Best 21st century Nintendo System

  • Game Boy Advance

  • GameCube

  • Nintendo DS

  • Wii

  • Nintendo 3DS

  • Wii U

  • Switch

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Oct 29, 2017
GameBoy Advance is god.

Edit: Wii is the worst (worst version of every major franchise except Mario Galaxy & 2 / Xenoblade).
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Nov 30, 2017
Every single Nintendo handheld is so fucking good (Switch included) that it's difficult to say.

I guess DS edges out the others due to the sheer quantity of high-quality games.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the DS is just phenomenal. It was a novel idea that legitimately pushed developers into making unique, great games (unlike anything else weird Nintendo has tried imo), and the library is right up there with the PS1 and PS2 in terms of being 'the best ever'.

I'd probably go DS -> GBA -> Switch -> 3DS -> Gamecube = Wii ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->Wii U


One Winged Slayer
Nov 11, 2017
The Switch is the most competently executed console they've released since the SNES.

(Specifically console, not portables)


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Switch > GBA > DS > 3DS > Gamecube > Wii > Wii U in my opinion, but I have loved every single one.

Switch is probably my all-time favorite console hardware and I think its library is fast growing to be one of my personal favorites, too (but it's not quite there yet).


Feb 20, 2019
DS/3DS is tied for me and then probably GBA and Switch are tied after that. I love the Switch's hardware and it would probably be tied with the (3)DS if the firmware/OS/service side wasn't so half-arsed and barebones in typical Nintendo fashion but I also realize that's a very "me" issue and wouldn't be the same for a lot of people. I also don't think the Switch is even close to matching the depth of software quality of the (3)DS yet but I expect that to change as the platform matures.

Only issues I have the Switch is Joy Cons, no form of backwards compatibility, and a less robust library of classics.

I still think it is best. First console to really delivery console-like games on the go, but I think currently the Wii or DS are up there.
Oh yeah, the Joy Con design is pretty much the only hardware issue I've had with the Switch. They're not up to the standard I expect from Nintendo hardware.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
Only issues I have the Switch is Joy Cons, no form of backwards compatibility, and a less robust library of classics.

I still think it is best. First console to really delivery console-like games on the go, but I think currently the Wii or DS are up there.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Top three are DS/GBA/Switch but I don't know how to rank them.

Switch > DS > GBA probably, library-wise.

DSi XL > GameBoy Advance SP > Switch > DS Lite > Switch > DSi > DS > GBA original, hardware-wise.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
GameCube barely beats GBA & Switch because of the nostalgia I have for that console.


Aug 31, 2018
People going for the Switch is obvious but so disappointing.

I love my Switch, but innovative Nintendo is best Nintendo. The Switch is really "meh" and safe in terms of innovation.

Nintendo DS though: dual screen, touch screen, huge library of awesome games, sold huge numbers ...


Oct 25, 2017
DS broke barriers and paved the way for the Wii and revolutionizing the industry.

Who can forget the old Rise To Heaven gifs from old Sales-Age threads back in the day

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Gamecube had two new Zelda titles, Luigi's Mansion, and the original Animal Crossing.

Literally nothing can beat that.
Oct 25, 2017
This really puts into stark clarity how fucking awful stunningly mediocre Nintendo has been post-N64. There's the Switch and the GBA, two genuinely great consoles, the Wii and the DS, two hit-and-miss consoles, and a bunch of trash.

I'm going Switch, though the GBA was king-sized for its time and the GBA SP is still probably a top-three handheld console behind the Switch and Vita for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Switch. I don't think it's close, and I'm a huge fan of all of these. Even Wii U had dozens of killer games (as proven by the high number of ports to Switch).
Feb 21, 2018
Worst to best: Wii U, 3DS, GBA, GameCube, DS, Wii, Switch. GBA had better games but the DS innovated more. Not really fair to compare a current system so I think Wii may come out on top if we ask the same question in 5 years.


Jul 2, 2019
Wii>Switch>DS>GBA=Wii U>Gamecube>3DS

Wii has the one-two-three-four punch of Twilight Princess, the Mario Galaxy games, and Xenoblade 1, which elevates it above every other Nintendo platform.

Switch on one hand, had BOTW and Three Houses, which were both stellar, but it also had two of the most underwhelming games of all time (Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2), and Pokemon's been awful on the Switch. I'd say that all of the good indie and third-party games (Celeste, Witcher 3 and Bloodstained especially, and Hollow Knight to a lesser extent) elevates it above the DS.

The DS had Pokemon at its peak, and a ton of good third-party games, but its first-party output outside of Pokemon was so-so.

The GBA and the Wii U had some really good first-party games, but not much else.

The Gamecube is overrated. Sunshine was probably the worst 3D Mario until Odyssey came around, I didn't enjoy Metroid Prime much at all, and Wind Waker, whilst still good, is a mid-tier Zelda at best.

The 3DS was awful. Almost every major franchise from Nintendo had their worst entries on it (NSMB2, Fire Emblem: Fates, the decline of Pokemon, Triforce Heroes), and I'd say that ALBW is the only genuinely great game of the platform.


One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018
1. DS
2. Switch
3. GCN
4. GBA
5. 3DS
6. Wii
7. Wii U

I think all the consoles except Wii U and maybe Wii were really stellar though. So many classic games.

This really puts into stark clarity how fucking awful stunningly mediocre Nintendo has been post-N64. There's the Switch and the GBA, two genuinely great consoles, the Wii and the DS, two hit-and-miss consoles, and a bunch of trash.

The fuck is this lol. The DS indisputably has one of the greatest game libraries of all time. GCN has a smaller library than most consoles but it was home to a ton of fantastic, original games that still hold up today. What a lame hot take.


Oct 29, 2017
Worst to best: Wii U, 3DS, GBA, GameCube, DS, Wii, Switch. GBA had better games but the DS innovated more. Not really fair to compare a current system so I think Wii may come out on top if we ask the same question in 5 years.

Wii had the worst Mario Kart, the worst Zelda (Skyward Sword), the worst Wario Ware, the worst Metroid (Other M), the worst Fire Emblem (Radiant Dawn), the worst Smash (Brawl)... It was a Trojan horse to sneak bowling into nursing homes.


Oct 25, 2017
Gamecube edges out Switch for me. My second favorite Nintendo system after the SNES.
GameCube had 3 issues, it needed a L shoulder button, DVD format and playback, and above all of it, 32MB of T1SRAM +3MB of VRAM instead of the 24+3 they got.

3rd parties went with PS2 as the base of game development that generation, and their games were designed for 32MB of RAM, bringing multiplatform games to the GameCube was a lot harder because of that. Everything about the Gamecube was better than the PS2 that generation, except for overall RAM size and DVD storage/media player. Gamecube hit the market at $199 while PS2 and Xbox launched at $299. Nintendo never adjusted their price for inflation, so their hardware was always cutting more and more corners as time went on, adding $100 to the GameCube could have given it a full size DVD drive, DVD playback, higher clocks because of the DVD size increasing the size of the case, and moving to 32MB of T1SRAM + 3MB VRAM.

GameCube simply would have had every multiplatform game that Xbox got, games would have been even better on the GameCube that generation and DVD playback would have meant 10s of millions of more sales if PS2's DVD playback was any indication.

Who knows, maybe it even could have came with a Lan adapter and GBA playback built in.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Ooh, that's tricky... it's between the DS and the Switch, I think.

I'm going to give this one to the DS. Not only does it have a huge number of great games, but it also has a huge number of creative games that use the hardware in interesting ways and are actually good.

Let's take Hotel Dusk as an example. It's a detective game where you play with the DS rotated 90° so that the two screens act as "pages" of a "book". It's such a cool idea and it works perfectly.


I can't think of any other system where its "gimmicks" were so consistently well-executed.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
Gamecube is probably a top 5 console all time for me whereas I use the switch to play old SNES games. Besides 360, I also had the most games for Gamecube compared to any other system ever.

I loved my Gamecube so much.
Feb 21, 2018
Wii had the worst Mario Kart, the worst Zelda (Skyward Sword), the worst Wario Ware, the worst Metroid (Other M), the worst Fire Emblem (Radiant Dawn), the worst Smash (Brawl)... It was a Trojan horse to sneak bowling into nursing homes.
Agreed but it truly was a revolution. The games may have been boring but the console was so different and innovative. Everyone bought a Wii.
Oct 25, 2017
1. DS
2. Switch
3. GCN
4. GBA
5. 3DS
6. Wii
7. Wii U

I think all the consoles except Wii U and maybe Wii were really stellar though. So many classic games.

The fuck is this lol. The DS indisputably has one of the greatest game libraries of all time. GCN has a smaller library than most consoles but it was home to a ton of fantastic, original games that still hold up today. What a lame hot take.

The DS is weighted toward JRPGs, a genre that I don't enjoy whether traditional turn-based or action or SRPG, and the first-party games are mediocre for the most part. NSMB, Brain Age, Professor Layton, etc., are all just okay. Probably the only first party games that I think hold up as truly great on the DS are Metroid Fusion and the SM64 remake because it's fucking SM64, of course it's great. EDITED to add M&L: Bowser's Inside Story. Great fucking game, that one is.

It's not a hot take; you just like a bunch of games that are shit disputable in their greatness. Which, I mean, enjoy what you enjoy, but no, the DS was disappointing compared to the GBA, and the GBA was only around for three years.

The GCN is a fuck-mess of bad games and decent ports that are not as fun to play with that shit controller. Some of the games that people tout on that console make me question the taste of people who tout them. You know a console is bad when people act like Eternal Darkness is a fucking classic. There is a reason that lineup of games sold fewer consoles than the OG Xbox, a new entrant into the market.

Don't get me wrong, I think Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat and Melee are great and the Mario Golf game was really good, and I enjoy Luigi's Mansion for what it is, and I think Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker are good, though uneven, but my God, coming off the N64, what a shitty, shitty console the Gamecube was. Super, super disappointing to me. It's the only console that I've actually sold back because I was fine with never touching it again.
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Jan 27, 2019
Switch has only been out for three years and already has a truckload of quality games. I've got 200+ and regret very few of those purchases.