Which generation do you consider yourself to be a part of?

  • Baby Boomers: mid 1940s to early 1960s

    Votes: 7 0.3%
  • Gen X: mid 1960s to late 1970s

    Votes: 378 16.9%
  • Millennials: early 1980s to early 1990s

    Votes: 1,711 76.7%
  • Gen Z: mid 1990s onward

    Votes: 136 6.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
93, Late Millennial. I think 96 being the cut off is too generous, 95 is the last absolute year for the Millennials and 96 is where Gen Z starts. I'd also argue that 1990-1994 millenials also exist in their own unique sub-generation but that is another arguement entirely. Gen X and millenials blend together and can find common ground, but the cut off point between late millenials and Gen Z is a giant fucking cliff. Anyone born in that 5 year spectrum are the people who literally grew up parallel with technology, we got to experience both the pre-internet boom and the post internet world, while being in tandem too young to experience the early days properly while being a tad bit too old to truly understand and enjoy social media like Gen Z. But yeah, after 1994 the generation gap is definitely the largest it has been in modern western Civilization for a good while.
Oh I understand and can appreciate what social media was and actually enjoyed it for a brief stint. It is not what it was initially intended to be. They were created to be social platforms to share and bring people together in an ever spreading apart world. Times have changed where everyone grew up and stayed close to home. SM made connecting easier and convenient. However it diminished the ability to interact in person.

Now, the social component is just a ruse to gather as much info on users to sell for money, sell products, and control information.


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
never really understood the usefulness of the whole generation thing

I'm 18 and my experiences will have been completely different to older and younger people in my "generation"
Oct 29, 2017
Honestly I go by what Pew says and consider myself a very tail end Millennial because I was born in mid-1996.

Also because like I legit do not get half the shit Gen Z is into at all. I still have less than zero understanding of what shit like TikTok is.

(And let's be honest, for older people, all young people are millennials)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was born in 1981 which means I grew up with the Ninja Turtles.

I win!



Oct 29, 2017
Baby boomers are a direct result of a major historical event...the ending of WWII and with it a huge uptick in birthrates. I'd agree that most generations have a very fuzzy grey line between the except for Boomers.. they're literally the result of that event and the shift in attitudes, culture, and lifestyles are very clear cut from that same event.
Sure but the point is there's little difference in that between someone born in say 1943 to someone born in 1946 and I imagine why some place it at 1943 as the start of the baby boomer generation is because of men leaving to go to war having a child while away compared to having a child after they came back and the economic boom that followed.


Oct 27, 2017

Michael Jackson graphic tees, and knee-high striped socks. Last generation that grew up without the internet, and young enough to ride the wave, always thought it gave me some interesting insight.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
I was born in '77 so it was the perfect age to enter the 80's, which is still the best fucking decade ever to have been a kid growing up! Man thems was the days.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
76 here... which is kind of a weird spot. There's a nebulous 75-81 ish range that I fell like doesn't really fit quite snugly into X or Y. Or maybe kinda bridges them. To me, Gen X were older people who hated us kids and our grunge music, and never really embraced the internet and stuff until they had to. But then millennials were too young to get nostalgic about our cartoons, and they got connected online in grade school instead of as teenagers like us and just have a little bit different outlook. I dunno.

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
I was born in May '88 so I'm near the middle of the millennials. I feel like I relate more with Gen X than Gen Z and that's probably because while I was born in the late 80's I was exposed to 70's, 80's, AND 90's culture and tech.

That said, economically speaking I'm a stereotypical millennial.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
MILLENNIALS REPRESENT! I love ruining everything and hating on baby boomers for fucking up all social systems and increasing the income inequality.
Oct 26, 2017
I suppose I just made it into Generation Z by being born in '96. A bit weird that I'm in the same generation as my little sisters, who grew up with smart phones and streaming online being common from Day 1. Personally, I don't think going by generations is all that helpful, especially nowadays where things change more quickly than ever before


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Born in 81 so I'm a millennial and I understand why...kind of. At least where I'm from I was always too young to understand the acid wash jeans and everything I was "supposed" to be into in the late 80s early 90s. I remember seeing it on tv but that wasn't what me and my friends were into at all.

Maybe we weren't hip enough...though we did get down with ninja turtles and hammer pants growing up, so who the fuck knows.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Millenials in Brazil knows about (from their infancy):

Tazo, Bolinha de Gude, Papagaio.
Playing outside their homes
Cavaleiros do Zodiaco
Banheira do Gugu