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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Like, I can roll with certain ridiculous or impractical outfits if they're cool... but heels just make me mad for some reason lol. It's like a physical reaction thinking about how much they're damaging the wearer's foot. I've never seen a net positive to heels other than appealing to fashion companies that make money off of them and social standards held up by (mostly) men.
Jan 2, 2018
Metal bikini armor is now okay because the bikini is also a gun/knife

Reminds me of this...

Question is there a diffrence between a sexy design made by a woman and a sexy design made by a man? And is it okay for a girl to draw attractive characters?

Sorry for so many questions, I'm a aspiring character designer and I want to make character designs that won't offend too many people...
It is okay for both of them to draw them, that's not the problem per se. The most important thing is context.

How women are dressed often doesn't make sense. Half naked knights that are barely protected by their armor. Impracticle high heels for combat. Revealing outfits in any given situation and position.
Combine that with a camera that mostly shows titts and ass in closeups and a lore talking about her shy character but big breast or something.
While the male characters are dressed properly, lets design the womens as sexy as possible for the male gaze.
Things like that are a problem.

You have a sexy, confident lady going out to a club? A nice dress and high heels wouldn't be offensive.
Or a porn like game, where it is part of the story that everyone is half naked.

The most recent example for a fine woman would be Jesse from Control. Completely decent dressed, super fitting, a strong woman that's not reduced to waifu bait for the male audience in any way.
On the other hand you have examples like Samus Aran, who started off as a strong woman and then were given the Zero Suit as a perfect opportunity to sexulise the shit out of her.
New trailer for the new Tales game.

It looks like the lady's casual wear is a simple white dress. I can assume she puts armor pieces on it when in battle. Also battle or not she can still defend herself with some sort of magic.

She was a blade in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I think that is a reason for it:


Kos-mos changed in weird ways
While Aegis hasn't changed much
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Aug 5, 2019
New trailer for the new Tales game.

It looks like the lady's casual wear is a simple white dress. I can assume she puts armor pieces on it when in battle. Also battle or not she can still defend herself with some sort of magic.

Kos-mos changed in weird ways
While Aegis hasn't changed much

the trailer looks....interesting. i heard of tales games but never played a single one so this might but a nice gateway drug for me.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Maybe some people have a heels fetish? I dunno, to me there's nothing sexy about them. If anything they look silly in real life but cool in sci-fi settings.
Bruh... High heels have been used to sexualize women for decades. Has nothing to do with fetishes. Many women have even been forced to wear them in the workplace, despite them being incredibly uncomfortable, impractical, and even causing short and long-term ankle and foot problems. Some women willingly wear them to look more "attractive" in general in various contexts, but that's precisely because they are widely considered to make women more sexually attractive, by emphasizing their legs and figures. But no woman would ever wear them in any kind of action context (such as combat, adventuring, etc.). It's insultingly stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
Bruh... High heels have been used to sexualize women for decades. Has nothing to do with fetishes. Many women have even been forced to wear them in the workplace, despite them being incredibly uncomfortable, impractical, and even causing short and long-term ankle and foot problems. Some women willingly wear them to look more "attractive" in general in various contexts, but that's precisely because they are widely considered to make women more sexually attractive, by emphasizing their legs and figures. But no woman would ever wear them in any kind of action context (such as combat, adventuring, etc.). It's insultingly stupid.
Obviously I don't wish to argue with history; all I can say is that personally they look ridiculous to me when worn in real life, while in a fantasy setting they look really cool. I love designing my characters with heels, and most of them are mechs, aliens, or soldiers. Seemingly I'm in a minority on that opinion though.

Deleted member 2669

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The entire purpose of heels is for attractiveness. They accentuate your legs and ass and give you a sultry walk. It's why women wear them at all. It's no secret why they are almost always used in female character design.
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Dec 3, 2017

I gotta say her design is almost great. But then it's trash. Along the same vein as most of the Xenoblade 2 designs.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
Lmao, oh KOS-MOS. What a grease fire she is.

That said, in Xenosaga 1 she was one of the most awesome party members in any JRPG I've played. Stat-wise, she's an awesome knight-type who made you feel invincible any time you had her in your party. R-Blade was a really cool move, too (karate-chop with a lightsaber hand).

But yeah. She's basically a sentient love doll and it's pretty uncomfortable.


Oct 25, 2017
Alternate History Japan sure is different

2039 A.D.

The lifeline of the Empire of Japan was likely to collapse.

The country was devastated by the repeated defeat and frequent battles in the Great East Asian War, which spanned over 100 years.

Now, most of the country is occupied by enemy nations, and American and Soviet Union military forces are approaching the Imperial Capital, Tokyo.

It was clear to everyone that the country's downfall was just a matter of time.

Until today…


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna be honest, I'm more WTF!?! by the alternate history glorifying Imperial Japan than the fact said alt-history Imperial Japan approves of skimpy tit ninjas.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched Nausicaa for the first time in a while last night and damn it's amazing how powerful, respected and not sexualised the women are in that movie.

Deleted member 2669

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What is it with otaku and military fetishism, on top of otaku media turning historical people and military weapons into anime girls?


Oct 25, 2017
What is it with otaku and military fetishism, on top of otaku media turning historical people and military weapons into anime girls?
Gundam may have had an (unintentional?) Role in that.
Incidentally enough, american war and militarism in video games had a big impact on video games for a decade now.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
wonder if that game would even be localized because that premise is somethin' else

I mean it could critique imperial Japan but... look at it

Gundam may have had an (unintentional?) Role in that.
Incidentally enough, american war and militarism in video games had a big impact on video games for a decade now.



Oct 27, 2017
The excessive use of high heels in female character designs drive me absolutely crazy. I maintain that you shouldn't design a female character wearing heels (especially freakin' stilettos) for combat unless you've worn and walked in a pair for at least a full week.

Vanity Fair recently did a video with Shauna Duggins (stunt coordinator on GLOW, stunt double on tons of films and television shows), and one surprising thing stood out to me was when she talked about a stunt for Iron Man 3, and how she was less worried about hitting the wall for the stunt, and more about making sure she didn't break her ankles with such tall heels. Ack.


Oct 25, 2017
Real talk once i accepted that og gundam was less about the mechs and being a space opers military drama with whack names, ive come to appreciate it more
Now i just need to get around to watching it and legend of galactic heroes series ToT

G Gundam is enough for gundam mecha action whenever thst series decides to showcase it :v


Oct 25, 2017
Watched Nausicaa for the first time in a while last night and damn it's amazing how powerful, respected and not sexualised the women are in that movie.

Now get the manga. It's on a whole other level.

What is it with otaku and military fetishism, on top of otaku media turning historical people and military weapons into anime girls?

My theory is that military stuff is a fantasy for Japanese otaku -- it might be to them what swords and magic are to us. Militarism and gun violence aren't as prevalent in their everyday lives -- to most Japanese people, being able to fire a gun is probably some unattainable fantasy.
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