Nov 27, 2017
Paper mario color splash. It's not awful but i had finish it for the sake of my kid and had to consult guides many times. The game requires you to use certain things at certain times and you waste a lot of time because of this. Other than that it's pretty good, but it's the worst game that I have ever finished.


Oct 25, 2017
The music and art was good yeah but with those types of games I need a connection and for it to feel like an adventure, never got that Abzu, felt more like a poorly disguised pattern.

I can get that. It pulled at me enough to go back and get collectables, but I definitely left a little disappointed. Was hoping it would grab me like Journey did.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
Sonic 06 maybe? There was just so much bad about it but I had to keep going, I had to see, to experience it. I needed to know how far down the rabbit hole went (which is a human kissing Sonic). It was glitchy and not fun and frustrating in a lot of parts but the music was pretty good.

Can't really think of a worse game I played to completion.


Oct 29, 2017
Sacramento, California
Halo 4

I forced myself through the campaign, and the Spartan Ops missions. Fighting the new enemy's was a chore, and having a new Covenant for the sake of familiarity was disappointing.

It kinda reminds me of the Force Awakens, where they bring back old factions because they were popular, and familiar.


Nov 1, 2017
Max Payne. I found it to be most boring game I've ever played. Seems like it never ends, going from one bland environment to the next, shooting one brain-dead enemy after another. "Bullet-time" gets old after 5 minutes. Dialogue puts me to sleep. Why I stuck with it to the end I will never know.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't normally spend the time to complete bad games as my gaming time is far too limited to do things like that, but one game I forced myself to push with to completion was:


I really gave it every chance but in the end the bad outweighed the good, and I found it overall to be a fairly poor experience.


Nov 3, 2017
Shadow of Mordor. I hated it but finished it out of obligation since I had it rented from gamefly. I never did that with a game again now I drop stuff without thinking twice. It was a strange experience after finishing it I realized I didn't like the Lord of the rings universe or that style of open world action game anymore.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
there are probably worse games i've finished but the first thing that came to mind was american mcgee's alice. i just really wanted to play madness returns but felt like i should play this first. i actually remember it taking ages to finish but that's probably cuz i wasn't enjoying it, looking at how long to beat it's a 15 hour game.


Oct 25, 2017
Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a recent one for me

I don't think the game is *that* bad on paper (though it's still mediocre at best), and I've definitely played (though not completed) far worse games.

But man, my personal experience with the game was just awful. The design decisions, the combat, the aesthetic, just... nothing about the game jived with me at all.

It also may have one of the least favorite combat systems in a videogame ever, by virtue of it's dumb parry-based combat (that's parry based in the sense that "your only defensive options are two parry buttons". That's also plural, as in, it takes a hard mechanic like parrying and makes it even harder by forcing you to guess which parry button you need to react with, because of course it does)
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Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
Terminator Salvation. Ugly graphic, boring gameplay. Nothing about it was fun.

I'd rather replay Too Human.
Oct 26, 2017
Too Human.... Twice!

It just scratched an itch at that particular time and credit where credit's due, it had a genuinely interesting concept and aesthetic. That game embodies wasted potential like few others.

Deleted member 16849

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Alice Madness Returns or Castlevania Lords of Shadow. I hated both and they bored me to tears only forced myself to play them as i paid for them. I had more fun playing Kane and Lynch 2.


Oct 27, 2017
Far Cry Vengeance on the Nintendo Wii. Dunno why my brother bought it for me but it was we didn't have a 360 or PS3 at the time and I think he got it for cheap at some sale. I mean I didn't hate it honestly but it was pretty bad to play and look at.
Oct 28, 2017
The Sum of All Fears: The Game.

Yes there was a movie game of this. It had Morgan Freeman and Ben Afleck on the game box but did not feature either of them or any of the cast of the movie. It was a super short super generic shooter for the PS2 that felt like it was made in about a month.


Jan 16, 2018
Played through Starfox Adventures with a friend, felt bad cos I'd convinced him to ask his parents for it for his birthday.. Must've read a generous preview in NGC or something


Oct 28, 2017
Hulk Hogans Main Event for Kinect

The most amazing part is that the ending teased the game getting a sequel


Nov 13, 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sonic Heroes for the PS2.

Hey man, when you're 10 years old, and you saved up a lot of cash, you don't care about quality; you just want your moneys worth in hours!

It's trash. But it's trash I loved!


Oct 29, 2017
Driver on PlayStation. Terrible tutorial, terrible cutscenes, terrible UI, terribly buggy, terrible last level.


Jan 5, 2018
Don't know about all time but in recent memory, I spent 200 hours to clear Persona 5 after realizing I did not really like it around hour 50~75 just so I could be done with it forever. Probably set too high of a bar for that game after falling in love again with Persona 3 and being disappointed in Catherine's gender essentialism.

Novel Mike

Oct 25, 2017
Halo 5 maybe? I'd say Glover but I cheated so I don't count that so Halo 5. It's not as if Halo 5 is the worst game ever but its pretty bad easily the worst game in the series and its not a series I'm especially fond of to begin with.

Deleted member 11018

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That would be a tie between Terminator 2 and Bart VS Space Mutants on NES i think, i usually finished all my rentals within a week (i had some common sense and information from magazines, so i seldom ended up with bad games).

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Prince of Persia 2008. It is so ridiculously simple that the game seems to run on autopilot. Pong is a complex work of art compared to POP 2008.

I never understood why it was so loved. It's one of the most beautiful games and it's presentation is outstanding but it's a one button game.

It's very repetitive, you cannot die, there's only 1 enemy type in the game and 4 bosses and you spend a good chuck of it collecting blue lights. You legit can finish this game with only 1 button. Not to mention it forces you to grind to be able to progress.

The game limits the player so much in a way not even the most dumbed down AAAs now do.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
Not necessarily a bad game but I'd say DMC2. I loved the first so much and kept hoping the second would get better as I played it. Unfortunately that never happened. More recently I thought RE6 was a chore to play through outside of Leon's and Ada's campaigns.
Nov 8, 2017
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune

I have over 1,800 hours clocked on my save file. 100% content unlocked, including all poses and suits for all nine girls. That also includes all of the (free) DLC suits.


Oct 26, 2017
That I actually finished? LA Noire!

Can't play it in black and white because it doesn't keep the door handles gold. Everybody lies, no matter how friendly they are. The "lie" and "doubt" options were unpredictable.

The thing that pissed me off the most was a house fire scene where one of the clues was a regular-looking cigarette butt. Makes sense when I explain it, but not when you see this same model in every crime scene and looks exactly the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Duke Nukem Forever and all of its DLC.

Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza. The worst video game representation of a film I've ever played.


Oct 25, 2017
Uncharted 4. I want those hours back. Soooooooo dicking boring and such a shitty story.


Nov 1, 2017
Devil May Cry 4

From start to finish I hated it, but it was the only game I got with my ps3 at the time, and just had to play something.


Oct 25, 2017
Aliens: Colonial Marines

There's a bit of fun to be had in co-op at the game's expense, but I played through it solo when it came out, thanks to Lovefilm. Terrible.


Dec 30, 2017
Shadow the Hedgehog. I think I hate Skyward Sword and Other M more because I had expectations of good games.


Oct 27, 2017
The most recent offender for me being Mass Effect Andromeda, due to the disappointment and death of the franchise. But before that, probably Fuse on PS3. What seemed like a decent tps, turned out to be the biggest slog for me. Enemies were nothing but bullet sponges, story was bare bones predictable and basic at best. Yet I felt obligated to beat it since I got it during a psn sale.


Nov 4, 2017
I don't normally spend the time to complete bad games as my gaming time is far too limited to do things like that, but one game I forced myself to push with to completion was:


I really gave it every chance but in the end the bad outweighed the good, and I found it overall to be a fairly poor experience.

As far as modern games go, I was going to go with this too. The game was just average at best and that's being generous. The combat was good enough I guess, but the puzzles were ridiculously simple, and about halfway through the game it felt like they ran out of ideas so he just started recycling everything over and over again. The main character and interactions he has with other characters throughout the story was just good enough to keep me moving forward, but by the end of the game I kind of wondered why I stuck with it for so long.


Jan 6, 2018
Resistance 2.

Guess I just really wanted to believe it'd turn everything around by the end.

It didn't.


Oct 25, 2017
Drakengard 1. Why did I do it? It was bizarre and unique enough. Gameplay is like the megablocks equivalent of Dynasty Warrior's lego.
Let me tell you about the time I was a lad playing Drakengard 1 in 2004 (it may had been 2003 but I don't think so). I didn't fully grasp of everything that was going on, I thought it was some Dynasty Warriors like game with RPG stuff so I liked it for awhile. Then it got annoying. Then I got stuck on one of the bosses for over a week for the first route (?). Then I got that ending. It said 6 endings remain 49% complete out of 100%. I didn't know there were multiple endings and I didn't know I would have to play more of it. The boss I was stuck on was one of the most frustrating things I ever experienced.

I took the game out of my Ps2 and I never played Drakengard again. I love Nier Automata though but yeah Yoko, Yoko pls.