Oct 25, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
Tell your uncle Slyrelishman thanks him and will always have his back!

Those of us behind a keyboard can't imagine what it is like to put on your uniform and not know with 100% certainty you'll be safe while doing your job.

And then you come home from work and see your profession slandered by a biased media that bleeds into social network. The world isn't THAT scary and the majority of people WANT to do good for each other. End the hate on all ends!
Some of us here to know what it's like. Also, I understand where people are coming from with the ACAB sentiment. Never affected me, or how I felt the public saw me as someone to look for to help them without fear of being targeted, etc., because of their skin color.


Oct 25, 2017
Tell your uncle Slyrelishman thanks him and will always have his back!

Those of us behind a keyboard can't imagine what it is like to put on your uniform and not know with 100% certainty you'll be safe while doing your job.

And then you come home from work and see your profession slandered by a biased media that bleeds into social network. The world isn't THAT scary and the majority of people WANT to do good for each other. End the hate on all ends!
these posts are always so funny cuz there is that data show that American policing is shity as fuck in from the ground up really racist. But yes is the bias media.


Oct 27, 2017
The primary purpose of the police is to protect the state, the ruling class, and private property. There is no doubt many people join the force because they want to help their communities and fellow citizens; that is the power of propaganda. "ACAB" isn't "all cops are mindless drones that exist to only fuck over minorities and poor people," it's a statement that they are part of a larger system that they are unable to reform because it exists to not be reformed. People who call out corrupt cops typically risk losing their job, or worse, so they become silent and complacent. It's a system where people protect their own. It's not that it produces 100% evil as a system, it's that it's fundamentally designed to enforce the state and law to the last letter.

There is certainly value in a sort of rescue group that you can call on in a time of need, or help when you are dealing with a violent domestic dispute, or the like. This would be a fundamental need in most societies. The police force cannot be in that in its current state. Assuming one day our children are in a position where they need to call the police, presumably the police should be able to protect them without any sort of danger even if people say mean things about them online.

I appreciate your responses and clarity, really I do. I just think the majority DON'T use "ACAB" to mean what you so eloquently explained, but rather to mean that all cops are mindless, corrupt drones. And that was my original argument. Maybe "TSiB" (The System is Broken) applies more, but that's just semantics...

This thread just reminded me how much I want to play Disco Elysium.

Deleted member 56306

User-requested account closure
Apr 26, 2019
Speaking as a big Spider-Man fan, I think that's a different situation because Spider-Man is traditionally positioned as an outsider to the system - both the press and police don't trust him. Having him work with a cop, and use surveillance technology to that end, just felt like a betrayal of a lot of the character's core ethos. It's not just working with a cop, it's that it contradicts the character.

There's an interesting thread for exploring this with Miles that I'm a little sad we will likely never see.

Deleted member 26909

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I just want a realistic-ish action game, give me a game version of Mission Impossible, Fast and Furious, John Wick

why does everythign have to be post apocalyptic, or fantastical
A murder machine cop would traumatized a good portion of society who fear they will meet that cop everyday. Whether you're okay with that or not, I dont think AAA companies want that kind of imagery in their games. They would get a lot of back lash for it.

Its why I think Netherrealm no longer uses Striker in Mortal Kombat. Witnessing police violence is a haunting reminder of some people's reality.


Oct 25, 2017
Disco Elysium is about the best we can hope for in terms of like, a detective game. A AAA developer wouldn't really be able to do that because they wouldn't be able to sell the game without lots of shooting. You'd just get another LA Noire or Battlefield Hardline, or at this point even just a slightly different version of The Division.

MAYBE one day you could see some indie developer manage to put together a spiritual successor to the SWAT series.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Tell your uncle Slyrelishman thanks him and will always have his back!

Those of us behind a keyboard can't imagine what it is like to put on your uniform and not know with 100% certainty you'll be safe while doing your job.

And then you come home from work and see your profession slandered by a biased media that bleeds into social network. The world isn't THAT scary and the majority of people WANT to do good for each other. End the hate on all ends!

26 posts in over two years.

One of those posts was to say you would refuse to buy Persona 6 if the protagonist was a woman.

Another was to say that a cosplayer getting banned for blackface was part of "cancel culture."
Nov 1, 2017
People with a knee jerk "no" reaction are letting their judgement cloud any potential the concept has even though we've seen in multiple mediums (including gaming) that it can be well received. Counter Strike and Rainbow 6 Siege are incredibly popular, many adventure games have you either working with or playing detective in tandem with law enforcement, we even got an incredibly well received action game starring cops recently.
Oct 29, 2017
I knew there were going to be some quality opinions coming into this thread. Moderation has been extremely complacent thus far towards hateful rhetoric aimed at an entire profession worldwide, so I guess it's okay to continue.
those poor oppressed cops

whatever will they do because people rightfully hate a profession that at its very core is an organization designed to maintain the status quo of the rich and powerful and oppress the lower classes, especially poor people and minorities


Oct 25, 2017
Not really looking forward to a game where you randomly kill black people "for the lulz" then have to make sure your cam is off, you plant the drugs successfully then write the report noting the person was coming right at you so you feared for your life but have to explain how all the bullets got in their back


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Seems like this thread shows why you're not seeing it much lately. Pretty divisive thing right now so I can't imagine publishers want to back anything that large amounts of people may not play based on the character.

Sci-fi shooter or military shooter seems like a much safer risk than cop experience right now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Because soldiers let you go Blam Blam and also can narratively fill most of the roles a cop can in a game.

The only one they don't fit really is the detective / investigation stuff, which has had a decent handful of games, albeit mostly indie and not specifically in the role of a member of the force.


Oct 25, 2017

That said, Disco Elysium, Judgement, and Astral Chain.

Notice none of those are American.


Oct 31, 2017
I just need a game that allows you to cuff criminals. Last game I played that allowed me to do that is True Crime: Streets of LA.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
The only series I can think of that fits this formula is the True Crime series, which I believe the True Crime Hong Kong game became what we now know as Sleeping Dogs.

Still a true bonafide Police game is could be turned into a game. I mean doing investigations, following up on a response to a police report, responding to request for backup on the radio.

It would be essentially the anti-GTA more or less. Although the Investigations and Office stuff could probably be handled much in the manner of Papers, Please in which you need to review case files and evidence.


Oct 25, 2017
I own it but haven't played too much of it.

The idea is that you are an aged police chief who needs to save up a million for retirement. Problem is playing by the rules and doing the right thing don't reward you as much as being a corrupt PoS.

It's almost impossible to make that much money by locking up violent criminals and gang leaders. Plus the mayor you report to is extremely corrupt and demands you to act like his personal army.
That sounds great! I'll have to play This Is The Police. I'm surprised there aren't thinkpieces on why that game stands out amongst all the other cop propaganda.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
This is the Police doesn't get discussed because it's not a good game. It's half baked in nearly every way.


Oct 25, 2017
I never got that sentiment living in NZ, but understand that its a common sentiment where a lot of people live. I think fantasy sci-fi settings like Astral Chain are pretty cool either way.
New Zealand, where Maori are more likely to be overly incarcerated than whites, and where the police and justice system are called "fundamentally racist" doesn't sound very different from where most people live.

https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/te-manu-...-study-shows-maori-more-likely-to-go-to-court (27/02/2020)
A new study has shown police are almost twice as likely to send a first-time Māori offender to court, than a Pākehā.​
The JustSpeak study did a fresh analysis of police, justice and census data from 2013 and found that Māori are 1.7 times more likely to end up in court than a Pākehā offender.​
It also shows Māori women who are arrested in their late teens or early 20s are twice as likely as Pākehā women to end up before a judge.​
JustSpeak board member Tamatha Paul (Ngāti Awa, Waikato-Tainui) said: "As a young Māori woman reading this research, it frightens me, and then to look at the leaders of our country and see that the rhetoric is largely around punitive policy like the Armed Response trial, this doesn't give me much hope that the government is actually committed to solving the issue of over-incarceration of Māori.​
"This illustrates the essence of what research has shown from the likes of Moana Jackson for a long time that our justice system is fundamentally racist."​
Police were also required to undergo unconscious bias training, although it was not evident yet whether it was working.​
"We're still yet to look at an evaluative process but what we have is we've put leaders in place where we've trained many of our staff again in unconscious bias ... and that training will then go into every district around the country."​
Hastings City councillor and community worker Henare O'Keefe said it would help if police were more involved in Māori life.​
"Policeman [used to] coach the local rugby team, or they sat on the marae committee, all that sort of thing helped to build that relationship, so maybe modern day policing in order to go forward we need to go back."​
"More brown faces within the police would certainly help and maybe a noho marae for new recruits, they may not agree with it but it would at least give them an understanding and more of an empathetic approach."​


Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden
I full out modern remake or sequel to Police Quest would be a blast!
Too bad that the True Crime games just fizzled out, Streets of LA was really fun despite the bugalooza it was hehe.
Oct 29, 2017
Your one anecdotal statement sure proves that every single cop in America is corrupt, yup. This mindset is toxic; no different than the cops who are discriminate based off skin color or assume all brown people are criminals. And I'm black.
Ok I'm black too ya black card will be mailed to u in 3-5 business days 🤷🏿‍♂️. Yes my mindset is based off of my personal experience only... not the hundred years of black ppl dealing with this issue. If those " good cops" aren't marching in the streets/ denouncing their brotherhood when they do obviously fucked up shit then they are bad cops.
All black ppl don't wear the same uniform n take the same oath n consider themselves brothers in arms lol. To compare that to ppl thinking all black ppl are minorities is laughable n suspect af.
Go talk to a cop about toxic. Their toxic culture is rooted deep in the establishment. Acting like it's not that bad or that every single person who is a part of that establishment who isn't constantly n openly denouncing it is bad is not something I'm prepared to do bruh. It might be different in the suburbs tho idk I'm not out there often.


Nov 4, 2017
Yep. Right on the money.


Nope actually. I've been a Bobbie for 11 years and im not racist or a bully or any of those things.

Resetera gets on its high horse as soon as it feels a group of people are misrepresented yet it's ok to tar every police officer with the same brush.

In my time I've met racist and god awful shite officers but they have been in the minority. Shit people like there are in every walk of life. Not the majority.

Some of you will have had bad experiences with the police and that's why you hate them. However to say we are all like that is just complete and utter bollocks.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand, where Maori are more likely to be overly incarcerated than whites, and where the police and justice system are called "fundamentally racist" doesn't sound very different from where most people live.

I figured there might be something like this and having grown up in this region (5% Maori population) I haven't ever heard any kind of distaste for the police and didn't know the disparity for incarceration was that significant. That sucks and needs to change, but like many I can only really comment on my local police (anecdotally via the people I know and the people I know who work there).
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Off topic, as a cop myself, I agree that there are certainly evil cops. I understand that it's a profession that certainly can and does attract a certain type of person (evil) that seeks to abuse the system and its power. But that does not discount that there are plenty of good cops that are good natured people who want to serve and protect in positive ways. But, again, the good certainly does not discount, erase, or justify the bad.

I don't think my agency is perfect. But in my time here, we have certainly rooted out some bad people. I'm also proud that we have an entire division/road units dedicated to lower income community relations, who actively participate in community outreach programs, such as safe trick r treating zones for kids and Christmas toy programs for needy kids.

My agency overall is pretty occupied with helping our community/jurisdiction (over 50% black), keeping lines of communication open, and staying active to serve and protect. Certainly a stark contrast to a neighboring civi service policing agency with a municipal jurisdiction that seems to have issues about public perception.

On topic, I should have picked up Battlefield: Hardline the numerous times it's been on sale for $5. Some of the positive postings have pushed me to do so next time.

Edit: I see the deluxe edition is in the current March sale for $5. Will try it out.


Oct 27, 2017
It was mentioned earlier, Beat Cop, and OP should go get it lol. Pretty entertaining, and the game takes its time in making proper jabs and the police profession issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope actually. I've been a Bobbie for 11 years and im not racist or a bully or any of those things.

Resetera gets on its high horse as soon as it feels a group of people are misrepresented yet it's ok to tar every police officer with the same brush.

In my time I've met racist and god awful shite officers but they have been in the minority. Shit people like there are in every walk of life. Not the majority.

Some of you will have had bad experiences with the police and that's why you hate them. However to say we are all like that is just complete and utter bollocks.
Off topic, as a cop myself, I agree that there are certainly evil cops. I understand that it's a profession that certainly can and does attract a certain type of person (evil) that seeks to abuse the system and its power. But that does not discount that there are plenty of good cops that are good natured people who want to serve and protect in positive ways. But, again, the good certainly does not discount, erase, or justify the bad.

I don't think my agency is perfect. But in my time here, we have certainly rooted out some bad people. I'm also proud that we have an entire division/road units dedicated to lower income community relations, who actively participate in community outreach programs, such as safe trick r treating zones for kids and Christmas toy programs for needy kids.

My agency overall is pretty occupied with helping our community/jurisdiction (over 50% black), keeping lines of communication open, and staying active to serve and protect. Certainly a stark contrast to a neighboring civi service policing agency with a municipal jurisdiction that seems to have issues about public perception.
In my line of work, we have systems in place to out bad and abusive staff. If something is suspected either by staff or by a service user through complaints, it's put into an incident form or safeguarding alert, and then a full investigation will be conducted on that staff member to verify the claims and if found guilty, fire them. This can be escalated to the very top. If abuse occurs, it affects the whole service's reputation and is taken very seriously. After all, our work is to deliver the best level of care to people in need, not to protect our own or others' jobs. We have independent governing bodies like CQC to make sure every minute detail is up to scratch, down to using the safest bins for medical equipment. I've seen quite long-standing team members suspended or fired because of certain bad practices that might be routine and normalised but nevertheless there are consequences.

Do you cops have systems in place similar to this, like how can complaints of abuse or discrimination escalated up the chain to oust bad cops? How are whistleblowing and victims protected? Independent investigation bodies to keep police in check? How do good cops kick out bad cops? How do the police police themselves? Thank you for your service and hope things get better.


Nov 4, 2017
In the UK we have PSD and the IOPC as well as other internal whistleblowing options be that to supervision or confidential phone lines to name a few.

There are numerous options and they do get used. Body cams have been massive for the UK as we have them on at most jobs now so how we act and what we say are fully recorded.


Jan 14, 2019
So gangsters, soldiers, mercenaries, knights, ninjas, assassins, vikings etc. etc. are all cool but we can't have a cop game because that would be wrong? Come on lol

I always liked detective games and Sleeping Dogs was my favorite GTA-style game. I wish Rockstar would give it another shot.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I do not want to play as a cop, especially an American one.

Edit: Actually, I'd be in for a cop game that's in line with Spec Ops or Papers Please.
I mean, in LA Noire you play as a cop who's also a shit, and you work with cops who vary between kinda okay and shittier than you are.

Also there's SO MUCH PEDOPHILIA in that game. And it's almost never what you were investigating. It's always like "Yeah so this guy's been manipulating underage girls/boys into bed but you're going to jail for this stolen car!"


Oct 27, 2017
The singleplayer in Hardline is what you're asking for. It basically was a American cop tv show of sorts.

That campaign is underrated, had so much fun with it. It was a bit easy, seeing as though you could make most enemies surrender without firing any bullets, but it was really enjoyable!