
The Fallen
I was going to say Amarant ,but given I literally can't remember cowboy snipers name despite having played the game 3 times, I think it has to be him.

I think Amarant is memorable just for how completely useless he is and how late he shows up.

I wish I could forget hotdog monk from 8 too. I hated him.


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly would not call anyone in IX forgettable. They all have unique designs and different backstories, leading to significant different scenes with each other (In comparison to VIII in which everyone is human for example and they all have the same damn backstory blurring everyone together).

Freya and Amarant are largely forgotten by the story (Though, Amarant just comes in too late, more than anything), but they do have some pretty strong scenes. Freya is really memorable in the first disc, which is why a lot of people still express regret over the plot completely abandoning her.

Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
A lot of quistis hate here.

This is the chick that's only one year old than the emo she's obsessed with yet wets herself every time she speaks to him.

She has plenty of character opportunities compared to other FF cast members.

She even has a miniature gun blade.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
To the person who mentioned FFXIII characters not on here, annoying characters =/= forgettable. Hell, annoying characters are ones you WANT to forget.

Forgettable of FFVII and onward... everybody NOT Squall, Rinoa and Laguna in FFVIII. Zell, Irvine, Selphie, Quistis, Kiros and Ward were basically "filler" character stereotypes that don't really grow/develop out of those stereotypes (unlike Squall, Rinoa and Laguna). Basically, cardboard cutouts that are taken into battle and walked around the world.

Amarant... urgh. He looks cool, but it's almost like the pot of character development and ideas was empty when they came to him.

Yeah, Kimahri was pretty forgettable.


Oct 29, 2017
Even Penelo as a tag along has more purpose than Amarant. At least Larsa pays attention to her and he ends up as ruler of the Archadian empire. Amarant is the the mascot of edgelord McDonalds.


Oct 25, 2017
I see some mentions of Vaan... You control Vaan in three games, he's absolutely not forgettable unless you're one of those strange Ivalice haters.


Oct 26, 2017
What was even the point of Amarant?
I just checked the wiki page on him because I can't even remember. Apparently he had a vendetta against Zidane and was a boss fight, then he joins because "I don't understand how you're so powerful Zidane, and also I hate people and work alone." So I guess he was supposed to be a straw man for the power-of-friendship theme? Not that they really needed one for all the "being alone is worse than death" moments there were with everyone else.

Remk NG

Apr 16, 2018
I've only played final fantasy 7 through 10 and I can honestly say I've never cared about any of the characters.

Sure, there's some great moments and fights and the soundtracks are amazing but I can't say I ever cared about any of their stories.

So I guess my answer is all of them?! :-)


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Of all the characters mentioned in this thread Freya and Armarant from FFIX are the only 2 I couldn't remember at all. So I pick those 2.


Oct 27, 2017
I grew up in orange county so it's impossible for me to ever forget Irvine's name

I attended the school named in his honor


Oct 25, 2017
I've only played final fantasy 7 through 10 and I can honestly say I've never cared about any of the characters.

Sure, there's some great moments and fights and the soundtracks are amazing but I can't say I ever cared about any of their stories.

So I guess my answer is all of them?! :-)

Oct 25, 2017
Obvious answers are Amarant and Ward, as far as long term party members from mainline games go.
If you wanna count spinoffs, the Type-0 cast is pretty forgettable, but Trey in particular is the most forgettable.
Then there's the Tactics games, which is kinda cheating, because of course they have a whole bunch of named nobodies you can recruit into your army.

If you count the pre-PSX mainline games.......Probably Scott.

BuBu Jenkins

Oct 27, 2017
Damn near the entire FFIX cast is forgettable other than ViVi and one of the reasons its my least favorite FF title

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
Y'all have mentioned Amarant so much it can't be him. For real though, I remember him just because of how pointless he was.

I also can't agree with Quina mentions. Quina is memorable to me just because of how incredibly strong he/she is. I used him/her throughout the entire game, myself.

More Butter

Jun 12, 2018
Quina is OP. FF9 would be shitty without quina. Catching frogs, eating monsters on the path to be a gourmand. Quina is life.

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

I guess I remember some of the FFVII cast members, but only by their names and appearance, not by personalities, actions, or dialogue.


Oct 28, 2017
For a decade I thought Amarant was a rooster. He looks just like one on the cover.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly forgot all about Selphie until this thread, somehow. Once she was mentioned, I did remember some stuff about her.

On the other hand, I remember Amarant but nothing about him. Just that due to the PS1 graphics I seriously thought he was a rooster-man until years later when I saw more detailed art of him and saw that he was not, in fact, a humanoid rooster.


Nov 6, 2017
People seriously voting for Tidus? Lol

But in all honesty it must be FF13 guys. They werent that interesting


Dec 18, 2017
the big frog tongue thing that was a party member from ff9. see i dont even remember its name