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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Pyra's voice and character are horribly at odds with her design. I love that there's a village of Welsh cat-people, though. And the Empire appears to be Scottish. Here's hoping the Cockney mechon from XB1 make a return...

Her voice is honestly the main thing helping me get over her design.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys and girls, please dont slut shame, here where i live in brazil, is common to see people dressed like Pyra , i have several female friends that go to parties and music concerts wearing similar clothes, its a tropical country here and is very hot in most regions, its not nice to see people talking about my friends like they are monster or wrong or shouldn't be dressed like they like, someone choice of clothes shouldn't be reason for moral judgement
For reference, heres one of our top billing singers this year Anitta
Nobody has said that women shouldn't dress like that, or that women who dress like that are "sluts".


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
Hi guys and girls, please dont slut shame, here where i live in brazil, is common to see people dressed like Pyra , i have several female friends that go to parties and music concerts wearing similar clothes, its a tropical country here and is very hot in most regions, its not nice to see people talking about my friends like they are monster or wrong or shouldn't be dressed like they like, someone choice of clothes shouldn't be reason for moral judgement
For reference, heres one of our top billing singers this year Anitta

Yeah, but Pyra isn't attending a concert - she's supposed to be the spirit of some holy sword. Context is what's important.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Hi guys and girls, please dont slut shame, here where i live in brazil, is common to see people dressed like Pyra , i have several female friends that go to parties and music concerts wearing similar clothes, its a tropical country here and is very hot in most regions, its not nice to see people talking about my friends like they are monster or wrong or shouldn't be dressed like they like, someone choice of clothes shouldn't be reason for moral judgement
For reference, heres one of our top billing singers this year Anitta
I mean, yeah, a lot of women dress like Prya in america all the time.

When they go to the club.

Not when they're trying to save the world. Plus if you put your face where the camera places itself to focus on Pyra's features, you'd get slapped at best, tossed out of the club at worst.

The problem with X2 isn't just Pyra, it's the blatant regard for objectification as a default. All of the female blades are this way for no reason, made all the stranger by the fact that many of the human women are wearing "normal" outfits. In a game about collecting people who are sacred blades created by the gods, it stands out. Pyra is literally an object for Rex's use....and they had he dress like that. Hell, in the context of the game, she doesn't even get a chance to choose how she appears, the gods literally said, "you shall permanently look like you're going to the club".

You don't see a problem with that?


Oct 25, 2017
btw I hate the term "slut shaming" because by using it you're calling women sluts, which is a gendered slur. might as well say "bitch shaming" instead of "misogyny"

If you wanna describe the behavior where people unjustly criticize a woman because of what she wears or how she has sex, "misogyny" is just fine lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys and girls, please dont slut shame, here where i live in brazil, is common to see people dressed like Pyra , i have several female friends that go to parties and music concerts wearing similar clothes, its a tropical country here and is very hot in most regions, its not nice to see people talking about my friends like they are monster or wrong or shouldn't be dressed like they like, someone choice of clothes shouldn't be reason for moral judgement
For reference, heres one of our top billing singers this year Anitta

>Anitta: real person with agency and freedom to choose what she wants to wear
>Pyra: a bunch of scantily dressed pixels designed by men.

It's not slut shaming.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Dont excuse people saying that pyra looks like a prostitute
I'm not saying that this hasn't happened. But I don't REMEMBER it.

Perhaps you could quote a post or two that you are objecting to?

Anyway, club wear is for clubs. Not grocery shopping, or fighting, or watching tv with friends [often because it's really really uncomfortable to wear]. So comparing club wear only works in situations where a game character is going clubbing. (Or singing on stage, etc.)


Oct 30, 2017
I totally agree that the clothes dont fit in a dangerous adventure situation, its a kind of bad design, my point is it not wrong to dress like this ,i just stating this because wearing this kind of clothes is much more common here than in most countries


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I totally agree that the clothes dont fit in a dangerous adventure situation, its a kind of bad design, my point is it not wrong to dress like this ,i just stating this because wearing this kind of clothes is much more common here than in most countries
Ain't no one saying that here.
Oct 25, 2017
The guy who got temporarily banned for defending Criminal Girls is currently complaining to the Japanese devs about Reset.


Sorry, I had to mention this, it's just too much


Oct 25, 2017
The guy who got temporarily banned for defending Criminal Girls is currently complaining to the Japanese devs about Reset.


Sorry, I had to mention this, it's just too much

criticizing child pornography: "vile"
creating child pornography: freedom of speech or something idk

EDIT: all the replies have moe anime avatars I'm howling


Oct 25, 2017
The guy who got temporarily banned for defending Criminal Girls is currently complaining to the Japanese devs about Reset.


Sorry, I had to mention this, it's just too much

Mhm, that persecution complex is stroooooonk.

I totally agree that the clothes dont fit in a dangerous adventure situation, its a kind of bad design, my point is it not wrong to dress like this ,i just stating this because wearing this kind of clothes is much more common here than in most countries

It isn't if the person in question is human and has agency. It is sexualization if it is done by game designers as only to tittilate the male audience.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't disagree with the ban, but I do disagree with the ban message. The term "CP" does have a very specific connotation that shouldn't really be used to describe mainstream releases (as in ESRB-rated console games) with mainstream publishers. If it's some unrated MangaGamer game that's able to exploit the legal gray area that is fictional depictions, then sure. Though I suppose sekai project may fall under that, not sure about their games.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't disagree with the ban, but I do disagree with the ban message. The term "CP" does have a very specific connotation that shouldn't really be used to describe mainstream releases (as in ESRB-rated console games) with mainstream publishers. If it's some unrated MangaGamer game that's able to exploit the legal gray area that is fictional depictions, then sure. Though I suppose sekai project may fall under that, not sure about their games.

People told me not to google the game, but yea CP does carry a pretty strong connotation.

Probably could have worded it differently, whatever though. The mods changed the ban message.

Edit: was Criminal Girls banned from discussion on GAF?
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
People told me not to google the game, but yea CP does carry a pretty strong connotation.

Probably could have worded it differently, whatever though.

Edit: was it banned from discussion on GAF?

Yeah, I believe it was 1 of 4 banned games alongside Monster Monpiece, Dungeon Travelers 2 and Hatred. Don't really agree with game bans and I spoke out against it back on gaf when it happened, but these are privately-run forums so not my place to decide. There's a billion other places to talk about whatever you want even if it's nice to have 1 or 2 that aren't super toxic.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
How the heck is a publisher supposed to boycott a forum? Are they going to run our prints through a database and come back with our era accounts and deny all future game sales?
Oct 25, 2017
My guess is the "repressed slut" characteristic of one of the new girls is what did it in.

I think it was the Muslim airport security woman and the gg dev who continued being an awful individual.

Oh sure, I just don't think a single problematic aspect should justify a ban if it's a well-made game. It would be like banning Persona 5 for the gay panic scene or, well most games this thread is talking about albeit to a lesser extent due to how prevalent it is and thus probably impossible to ban.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oh sure, I just don't think a single problematic aspect should justify a ban if it's a well-made game. It would be like banning Persona 5 for the gay panic scene or, well most games this thread is talking about albeit to a lesser extent due to how prevalent it is and thus probably impossible to ban.
I don't know enough about any of these specific banned games to comment on them, but generally I don't think how well-made the game is should have any impact over whether or not it gets banned.


Oct 31, 2017
The guy who got temporarily banned for defending Criminal Girls is currently complaining to the Japanese devs about Reset.


Sorry, I had to mention this, it's just too much
I hope the poster realizes that Criminal Girls and Dungeon Traveler had to be censored to be released outside of Japan, so NIS America and Atlus are very much aware of how some of the content in both games can be taken.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know enough about any of these specific banned games to comment on them, but generally I don't think how well-made the game is should have any impact over whether or not it gets banned.

Oh I agree. I shouldn't have used that as a qualifier. If the content is that unarguably problematic that it shouldn't be given a platform, it doesn't matter how well-made it is.

That's not why Huniepop was banned on GAF though.

I saw the modbot post, so I know the reason. If it's the "repressed slut" girl, I don't see that as any more egregious than the gay panic scene in Persona 5. If it's the GG creator, well that cuts out a lot of games in general including the Alice games, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Dennis Dyack games, Yandere Simulator, and probably a bunch more. If the latter ends up being banned wholesale, I obviously have no say in it (still curious about the stance on Last Night when it releases), only thing that really bothers me is the inconsistency.
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I agree. I shouldn't have used that as a qualifier. If the content is that unarguably problematic that it shouldn't be given a platform, it doesn't matter how well-made it is.

I saw the modbot post, so I know the reason. If it's the "repressed slut" girl, I don't see that as any more egregious than the gay panic scene in Persona 5. If it's the GG creator, well that cuts out a lot of games in general including the Alice games, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Dennis Dyack games, Yandere Simulator, and probably a bunch more. If the latter ends up being banned wholesale, I obviously have no say in it (still curious about the stance on Last Night when it releases), only thing that really bothers me is the inconsistency.
I mean it's noteworthy that the dev team isn't a ton of people, isn't it just him and maybe one other person.

Also being pro gg isn't going to mean the same for every person, right? I doubt this guy and Dyack are on par.


Oct 25, 2017
Edit: Maybe a more positive take could be, they were taking the lead from Hollywood, which I believe also featured a lot of female leads in horror films.

Horror is the only film genre where women speak and appear as often as men do (they have 53% of on-screen time and 47% of speaking time). Women are actually more prominent in horror movies than in romance films, where they have 45% of on-screen time and 45% of speaking time. I think you're right to suggest that women are prominent in horror because they are seen as vulnerable, but I also think a lot of that representation is very positive

My general impression is that it's probably not just me and if we had our absolute ideal the medium would probably come out of it with MORE actual sex, just less bikini armor and camera creeping that happens so pervasively without actual sex.

That's definitely how I feel. I don't necessarily want to advocate for more sex scenes -- the animations tend to look pretty goofy -- but I would love to see games take a more adult approach to sex, sexuality, and nudity. I want less fanservice, but it would be great to see more sexual content that is relevant to the characters and/or story. Video games have incredible potential as a storytelling medium, but the titles that try to take advantage of that are few and far between. I know that games are a young medium, but I wish they weren't so far behind in this department.

I'm really peeved by the goalpost moving of "oh, it's just in Japanese games then?" (It's not, and there are more problems than just character design but MOVING ON) I don't know if it's regular old Western superiority/exceptionalism or mild xenophobia. A combo. Whatever it is, it grinds my gears. Japan makes up a big chunk of the industry. Sony and Nintendo are both Japanese companies... C'mon now. Japanese games count. And then it turns into "Japanese people are just pervs, what can you do?" No. They're not. Stop.

Yeah, this really bothers me too. These problems aren't exclusive to games from Japan, and Japanese developers shouldn't have their mistakes handwaved. It just feels like a derailment tactic.

Yeesh. The boob sock is only making that camera angle worse.

Hi guys and girls, please dont slut shame, here where i live in brazil, is common to see people dressed like Pyra , i have several female friends that go to parties and music concerts wearing similar clothes, its a tropical country here and is very hot in most regions, its not nice to see people talking about my friends like they are monster or wrong or shouldn't be dressed like they like, someone choice of clothes shouldn't be reason for moral judgement
For reference, heres one of our top billing singers this year Anitta

I also wear shorts when it's hot out. I wear a bikini when I go to the beach. No one in this thread is criticizing your friends or any women that choose to wear. The only thing that is being criticized here are character designs.


User requested ban
Oct 24, 2017
I don't disagree with the ban, but I do disagree with the ban message. The term "CP" does have a very specific connotation that shouldn't really be used to describe mainstream releases (as in ESRB-rated console games) with mainstream publishers. If it's some unrated MangaGamer game that's able to exploit the legal gray area that is fictional depictions, then sure. Though I suppose sekai project may fall under that, not sure about their games.
We agree, which is why the ban message has been altered to correctly reflect ResetEra's position on the matter.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's noteworthy that the dev team isn't a ton of people, isn't it just him and maybe one other person.

Also being pro gg isn't going to mean the same for every person, right? I doubt this guy and Dyack are on par.

In that case Yandere Simulator is probably the best example. Also just one guy. I think Ryan Koons and Yanderedev are probably on the same level of "GGness".

Maybe Ethan Carter too, don't really know much about the guy that made it.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I saw the modbot post, so I know the reason. If it's the "repressed slut" girl, I don't see that as any more egregious than the gay panic scene in Persona 5. If it's the GG creator, well that cuts out a lot of games in general including the Alice games, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Dennis Dyack games, Yandere Simulator, and probably a bunch more. If the latter ends up being banned wholesale, I obviously have no say in it (still curious about the stance on Last Night when it releases), only thing that really bothers me is the inconsistency.
Here. Should be clear how this game differs from Dyack games (who btw hasn't made any games since his GG days), Ethan Carter, etc. If you still think that's inconsistent, well... :shrug:
Oct 25, 2017
We agree, which is why the ban message has been altered to correctly reflect ResetEra's position on the matter.

Ah, that's cool then. I was actually worried about posting that in the first place since I thought it would come off as defending him. Considered just editing it out entirely, but I'd already been quoted by then...
Oct 25, 2017
Horror is the only film genre where women speak and appear as often as men do (they have 53% of on-screen time and 47% of speaking time). Women are actually more prominent in horror movies than in romance films, where they have 45% of on-screen time and 45% of speaking time. I think you're right to suggest that women are prominent in horror because they are seen as vulnerable, but I also think a lot of that representation is very positive

Wow, that's pretty crazy. Surprised it even surpasses romance films.

One interesting takeaway from that discussion back there was, posters seemed to notice that once the horror genre switched to first person perspective, western horror games, the female representation began to dwindle a bit. I wonder if watching the male character portrayed as vulnerable in third person is more off-putting than playing a self insert in first person.

Does anyone know if the horror game genre is popular among women?
It would make sense if it was since there was such a high amount of representation, at least a generation or two back.
Oct 25, 2017
Here. Should be clear how this game differs from Dyack games (who btw hasn't made any games since his GG days), Ethan Carter, etc. If you still think that's inconsistent, well... :shrug:

Yeah, that's the modbot post I read. The "clear racism" part was what I was contesting, at least to any great level that would make it more egregious than stuff in other popular games.

But as you said, whether I find it inconsistent or not doesn't matter as I can't control anything, only voice my opinion.


Oct 25, 2017
One interesting takeaway from that discussion back there was, posters seemed to notice that once the horror genre switched to first person perspective, western horror games, the female representation began to dwindle a bit. I wonder if watching the male character portrayed as vulnerable in third person is more off-putting than playing a self insert in first person.

Well, I'm not sure what caused that, but I think part of it is that people default to thinking a first person view is male unless otherwise stated.

In the games Slender, Candles, Pesadelo, Vanish, SCP-087, Spooky's House of Jumpscares and Anatomy, the player character has no defined gender as far as I recall. PT also doesn't show you the player character until after you beat it.

It's easier to self- insert with first person, I believe. Which is probably why the shift happened. But who really knows.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Well, I'm not sure what caused that, but I think part of it is that people default to thinking a first person view is male unless otherwise stated.

In the games Slender, Candles, Pesadelo, Vanish, SCP-087, Spooky's House of Jumpscares and Anatomy, the player character has no defined gender as far as I recall. PT also doesn't show you the player character until after you beat it.

It's easier to self- insert with first person, I believe. Which is probably why the shift happened. But who really knows.
Just a slight correction, you mainly play as a woman named Lauren in Slender:The Arrival.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
The guy who got temporarily banned for defending Criminal Girls is currently complaining to the Japanese devs about Reset.


Sorry, I had to mention this, it's just too much
Jesus wept. The blanket 'I don't know which one is the problem so I'm copying in all publishers of niche games I can think of' is hilarious. Also 'vile forum'. For not wanting to host discusssions of a particular game. That post in the thread was all kinds of crazy.
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