Max Payne

Oct 27, 2017
My gamer nephew (14) asked me once if Master Chief is the main character from an old DOOM version.

He plays Minecraft every day, all day long.


Feb 25, 2018
Creeper from minecraft. Steve i think, because of skins, might not be as recognizable. A creepers always there.

Master Chief though aswell. Everybody knows him, or atleast knows him as 'that halo guy'


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Minecraft Steve and nothing else even comes remotely close.

Not even Fortnite or Overwatch can eclipse the sheer scope of how many brand deals and sponsorships Steve is featured on.

Also everyone saying Master Chief sounds like they're a decade out of time.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Aaaaaalrighty then which someone of you is gonna break down what in Shit-Fuck Tennessee is going on in this picture?

It looks like - and I appreciate I could be way off here - it looks like someone, with great and furious force, dropped a fat angry bird on to Schwarzenegger's head whilst he was filming Hamlet.

And then Dolly Parton's hair happened?

I'm lost.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
People saying Masterchef are showing their age imo.

Steve (Minecraft) might be right, but I'd bet a certain person in a very successful mp game has them beat.

Despite being the cover character, I don't even think Tracer is the most famous character in her own franchise.

I would be 100% surprised. Smash roster has never even left Japan. Them jumping on the latest craze would be weird.
Kind of cheating, but Diddy Kong is a western character.


Oct 25, 2017
MineCraft is much much more popular than all the others and more lasting than the angry birds and assimilates (in the sense of broad appeal, young kids-friendly).
Master Chief doesn't talk AT ALL to most of my colleagues with children, Minecraft talks to all of them.Halo lost its relevancy, if it ever had one outside of US gamers.
It goes beyond that imo.

John was never a real character to begin with.
He is a hero archetype, with whom the player is supposed to identify with, so he is pretty much a blank slate. We don't see his face, don't hear his voice (much), he is just an "unkillable 'Never -Give-Up' badass blessed with a really uncommon luck" (really liked that last little plot point by Nylund), in a green power armor.


Nov 13, 2017
Dante, Kratos, Bayonetta and Nathan Drake. At least within the core gamer community.

Master Chief / Mincraft Guy probably intersect(ed) the most within mainstream culture, to be fair.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think they win, but Rabbids should get a mention (and I haaaaaaate them)

games on every platform, tv show, cross over with mario, mini-figures, happy meal toy, and other merch


Oct 27, 2017
Overwatch has sold maybe 50 million copies, which pales to Minecraft's 140+ million.

Fortnite is the only thing coming close to Minecraft in terms of popularity, but it'll probably more of a Pokemon GO flash in the pan simply because it doesn't have the near infinite gameplay of Minecraft. Fortnite also doesn't have any iconic characters to hang your hat on, so for this thread and question I don't think it'll ever surpass Steve.


Oct 29, 2017
You'd have to live in the US or the UK to argue Master Chief.

The answer is certainly that Minecraft guy, nothing else comes close. Every kid and their parents know him. Minecraft has been a global phenomenon for many years, and Halo has never been that. Next up would be Angry Birds.
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Oct 26, 2017
Steve/Creeper or Master Chief.

Steve/Creeper are obvious enough to not need any qualification, and you'd have to deliberately ignore fifteen out of the last eighteen years to not conclude Master Chief for the running. Recognition surveys from just a few years ago had MC in the same ballpark as Mario.
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R dott B

Oct 27, 2017
Master Chief

I would say "Steve" From Minecraft but I ponder how many people even know that Steve is his name.


Oct 26, 2017
Outside of the obvious Steve answer, I think Kratos is much more recognizable than Master Chief, especially because of his design
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Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about 2000's but the other day I was thinking about how the name "Alex Hunter" from the FIFA 17-19 story modes is probably the most well-known new character name in the world from this console, considering how well FIFA sells and that he's in three different installments.


Oct 27, 2017
I would say Master Chief or the Minecraft Guy. Those are the only modern characters i can think of that would be recognized by people who don't play video games, though they may not know their names.

Actually, the red Angry Bird or the green pig is a pretty good contender

Any of the LoL characters, I guess. That game is absolutely massive.
No, an iconic character transcends gamers.

I am a gamer and I couldn't identify one LoL character.
Outside of the obvious Steve answer, I think Kratos is much more recognizable than Master Chief, especially because of his design
No way


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about 2000's but the other day I was thinking about how the name "Alex Hunter" from the FIFA 17-19 story modes is probably the most well-known new character name in the world from this console, considering how well FIFA sells and that he's in three different installments.
That's actually pretty good, FIFA is huge but I doubt people outside of gaming even know who Alex Hunter is. I literally drew a blank during EA's conference thinking "Fifa guy.... what's his name.... is he not in this edition"

Gotta go with Minecraft Steve though


Oct 27, 2017
This. Feels Fornite characters fit more now the bill of renowned shooter characters.

Master Chief is like the 2000's Lara Croft, an artifact of the past, no longer relevant nor iconic, simply recognizable by what once was, not current landmarks.
I mean, Pac-Man is far more irrelevant these days and remains the most recognizable game character in the world


Oct 25, 2017
As LoL player i gotta say, what are y'all saying "a LoL character" on?

the community is massive, but it's no rival for other more casual friendly characters, people saying red angry bird and a creeper are more on the money.

Not even Teemo, the closest to a LoL flagship mascot, is that recognizable.

Deleted member 18347

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about 2000's but the other day I was thinking about how the name "Alex Hunter" from the FIFA 17-19 story modes is probably the most well-known new character name in the world from this console, considering how well FIFA sells and that he's in three different installments.
I think you are overestimating that mode's popularity. Where I live for example no one gives 2 shits about it.


Oct 26, 2017
People saying Masterchef are showing their age imo.

Steve (Minecraft) might be right, but I'd bet a certain person in a very successful mp game has them beat.
[Tracer from Overwatch]

Overwatch came out in 2016, and has been very successful among other MP games during most of those two years. The thread is basically about the first two decades of the new century.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I'd say Steve on a global scale but I do think we're all forgetting a certain someone...


He has a sincere fanbase that's quite significant and he's also a meme, he's got the best of both worlds.


Oct 28, 2017
Outside of the obvious Steve answer, I think Kratos is much more recognizable than Master Chief, especially because of his design

When Halo and Halo 2 came out.
The MC even for people who didnt know his name became like synonymous with Videogaming.

Kratos is famous sure but not Master Chief famous....just put a post of MC anywhere and people have an idea hes the Halo guy even if they dont play games much.

legit i didnt know Steve had a laptop came with MineCraft free i just assumed it was some randomly generated Avatar.