Shining Star

May 14, 2019
This is my first time getting a console at launch and I am looking forward to it. I think the closest I have come before now was getting a Vita like nine months after it came out. Long live the Vita. Anyway who else is doing all this for the first time with a PS5 or a Series X/S?


Oct 25, 2017
Not me

Closest to a console launch I did was the Gamecube but it was like a month after its release due to a shortage.

Also PSP in NA - that was like 2 months after its release.

Nowadays, I wait minimum 2 years.

Edit: Speaking of which, technically 3 years but I'm buying a Switch later this month.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Now that I think about it... I think this will be the first time I actually get a new console on release day, or at least release week. I always waited 2-3 months for previous systems.


Jan 24, 2020
Not me, have to wait another week :( Just got my new Sony Bravia with 2.1HDMI today though. Cannot wait


Apr 25, 2020
Me :) Getting my XSX delivered launch day and super hyped about it, because I didn't have an Xbox One so I have tons of new games to play.

And with gamepass, I'll actually get to experience a bunch of games when they launch too, instead of having to wait for a sale. Finally get to be part of The Conversation™ for once.


May 17, 2018
Seattle, WA
I pretty much always get new consoles at launch. Sometimes I wait a year or so for PlayStation if the Xbox and PlayStation consoles come out the same year, but this year I'm getting both at launch. Also upgraded to an LG OLED CX, so I'm fucking stoked to play some games on that beast.


Oct 27, 2017
Got a Wii and Switch day one. Totally skipped this generation from a Playstation/Xbox perspective. Otherwise I had a 360, but that was a year after launch. Also waited overnight for day one PS2 back in the day.

Getting a Series X on Tuesday (assuming Microsoft order history detail holds up) and I am pretty excited since I didn't have a PS4/One this generation. Everything will be new to me and will be a huge step up from Switch on a 4k TV.


Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
I've bought plenty of consoles at launch, particularly portables.

GBA (technically saved up about half, parents gave me the other half), DS (and its upgraded versions), 3DS (and its upgraded versions), Switch...

if the NES and SNES mini count, then those too.


Oct 27, 2017
This is actually my first time not getting one at launch, I just haven't been nearly as excited by this coming generation. I decided it's probably smarter for me to wait for there to be more than 1 game on the PS5 I want before I get one as tempting as it is to get Demon's Souls at launch.


Oct 25, 2017
I play the waiting game for now. Did that for the first time with PS4 and Xbox One X (had to with the second one 'cause Europe) and kinda liked it to have a fleshed out library to go through whenever I decided to pick a console up. Nintendo is a different story. They always have one or two must plays at launch. Plus, the quirky nature of their consoles make it too appealing for me lol.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Not me but awesome for those of you who are, it's definitely gonna be a good one regardless of what console you decide on and the generation in general is gonna be amazing.

I believe my first day 1 launch console was PS2, dad brought it home randomly, was the best thing ever.

The Shape

Nov 7, 2017
First time I ever buy a console at launch, let alone through a pre-order.

Can't wait to get my hands on that sweet, huge PS5. I even stopped playing Ghost of Tsushima on act 2 so I can continue on PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
Definitely not me, and I don't think I ever will, honestly.

Pay a lot more to have a very limited pool of games to play isn't my thing.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
It's gonna be my first. Was in middle school for X360/PS3/Wii and while I bought my own PS4 it wasn't until August 2014 that I got one.


Oct 27, 2017
First time getting a console at launch here. Main reason is BC, otherwise I would wait as there is nothing to play after Spider-man


The Forgotten One
Oct 25, 2017
My first Pre-Order but not my first console launch day one (i bought a Switch at store)


Oct 27, 2017
My first at launch console was dreamcast. I worked opening night at EBX, then went home and played until the early morning.

I'm excited for all of you getting in to the hype!


Oct 25, 2017
It will be mine. Previous consoles 2013 and earlier were all when I was 18 or younger so usually was my Christmas gift for that year. Got the Switch a month or so later, but not at launch.

Bought PS5 for launch or whenever the dreaded Target shipping decides to show up.


Oct 28, 2017
Me - and my first console ever was the Acorn Electron so it's taken a while to get a launch ;)


Oct 27, 2017
I've never gotten a console on day one, closest was the PS3 a month or so after launch.


Oct 25, 2017
This is my first generation since the PS1 era that I'm not getting all consoles for it. As the Xbox no longer has exclusives you can't play on PC (as all the games are day and date owner PC now) I'll just be playing all those on PC. I got an Xbox, 360 and One all on launch day. I also got a PS2, PS3 and PS4 on launch. I'm damn excited for getting my hands on a PS5 on the 19th (not releasing on the 12th in the UK, so got to wait a week).

Even handhelds I've had got on launch since the Gameboy Advance... EXCEPT the PSP... I never touched a PSP. So I had some catching up to do on games I missed there when I got a Vita at launch.

Good luck to all those who this is their console launch! I feel like an old hat at this and I'm only 28 but I got my first launch day console (parents bought it for my brother and I) in 1997 (N64) and I grew up with a Sega Megadrive (Genesis) before that. Pokemon Blue and Ocarina of Time are also the first games I remember fully beating by myself without any help when I was 7 or 8.


Jul 10, 2020
Technically my 3rd, but technically second. I was in for ps4/xb1 and switch. Sold the switch to a friend that wanted it more (for retail price)

Deleted member 35509

Account closed at user request
Dec 6, 2017
I've bought every console and portable at launch day since Dreamcast (including slim versions, newer versions etc.). Series X will be the first launch I miss in over two decades. PS5 will hopefully arrive release week.

I loved the original Xbox and 360 launch so it's kind of sad in many ways.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Technically me.

I preordered a Switch on Amazon and they delivered it a day late, which I'm still bitter about. "I'll never preorder a console online again!" I swore. I tried. Genuinely tried to preorder in person.

Oh well. Gotta pray to the mail gods now


Oct 31, 2017
Up until now, Switch was the only console I've gotten at launch. Handhelds though are different, I've had a PSP, Vita and OG 3DS all on release.

Looking forward to getting my PS5 in next week.

Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
Would have liked to but it will become a bloodbath with bots and stuff unfortunately and I don't have the time to camp in a website spamming F5
Jul 26, 2018
Meeeeee!!! I'm in my thristies and I'm finally living the dream, even tho we'll no in person lines due to covid and no launch game make it feel like a before/after kind of moment... I'm very happy and excited tho and I wanna celebrate this moment with my wife because it comes after a super large effort!!!


Apr 10, 2018
Not me

Closest to a console launch I did was the Gamecube but it was like a month after its release due to a shortage.

Also PSP in NA - that was like 2 months after its release.

Nowadays, I wait minimum 2 years.

Edit: Speaking of which, technically 3 years but I'm buying a Switch later this month.

I wish I could have your patience


May 20, 2018
I'm not close to a hardcore gamer these days. Havent been in over a decade probably. But I have gotten nearly every Sony and MS console at launch... Im a bit of a tech addict.

PS2, PS3 and PS4 at launch. My PS1 was way late to the party but i couldnt buy my own at that time. Every console since I've had a job and budgeted for the new consoles a long way out.
No plans to get PS5 at launch. I will definitely get one but considering how little use my PS4 gets im just waiting til it drops in price.

Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One at launch. Grabbing 2x Xbox Series S (kids xmas gifts so wont be used for a month and a bit aside from setting it up to work day one) and 1x Xbox Series X for me.

I went all digital in my house years ago for buying games because one copy can be used for both my kids and i dont trust them with discs either. So the Series S is perfect for them. Storage my only concern. But 75% of their gaming will be Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox and GTA5. All of which they currently have on external hard drives on their current consoles.

Nintendo ive never bought at launch. Although i got myself a 2019 Switch for Xmas last year and my kids a Switch Lite each. So both new models close to release. But not quiet launch. I was late to the party on that.

No Idea

Mar 18, 2019
You know, I never thought about this before but this would definitely be my first console launch. I'm not sure what prevented me from getting XB1/PS4 on launch day, but I'm excited about this one.


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, Washington, USA
First time for me with a PlayStation console. I'm especially stoked because I skipped PS4, so I have that entire catalog to play through while we wait for more PS5 games to arrive.

Only previous consoles I've gotten on day one were Nintendo ones:
- GameCube - technically a Christmas gift that I didn't open until Christmas, but I distinctly remember standing in line in the freezing cold with my Mom on release day at Fred Meyer
- GBA and Wii - for both of these, I had a friend that worked at Nintendo and was able to buy it directly at the Nintendo employee store in Redmond, WA


Linked the Fire
Oct 25, 2017
this is my first time, too

really excited about it! i got a 3ds close to launch, but that wasn't very hard to do; i just walked into the store and bought one. ps5's have been harder to get. i got lucky

am playing through dark souls for the first time in preparation for demon's souls


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Aww! First console launch! Mine was the PS3. First time I could afford to buy a console before a major mid-end gen price drop.


Jun 13, 2018
Nah, I bought the Switch, 360, Wii, DS, and GBA all at launch. My Gamecube was less than a month after launch as well. (I wanted it at launch, but only had enough money that month for one game and I wanted Smash Bros which launched like 2 weeks after launch. I couldn't deal with the idea of watching it sit there with nothing to play for two weeks so I waited until Smash released)

Its been awhile though for a non Nintendo system. I got my Xbox One like 5 years after launch and my PS4 was like 1.5 or 2 years after. My PS3 was like 5 years after launch. Wii U was 1.5 years after launch. I went through a stretch there from around 2008-2014 where I just wasn't that into gaming, at least not compared to where I once was between 1999-2008. I'm pretty excited for it.


Oct 27, 2017
I've only gotten the Vita at launch, so PS5 will be my first console if that doesn't count.


Sep 27, 2019
Not me.. 2021 end of the year sound good to me with Horizon FW and hopefully GoW 2 released.