011)
-PS4 (since 2015)
-WiiU ( since 2014)
-Gaming Desktop (to play modern games) (since 2019)
-Gaming Laptop (to play old games) (since 2014)

All of the above plugged into my 75" x900f

-Switch (this year)
-Playstation 5 (2022 or 2023)
-New Gaming Laptop (2022 or 2023)
-85" tv (2024 or 2025)


Oct 27, 2017
PlayStation..Xbox. This'll be 3 gens in a row where i have both. Ps5 eventually...but it'll be mine.


Nov 14, 2017
I do most of my gaming on PC and I have a Switch and PS4 Pro for exclusives.

So far this year I've finished 33 games on PC, 2 on PS4, and 0 on Switch. Last year's totals were 42 on PC, 2 on Switch, 1 on PS4 (Bloodborne replay), and 1 on PS3 (Demon's Souls replay).


Oct 28, 2017
For the last two years, the split has been pretty much like this:

PS4 70%
Xbox 20% (GamePass is great, but at the end of the day there aren't that many games that interest me more than the ones I can play in my PS4)
PC 8% (Only play when my wife is using the TV for playing in PS4/Xbox. Also, my PC is crap so I cannot play anything even mildly demanding)
Switch 2% (A bit of Ring Fit and that's it. Waiting for BotW2, Metroid Prime 4 or another Mario)


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
How about Switch, Mobile, and Retro games. Is Raspberry Pi a PC? If you are gaming on a Chromebook for Geforce Now is that a PC, or if you are running GamePass streaming off Android, does it count as Xbox?

Anyways, for me PC + PS4 Pro + Switch + Retro Games off Raspberry Pi + some iPad/Android gaming on the go.


Oct 27, 2017
I put PC only, but it was a lie mostly.

I play on PC 95+% of the time. PS4 and Switch on the rare occasion there is an exclusive I want to play.


Oct 26, 2017
PS4, Switch, and a pretty outdated PC. I mainly just play Left 4 Dead 2 on it and also use it for work stuff.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Just the PC now, got rid of xbox and ps4 a while back because I can't stand those low framerates in most of the few exclusives (luckily at least the xbox ecosystem later arrived on PC). Still have the switch because I could play laying in bed/sofa with it but I never actually use it because games either look/run super bad or are overpriced.

fluffy pillow

Sep 12, 2018
PC, 3DS, PS4.

We haven't yet seen a reason to get a Switch, seeing as we could play Breath of the Wild on our Wii U. The PS4 we have solely to pay the Exclusives ransom; anything that's possible to play on PC gets played on PC. It's just more convenient: we each have a PC anyway, might as well chuck a graphics card and (soon) an NVME drive in them and play games on them too.

I tried to get into smartphone games when I got an S10 and found them mostly too fiddly to bother with, so for mobile gaming I stick with my n3DS. I'm still working on all the good stuff from the 3DS library, anyway.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Switch and PS. Thought about building a PC, but decided to just get a PS5 instead.