
Oct 27, 2017
I was wondering why it was so okay both in the press and on this board to use 'Indian variant' when at the same time condemning 'Chinese virus', but I then I felt like I didn't have a leg to stand on given that while the Indian government was getting social media to censor 'Indian variant', it was doing absolutely nothing to crackdown on the rampant anti-Chinese xenophobia and conspiracy theorising in India.


Oct 27, 2017
I was wondering why it was so okay both in the press and on this board to use 'Indian variant' when at the same time condemning 'Chinese virus', but I then I felt like I didn't have a leg to stand on given that while the Indian government was getting social media to censor 'Indian variant', it was doing absolutely nothing to crackdown on the rampant anti-Chinese xenophobia and conspiracy theorising in India.

Well, I guess the biggest difference was the people saying "Indian variant" or "UK variant" or "Brazilian variant" weren't assigning blame or directing hatred in the way that Donald Trump was when he insisted on calling it the "Chinese virus". It was just a matter of fact that SARS-COV-2 mutations had been detected in those countries.

The WHO's decision to stop naming viruses after the location they were first detected is fairly new. IIRC, it was like 2015 or 2016 when they decided to stop the practice due to the potential of stigmatization. It's good that their doing this for variants now, before we get a truly awful variant that escapes vaccines or something. An incident like that could inspire a lot of rage and hate towards the place it is detected.
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Oct 27, 2017
They wanna say fuhgeddaboutit to the New York strain.

No one using "variant" implied that a variant was created or purposely released. Just another classification style to be misunderstood by the populace, though

Deleted member 82064

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Sep 29, 2020
I wonder if this is going to take off. It's easy and effective for media to keep naming the variants after countries/cities/region.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Sigma strains are more attractive than Alpha strains FYI
We already know the Sigma virus is ugly as fuck.



Oct 27, 2017
That is going to be confusing as hell, especially when giving the Alpha etc names to things that are already the fifth/sixth important variant. It made sense in March 2020 when the A, B, C strain thing was still important to make differentiation.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Seems like a good call.

"The South Africa Variant," "The Brazil variant" are especially like the "Spanish flu," where it's just named those names because that's where it's been studied first and with good research & funding. The US certainly has had dozens or hundreds or thousands of variants over the last 15 months, given that we were the worst country in the world for COVID-19 we'd be the source of a lot of new variants, but because we largely weren't doing the sort of research we needed to be doing discovering new variants, we didn't name many new variants as "The American Variant." When we did, it was mostly just after cities and states that funded and had organized research in tracking new variants... so you had "The New York Variant" and "The LA Variant," but those variants were discovered during relatively benign periods of viral outbreak (relatively...). Meanwhile, we never named a "North Dakota Variant" because nobody in North Dakota was doing shit to track variants, even though North Dakota is literally one of the worst hit places in the world for COVID-19.

Also very very very good call on not naming the variants after Greek gods. We don't need the Dionysian Variant of COVID-19 in our social consciousness.

The official names are going to be ... B.1.1.7 and so on, but in the popular sphere they'll push "Gamma Epsilon" or something, so that people won't inevitably call these "The Indian variant" or "The Bolivian variant" or whatever, which just begs to be misunderstood.
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