Mr. Taters

Oct 27, 2017
I hope when/if SC comes back they allow sharing custom characters/costumes online (you could edit character's costumes in 5 right?). The character creator in 5 was awesome, it was just a shame that (as far as I know) you couldn't download all the other crazy things people would come up with or recreate. I know I'd buy it just for that.

Ian Henry

Oct 29, 2017
Soul Calibur is marketable......However, it just gets overshadowed by Tekken. Which kinda plays a role in not being thought of at times.

Speaking of a new SC. They need to bring this guy back into the fold:



I miss Zasalamel. He was the GOAT. He was literally a mastermind that played everyone at their own game. Such a savage.

So is this beautiful priestess:


Miss her so much. The wind needs to guide her back. It's now or never
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Zasalamel was indeed great, and it was a crime that they didn't include him in the SoulCalibur V cast. His status as immortal and his stylish, manipulative moveset (a beautiful extension of his personality) should have secured him a spot, to say nothing of the fact that he was the only black guy in the series.

Wherever they go with the series, if it returns I want him back. Aeon too, and give him a story that doesn't tread water for the sole purpose of keeping him at mook status. They were actually going somewhere in III, only to abandon it for "Oh no, he's just a monster. Here, bland hero; beat him up."

Ian Henry

Oct 29, 2017
Zasalamel was indeed great, and it was a crime that they didn't include him in the SoulCalibur V cast. His status as immortal and his stylish, manipulative moveset (a beautiful extension of his personality) should have secured him a spot, to say nothing of the fact that he was the only black guy in the series.

Wherever they go with the series, if it returns I want him back. Aeon too, and give him a story that doesn't tread water for the sole purpose of keeping him at mook status. They were actually going somewhere in III, only to abandon it for "Oh no, he's just a monster. Here, bland hero; beat him up."

Definitely. His Babylonian heritage really led my interest into the culture of Mesopotamia. It's a shame he hasn't been recognized.


Oct 25, 2017
Goodness, I'd kill for a new SC game. I think Soul Calibur II was the highlight but I lost countless days to Soul Calibur IV in college. Sophitia forever!


Oct 25, 2017
I miss soulcalibur so much.

But if it does return, I hope Hwang is a playable character. He was my favorite in soulblade and soulcalibur 1.


Oct 27, 2017
They should start with porting SCIV and V to PC given the financial turnout for fighting games on Steam now. I've been dying to replay the games again but not if they aren't even bothered to make us happy for it again.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know, but if/when they do decide to mare Soul Calibur 6 I hope they change the artstyle.
I'm pretty sure they'll make SC6 because they are releasing a lot of other games that will sell even less.
The question is rather when, a potential cross-over could be Samurai Spirits x Soul Calibur.
SNK doesn't have the people or tech to release a great looking 3D game, they never had and it's a cross over that makes sense.


Oct 28, 2017
Soulcalibur died when the creators decided to kill Sophitia and Rothion off.

Yes, I'm still bitter.


Oct 27, 2017
(Now that I think about it, a potential new Soul Calibur on pc...DAMN)

Think of the mods...

I don't think we're far off hearing about whatever's cooking: now Bamco PC is a thing, I expect SC on PS4, XB, PC and Switch next time - perhaps with cross-play on some of those platforms.

A looooong time ago I heard rumours of a 'time-travel' based SC game in the works, but that was drunken third-hand info, so take with handfuls of salt.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
My dream- To follow up Pokken, Bamco and Nintendo keep the relationship going, but shift IPs. Next up: Zelda x Soulcalibur. Think Soulcalibur 2 but with lots more Zelda characters. Zelda, Gannon, Impa, the 4 champions, all the single game villains. There's a ton of fodder to make for a compelling roster.
And think about the business side. It reintroduces soulcalibur to the world in a context that evokes the height of the series (SC2), while guaranteeing sales. It gives Nintendo a AAA third party title to boast about. And it sets up Soulcalibur 6 to get a lot more hype than it would get without the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Think of the mods...

I don't think we're far off hearing about whatever's cooking: now Bamco PC is a thing, I expect SC on PS4, XB, PC and Switch next time - perhaps with cross-play on some of those platforms.

A looooong time ago I heard rumours of a 'time-travel' based SC game in the works, but that was drunken third-hand info, so take with handfuls of salt.

Yooo, fancy seeing you in here! I hope you're right – a new SC is my most wanted unannounced sequel. Just Guard and Guard Impact are two of my favourite mechanics... just so satisfying, especially JGing unblockables.
Oct 25, 2017
My dream- To follow up Pokken, Bamco and Nintendo keep the relationship going, but shift IPs. Next up: Zelda x Soulcalibur. Think Soulcalibur 2 but with lots more Zelda characters. Zelda, Gannon, Impa, the 4 champions, all the single game villains. There's a ton of fodder to make for a compelling roster.
And think about the business side. It reintroduces soulcalibur to the world in a context that evokes the height of the series (SC2), while guaranteeing sales. It gives Nintendo a AAA third party title to boast about. And it sets up Soulcalibur 6 to get a lot more hype than it would get without the game.
A pretty big issue with that is that the home of the genre is currently on PS4. A (proper) fighting game skipping PS4 today is begging to underperform.


Oct 26, 2017
I hope if there's ever a SCVI they unreboot the series. Literally none of the new characters in V was better than the old one they took out.

My dream- To follow up Pokken, Bamco and Nintendo keep the relationship going, but shift IPs. Next up: Zelda x Soulcalibur. Think Soulcalibur 2 but with lots more Zelda characters. Zelda, Gannon, Impa, the 4 champions, all the single game villains. There's a ton of fodder to make for a compelling roster.
And think about the business side. It reintroduces soulcalibur to the world in a context that evokes the height of the series (SC2), while guaranteeing sales. It gives Nintendo a AAA third party title to boast about. And it sets up Soulcalibur 6 to get a lot more hype than it would get without the game.

It makes no sense to skip the huge PS4 install base.


Oct 27, 2017
Yooo, fancy seeing you in here! I hope you're right – a new SC is my most wanted unannounced sequel. Just Guard and Guard Impact are two of my favourite mechanics... just so satisfying, especially JGing unblockables.

Pleasure to see you, despite my flashbacks to Astaroth...

Tekken 7 might have been underperformed slightly, but it's continuing to sell and Bamco seems happy with it so far - sets a good precedent for other fighters, right?

Tekken Revolution laid a good foundation for 7, and scared Bamco off microtransactions in main games too - let's hope Lost Swords did the game for SC... because that was a really, really poor excuse of a game.

Project Soul is so much better than that.

But as Lukemon says, think how deep a system the team could come up with in a 1080p/60FPS game with Guard Impacts and Just Guards... all the particle effects, all the blazing weapon sillyness and all the exploding costumes in the world... new-gen Soul Cal is essential at this point, right? RIGHT?
Oct 29, 2017
Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold!

But for real though, fighting games sadly don't rake in the money like they used to. Gamers expect extensive single player content on top of fleshed out story mode, where in the past fighting game devs got away with a single ending for each character and maybe some gimmick play mode where you would grind against the CPU. Then you have the competitive side that demand cutting edge net-code atop of excellent balance and post launch support. The sad truth is, Tekken is much bigger and has always been much bigger in sales than Souls.

I think the slow development is likely due to budget cuts, and franchise fatigue which was felt in SCV. Casual didn't like the lack of content, Series veterans were also somewhat divided by the newly added Meter.

It's a shame really, as SCIV kicked both T6 and SFIV ass in terms of visuals, and it still looks stunning a generation later.

Here's hoping that despite probable budget cuts we get a new Souls bigger and better than ever before. This will also be first Soul to come out in esport era, so lets see if it has longevity compared to its competition. Tekken and SFV are both quite big at this point, wonder if it could make both franchises shake their pants a little, all they really gotta do is to announce some cool guest characters along and refined fighting system(personally prefer if guard impact is meter less again) and we could have a recipe for success.

First memory of playing a PSone game, holds special place in my heart.


Oct 29, 2017
Soul Calibur on Dreamcast holds a special place in my heart. Spent so many hours in the mission battle mode. I even imported the Japanese GameCube version of soul calibur 2 as soon as it came out. I would love a PS4 version.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
As far as I'm concerned if they bring Soul Calibur back, they should reboot the whole enchilada.


Oct 25, 2017
What Soul blade/edge and calibur started as and what they became are very different things. It didn't help that SCV wasn't all that great. I think they should take a look at what made the series work and reboot the entire thing. Easier said than done I know.


Oct 27, 2017
Give it some more time . 2018 2019 I expect a new one. Pachinko exclusive .

Along with the new Virtua Fighter for mobile only .


Oct 27, 2017
I'm holding out a little hope, but just a little. I used to post a wishlist in threads like this (meterless GI, etc), but now the desperation is such that anything would be fine.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
SoulCalibur V happened.
What a disappointing game.
Gameplay was on point, everything else was lacklustre.

The Archon

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Soul Calibur 5 gameplay+Soul Calibur 5's Online+Soul Calibur 5 create a soul + Soul Calibur 4 Characters+Soul Calibur 2 content


Perfect Soul Calibur


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I hope the soul still burns. If they can make SC6 with the content of SC2 and a full fledged roster with cool guest characters (Link!), I would be in.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Man I miss this series so much.

Are there even any other fighting games that let you create characters? Or customise existing ones to the extend SC4 and 5 did?
Tekken's customisation is really lacking, and I really miss character creation.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Soulcalibur 2 was the first game I ever got for the Gamecube, played that game hours upon hours.

Do we know if the studio is defunct, or has it just been silent for a while?


Oct 30, 2017
I'm still waiting for a new title or a reboot.
That poll they did some time ago must have been for something... right?
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still angry I can't play the definitive version of Soul Calibur 3 on anything while every other SC game was available on last gen consoles.


Oct 25, 2017
SC3 going PS2 exclusive was such a dumb decision. That's where I and a lot of others fell off.

Hope Bamco at least ports the GCN version of SC2 to Switch like they did for PS360.


Oct 25, 2017
Short of SC VI being a soft reboot bringing back the original cast, with the premise being to use time/dimensional shenanigans to prevent the events of SC V from happening, I have a difficult time picturing it working.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A tale of souls and swords eternally retold.


Bring on SC6! But put the guard impact back to a simple command without tying it to a meter. Really takes away from the gi post gi meta/mind games.

Always weird that people think this since GI has rarely worked the way it's been intended in the series.

I hope the series isn't dead. SC5 is the best in the series.
Always weird that people think this since GI has rarely worked the way it's been intended in the series.

I hope the series isn't dead. SC5 is the best in the series.
How do you propose it was intended to work?

I'm not proposing to be locked into a never ending gi battle. Quite the opposite actually. I want to end that shit as soon as possible.

In my experience if someone guard impacts you, you have to prepare for their incoming attack by timing their attack with a guard impact or parry of your own. Now this is where it gets meta. I like to train the opponent into thinking I'll post gi a certain way then switch it up. Feints, delayed attacks or throws are good examples. The high low game is another way to switch it up. You gotta be organic and make it feel random so they never know what to do.

You definitely lose that meta game when you tie the gi to a meter.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How do you propose it was intended to work?

I'm not proposing to be locked into a never ending gi battle. Quite the opposite actually. I want to end that shit as soon as possible.

In my experience if someone guard impacts you, you have to prepare for their incoming attack by timing their attack with a guard impact or parry of your own. Now this is where it gets meta. I like to train the opponent into thinking I'll post gi a certain way then switch it up. Feints, delayed attacks or throws are good examples. The high low game is another way to switch it up. You gotta be organic and make it feel random so they never know what to do.

You definitely lose that meta game when you tie the gi to a meter.

Unless I cancel the recovery animation of being gi'ed so that I can just block your next attack.


Oct 31, 2017
I guess SCV happened. When it launched, I barely got any positive feedback from people I know a few weeks after its release.