
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely we need to film. This video is a prime example of why it's important. This dude could've potentially ended up dead if he didn't film. If it's a black mans word vs a white woman's, in NYC of all place. The black person's word isn't going to be believed.

if you can name a single instance where the emergence of contradictory video evidence changed the trajectory of a case or public's understanding of a case against an African American man who is African American, then I'll apologize to you completely even if you're African American. In the meantime why aren't you outraged by the fact that she and her dog were almost killed by an African American man in the Ramble simply for having a fashionably short leash?!

Her genius move of removing her mask is going to be something she thinks about for a super long time, I'm guessing. It might have exposed her to aerosol Karenavirus.


why do you have to bring race into this!? She may not even have noticed his race.


Mar 31, 2020
Poor dog. These fucking people that don't leash their dog piss me off. I usually stay quiet though. Good on this guy for putting her in her place.


Oct 25, 2017
i think the poster was asking why the person was filming her just for having a dog off leash

I mean he was probably smart enough to realize that she was gonna escalate it to that point. Every minority should be recording incidents because shit like this prolly would've ended up with him shot.
Jul 19, 2018
Someone found her Instagram and LinkedIn and plastered it everywhere, so presumably her employers will be hearing about this soon enough


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
A good friend of mine had a roommate who tried to kick him out with very little notice because she started dating a guy and wanted him to move out. Reason is they dated for a half-second and she was afraid it would cause stress in her new relationship. He's black, she's white.

So he agrees even though the time frame she is asking for is strict (three weeks). Through the process he finds out that her telling him they were 'splitting' the rent in reality he was paying 80% of it, lol (the lease was in her name)

They get into an argument because now he wants a more reasonable buffer time, two months, to get his shit together and she tells him the same thing as the video to the effect of 'if you don't leave in the next week, I will call the cops, tell them you attacked me, and you know what they do to people like you'.

Argument escalates, she actually calls the cops right then and there, but he leaves the apartment under the guise to smoke but really to intercept them first and luckily they believe his side.

But think about this; she seemed cool enough for him to date and he felt comfortable enough to move in, but because of an uncomfortable discussion with her boyfriend was willing to angle my friend to get hurt because she didn't get her way.


Oct 25, 2017
But think about this; she seemed cool enough for him to date and he felt comfortable enough to move in, but because of an uncomfortable discussion with her boyfriend was willing to angle my friend to get hurt because she didn't get her way.

A Karen can lurk deep in the heart of any white woman- ready to leap out at the first sign of danger, or mild inconvenience.


Oct 27, 2017
A good friend of mine had a roommate who tried to kick him out with very little notice because she started dating a guy and wanted him to move out. Reason is they dated for a half-second and she was afraid it would cause stress in her new relationship. He's black, she's white.

So he agrees even though the time frame she is asking for is strict (three weeks). Through the process he finds out that her telling him they were 'splitting' the rent in reality he was paying 80% of it, lol (the lease was in her name)

They get into an argument because now he wants a more reasonable buffer time, two months, to get his shit together and she tells him the same thing as the video to the effect of 'if you don't leave in the next week, I will call the cops, tell them you attacked me, and you know what they do to people like you'.

Argument escalates, she actually calls the cops right then and there, but he leaves the apartment under the guise to smoke but really to intercept them first and luckily they believe his side.

But think about this; she seemed cool enough for him to date and he felt comfortable enough to move in, but because of an uncomfortable discussion with her boyfriend was willing to angle my friend to get hurt because she didn't get her way.
Damn, that's dirty.


Oct 25, 2017
What a fuckin piece of shit.

And twitter is already doxxing her. What a hellhole. Also, please don't @ me, I'm not defending her action.

I don't think you're defending her and I (seriously) agree that a mob doxxing her isn't gonna end well.

Here's my main tips for preventing yourself from being unfairly Doxxed.

1. don't post personal information about yourself no matter how opaque you think it is out of context.
2. Use a handle or alias as well as sturdy two factor authentication and change passwords frequently.
3. Don't deliberately threaten a fellow human being with a weaponized deadly use of force by the NYPD based on their race because they asked you to obey a simple fucking park ordnance while you panic, feign mortal terror and throttle a very poorly trained dog you obviously had off leash.


Oct 25, 2017
Trying to get a black man killed while hurting your own pet in the process...these Karens are so privileged.


Oct 25, 2017
The face she makes during the call straight up reminds me of Get Out and how the chick was in "distress" while making the straightest face possible lol.


Oct 30, 2017
God fucking damn, that is horrible. Can she get charged for wasting 991 time?

I love he says thank you once she does leash though.


Oct 25, 2017
"I'm going to tell them there's an african american man"
what the fucking fuck
Her acting "flared" up on the phone, and just...disgusting
(she even strangled her own dog)


Oct 25, 2017
What a fuckin piece of shit.

And twitter is already doxxing her. What a hellhole. Also, please don't @ me, I'm not defending her action.
She tried to use the cops to murder someone because they told her to keep her dog on a leash and I'm supposed to care that Twitter found her name?


Oct 25, 2017
This is so weird to me to see these kind of reactions... There's racism everywhere, as well in my country, but i never see them act so openly about it, it's like a whole other world

Anyway, fuck her


Oct 27, 2017
She tried to use the cops to murder someone because they told her to keep her dog on a leash and I'm supposed to care that Twitter found her name?

It's not about this person in particular but the act of doxxing itself which is rampant on twitter for far more pettier reasons. Mob justice isn't justice.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that's a horrible woman. Wow.
And the implications of what she says.
Knowing her chances of cops showing up will improve if she mentions the man is "Afro-American".
And why does she want the cops to help her? Because a black man asker her to put her dog on a leash. Something that is mandatory.
A dog she almost killed by hanging, by the way.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not about this person in particular but the act of doxxing itself which is rampant on twitter for far more pettier reasons. Mob justice isn't justice.
"Doxxing itself" means nothing.

There can be good and bad doxxing, there's zero reason why this lady should be allowed to try to get someone killed and then stay anonymous. Where's the justice in that?

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
She knows exactly what she's doing. She's trying to get the police to kill this man because she doesn't want to have her dog on a leash.

She wants to get this man killed because she didn't want to have her dog on a leash.
Nov 13, 2017
User Banned (11 months): Doxxing (successfully appealed permanent ban)
According to the Twitter replies, the man's sister says he walked away after Karen finished her call and put a leash on the dog. Neither the man or the sister knows if the cops ever showed up.

Melody Cooper on Twitter

“@Dom_DidThat He’s fine, thankfully. No I told him to be careful! As soon as she leashed the dog, he said thank you stopped filming and went about his business. This kind of entitlement dog walking happens weekly in the Ramble.”

There's more to it.

[mod edit: personal information removed]

Apparently she's important.
Last edited by a moderator:


Oct 30, 2017
With all the caveats that she's probably an awful, racist person: do we need to film every indiscretion or infraction that people commit? I completely understand if police are involved or the situation is perilous. But in a scenario like this, it's going to do nothing but heighten a pretty avoidable confrontation. And it immediately puts the person being filmed on the defensive.
Why should people be defensive though? Unless maybe they're doing something wrong and they know it?

I wander what her inevitable excuse is going to be?

"Sorry I was sick with covid and can't think straight and I really regret my actions and this isn't the kind of person I am"


Oct 28, 2017
She got doxxed? Good. How's it feel to live life in fear, just as much as black men have to fear for their lives when cops are called on them for no reason whatsoever.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
I get genuinely curious to see what imaginative excuses people like her ultimately offer for doing what they were filmed doing. Not only misrepresenting a situation to cops in order to weaponize them, but choking her dog along the way.

Like, what can you even say to spin that?


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, people found her fast

I normally can't make it that far into these cringy ass Karen videos, but it's kind of crazy how much of the video she spends choking her dog. Jesus. Completely irrational behavior.


Oct 30, 2017
I get genuinely curious to see what imaginative excuses people like her ultimately offer for doing what they were filmed doing. Not only misrepresenting a situation to cops in order to weaponize them, but choking her dog along the way.

Like, what can you even say to spin that?

to cover all the bases its got to be something real good


my guess tho is she'll play offense and talk about all the death threats shes getting