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Deleted member 27315

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
VR enthusiasts.

Though, it's quieted down a bit over the last couple years as a lot of the promises from 5 years ago haven't really materialized as quickly or as prominently as the VR evangelists projected it would. I remember just the guffawed hostility towards anybody who was skeptical about the looming VR-takeover of videogames over at the old community.

the opposite...

It's quieter now because more and more people accept that VR is here to stay. The hating is alleviated, so no need for these kind of battles.

And this will be the trend from now on:)


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo apologists, not even close.

people who vehemently defend microtransactions

I'd like to add people that defend publishers when they implement intrusive/exploitative business practices in any popular title.

There's a very loud vocal minority that fervently defends any publisher's actions as long as they publish any game that they love.

There are publishers whose games I enjoy, or absolutely love, that sometimes use terrible business practices. It's okay to love a game and criticize their publisher at the same time.

I love Nintendo games but, as a publisher, they've done some absolutely terrible things (Region and Hardware locking of digital software, charging for really bad online service).

I love Dragon Age but EA is one of the most anti-consumer publishers on the industry today. They are lobbying and fight against consumer rights right now, even though some of their services (like Origin) are pretty decent in terms of upholding customer rights.

Loving and a game, or game series, and hating a publisher, or a publisher's business practices, are not mutually exclusive things.


Oct 26, 2017
Fanboys with their massive double standards. There's a lot of fanboys though, so not surprising.


Nov 4, 2017
I'd say when it comes to internal fanbases Classic Sonic fans tend to be the more obnoxious and toxic side but Modern Sonic fans are more vocal which gives the false impression that they're worse, if that makes any sense.

At least with Modern fans most of them are just kids so they have that excuse to fall back on. Classic fans are older and should know better.
Aug 17, 2018
Not the minority yet, but getting there......

Disc based gamers.

- Digital is the devil
- Microtrans sux
- Wasting money on a HDD
- Discs are great because you can lend to a friend and trade in for credit
- I like having a disc case in my collection
- You digital gamers are lazy fucks. Just get up and change the disc. Takes 10 seconds

I bet just about every disc promoter is turning to digital downloads more and more, even though every non-indie game still has a disc release.


Oct 25, 2017
The 60fps doesn't matter people. They're usually the same people that were fine with sub 20 frame rates last gen.

Also people who bend over backwards for the all digital GaaS microtransaction hell that awaits us all.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
the opposite...

It's quieter now because more and more people accept that is here to stay. The hating is alleviated

I'm surprised that anybody would think that VR has lived up to the promises from 5ish years ago or whenever Oculus launched. I'm definitely not a VR hater, I have a VR device myself, but to me, it seems like VR never came close to the hype from 5ish years ago when it was all everybody was talking about.


Oct 27, 2017
People who complain about "exploitative" practices are the real minority if you think about it.

Millions of gamers buy games without complaining. The vocal minority are the ones who call publishers exploitative/toxic/cancer/whatever.

R dott B

Oct 27, 2017
The group that can't take games they like being criticized and feel like every thread has to be a positive hype thread.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
what would be an aggressive left gaming opinion?

I have no idea what that person's going for, but perhaps like over the top anti-corporatism ... Like how EA was voted as the worst corporation on earth, over Halliburton and Enron, because of the ending of Mass Effect 3, while EA has maintained a very socially progressive social agenda, but because they're a big company focused on profits it drives this deep hatred of them.

BUt... who knows.


Nov 2, 2017
The 60fps doesn't matter people. They're usually the same people that were fine with sub 20 frame rates last gen.


What a stupid thing to say.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The 60fps doesn't matter people. They're usually the same people that were fine with sub 20 frame rates last gen.

Is this really a vocal minority? Given that most major console games are 30fps, and it seems like consumers tend to have a preference for flashy graphics over rock solid framerate, I think this may just be the majority, not a vocal minority.


Oct 27, 2017
The group that can't take games they like being criticized and feel like every thread has to be a positive hype thread.

I agree that not every thread has to be a positive hype thread. I've been complaining hard about how questionable Fallout 76 looks, for example.

But this is an enthusiast forum, so shouldn't it skew positive? It's demoralizing when every thread turns into "this game sucks." I think negative opinions should be kept to impression and review threads.

Posting "throw this game in the trash" in OT threads adds nothing of value to this forum.


Nov 10, 2017
Gamer Gate. You don't get much louder than a massive hate campaign spiraling into mass recruitment for the neonazis.

Deleted member 27315

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I'm surprised that anybody would think that VR has lived up to the promises from 5ish years ago or whenever Oculus launched. I'm definitely not a VR hater, I have a VR device myself, but to me, it seems like VR never came close to the hype from 5ish years ago when it was all everybody was talking about.
In terms of sales no. You are absolutely right. It's not mainstream.
But in terms of a new medium that enhanced dramatically the experience(ex flat vs VR in RE7) and gave birth to new experiences, gameplay evolution etc.
Absolutely YES!:D
It exceeded the expectations IMO


Oct 31, 2017
Both aggressive left gamers and aggressive right.

They keep bouncing off each other and getting louder and louder.

Both sides, ladies and gentlemen. Both sides!

I'll go with ResetEra in general. It's a super distinct population compared to the average video game player. We really get riled up over everything. I generally think that's a net positive though.

Edit: On second thought gamer gater's are even louder.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are people mentioning ResetEra? That's so fucking broad. Do you also hate yourself since you post here?


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, this forum as a whole.

To narrow it down a bit, the (insert critically acclaimed popular game here) crowd. Whether it's Fallout 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Uncharted 4, etc, there's always some very vocal folks unironically calling them bad games.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this really a vocal minority? Given that most major console games are 30fps, and it seems like consumers tend to have a preference for flashy graphics over rock solid framerate, I think this may just be the majority, not a vocal minority.
I'm not talking about the general gamer though. I mean the people that go out of their way to say that anything over 30fps is unnoticeable and unneeded.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Almost a tie between the Ninty Defense Force and the DMC fan base, but I give the nod to the NDF because at least some of the opinions you encounter in a DMC thread are funny and make me laugh.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
It's impossible to have a civil Final Fantasy thread on ResetEra, and I find that really disappointing.

Welcome to the Internet.
'Civil' FF discussions rarely seem to exist... and this is coming from someone who's been in the quagmire since the bulletin board days of the early/mid 1990s.
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