Oct 26, 2017
AMLO's most recent presidential campaign had him campaigning on... essentially nothing as AMLO was extremely vague on all policy specifics. After getting elected, AMLO has been a fairly standard hard right conservative leader. AMLO has pushed against green energy, has imprisoned South American migrants, mocked domestic violence victims, refused to do anything with regards to COVID, and refused to do economic stimulus. AMLO has also become seemingly strong friends with Donald Trump, bonding with him over their similar personality disorders of a world out to get them. While AMLO is further right than even I expected, the hype itself was bizarre when AMLO was running for president as his campaign seemed very lacking in actual content. I don't understand what anyone saw in this guy in the last five years, but it's very strange to look back on. Why was anyone excited for this guy?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
He's a populist. Populism is, by definition, going to be a popular strategy with most people.

It's very tempting to think someone will cut through all the BS and solve all the problems by sheer force of personality.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Vaguely leftist populism, at least in presentation. Still remember when someone here compared him to Berny Sanders lol

Cosmic A

Aug 18, 2018
My parents are very set in thinking that nothing will change and they will all be terrible so I did not have high hopes.

In the beginning he did seem like a "people's candidate" so for some reason I thought he was progressive.

The main thing I attribute to him is the "Cállate Chachalaca" clip.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Same reason Trump is still popular and got so many votes

A bunch of lunatics following him blindly


May 28, 2020
He says whatever will help him gain support but doesn't really have any values or beliefs...he just says whatever is popular he's neither left or right

easily the worst Mexican president since the late 80s
Mar 3, 2019
At this point, when a candidate runs for president in Mexico, on a platform of anti-corruption, I just assume they are fully corrupt. The layers of tendrils of corruption are so wide reaching in the government that it almost seems impossible to fix


Oct 27, 2017
Well, he was running on a leftist platform. But what really got people to board the hype train is that he was not going to be corrupt, unlike everyone before him.
As for his relationship with Trump, I don't think he likes him at all. It's just that they had no choice but to follow his orders. They did manage to convince him to mostly keep Mexico out of the conversation in America. But only after he got his trade deal and hardline immigration policy.


Nov 1, 2017
He says whatever will help him gain support but doesn't really have any values or beliefs...he just says whatever is popular he's neither left or right

easily the worst Mexican president since the late 80s

Qué Poca memoria tenemos los mexicanos...


Oct 28, 2017
I was called classist by a clown here on Era because I'm not pro-AMLO, lol.

He's Mexico's Trump - barely being able to articulate his dumb ass ideas is not a bug, it's a feature! He's not a politician, he's just like you and me!™️


Oct 27, 2017
Well he had this plan to eliminate corruption, reduce government expenses, get taxes from big companies, get back the energy income for the mexicans instead of foreign companies and help the vulnerable. To me at least it appears he is trying to do that.

Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
easily the worst Mexican president since the late 80s
This is not only a lie. But a very malicious (or very ignorant )comment .

Also this is a very ignorant thread, at the OP says a lot of lies.

AMLO has a lot of policies that has implemented during these past 2 years. The vision of the 4th Transformation is remove corruption of the core of the government's infrastructure and start taking from the privileged political and business class to start giving back to the country and its people. The neoliberal governments practically destroyed the country.

That is the core of several beliefs and policies that with some degrees of success he has implemented.

AMLO is not perfect, he fails to understand several social justice movements and he needs to fix that. But I'm not comfortable in letting some posters say malicious or ignorant lies and control the narrative.

The discourse of Anti-AMLO people is very poor , not only here in ERA (an example, the message quoted or messages in this thread) but In Mexico as well. Nevertheless happy to engage in a conversation for the ones interested in the situation here in Mexico, which is very complicated.


Oct 29, 2017

Qué Poca memoria tenemos los mexicanos...
He's not wrong though. Salinas and family stole millions but he at least gave Banxico much needed independence and led to the creation of the IFE as an independent body. His Solidaridad program helped millions and has been copied by every administration ever since. The Tequila crisis was poorly managed but I wouldn't chalk it up exclusively to his Administration (Zedillo is partly to blame, contrary to popular belief).

AMLO's has been a clusterfuck of a presidency. In his very first year, BEFORE the pandemic, he managed to bring GDP growth to a halt and into a technical recession.

Also,, he's a Leftist in name only. He's following the Republican playbook to a T, gutting government agencies and independent bodies in the name of austerity. What's currently happening in the Healthcare institutions (not even enough TB vaccines for newborn babies) is nothing short of a tragedy.

His incompetence in handling the Covid pandemic is only outshined by Trump or Bolsonaro. To this date, he claims masks are not effective. A fucking senile idiot.
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Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
Speak for yourself. I've lived all my life in Mexico since 1982 and never have I seen such a display of incompetence at the federal level.
This is a very interesting message.

Such as?

Especially comparing to the previous presidents actions. Which by the way I see that you are now defending Salinas, which all his "first world " economics ended braking the country at the end of his term, sending millions of middle class people to go bankrupt among other things like the crimes of his family and himself.

Shameful to still see PRI supporters in this day and age. But thanks for helping me making my point with an example.

Looking forward to your reply and to hear about Peñas achievements.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is not only a lie. But a very malicious (or very ignorant )comment .

I find more malicious and ignorant spending money in an oil refinery and a train that goes through a forest and also in baseball stadiums and taking it from health institutions among other things in the middle of a pandemic


Oct 29, 2017
This is a very interesting message.

Such as?

Especially comparing to the previous presidents actions.
I can't recall another Administration that simultaneously managed to gut government institutions in the name of austerity, liquidate trusts that supported arts and sciences, favor coal production over renewables, and weaponize the Treasury and Justice department bodies to prosecute political rivals, all in two years time. You could argue that De La Madrid's era of hyperinflation was worse, but at least he had the excuse of receiving a bankrupted country from Lopez Portillo.

Oh and BTW, the imbecile refuses to recognize Biden's triumph.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Shameful to still see PRI supporters in this day and age. But thanks for helping me making my point with an example.

Looking forward to your reply and to hear about Peñas achievements.


Who's a PRI supporter in this thread? Noone's said they were PRI supporters or lauded EPN?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 week): personal insults

Who's a PRI supporter in this thread? Noone's said they were PRI supporters or lauded EPN?
Classic chairo argument, I don't know what did you expect from him

EPN is shit, Calderon is shit, Fox is shit, Zedillo is shit, Salinas de Gortari is shit and AMLO is shit


Dec 5, 2019
Sitting from my vantage point as someone who crossed the over and settled in the very southern tip of Texas as a teenager, it seems like every major political figure in Mexico is some flavor or other of indefensible. Are all the good people having their political aspirations smothered in the crib?


Oct 27, 2017
I find more malicious and ignorant spending money in an oil refinery and a train that goes through a forest and also in baseball stadiums and taking it from health institutions among other things in the middle of a pandemic
The expenses budget of the year is 6 billion pesos, those projects don't represent even a 1% of that amount. It's typical to use the most popular projects of an administration to create a negative narrative, like he did with the Peña airport.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Dude has been a moron since he was head of government in DF, I don't know what people expected.

Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
I find more malicious and ignorant spending money in an oil refinery and a train that goes through a forest and also in baseball stadiums and taking it from health institutions among other things in the middle of a pandemic

I have prepared a somewhat extensive reply in order to adress these -low hanging fruit- talking points of "But the refinery" or "but the Mayan train" (both which has nothing to do with the previous situation of the country)

But, in order to see if it is worh it, and since the thread serves to engage in discussion and give voice to people not happy with AMLO , i will like to ask first:

1. Your honest opinion on why the refinery and Mayan train is such a bad idea.

2. Why or where you get the info that the goverment is "taking money" from the public health institutions. Especially taking into consideration that the IMSS and ISSTE were gutted by the previous administrations. (Of course AMLO's administration has some bad things in the handling of the situations , specially with IMSS, but it will be great to know you are informed as well)

I can't recall another Administration that simultaneously managed to gut government institutions in the name of austerity, liquidate trusts that supported arts and sciences, favor coal production over renewables, and weaponize the Treasury and Justice department bodies to prosecute political rivals, all in two years time. You could argue that De La Madrid's era of hyperinflation was worse, but at least he had the excuse of receiving a bankrupted country from Lopez Portillo.

Oh and BTW, the imbecile refuses to recognize Biden's triumph.

1. The Trusts he gutted were perceived by AMLO as being managed by corrupt official, institutions set up as "money holes". Also is important to mention that the people which actually receive help by these trusts are going to still receive the benefits, he just terminated these current versions of them.

AMLO said:
"¿Por qué vamos a desaparecerlo? Porque hay elementos suficientes para sostener que era una especie de caja chica; bueno, ni tan chica para funcionarios que compraban de todo son licitar. Miles de millones de pesos en catres, láminas de zinc, en todo, a precios elevadísimos, hay gente que vivía de venderle a Gobernación, que hacían buenos negocios", explicó.


AMLO defiende desaparición de fideicomisos, asegura que Fonden era "caja chica"

El presidente explicó que aunque los fondos y fideicomisos desaparezcan, los beneficiarios no se quedarán sin los recursos; el mandatario llamó a los diputados a no agredirse.

2.You say " persecuting political rivals" like if these people were innocent politicians who did their best to help the country. Most of them involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Who is the "political rivals" you are talking about in the first place? we can for sure discuss these characters.

3. Favoring Coal and oil against clean energy is a bad move, not going to argue that. But we also need to take into consideration his plan to boost PEMEX and CFE. PEMEX brings a lot if not most part of the PIB of the country and both institutions were pretty much fucked by all the privatization laws.

4. Miguel de la Madrid has not excuse for anything, he put the country in shambles way worse than Lopez Portillo. No only you are using an excuse that is very applicable to AMLO but somehow you don't want to use it (Receiving the country in shambles, from EPN's administration) but his handling of the tragedy on 85 showed how inept this guy was. Miguel de la Madrid ended the equality programs and social justice actions than the previous versions of PRI wanted to install, all in favor of his neo-liberal economic policies. It was with HIM that the privatization of Mexican Companies started.

Can i ask, for whom you voted during these periods, up to this day?
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My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
People had a seering hatred for PRI, to a degree I dont think the lot of you understand

Anaya gave off creep/crook vibes to a lot of people, and the political climate was swinging left, so PAN was out

So we had:
-A nothing candidate who failed to connect with people, for a political party that most people see as the avatar of corruption
-A walking PR disaster, with permanent creep face, for a political party on the wrong side of the political swing
-An unrefined, dumb, senile old man, spouting anti corruption, leftist populist platitudes

Come on ERA, it aint that hard, we had to pick our poison, and that was just how the cookie crumbled....


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Look, AMLO is driving the country to the ground, just like the last decades of presidents, he cant run the country for shit

But ERA, be honest

1. The Right Wing (PAN)
2. Corruption Central (PRI)
3. A senile "leftist" populist

Who would you have voted for? :/


Oct 29, 2017
People had a seering hatred for PRI, to a degree I dont think the lot of you understand

Anaya gave off creep/crook vibes to a lot of people, and the political climate was swinging left, so PAN was out

So we had:
-A nothing candidate who failed to connect with people, for a political party that most people see as the avatar of corruption
-A walking PR disaster, with permanent creep face, for a political party on the wrong side of the political swing
-An unrefined, dumb, senile old man, spouting anti corruption, leftist populist platitudes

Come on ERA, it aint that hard, we had to pick our poison, and that was just how the cookie crumbled....
Great post. Agreed 100%.

I have prepared a somewhat extensive reply in order to adress these -low hanging fruit- talking points of "But the refinery" or "but the Mayan train" (both which has nothing to do with the previous situation of the country)

But, in order to see if it is worh it, and since the thread serves to engage in discussion and give voice to people not happy with AMLO , i will like to ask first:

1. Your honest opinion on why the refinery and Mayan train is such a bad idea.

2. Why or where you get the info that the goverment is "taking money" from the public health institutions. Especially taking into consideration that the IMSS and ISSTE were gutted by the previous administrations. (Of course AMLO's administration has some bad things in the handling of the situations , specially with IMSS, but it will be great to know you are informed as well)

1. The Trusts he gutted were perceived by AMLO as being managed by corrupt official, institutions set up as "money holes". Also is important to mention that the people which actually receive help by these trusts are going to still receive the benefits, he just terminated these current versions of them.


AMLO defiende desaparición de fideicomisos, asegura que Fonden era "caja chica"

El presidente explicó que aunque los fondos y fideicomisos desaparezcan, los beneficiarios no se quedarán sin los recursos; el mandatario llamó a los diputados a no agredirse.

2.You say " persecuting political rivals" like if these people were innocent politicians who did their best to help the country. Most of them involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Who is the "political rivals" you are talking about in the first place? we can for sure discuss these characters.

3. Favoring Coal and oil against clean energy is a bad move, not going to argue that. But we also need to take into consideration his plan to boost PEMEX and CFE. PEMEX brings a lot if not most part of the PIB of the country and both institutions were pretty much fucked by all the privatization laws.

4. Miguel de la Madrid has not excuse for anything, he put the country in shambles way worse than Lopez Portillo. No only you are using an excuse that is very applicable to AMLO but somehow you don't want to use it (Receiving the country in shambles, from EPN's administration) but his handling of the tragedy on 85 showed how inept this guy was. Miguel de la Madrid ended the equality programs and social justice actions than the previous versions of PRI wanted to install, all in favor of his neo-liberal economic policies. It was with HIM that the privatization of Mexican Companies started.

Can i ask, for whom you voted during these periods, up to this day?
Lots of points I'd like to discuss with you, specially regarding De la Madrid, quite a fascinating subject for me. Don't want to derail the thread too much. I'll concede your second point regarding the political rivals, these aren't innocent babies but the way AMLO's handling the prosecutions is anything but fair and transparent. I'm cool with investigating Lozoya, Robles and othes but somehow AMLO's brother is not a person of interest? C'mon now.


Oct 26, 2017
AMLO won because he wasn't PAN or PRI.

As to what ALMO represents, he's an 80's PRI politician, down to trying to make oil the backbone of Mexican economy (again)...

Look, AMLO is driving the country to the ground, just like the last decades of presidents, he cant run the country for shit

At least he's not printing money, though. PAN and even Peña Nieto did an okay job on the macroeconomy level at the least. They failed at security, thus why we have now AMLO.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
It's honestly really sad, I'm american studying abroad here, and all of my friends here want to jump ship to America/Canada/Europe. They have lived their entire lives in a country without a single period of stable/decent political climate... They have no hope for the future of the country
Oct 26, 2017
Look, AMLO is driving the country to the ground, just like the last decades of presidents, he cant run the country for shit

But ERA, be honest

1. The Right Wing (PAN)
2. Corruption Central (PRI)
3. A senile "leftist" populist

Who would you have voted for? :/

I understand someone supporting him over the alternatives when actually voting, but there was just a lot of really strange hype online for this guy (and mostly outside of Mexico).


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Look at this point, most of the people I know have come to understand/accept that the country is in a endless loop of either actively imploding or flatlining. At this point, anyone who is able to convince more people of them being less corrupt than the rest is going to swing a lot of the vote.

King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
The plane raffle was one of the reasons other contries laugh at us. That guy is a complete clown. He is also a close friend to Trump and wanted him to win the election.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
I understand someone supporting him over the alternatives when actually voting, but there was just a lot of really strange hype online for this guy (and mostly outside of Mexico).
People really wanted their reverse Trump. People loved seeing someone rip PAN and PRI to shreads on live TV. People did not care anymore who or what did it, they wanted to see PRI and PAN go down in flames. Hype outside of Mexico.... what were yall thinking? I guess there was something gratifying about a leftist populist rising in the continent the same political time period as Trump, I guess... But it should have been easy to clock the massive holes in his campaign looking from the outside.