

You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Nah, he's not trolling. This is just a typical attitude among well off white people who are either blissfully unaware or unable to empathize with the experiences of the world around them.
But I said I was counting those jobs. Maybe I misread the community? I thought most people were relatively well off based on the pick up threads and such.

By well off, I'm not talking about millionaires, but with savings, career type jobs, and so on.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
While I would definitely stop working forever if I won the lottery I would do some good with it for sure. Go back to school just to go. Maybe learn programming. Thats about it, though. I would travel with family and chill.
Oct 30, 2017
Culturally implied in 'work' is an element of meritocracy, of social contract. Of fairness, potential for advancement, of getting paid what you're worth and treated with respect.

That social contract is dead. Corporations expect to abuse and lie and thieve wages with government sanction. Employees expect to be treated with bad will and expendability.

Combine that with the fact that the 1% running major corporations don't have to work to survive and never did, and you have a deadly imbalance on the playfield. We're not playing the same game. We're not working for the same stakes. A huge amount of the 'nobility' of modern work is dead.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
By well off, I'm not talking about millionaires, but with savings, career type jobs, and so on.

I know you're mostly talking about ERA here, but consider that most people in America don't have savings or career type-jobs. So many are on the brink of disaster if a single paycheck is messed up or just gone. I doubt it's too much different here.


Oct 28, 2017
Regarding work you enjoy. Isn't that tricky as well?

There are countless stories of people quitting their cubicle jobs and opening a yoga studio or cupcake shop and then they hate it.

I did similar things after college pursuing some passion type jobs and only hating them. Seems like there are a lot of variables.

That tends to happen when the perception of what a job will be like and the reality of the minutiae of the job don't align. I.e. "I love books so being a Librarian would be my dream job. What's all this dewy decimal system stuff? Budgets? Calling people over late fees? Rowdy people in the library? Man this job sucks."

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Think about it this way OP. I only get 18 years with my kid before he leaves. And 40 hours+ a week of that I am working.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Because most jobs suck and destroy some combination of your body or soul. Even if you have a job you love it's still exhausting having to do it day in and day out


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Think about it this way OP. I only get 18 years with my kid before he leaves. And 40 hours+ a week of that I am working.
Thta's a good point. If you were born a few generations ago, your kid will be working with you. Foffy made good points on how modern work disconnects people and communities.


Oct 25, 2017
I realized I didn't even talk about the problems where people work for what they get, not what they do.

How many are in dogshit jobs because America fucked up so bad by rigging healthcare to full-time employment? That's an intolerable imprisonment.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Capitalism makes us unappreciative of labor. We are separated from our own labor by capital. Most of us cannot imagine working a job we want to work because of this separation. Especially when you consider how many perfectly respectable jobs are paid less despite their necessity in a functional society.

That's my armchair philosophy theory, at least.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I dont have dreams or ambitions lazing around all day is my ideal state of being.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
No, I'm dirt poor now and don't want a fucking job. Having even a million dollars would be enough for me to live peacefully without working.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Because when what you do with the majority of your time, pre-occupatuon of your thoughts often most of your young life prepping for the eventuality. And then having it pretty much define your being. It can be a little depressing.

The first question people usually ask about you, or what people introduce themselves as, is in relationship to their job.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
If I won the lottery I would quit my job as an attorney and make rap beats. That would be my "work". The hell with waking up at 7 am.


Oct 26, 2017
Also consider that most people have to work just to be able to survive. Just surviving isn't a fun thing to do and it takes its toll on the body.
And most people in situations like that just can't take risks. No quitting your job or working part-time in order to work on your dreams...

That's really the big difference, see also yesterday's thread on why being born rich is a bigger factor for having success than skill. With an abundance of money, you can take risks and do all that shit, possibly leading to more success...


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I realized I didn't even talk about the problems where people work for what they get, not what they do.

How many are in dogshit jobs because America fucked up so bad by rigging healthcare to full-time employment? That's an intolerable imprisonment.
What do you think of the work culture of Japan? It's worse than ours. Although they do have better social safety nets and job security overall.

US and Japan and usually neck and neck with poor work cultures.

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
Because very very few people get their dream jobs in life and even then you are never gonna convince me that someone would rather be working than doing anything else at any given time. Work is something you have to do to keep yourself alive in society. I could be doing a million things that would make me enjoy life more if I didn't have to work.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't hate my job per se but there's no way I'd do it if I didn't need the money.

I've got hundreds of wargaming models that need assembling and painting, films that need watching, games I know I will never play, books to read, coding projects to finish, and more work than I ever have time for on a convention I help run. I love to write, I never have the prep time I want to DM RPGs....

I work to live. If I don't have to work to live I have more than enough to keep me occupied until sometime in the 22nd century...


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
I love work in the way that I need it and try to make the best of it, if I didn't have to? Forget work!
Winning the lottery doesn't take away your ability to put skills to use. All it means is that any labor you would do from then on would be entirely for your own benefit and directly relevant to your interests. No more having to deal with bosses, worrying about living paycheck to paycheck, no more getting harassed by asswipe coworkers, no more daydreaming about how things could be better. You can actually LIVE life without being owned by whatever nebulous company is responsible for your paycheck.


Jul 5, 2018
I realized I didn't even talk about the problems where people work for what they get, not what they do.

How many are in dogshit jobs because America fucked up so bad by rigging healthcare to full-time employment? That's an intolerable imprisonment.

This is... this just made me so sad lol


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't that get old after a while? No dreams or big goals you want to pursue other than leisure?

I'm not downplaying fun and leisure. But doing that 24/7?

If you've got a billion dollars in liquid assets and don't HAVE to work to keep food on your table your not taking on work that you don't want to do so even "work" that you do still would be enjoyable and thus some form of leisure.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
As someone on the other side, I can say that retirement gets really old, really fast.


Nov 24, 2017
I'd spend my life being a dilettante.
Going from one fancy to the next. I wouldn't necessarily be against working but I wouldn't want an actual occupation or job.

The problem with jobs is that expectations or being available come along with them. Even at the highest shot calling level there would be a level of day to day involvement that would eventually suck. Also could you image the amount of sycophants you'd collect around you.

Doing one project start to finish sounds like a great experience. Running a studio seems terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
There are millions of jobs out there that will be phased out in the coming years. I am working one of them. I know my uselessness and I feel useless. So that is why I am not too fond of my job. Well that and other reasons, I'm sure.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
Because most people don't have fulfilling, enriching careers.

Most of us have jobs. Within that category, many are underpaid and have no real upward mobility. On top of that, those jobs are worked to pay bills. Even more frustrrating is that a lot of jobs aren't really compensating for the cost of living and inflation.


Oct 25, 2017
For starters in jobs you do one thing for several hours. That's always bad for your health. Deadlines are stress, noise levels damage your hearing, bent over positions are bad for your back.

Why'd you ruin your health for something that does not statisfy?

Surely, a job brings change, challenges and sometimes drama. You could obtain all this by doing other things too with less hours spent there. (Therefore less taxing for your body.)

I doubt the majority would stop working entirely. But work way less hours.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Because in lower class jobs no matter how hard you do or do not work under a salary of hourly job you'll get compensated the same amount while your boss gets much richer.
Oct 28, 2017
What baffles me the most is people who can't relax. While I sit in a coffeeshop, I could watch 10-15 rotations of people sit down and leave. Some people feel like they don't deserve to or it's simply a waste of time to just take a break and relax.


Oct 25, 2017
What do you think of the work culture of Japan? It's worse than ours. Although they do have better social safety nets and job security overall.

US and Japan and usually neck and neck with poor work cultures.

It's pretty bad there, yeah. They've taken the idea of working your way to paradise worse than the Protestants. Somehow.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd immediately start my own business and continue to work in some capacity.

I think I'd go crazy with nothing to do all day.

Realistically, most of my time would probably be taken up by education. I'd want all of the degrees I dreamed of but could never pursue because of time constraints.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Why would you want to work to make some asshole who doesn't give two shits about you money when you could spend your life doing the things that make you happy? Given the chance I'd travel the world or learn skills or things I'm interested in that I don't have the time or money to otherwise. I'd do things for me, not some asshole who doesn't care if I live or die accomplishing my dreams.

A job is nothing more than a means to an end. That we allow them to define us the way we do is endemic of a societal sickness. If you happen to have a fulfilling job then you're among the lucky ones because hardly anyone does.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
A lot of jobs Jones offer actual security in the long run these days, which I think is the part of work that is more difficult to grasp four people who have grown up with a safety net/privilege.


Oct 27, 2017
Companies treat you like garbage, customers treat you like garbage, co-workers treat you like garbage. People who get to "do what they love" or have enriching careers are in the extreme minority, the rest spend 5-6 days a week earning enough to live and maybe try and enjoy the 1 day they have free. And it's even worse if you're in mediocre to poor health, chances are you aren't going to ever get the chance to "enjoy retirement" so there is nothing to look forward to at the end of 50-60 years of misery. It's not hard to see why people sit there and think "why the hell do I want to hate most of the little time I'm alive?" and "why are people happy with this status quo?".

Would I want to have a hundred million, retire and not work? Nope, but I'd love to have a few thousand a year guaranteed for life for living costs so that I could work at home on projects I enjoy to earn a small disposable income source.
Jul 26, 2018
I'm currently a loser who only works 3 days a week in a part time job in a restaurant (college dropout too). What do I do during my 4 day weekend every week? I play Video games and football (soccer). My goal in life is to become a Pro Footballer. And surprisingly, I love my life atm because i'm simply enjoying my hobbies.

If I won the lottery, I would still do my daily routine. Would I leave my job? Tbh, I would give it a few more months simply because I enjoy my time working with my funny employees. If I leave my job, I actually have no one to talk to.... except my family haha.

At the same time, I feel that my life is very hard atm because I don't know what back up career I should peruse or even enjoy... I just want to play football and video games for the rest of my life dammit hehe. I also haven;t bought a lotto ticket because I don't even bother too.. chances of winning is like what? Yea forget it...