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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I am watching Psycho Pass, the first anime I've seen in over a decade, because it's on Netflix. Surprisingly engaging, though silly at times.
I'm sorry.

Man, ya'll forgot that Made in Abyss is a Dickens-esque story about child slavery didn't you?

It's god damn excellent, but yes, it is about children being put into horrifying situations to serve their masters and continue living.

Ya'll are gonna hate "Our Promised Neverland".

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't even necessarily call what I've seen "critiques". More objective evaluations of the material she presents. As in, not opinions, just comparing the examples she invokes, with reality.

Is it really fair to say that anything she said in the past should have absolutely no influence on how anybody feels about the validity of her opinion? How many mistakes can a speaker make before them speaking becomes superfluous? What I gauge from this sort of sentiment is that, if she was wrong, then she made a mistake and everyone makes mistakes, and/or it's been a while since she was wrong so maybe she knows better now. You can basically excuse anything with that kind of coverage.

I don't find either of these to be very convincing arguments about how she thinks or feels about a thing. I base my idea of how she feels based on her actual content, and that's exactly where my opinions on her opinions come from. Please don't assume that I've come to any rushed conclusions based only on videos purely meant to degrade or attack feminism, and/or be troll-ish and inflammatory.

IMO, she is not the hero feminism needs in the video game industry. She's not open to dialogue, and therefore alienates those she should be attempting to convince.

That being said, Anita cannot really be relevant to the discussion of a "solution" towards fixing "sexual objectification", since she herself offers no solution and so there's nothing really to discuss other than the validity of her perspective on the games she criticizes. Any solution that can assumed from her criticisms (like, do the reverse of what she criticizes) doesn't really hold up because the reality is much more complicated, and the answers are not black and white.

For example, me. I don't have an issue with sexy ladies in games. I also don't have an issue with sexy ladies in games that other women may have a problem with, such as Quiet. Therefore it's unlikely my spending habits will change, and I will continue to purchase games that could potentially have characters like Quiet, and thus, I become the natural enemy of those who want to "fight" objectification in video games, but it's only because I don't see it as objectification, rather, I disagree with their perspective. Short of special sector of video games developed solely for females, I'm just not sure how their goals are to be achieved. I stand by women against sexism, but once you bring the "in video games" modifier in to it, things just get way too muddy an inconsequential for my taste.

This could also lead in to a presumed criticism of my character. Maybe I'm a misogynist on the inside. However, if I make it all the way through life, treating everyone around me with respect, my wife, women around, all the way until I die without involving myself in one situation that could define me as one...does it really matter that I like a little sexy lady-stuff in games? Does it really even matter at that point if I'm unknowingly sexist by those definitions? I'm inclined to think...that it doesn't. I know how people should be treated, and I treat them that way, my inherent thoughts influenced by media are irrelevant.

1) Regarding Anita, not everyone saying "this situation is bad" is contractually obligued to offer a solution, least of all when said solutions are, as you yourself admit, anything but simple. Even pointing out that a problem exists, and making people aware that a problem exists, is an extremely valuable first step, and one that has already borne fruit, as many developers have admitted to being influenced by her works and taken more care to be inclusive. You yourself say that you have no issues with objectification (or rather, deny that objectification exists, however that works), so why are you asking for solutions to a problem you don't even acknowledge exists, other than to impose an additional and arbitrary burden for her to reach your personal threshold of respectability?

2) You say you treat women with respect and you never have or will involve yourself in situations that could define yourself as a mysoginist, in the same post that you deny that any objectification is going on and question the validity of the opinions of the one woman that has made a point to denounce blatant sexism (and has paid dearly for it). I understand that you don't see the contradiction, but hopefully you can at least understand that your own assessment of yourself as a completely blameless, woman-supporting individual may be, at best, subjective, and at worst considered suspect by others.


Oct 25, 2017
Usagi Drop is great..... THE ANIME, that is. The manga has a really terrible ending, like. Really really terrible.

If you want an anime that has kids in it that are adorable rather than, well, ANIME, y'all should watch Barakamon. One of my favorite healing animes and a fun comedy to boot.
Fuck yeah Barakamon!! It's one of my favs.

Okay, I've googled some stuff about Made in Abyss to see what's really going on with it because I hate myself and, uhhh... is this a popular anime?
It is, but in spite of the grossness, not because of.

One of those "this would be amazing if it just lacked this one aspect" sorta of things. I liked the good parts a lot, but dunno if I'll bother watching a second season. Especially not given what I've heard about the manga...

IMO, she is not the hero feminism needs in the video game industry. She's not open to dialogue, and therefore alienates those she should be attempting to convince.
The hero feminism needs is dudes being better about accepting criticism of the things they love. Maybe starting with not getting in a huge uproar because a woman isn't absolutely perfect in her critique about the media we consume.

Just a thought.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
The hero feminism needs is dudes being better about accepting criticism of the things they love. Maybe starting with not getting in a huge uproar because a woman isn't absolutely perfect in her critique about the media we consume.
Hear hear.

No one ever called upon Anita to be the "hero of feminism" either. She's one critic among many, making milquetoast feminism 101 videos, and all of her overblown exposure was due to her harassers giving her a Streisand effect. In any case, it's not true that she doesn't offer solutions; she totally does, anyone saying she doesn't hasn't been paying attention and has probably only read BS anti-Anita "sources".


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry.

Man, ya'll forgot that Made in Abyss is a Dickens-esque story about child slavery didn't you?

It's god damn excellent, but yes, it is about children being put into horrifying situations to serve their masters and continue living.

Ya'll are gonna hate "Our Promised Neverland".

I dunno man, I don't expect a dude with a history of drawing pedo shit to be able to write a good story about child slavery or whatever, but that's just me.


Nov 4, 2017
The hero feminism needs is dudes being better about accepting criticism of the things they love. Maybe starting with not getting in a huge uproar because a woman isn't absolutely perfect in her critique about the media we consume.

Just a thought.
Honestly, at this point, just making the public more aware of the problem is probably more useful than trying to offer solutions. We're at the beginning of the baby steps right now, and the biggest issue are the tons of people saying that there isn't a problem to begin with.
Oct 26, 2017
The hero feminism needs is dudes being better about accepting criticism of the things they love. Maybe starting with not getting in a huge uproar because a woman isn't absolutely perfect in her critique about the media we consume.

Just a thought.
Well said.

I'll admit that I wouldn't have been accepting of these issues maybe a decade or so ago and I would have seen it as me defending my hobby that's often seen a lot of flak from outsiders (Jack Thompson anybody) Bottom line is that these portions of the gaming community really just need to grow up and the thing is, when (not if) it does, EVERYBODY wins.


Oct 25, 2017
I looked up the latest chapter of MiA to confirm how fucked it is in an argument elsewhere.

It is indeed fucked.

So that's me done with it in its entirety. So much for "some of it is really good"!
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine this would be pretty hard to positively identify since simply not including romance/sex in your games doesn't necessarily mean a statement is being made about a character.
Yea that's true.
Maya from Borderlands 2 is asexual.
Never played that game, looked it up and it looks like she's a playable character. That's pretty cool.

About Anita, I don't think she's obligated to respond directly to criticism, especially in this climate. She definitely watches some of the more reasoned responses to her content, you can see this as her videos have adapted to some of the complaints that people levelled at her,


Nosebleed Interactive
Nov 29, 2017
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
One of the coolest looking character designs I've seen (male or female) ...


Was dropped in favour of a more curvaceous and "sexy" model. They even have some dream sequence bits where she's walking around in a negligee for christ sake. I'm sure it makes sense narratively, but it's such a shame they replaced this model. I ended up not playing the game because of it. Not because I was so outraged by BEWBS (I'm not) but because I was disappointed they'd switched out one of the best designs for one that just looked fairly generic.


Oct 25, 2017
Since Sophitia's reveal was discussed, here's Sakura's reveal in SFV along with her alts






▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017

She's not a gym teacher like I wanted but it's FUCKING GREAT!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
"Anita doesn't allow for debate" well maybe if dudes stopped making porn and violent games of her and flooding her with abuse she'd be more receptive but alas

The people who keep calling for a "debate" with Anita aren't interested in actually debating her. I always laugh when people are like, "she closes comments in her videos. UNFAIR!"

Questionable stuff aside, KiA had me openly weeping in the end.

I know a lot of people aren't going to want to fuck with it because of some stuff that's in it, but god damn, it is the best anime of the past few years.


Oct 25, 2017
Questionable stuff aside, KiA had me openly weeping in the end.

I know a lot of people aren't going to want to fuck with it because of some stuff that's in it, but god damn, it is the best anime of the past few years.
That's how I felt until just half an hour ago.

Have you read the manga? The latest chapter contains:

- implied penetration as a joke (it's an organic "toilet" with a little tentacle sticking up right where she was sitting, and she has one of those faces and makes one of those sounds)
- something attacking riko and pulling her clothes down to reveal her chest

Like if it was an adult woman, I personally could tolerate it, even if it annoyed me. But I just can't. She's supposed to be 12, and unlike a lot of problematic characters in games/anime, actually looks young, too, so I can't even head canon it to her being an adult disguised as a high school student.

I really liked (most) of the anime, but this makes me retroactively hate it. ):

The worst part is, it's not even justified within the context of what's happening. I mean, not that that would make it better. But it does mean the dude literally just threw it in there because it makes him horny. Maybe when season two adapts more stuff they'll just leave that shit out. I have a feeling they'll keep it in spirit, though, at the very least.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
I've always felt that the Ace Attorney series have had the most positive depictions of women characters I've seen in a Japanese game. Might make a (adopt-a-thread) about it. If anyone wants to take the reins on that thread feel free.


Oct 31, 2017
I agree but also somewhat disagree, I found Aloy's sexlessness really off putting in the game. By that I mean her complete disinterest in sex and almost offense whenever someone brings it up around her. Creating a positive, non-sexualized female character does not mean removing any and all aspects of sex from them. Otherwise, you are only reinforcing the notion that women can only be taken seriously by repressing any and all sexual desires and/or expression.

Aloy should have been able to express some interest in sex, display some attraction to any other character. Yet, she doesn't and as a result feels like a weird alien.
Can only speak for myself, but I thought it was fairly obvious Aloy was flirting back with characters such as Vanasha.


Oct 25, 2017
I've always felt that the Ace Attorney series have had the most positive depictions of women characters I've seen in a Japanese game. Might make a (adopt-a-thread) about it. If anyone wants to take the reins on that thread feel free.

Ace Attorney is a weird case because nothing about it at first glance is misogynistic (I mean, besides maybe the way Mia looks), but there's definitely some iffy things like how women are usually the assistants and rarely the attorneys (and they gotta be extremely young, of course) and the lack of female victims and culprits. It's not terrible or anything, but, you know, it is there.

(Also, Godot is a misogynistic pig, but that doesn't make the series as a whole misogynistic, of course :P)


Oct 25, 2017
Ace Attorney is a weird case because nothing about it at first glance is misogynistic (I mean, besides maybe the way Mia looks), but there's definitely some iffy things like how women are usually the assistants and rarely the attorneys (and they gotta be extremely young, of course) and the lack of female victims and culprits. It's not terrible or anything, but, you know, it is there.

(Also, Godot is a misogynistic pig, but that doesn't make the series as a whole misogynistic, of course :P)
I'd agree with the assistants angle, I can only think of Franziska. But there are a few victims/culprits off the top of my head, including Dahlia, Pearl's mother, Andrews (?), the Skye sisters. Overall, I think it can get away with it because for the most part they're all written well.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd agree with the assistants angle, I can only think of Franziska. But there are a few victims/culprits off the top of my head, including Dahlia, Pearl's mother, Andrews (?), the Skye sisters. Overall, I think it can get away with it because for the most part they're all written well.

Oh yeah, there's a few, but much less than male victims/culprits.
Though, now that I think about it, maybe they were trying to go for a sort of realistic angle (since most perpetrators and victims of murders are men), so, nevermind me, actually!


Oct 25, 2017
Sakura's model has single-handedly convinced me that I will never agree with Street Fighter V's art style. Something about it just does not click with me. Sure doesn't help that Sakura has the exact same stock body type as every other female character (bar Menat).
That's how I felt until just half an hour ago.

Have you read the manga? The latest chapter contains:

- implied penetration as a joke (it's an organic "toilet" with a little tentacle sticking up right where she was sitting, and she has one of those faces and makes one of those sounds)
- something attacking riko and pulling her clothes down to reveal her chest

Like if it was an adult woman, I personally could tolerate it, even if it annoyed me. But I just can't. She's supposed to be 12, and unlike a lot of problematic characters in games/anime, actually looks young, too, so I can't even head canon it to her being an adult disguised as a high school student.

I really liked (most) of the anime, but this makes me retroactively hate it. ):

The worst part is, it's not even justified within the context of what's happening. I mean, not that that would make it better. But it does mean the dude literally just threw it in there because it makes him horny. Maybe when season two adapts more stuff they'll just leave that shit out. I have a feeling they'll keep it in spirit, though, at the very least.
It says something that, as someone who is totally desensitized to a lot of this stuff, even I squeaked and had my jaw drop at the sight of that panel. Hell, I even did a literal double-take to make sure I wasn't seeing things. My exact words, as I recall, were to exclaim "What the fuck?!" over and over again as it dawned on me just how far the author is willing to go in service of their... what I can kindly refer to as "preferences".

But hey, that's unchecked authorship for you. Shows you a lot about an individual's character when they're not filtered by an editor. It's such a shame, too, because I really do enjoy so much about the series... but then they have to put that stuff in. "Freedom of expression", indeed. I really wish the dude would just stick to drawing that stuff in side materials or something. Get it out of their system. It goes so far beyond the ordinary realms of "fanservice" straight into, yeah, pornography, and it ain't cool. Triply so when the subject is a visibly and canonically underaged girl.

Unfortunately for my own self-assessment of my character, even that is apparently not enough to get me to stop reading the series, but there is absolutely no way in hell I'd ever try to defend it. I can blame no one for getting turned off of the series entirely by such an inclusion. There's just not much more to be said about it. It's incredibly frustrating to see the author go there, and I suspect that's not going to be the end of it, either.
Oct 25, 2017
Ace Attorney is a weird case because nothing about it at first glance is misogynistic (I mean, besides maybe the way Mia looks), but there's definitely some iffy things like how women are usually the assistants and rarely the attorneys (and they gotta be extremely young, of course) and the lack of female victims and culprits. It's not terrible or anything, but, you know, it is there.

(Also, Godot is a misogynistic pig, but that doesn't make the series as a whole misogynistic, of course :P)

Yo, the best villain in the entire series is female. A true sociopath that hasn't been matched since (though the main villain of AA5 gets close).

Though I think you have me on ignore, so I'm probably wasting my time here.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised by Sakura's clothing options. Nothing too egregious yet. Though I suspect that happy thing isn't going to be there for long.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That's how I felt until just half an hour ago.

Have you read the manga? The latest chapter contains:

- implied penetration as a joke (it's an organic "toilet" with a little tentacle sticking up right where she was sitting, and she has one of those faces and makes one of those sounds)
- something attacking riko and pulling her clothes down to reveal her chest

Like if it was an adult woman, I personally could tolerate it, even if it annoyed me. But I just can't. She's supposed to be 12, and unlike a lot of problematic characters in games/anime, actually looks young, too, so I can't even head canon it to her being an adult disguised as a high school student.

I really liked (most) of the anime, but this makes me retroactively hate it. ):

The worst part is, it's not even justified within the context of what's happening. I mean, not that that would make it better. But it does mean the dude literally just threw it in there because it makes him horny. Maybe when season two adapts more stuff they'll just leave that shit out. I have a feeling they'll keep it in spirit, though, at the very least.

I just saw it. Jesus...


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I've always felt that the Ace Attorney series have had the most positive depictions of women characters I've seen in a Japanese game. Might make a (adopt-a-thread) about it. If anyone wants to take the reins on that thread feel free.
Bloodborne for me, I think.
Character creation is entirely gender-equal. No stupid sexualized outfits.

For NPCs and bosses, it features both human and non-human females of a solid variety.

Human women are shown both in traditionally feminine roles and non-traditional gender roles: a nun, a prostitute (and guess which one of the two is the "nastier" one deep down... xD), a scientist/physician/healer (and her impostor, a creepier kind of scientist), a drug-addicted old woman, a hunter, a swordswoman, a vicar, a witch, a queen. Even the sex worker isn't sexualized. Yes, think about it, they had the "she's a prostitute/courtesan" excuse and STILL dressed her like a normal human being, imagine that. Same with the "doll": like a lot of the Souls-like NPCs that let you level up, players love to call them their "favourite waifu" but that's just the players objectifying them because the characters themselves never are. The doll is literally dressed like a grandma.

For non-human females/female monsters, none of them are sexualized or conveniently anthropomorphic (to give them pretty faces or T&A like so commonly seen); great lurching beasts, cosmic beings, etc. You still have human (or human-like) female enemies too, like the hags in Hemwick, the ghosts in Cainhurst, the fat executioners in Mergo's loft, or the bell-ringing women.

And the game explores feminine themes like fertility, pregnancy and menstruation, in a weird and creepy (because, well, it's a cosmic horror game after all) way, yet never in a demeaning or misogynistic way. It's... kind of impressive, in a way. xD


Oct 27, 2017
Bloodborne for me, I think.
Character creation is entirely gender-equal. No stupid sexualized outfits.

For NPCs and bosses, it features both human and non-human females of a solid variety.

Human women are shown both in traditionally feminine roles and non-traditional gender roles: a nun, a prostitute (and guess which one of the two is the "nastier" one deep down... xD), a scientist/physician/healer (and her impostor, a creepier kind of scientist), a drug-addicted old woman, a hunter, a swordswoman, a vicar, a witch, a queen. Even the sex worker isn't sexualized. Yes, think about it, they had the "she's a prostitute/courtesan" excuse and STILL dressed her like a normal human being, imagine that. Same with the "doll": like a lot of the Souls-like NPCs that let you level up, players love to call them their "favourite waifu" but that's just the players objectifying them because the characters themselves never are. The doll is literally dressed like a grandma.

For non-human females/female monsters, none of them are sexualized or conveniently anthropomorphic (to give them pretty faces or T&A like so commonly seen); great lurching beasts, cosmic beings, etc. You still have human (or human-like) female enemies too, like the hags in Hemwick, the ghosts in Cainhurst, the fat executioners in Mergo's loft, or the bell-ringing women.

And the game explores feminine themes like fertility, pregnancy and menstruation, in a weird and creepy (because, well, it's a cosmic horror game after all) way, yet never in a demeaning or misogynistic way. It's... kind of impressive, in a way. xD

As far as female NPC designs go that's really just From's output in general so far as Bloodborne and the souls games. There are some exceptions but usually they aren't traditionally sexy.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
As far as female NPC designs go that's really just From's output in general so far as Bloodborne and the souls games. There are some exceptions but usually they aren't traditionally sexy.
Yeah, true. Dark Souls had Gwynevere and Quelaag, but that's about it, and it's just tame stuff (and not ill-fitting like a bikini armour chick or anything, Gwynevere is a goddess of fertility and Quelaag is another variant of the jorogumo mythological monster of Japanese folklore).


Nov 18, 2017
The Soulsborne series has great female character designs.
The Darkmoon Knightress, Ciaran, Lucatiel, Sirris, Yuria, Friede, Shira in the Souls's; Eileen and Lady Maria in Bloodborne. All badass female characters with interesting stories.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
Bloodborne for me, I think.
Character creation is entirely gender-equal. No stupid sexualized outfits.

For NPCs and bosses, it features both human and non-human females of a solid variety.

Human women are shown both in traditionally feminine roles and non-traditional gender roles: a nun, a prostitute (and guess which one of the two is the "nastier" one deep down... xD), a scientist/physician/healer (and her impostor, a creepier kind of scientist), a drug-addicted old woman, a hunter, a swordswoman, a vicar, a witch, a queen. Even the sex worker isn't sexualized. Yes, think about it, they had the "she's a prostitute/courtesan" excuse and STILL dressed her like a normal human being, imagine that. Same with the "doll": like a lot of the Souls-like NPCs that let you level up, players love to call them their "favourite waifu" but that's just the players objectifying them because the characters themselves never are. The doll is literally dressed like a grandma.

For non-human females/female monsters, none of them are sexualized or conveniently anthropomorphic (to give them pretty faces or T&A like so commonly seen); great lurching beasts, cosmic beings, etc. You still have human (or human-like) female enemies too, like the hags in Hemwick, the ghosts in Cainhurst, the fat executioners in Mergo's loft, or the bell-ringing women.

And the game explores feminine themes like fertility, pregnancy and menstruation, in a weird and creepy (because, well, it's a cosmic horror game after all) way, yet never in a demeaning or misogynistic way. It's... kind of impressive, in a way. xD

You'd think, with its success, maybe some developers out there might have gotten the hint, but, eh...


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Bloodborne for me, I think.
Character creation is entirely gender-equal. No stupid sexualized outfits.

For NPCs and bosses, it features both human and non-human females of a solid variety.

Human women are shown both in traditionally feminine roles and non-traditional gender roles: a nun, a prostitute (and guess which one of the two is the "nastier" one deep down... xD), a scientist/physician/healer (and her impostor, a creepier kind of scientist), a drug-addicted old woman, a hunter, a swordswoman, a vicar, a witch, a queen. Even the sex worker isn't sexualized. Yes, think about it, they had the "she's a prostitute/courtesan" excuse and STILL dressed her like a normal human being, imagine that. Same with the "doll": like a lot of the Souls-like NPCs that let you level up, players love to call them their "favourite waifu" but that's just the players objectifying them because the characters themselves never are. The doll is literally dressed like a grandma.

For non-human females/female monsters, none of them are sexualized or conveniently anthropomorphic (to give them pretty faces or T&A like so commonly seen); great lurching beasts, cosmic beings, etc. You still have human (or human-like) female enemies too, like the hags in Hemwick, the ghosts in Cainhurst, the fat executioners in Mergo's loft, or the bell-ringing women.

And the game explores feminine themes like fertility, pregnancy and menstruation, in a weird and creepy (because, well, it's a cosmic horror game after all) way, yet never in a demeaning or misogynistic way. It's... kind of impressive, in a way. xD

That is true about Bloodborne. I tend to forget that Bloodborne/Dark Souls is Japanese. I also feel that earlier Final Fantasy iterations(1-9) had less over-the-top sexualization of it's women (Tifa's design is pretty out there) characters, but there is prolly something I'm forgetting.


Oct 27, 2017
You'd think, with its success, maybe some developers out there might have gotten the hint, but, eh...

I think it comes across as a stylistic thing. A number of Japanese games are very anime styled with all of the trappings that go with it while From stayed committed to their atmosphere when it came to their character designs. Granted that leaves all of the western medieval/fantasy games and their tropes without excuse.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
Usagi Drop is great..... THE ANIME, that is. The manga has a really terrible ending, like. Really really terrible.

If you want an anime that has kids in it that are adorable rather than, well, ANIME, y'all should watch Barakamon. One of my favorite healing animes and a fun comedy to boot.

I binged watch it a couple weeks ago when I was sick with the flu, absolutely recommended. It's funny because because I've read Yotsuba too, and Barakamon felt like the closest thing to a Yotsuba anime I've ever seen. Kept thinking about the similarities as I watched it. I didn't even know about that Abyss show. I'm not even looking at that spoiler, Im just going to take your word for it and keep far away.

I will name drop Sakura Quest and MMO Junkie again as great shows with great female leads/lead respectively.

ok my friend shared this with me and I need to post it

Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking. Some things just... Don't work in 3D.


Oct 27, 2017
Thread topic aside some of that first shot had me confused on the structure of her legs. Also the hip/pelvic area. Should bones to that?
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