
Jul 22, 2020
I really don't understand why people expect this 2nd game of the saga to be a big blockbuster.

Cos if you pretend it is then when it doesn't sell ten million copies you can bash the shit out of XBox which is always fun!

Extra points if you're a gaming chud then you also get to bash "woke" because it foregrounds a woman. win win!


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
The biggest (but not only) expense for any business is staff. Google shows that as of 2020 Ninja Theory was 120 people. This obviously isn't perfect math, but let's assume an average salary of $100K for 120 people for 5 years. That comes out to $60mil. And that's just staff costs, it's not all the other expenses related to running a studio or promoting the game. Again, not perfect math, it could be more or less than that for various reasons, but it's a ballpark.

This is an expensive game.

They're based in the UK aren't they? Doubt the average salary is in the ballpark of $100k, even with MS pounds.

You can probably halve that for UK salaries.


Oct 27, 2017
Even right at this moment, without actually looking specifically (and being in this thread!) I couldn't tell you the release date for Hellblade 2, but I know exactly when Shadow of the Erdtree and Lorelai and the Laser Eyes release. It really is baffling to me. And I loved the first Hellblade. Perhaps part of it is the current controversy/frustration with MS, but probably more so is the very long development cycle. I've somewhat stopped caring.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunno how people can say "literally 0 marketing", it has a sponsored advert on Reddit every couple of scrolls, the biggest online platform in the world (or one of the biggest)

Granted, I will admit, I think the vast majority of internet users are specially trained to skim over adverts like that


Dec 20, 2023
May get it if Digital Foundry says its well optimized because I want something to push my 4090 but not because its a bad port and I have to bruteforce it.
Otherwise I have not that big of an interest in the game.

And gamepass surely doesn't impact anything on Steam because Gamepass on PC is even less of a factor than Xbox is in Europe.
As always overvalued on here.
No one wants to format their harddrive all the time.

If people are actually interested in a game they will buy it for full price on Steam.
Looks like there currently is really low interest in it and who knows what the reasons might be.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't love the first game and not much I've seen has changed my mind. I'll be playing it on PC as I have GP, otherwise I'd skip until sales.

Only reason I know it is coming out soon is upcoming games on GP and the few threads we've had on here. Not seen much talk about it elsewhere, and no one I know has even spoken about it.

Not really a fan of these devs but I don' t want to see more studios close. Hopefully it does well.

Light Valyis

Apr 19, 2024
Nahh, Stellar Blade had tons of marketing. So much so I even commented in one of the threads about how confident Sony must be in the game to be pushing it so hard.

There were trailers and videos focused on indivual characters aside from Eve. Multiple trailers highlighting skills and abilities, showing gameplay. Multiple dveloper diaries. They released a demo. They were tweeting and showcasing fanart. They released a music video. They released a behind the scenes video for rhe music video lol. They released a dance choreo video and then made a whole other video breaking down the choreo from the other video lmao. They released a video showing how they made all the enemies with clay, etc.

This was all just last month btw. Not counting previous showcase/SoP trailers.

Hellblade II got a jpg in a tweet with the release date like.
Arguments could be made about why Stellar Blade has a big marketing push but Hellblade is a first party Xbox game. It deserves better imo.

I've seen or heard 0 of all that marketing for Stellar Blade, literally all I've heard about it is chud excitement, nothing more, on the other hand I've actually seen trailers pop up for HB2. I'm not in the US though so could be that.

I guess if you count the main director or whatevers comment about you're gonna spend a lot of time looking at the back of the character as marketing that would count

General Tso

Jan 10, 2018
I just don't think the interest is there for this game. I feel like this game got greenlit when Microsoft was just throwing around gamepass money like there was no tomorrow, and in retrospect this probably never should've been made in the first place.

that's not to say it's gonna be a terrible game, but the first game didn't exactly cultivate a huge following, so spending 7 years developing a sequel and using that dev time to hand carve wooden objects so you can scan them into the game for a more authentic feel seems like an extravagant use of time and budget.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen a couple more tweets about it in the last 24 hours, but only because I specifically searched for it. It is really scarce marketing, I hope they can step it up in the next 10 days and that they're not just sending this out to die.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm gonna be honest and say the game has zero appeal to me (i played the first and it was kinda boring) and spending 50€ on a 8 hour game rather than the countless other games that give me hundreds of hours of content is not very appealing neither.


Feb 28, 2019
First game was pretty cool in VR, but MS doesn't care about that, so I don't much care about the sequel.


Oct 27, 2017
I could tell you nothing about the game other than this image from a trailer many years ago.


Otto Pilot

Oct 26, 2022
I just don't think people are motivated to play it right now. Probably one of those games where if you played the first then this one won't be very different. Why buy it now when you can get it on sale for cheap later.

That and M$ marketing is terrible.

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
With Hellblade 2....I think I must have seen like 3 or 4 trailers over the years in Xbox shows and I still don't have much a clue of what the gameplay is actually like. It was mostly just fancy cutscenes showing off the tech from what I remember.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone expects this game to sell well.
It is pretty funny to be in a thread asking why HB2 is not lighting up the steam pre-order charts to then have it be populated by multiple people saying they aren't interested/it's not for them/it's not enough of an action game.

It's not a lack of marketing, that's just another avenue to beat Microsoft with a stick over.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
You wonder why the sexy ladies power fantasy game is getting more marketing than a quiet, experimental game about schizophrenia?

No I don't wonder why, it's obvious. The point is that most people don't even know the game deals with schizophrenia. The point is that Microsoft can do and could have done more than what they're doing.

You're not going to tell me this is weak ass attempt at marketing the game is justified because the game is about schizophrenia.



Oct 27, 2017
Maybe there just isn't enough interest?

I played the first game, didn't like it so won't be buying this.

I think this is the unfortunate truth.

The lack of marketing probably isn't helping, but I really don't think there is much hype around this release as some members of this community seem to think there is.


Jul 22, 2020
No I don't wonder why, it's obvious. The point is that most people don't even know the game deals with schizophrenia. The point is that Microsoft can do and could have done more than what they're doing.

You can always do more marketing but I'm scrolling past adverts for it every day on Reddit so it's getting "target marketed" I guess because I'm really looking forwards to play it

At this point people I suspect complaining about "marketing" is the same root cause as those posts by Republicans as to why they're getting so many porn ads

It's the monster advertising god people, it just doesn't think you'll be into it


Mar 14, 2019
High price, short length, needs beefy machine to show off, and poor marketing. YT has been bombarding me with Manor Lords and God of War ads from GOG for the past several weeks, and I haven't seen a single ad for Hellblade anywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't even know it was coming out so soon until I saw a random post from someone on Reddit. Doesn't feel like M$ is pushing this very hard.


Jul 22, 2020
High price, short length, needs beefy machine to show off, and poor marketing. YT has been bombarding me with Manor Lords and God of War ads from GOG for the past several weeks, and I haven't seen a single ad for Hellblade anywhere.

"Why aren't I getting adverts for this game I won't like"

I wish this worked for non-games. Look guys I've JUST bought a new mattress, I'm good, stop showing me mattress adverts


Oct 30, 2017
I have Steam and Gamepass and only have enough interest in this game to click this thread to see how it's going. I thought the first one was mid and everything I've seen of this one looks pretty much the same. I imagine it still has its audience but reading this thread is painting a grim picture.


Jun 14, 2018
Didn't even know it was releasing this month. I don't remember seeing a single second of gameplay, only like 2 or 3 in game trailers.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
I don't think anyone expected the game to be a smash hit but MS itself created an expectation that it would be a big release when it made it the very first glimpse we got of the Series generation. They showed its trailer at the game awards as they announced the Series X, and in the 4 1/2 years since it just seems to have lost some steam.

To go from "here's this trailer, this is how amazing our next-gen is going to be" to the muted interest the game seems to be getting now does show that the marketing hasn't done a great job along the way imo. Could just be people don't care about a sequel to a well-received but not megapopular game that came out quite a while ago, but that first trailer definitely received some buzz back in 2019.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
It is pretty funny to be in a thread asking why HB2 is not lighting up the steam pre-order charts to then have it be populated by multiple people saying they aren't interested/it's not for them/it's not enough of an action game.

It's not a lack of marketing, that's just another avenue to beat Microsoft with a stick over.

I think the mystery for me is why make it such a part of different showcases only to act like it doesn't matter at the finish line?

Light Valyis

Apr 19, 2024
You can always do more marketing but I'm scrolling past adverts for it every day on Reddit so it's getting "target marketed" I guess because I'm really looking forwards to play it

At this point people I suspect complaining about "marketing" is the same root cause as those posts by Republicans as to why they're getting so many porn ads

It's the monster advertising god people, it just doesn't think you'll be into it
This is basically my thoughts, when so many people in this very thread say they aren't interested in it or the first one, it's very clear it's a niche game, if you don't interact with this type of content, you sure as hell aren't going to see many ads about it.


Oct 31, 2023

The game is getting marketing. I am begging people to read through Twitter replies to Greenberg's tweet that has been shared in this thread multiple times, where people are saying that they're seeing ads coming out. I am begging them to also read Greenberg's reply, the tweet he made showing they're putting ads in a lot of spaces if they have accounts on Twitter still. I am begging people to go read just a few pages back to see that I posted that same tweet if they don't have a Twitter account anymore. I am begging people to do more reading, rather than popping off drive-by posts about how there has been zero marketing/only bad marketing like that one tweet from Xbox.


Jan 1, 2018
I think the reason they're not marketing the game, or have very limited marketing, is simple. They've internally concluded that any money spent marketing will not be made back through standalone sales or new Game Pass subscriptions. At best it will just increase the player base among people who already have Game Pass.

It's an incredibly myopic view, but I think that's their calculus.


Oct 19, 2019
Does that even mean much, when it comes out on gamepass?
Why buy it on steam when you can play it for 12.99 somewhere else?


Jan 1, 2018
The game is getting marketing. I am begging people to read through Twitter replies to Greenberg's tweet that has been shared in this thread multiple times, where people are saying that they're seeing ads coming out. I am begging them to also read Greenberg's reply, the tweet he made showing they're putting ads in a lot of spaces if they have accounts on Twitter still. I am begging people to go read just a few pages back to see that I posted that same tweet if they don't have a Twitter account anymore. I am begging people to do more reading, rather than popping off drive-by posts about how there has been zero marketing/only bad marketing like that one tweet from Xbox.

It's not really effective marketing if people have to go actively digging for evidence of its existence.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
What does that mean for the game and how are we determining it?

Everytime you roll something out marketing wise, you have certain metrics you want to hit - preorders, wishlists, hype traffic and other metrics.

If you don't hit those numbers, you try a few other plans of attack, maybe a change of tone, maybe a change in what you are showing, maybe timing.

If all those don't work, you are running out of runway and often the solution isn't "unleash everything!" cause then that just becomes you wasting money you'll never make back.


Mar 14, 2019
"Why aren't I getting adverts for this game I won't like"

I wish this worked for non-games. Look guys I've JUST bought a new mattress, I'm good, stop showing me mattress adverts
I mean, I never said I don't like it. I intend to buy it, but not at release. On May 24th I'm going back to my own place, where I have a 1660ti. Won't be around my main PC with its 4060 until autumn, so it makes no sense to shell out 70 CAD + tax now and then try to rush through the game in 3 evenings.

I have it wishlisted on Steam, and I comment on it quite a lot (generally positive). So the algorithm is clearly screwing up.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
I do sometimes wonder how important marketing is anymore anyway. Palworld had little to no marketing, Helldivers 2 barely had any, Animal Well had like.. a trailer here and there and thats it? Certainly no more than Hellblade 2. Especially when you factor in gamepass, which gives people easy access to a game. Word of mouth and streaming seem far more important really than any actual marketing in this day and age. Although I dont have hard figures to show that.


Dec 8, 2017
I didn't know it was coming either, I mean there haven't been any threads here either and I check the front page multiple times per day.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
I do sometimes wonder how important marketing is anymore anyway. Palworld had little to no marketing, Helldivers 2 barely had any, Animal Well had like.. a trailer here and there and thats it? Certainly no more than Hellblade 2. Especially when you factor in gamepass, which gives people easy access to a game. Word of mouth and streaming seem far more important really than any actual marketing in this day and age. Although I dont have hard figures to show that.

If you've heard about a game in any way, that's marketing.

There's just a million types of marketing and most people think traditional or digital ads when they hear the phrase.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
I do sometimes wonder how important marketing is anymore anyway. Palworld had little to no marketing, Helldivers 2 barely had any, Animal Well had like.. a trailer here and there and thats it? Certainly no more than Hellblade 2. Especially when you factor in gamepass, which gives people easy access to a game. Word of mouth and streaming seem far more important really than any actual marketing in this day and age. Although I dont have hard figures to show that.
I think in this instance the marketing comes down to the first game, was that good enough to get people interested in a second one? We will find out in under 2 weeks.

We will hear "x amount of downloads" but we won't know how long it was played or if it was deleted after an hour.

We are just in a weird space with games now.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe not a popular opinion, but is it just possible the first game wasn't as big as people made it out to be, at least in terms of being a launching pad for a bigger budget sequel being marketed as a AAA/killer app type title? the first game did some interesting things and there was some novelty to the whole "Triple I" thing where an indie game was being produced with AAA type production values, but thus far it doesn't seem like this game expands all that much in terms of mechanics and gameplay, which is fine, especially for people who loved the first game but for people who maybe didn't check it out I don't know that there's a ton of pull to this one.