Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I really wish we didn't live in a society where this happened. But I understand why it does.

please use this thread as a place to share your anecdotes related to this.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm willing to bet it doesn't happen as much in countries using meters because of the dumb arbitrary 6' threshold


Oct 25, 2017
because some people are shallow.
im 5'8 and find it stupid that some consider that short. i feel tall considering how close i am to being 6'0


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
I've never understood it. I'm the tallest in my family at 5'6" (maybe 5'7" on a good day) so there was never a point in lying.

But the stuff where guys lie about saying they're 6' when they're 5'10" or whatever, or rounding up those numbers to hit others (6'3" to 6'5" or whatever) baffles me, but then, I dunno, I've always found it tied to insecurities. Look at Trump for a great example of lying about height and height being directly tied to insecurity.


Nov 4, 2017
because people are constantly mocked for being too short or too tall, causing people to feel insecure and lie about it.


Oct 28, 2017
Heightism is a thing. Just look at some the the threads here where many people were mocking short people.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017

This being a thing is why


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 6'10. I do believe I'm the tallest on gaf. I would love to be around 6'2. The world isn't made for me.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
Inferiority complex. Almost as close to dick measuring contest.

Especially when people perceive you differently when you're "taller" or "shorter".


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 5'10 but I've seen guys claim 6ft that are not even 5 8. That's not healthy at all.

Serious response - I think it's because people don't like the feeling/chance of being rejected for something that is completely outside of their control.

I'm friends with women adamant on dating guys taller than themselves. One of my friends used to joke that it was to give her future kids a chance at being tall.

If someone's dating profile will be dismissed for that...I can sort of see why someone would lie about it.


Oct 31, 2017
Valencia, Spain
I think it happens more because of the imperial system, the 6' mark and how huge the inches are compared to cm. It may seem a little roundup but adding just one inch is huge.

I just say I'm 180cm but in reality I'm 181cm but it doesn't bother me as the difference is little. I'm not even sure what I would say in imperial because I think I'm between 5'11 and 6'.


Nov 3, 2017
Height is important for attractiveness. And most people want to make themselves more attractive to others.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, the threshold just becomes metric

From having used tinder quite a lot both in the states and back home; this isn't entirely true.

There are still thresholds here, but they're a lot more fluid, and most just write 'you have to be taller than me'

Whereas in the US it's like 6.0" or whatever you call it, is some magic number you have to reach.


Oct 26, 2017
Never lied about my height (174cm) but I sometimes noticed having small troubles because of that. So I bought shoes that make me about 7cm bigger like RDJ but they dont look ass :-) helps a lot to be honest.

But yeah men lie because of insecurities or to get a chance.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm 6'3 and I've encountered more negatives from being tall. Yes I can reach that high object but I'd give up a few inches for some leg room.

Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Also feel free to talk about your experiences for being tall too, I don't want to exclude anyone.


Oct 25, 2017
165cm and proud of it, hope it's can be shorter too.

Sleep in a tent or under small blanket feel fit and comfort.
Sit in a small car or economy class plane no sweat.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm 170cm wife is 180cm.

Other people seem to have an issue with it for some reason but hasn't bothered us for 12 years.

I've never lied about it but never internet dated which I assume is where most of the lying occurs as it's kinda hard to in person.....


Oct 25, 2017
Height is like 80% your actual height and 20% how you carry yourself. I'm 5'7 but people usually don't believe me when I tell them, even in person.

I'm happy heightism isn't as prevalent in the gay dating world as it is in the straight one. We have unrealistic body standards, but at least that's changeable.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm 173cm, I don't know how much that is in your system (something like 5'5?) but I can tell you, you get comments if you're under 180. I don't care about it because I've always done more than fine. But I understand why some people would lie about it.

Not really, no. There's no "magic number" here. Never heard people quote one.

Where I live it's very clear it's 180cm. And you can see it in places like tinder profiles, with lines like "Don't talk to me if you're under 1,80". Which makes it incredibly easy to discard that kind of people.

Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm 173cm, I don't know how much that is in your system (something like 5'5?) but I can tell you, you get comments if you're under 180. I don't care about it because I've always done more than fine. But I understand why some people would lie about it.

Where I live it's very clear it's 180cm. And you can see it in places like tinder profiles, with lines like "Don't talk to me if you're under 1,80". Which makes it incredibly easy to discard that kind of people.

People are shit in these sites, I'm sorry you've had to go through that.
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (2 weeks): Ableism; Prior Infraction for Ableist Language.
lmao at all the 6'3 people being like: "being tall is a curse". Y'all haven't experienced shit. I'm 6'9 and outside of a youth spent dominating at basketball it hasn't really paid off. I literally can't sit in 90% of cars without having my knees like besides the steering wheel looking like I'm driving a clown car. Can't sit straight in trains, airplanes, trams, or any other vehicle. I look ridiculous holding 90% of regular people sized shit, can't play stratocasters in public because the shits look like ukekeleles so I'm always using some huge hollowbody thing that looks like it's normal size for me. And I haven't even talked about buying shoes or clothes but I need to buy 90% of my shit at a specialist store at a significant markup so I'm not constantly running around in something that looks like an exposed belly button tanktop or like my basement has flooded.

You haven't experienced living in a world where everything was designed for the midgets that surround you. Fucking chairs with toothpick legs and seating heights below 50 cm, hospital scanners that literally can't fit your legs, being at or close to the weight limit for most things despite not being overweight, struggling with skateboarding because of a high center of gravity and tiny ass skateboards, every single cooking surface being at or below crotch height so it's easier to fuck my food than cook it. Ergonomic chairs that literally don't have the adjustment range required for you to be able to sit ergonomically, Having to bend down to pass through doors etc... Trust me when I say y'all don't know this pain.


Dec 13, 2017
User banned (1 month): sexism
I really wish we didn't live in a society where this happened. But I understand why it does.

please use this thread as a place to share your anecdotes related to this.

It happens because the majority of women are insecure about dating someone shorter than they are.

Never known a guy to care if a woman is taller than he is. The inverse is not true.


May 23, 2018
lmao at all the 6'3 people being like: "being tall is a curse". Y'all haven't experienced shit. I'm 6'9 and outside of a youth spent dominating at basketball it hasn't really paid off. I literally can't sit in 90% of cars without having my knees like besides the steering wheel looking like I'm driving a clown car. Can't sit straight in trains, airplanes, trams, or any other vehicle. I look ridiculous holding 90% of regular people sized shit, can't play stratocasters in public because the shits look like ukekeleles so I'm always using some huge hollowbody thing that looks like it's normal size for me. And I haven't even talked about buying shoes or clothes but I need to buy 90% of my shit at a specialist store at a significant markup so I'm not constantly running around in something that looks like an exposed belly button tanktop or like my basement has flooded.

You haven't experienced living in a world where everything was designed for the midgets that surround you. Fucking chairs with toothpick legs and seating heights below 50 cm, hospital scanners that literally can't fit your legs, being at or close to the weight limit for most things despite not being overweight, struggling with skateboarding because of a high center of gravity and tiny ass skateboards, every single cooking surface being at or below crotch height so it's easier to fuck my food than cook it. Ergonomic chairs that literally don't have the adjustment range required for you to be able to sit ergonomically, Having to bend down to pass through doors etc... Trust me when I say y'all don't know this pain.

This is more epic than Superman's "World of Cardboard" speech.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm 173cm, I don't know how much that is in your system (something like 5'5?) but I can tell you, you get comments if you're under 180. I don't care about it because I've always done more than fine. But I understand why some people would lie about it.

173cm is about 5'8.

The reality is that women value height as an attractive trait and men value height both because it increases their attractiveness and implicitly reinforces their masculinity relative to other males.

The gay community isn't as concerned with height for some reason, but they're judgemental enough about other traits so they more than make up for it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That sounds like BS lol. Never heard of guys with a "dating a super small girl" fetish?

Sure, I think most have heard of that. I guess there's a reason we don't describe the whole 'guy being taller than the girl' as a fetish though - it's basically a standard.

I've met very few women who didn't feel that way.

I would like to hear the experiences tall women have too.

My sister is the same height as me (182) and she's just really happy that we live in a country where that's the average height of men - so finding someone taller isn't hard at all.


Oct 29, 2017
I know one thing for sure... Feet and inches needs to die. Why do some countries cling to such dumb systems.

I am British so I'm well aware we are the dumbest or a close second