Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
All diet sodas taste like shit and if you don't think so it's because your taste buds have been destroyed by diet soda

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Normal soft drinks don't taste like crap?

Maybe it's improved in recent years but almost all diet drinks I've tried taste worse then the non-diet and leave a really bad after taste in my mouth.


Nov 1, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Diet drinks taste terrible. If you're drinking them for health related reasons, you may as well just give them up entirely and opt for just water. I'm a water, tea and coffee guy, but when I want the rare soda I'm not gonna subject myself to sugar-free nonsense.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't like the taste of artificial sweeteners, I do have some diet drinks at times but you really can't beat full sugar.

EDIT: Obviously within reason and a healthy diet.


Oct 27, 2017
Artificial sweeteners (those deemed safe) have got to be among the top 5 inventions in recent human history. Great taste, no calories, no health issues unless you suffer from specific conditions. Getting used to the flavour is literally a matter of days or weeks, after which you'll find sugared drinks aggressively sweet.
How long has it been since you've actually drank a non-diet soda? The artificial sweetener versions are far sweeter than the actual sugar ones, that's my problem with the diet ones. It's those that are "aggressively sweet" (and leave a bad aftertaste that makes you want to drink even more...)

Of course, the best is soda that uses actual sugar, like Mexican Coke - that leaves even less aftertaste than Corn Syrup, so though it's a few more calories, I am left less thirsty, so drink less soda overall.


Oct 25, 2017
Sugar tastes better.

All of the diet soda's I've tasted have some sort of aftertaste. With some artificial sweeteners being worse tasting than others.

I drink 2 maybe sometimes 3 cans a month. At that rate, I'd rather just consume the full calorie version that tastes better to me, instead of consuming a calorie free version that doesn't have the same taste.
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Oct 27, 2017
'Cuz they taste bad, man. Diet Dr. Pepper is fine, but Diet Mt. Dew or, god forbid, Diet Pepsi. Absolutely disgusting. I'm of the opinion anyway that if you're coming at it from a health angle aside from really weird health reasons, you're better off just dropping it altogether than going from sugar to diet.

Deleted member 6562

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Oct 25, 2017
Diet sodas taste gross. I'd rather drink water. If I want a soda I want it to taste good, hence the point of non-diet soft drinks.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to think all diet sodas tasted like garbage. But then I got older and my tastes changed. Normal sodas felt too sweet, along with very sugary candies and drinks. I started switching to diet soda and realized I liked them now. It's kind of like when I first had wine or coffee, I thought they were too bitter and nasty. Now I love them.

The only diet soda I still can't stand is any of the Mt. Dews. They have a wicked aftertaste that I can't get over. But Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper are a daily necessity (along with a White Monster Zero Ultra).
My brother.
Pepsi Max is the goat diet soft drink. Fight me!
No lies detected.


Oct 28, 2017
Diet drinks are terrible. Sugar free candy is terrible too. I don't drink much soda anyway. I struggle to finish those tiny cans of coke they sell now. A twelve pack will last me a month or two.

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
Its a bit careless to say artifical sweetners have no negative aspects. From what I've read this still cause an insulin response and are not good for your gut microbiome.

Deleted member 2474

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
The trick to diet soda aftertaste is to just force yourself to deal with it for a few weeks. Eventually you stop tasting it and Coke Zero just tastes like Coke.

Deleted member 135

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Oct 25, 2017
When I was in middle school and high school we had soda vending machines right outside of the cafeteria.

That was a bad fucking move, fucked up the general health and teeth of a lot of kids.

I've been making a concerted effort to only drink water and coffee (with only whole milk, no sugar) except in the rare instances we go out to eat, then I'll get a soda. Its been fucking hard to stop drinking soda, I'll see vending machines or coolers in supermarkets and have that little spark in my brain telling me to get one.

But yeah, when my wife and I go out to eat or get a pizza we get a regular Coke. Fuck the diet stuff, it tastes bad and still fucks with your blood sugar, so what's the point?


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
And? The OP suggested banning sodas outright. Beer has every single negative health factor that sodas do plus a few more. There's no rational reason to ban soda and not alcohol other than "I personally like beer but not soda" which is not how laws should be made.

I don't agree with banning them but I do think we need stricter regulation to reflect their actual impact on society.

So many products in our society aren't really regulated or taxed enough to reflect their true cost/impact (sugar, single use plastics, coal I won't list too many as that opens up Pandora's box basically).

Items like soft drinks should be taxed more and we should be limiting its availability and how it's advertised as well as ensuring there is always healthier options.


Oct 25, 2017
Because they're fucking disgusting. Like if I'm going to drink soda I'm going to drink the one that rot my teeth out not the healthy one.

Deleted member 2834

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Oct 25, 2017
The trick to diet soda aftertaste is to just force yourself to deal with it for a few weeks. Eventually you stop tasting it and Coke Zero just tastes like Coke.
Absolutely. Once you're used to them, you get to drink (nigh) zero calories coke/energy drinks/etc. for the rest of your life. I hope the inventors got awarded a Nobel Prize. I wish there was tasty 0 calories food.
Oct 27, 2017
And? The OP suggested banning sodas outright. Beer has every single negative health factor that sodas do plus a few more. There's no rational reason to ban soda and not alcohol other than "I personally like beer but not soda" which is not how laws should be made.
Well, he said "taken off the shelves" but if he's implying a total ban then no, that wouldn't work any better than prohibition did. And would indeed be inconsistent with alcohol.

But I suspect there'd be similar pushback over just *restricting* sugary soda, even though it is more arguable and would be consistent with how alcohol is treated.


Oct 28, 2017
Oakland Bay Area
Coke n Pepsi will real sugar/cane sugar is THE best. If you're old enough to have had it back in the day and now since it's available again know what I'm talking about.

I'll do the diet Dr pepper n Cherry Coke zero, but they don't taste better than the real thing


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Aspartame taste like trash or rather it taste like body sweat sweetened by the build up of body cheese. Also soda isn't healthy at all. Drink water OP and make your own juice. This is basically a choice between how can I get a not as egregious sugar fix.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Most will say taste, but honestly I feel like I can't taste the difference between Coca Cola regular and Zero to save my life. Most of the days I only drink water though, but when I have that soda craving it's always Zero.
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Regular soda tastes terrible imo. It's excessively sugared.
I agree, I wish soda had way less sugar.

Last month I bought some fancy looking cherry cola from Target that was imported from the U.K. I think. It had much less sugar than Coke or Pepsi, and without the overpowering sweetness I felt like its natural cola flavor was much more pronounced. I enjoyed it way more than any cola I've ever had. I would probably buy tons of it if it didn't have the caffeine.

Deleted member 38573

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Jan 17, 2018
it's an acquired taste like coffee. try it for a week and it'll change your life (if you're addicted to the regular stuff)

Deleted member 17402

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Oct 27, 2017
If I ever drink soda, it's diet, and that's once every couple of months. And even though non-diet soda is exceptionally strong to me nowadays after having dropped sugared drinks years ago, I can admit they taste better.

Ultimately when I do, I choose diet because artificial sweeteners are safe and the drink is 0 calories. I can't imagine going back to chugging a bottle of coke which nets me 200 calories and tons of carbs. Just the memory of once doing that is insane to me.

There was a time when I only drank soda. I never imagined myself transitioning to water. But when I did, I couldn't - and still can't - imagine myself drinking soda over water.

Same thing happened with coffee. When I started cutting soda, I also started drinking black coffee, which I thought tasted awful at first, but over time I grew to enjoy it. Now if I ever have coffee that isn't black and sugarless, I immediately dislike it. And most recently I started drinking tons of tea. I'm talking 6-7 cups a day, where as I probably had one cup of tea every six months when I was young. I disliked the taste of tea at first but now I love it. Is it because I know how healthy the green, white, rooibos, ginger, and oolong teas are that I drink? Maybe. But I genuinely look forward to getting a cup every single time.
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Oct 31, 2017
Agreed that Pepsi Max is the best as far as diet pops go. Not as good as the real stuff but a tasty calorie free way to get some caffeine.


Oct 25, 2017
I drink Sparkling Ice almost exclusively now. Hardly will ever drink soda, maybe one or two a month. Ice uses Splenda for its sweetener, so it's a good inbetween for those who don't like fizzy waters like La Croix or Pellegrino.

The thing with artificial sweeteners that i believe is still being debated scientifically, is that your body is tricked into thinking it's "sweet". So it's still shooting off insulin when you drink those drinks. But being zero-calorie can be good if you know how to manage your calories
Nov 1, 2017
I switched to diet sodas three years ago when I started counting calories but I still have a regular soda a few times a year and I gotta tell ya OP, regular soda objectively tastes better. Diet soda is good but it just kinda feels a little empty.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Because if you aren't accustom to the taste or naturally indifferent to it, they taste like shit compared to their sugary counterpart. And then if you're actually having to put in the effort to adjust and enjoy a diet soda, you may as well focus that energy into not drinking soda of any kind at all and just drinking plain old water. It's (more-or-less) free, does wonders for your body and skin, and doesn't fuck up your teeth.

If you're reading this go pound 16 oz/half a liter of water, pronto!


Oct 28, 2017
For Coke/Pepsi artificial sweeteners aren't too bad for me (but regular still tastes better) but diet Sprite/7-Up and root beer are pretty bad


Oct 27, 2017
I've gotten myself used-to diet versions of drinks (especially Coke Zero), and I drink them daily. I still think real Coke tastes better (especially Mexican Coke with real sugar), there was no point where I thought the diet version tastes better. Diet versions are all too sweet tasting, and still have that aftertaste that leaves me thirsty, which sugared soda doesn't have.