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Dec 24, 2017
The past few days in our thread here have been kinda tense. Could we all use a cool down? Maybe shift the mood a bit?
A bit of discussion perhaps about recent games that have really hit high notes for each of us in terms of design?
A little sweet to balance the sour?


Oct 25, 2017
So that being said...why these games over games that are dramatically superior over them?

Like, Why not splatoon over PBS? Why not Dragon Quest Builders or Hyrule Warriors over the musou titles? Why not Mother Russia Bleeds or Fight'n'Rage? If you're looking for a rhythm game, why not Project X Diva?

Like, maybe it's just because people are being laser focused on Senran Kagura, in the other thread it is the subject after all, but the common thread seems to be that people recognize that these games aren't very good, there's MUCH better out there. So why return to this series that's every form except for fanservice, stagnating?

I play Splatoon and Project Diva too. The existence of other games that are better does't nullify the existence of smaller games.
SK (and many other series for that matter) are mid-tier games. Bigger than indie, but lacking the production values and overall polish than the better ones. Many series find a market with that. Just because Final Fantasy is a top tier RPG, I can still play Atelier. Zelda BotW is, for almost everyone, an amazing game, but there's still Ys 8 being amazing but much smaller in scope.

Obviously these two clips aren't "the game" in that they're side activities or whatever, but I don't think that matters.

It does matter because to see that content in that way, you have to activelly pursue it. It's not something the games will force you to do or see. Even more, it's buried under some considerable grinding so if's definetely not something a person will see unless he or she really, really wants.

I also take issue with that kind of content (both in SK and many other games) and this brings an entire other set of discussions about the existence of said content being optional/buried makes if more or less acceptable. Probably a lot of people played these games from start to finish and never engaged with that content.

Which takes me to another issue I have with the last game in the series:

I'm not sure about the groping, but it didn't take me long at all to find this:

which features the player character reviving a team mate sitting on the ground by squirting water all over her chest until her bikini top pops off. She has tears in her eyes and says "I-I'm so sad...". It happens again later and the person being revived says "How humiliating!"

Like... come on.

Where this was a "finish" mechanic. Kinda like of a fatality in the context of the game.
I do hope that they dial it back for the next games in the series.

The man did a great job then. If it was tits with nothing else, I honestly doubt the series would have survived (and grown) until now.


Oct 29, 2017
they did? 1st time I heard it, Japan is more prone to censor Violence in VG tho (which still weird given how gruesome some anime are , lol)
I think the view of anime (if not the rest of the media) is warped to an extent outside of Japan as otherwise niche ova or 2 am shows would be given new life by imports, legal or otherwise
Dec 24, 2017
I started reading The Promised Neverland on recommendation from this thread and I'm enjoying it so far. Just read issue one of the Manga so far but I'm planning to get the second issue when it drops here in America.


Nov 29, 2017
I will agree with you with the character Quite OP. I find the reason of her being near-naked so she can breath, really forced and weak.

Anyway, I want mostly to talk about Cindy and similar characters:
*Never played FFXIII, so I don't know the character. Please correct me if I did something wrong*
Clearly Cindy is once again a character who are design in my opinion cause of "sex-sells" tactic. This also is obvious with one DLC I saw in a review.
However in my opinion she can get fixed if her personality was related with the way she act or her way she live her life.
Sure, we say many times that indeed a majority of females charactes are presented as sex objects, but what if a character want to be like that: She love dressing like that cause like to draw attention. A character be ok to love sex and be positive showing her body.
We can't ignore that in real life these kind of people exist. I think a solution would be for a developer to do a solid job to justify the behavior of a over sexualized female character.

So I guess that I am trying to say is it depends.
Do you want a story which show the story a story of a woman who love to show her body around without any problem what they thing the other about her? Go for it! Just make sure to create the right atmosphere and enviroment for this kind of character and show that indeed she is like that and loves it.
With Cindy could work, but as I said, I never played the game, sssoooooo I don't know if I am wrong or correct.

But I digress because I am the kind of person who accept everything I see and I make a final judgement after I experience enough from a game.
So even if Quite and Cindy is indeed like this for "sex sells" perspective, I decide [mostly] for the whole quality of the product.

Of course I highly accept if the female characters have a real role and not being only as sex objects. With the acceptance of seeing well-developed characters who love showing their body as well.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I'm starting to think you have only played EV and judging the entire series taking the game as a base.
As stated, Estival is the only one I've finished. I've played a handful of the other games, found them immediately lacking, and stopped.

That being said, If I used Estival as a base, it would be doing the series a credit because that game certainly has THE MOST game play out of the others that I've played, when talking in shere quantity.


Oct 29, 2017
As stated, Estival is the only one I've finished. I've played a handful of the other games, found them immediately lacking, and stopped.

That being said, If I used Estival as a base, it would be doing the series a credit because that game certainly has THE MOST game play out of the others that I've played, when talking in shere quantity.

Fair enough. My bad


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Please do not defend female characters being subjected to sexual assault for titillation
The only justification I can see for banning a game that people claim toes the line but doesn't definitively cross it (which I think we can all agree on, if Senran Kagura did clearly cross a line it'd be banned already), is because the members it attracts to this forum and the greater impact those people have on the rest of the site is overall a negative one.

So let's get some hard examples of the kind of stuff the makes up these games, shall we?

Obviously these two clips aren't "the game" in that they're side activities or whatever, but I don't think that matters. If you play these games as a means of sexual stimulation and can admit as much, while also admitting they're problematic for a plethora of reasons... congratulations. Anyone who watches and enjoys porn is more or less in the same boat.

However, I take issue with people who can play a game like this, engage in activities like the above clips and even the main games themselves and not come away with some admission that these games are pretty gross. These girls are put in positions of weakness with red cheeks and tears in their eyes while their clothes get removed or blown/shot off. There are mini-games where you can grope them, lift up their skirts, shoot water at them, slap their genitals while they shake you off and say things like "Hey, your eyes are scary". I think anyone who engages with that sort of thing and doesn't understand how potentially harmful it is and then gets defensive or dismissive when people take issue with it, are not people that should be welcome in this forum. This is all of course ignoring for a moment the issue of the age of these characters, which I don't know enough about to feel comfortable making any definitive statement on. The sort of stuff in the above clips is already gross with the assumption the girls are supposed to be over 18, it only gets worse if they're younger.

I would appreciate some candid responses from the people who are so defensive of these games. Why do you enjoy being pandered to in such a gratuitous, over-the-top manner? Is it the simple interactivity and the illusion of intimacy that the medium of video games is able to provide when compared to... say... porn? What do you get from discussing this kind of game with other people? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, why do you feel the need to defend it when it is so clearly ludicrous and harmful in SO many ways?

Replying to this post because you've asked for candid responses. Now - I don't like Senran Kagura and know nothing of it beyond those two videos you posted. But I like DoAX3 and am willing to defend that, so I reckon I'm close enough to be able to give a relevant response.

But having watched those videos, I don't agree that they're pretty gross. I don't see what makes them pretty gross. You're interactively harassing or assaulting a virtual character. That's it. You, the player, is behaving like an asshole and a pervert to a young woman. It's not for me, but you describe it as 'potentially harmful' and I just can't see it. Potentially harmful to who? Pixels? Fictional characters? Sure. Real people

Do you mean to imply that there could be someone out there who interacts with this and thinks to himself "Ah, I see. So this is the way to treat women. I was doing it incorrectly all along. From now on when I see a bikini-clad maiden I shall proceed to give her bosoms friendly pokes and slaps. If she recoils with tears in her eyes I will know I have done it correctly." Because that doesn't happen. Stuff like this exists because you can't treat people like this in real life, because it would be gross in real life. It the same reason all kinds of forbidden behaviour appears in video games, most of it violent, but some of it, like this, sexual. And like video game violence, I don't believe that it affects anyone who isn't already predisposed to that kind of behaviour, and I believe only very realistic content (real both emotionally and visually) can have such an effect. Slapping around some poorly-rendered cartoon character in a blatantly silly atmosphere is not anywhere near the level of realism that would cause anyone to get confused.

On the other hand, I can't see how this is harmful in the overall context of video games either, because this is a niche game for a tiny audience that is aimed squarely at heterosexual male otakus. There aren't any women feeling excluded by this game having sexualisation - sexualisation is the raison d'etre of the game. So from that point of view no harm is being done either. This isn't a 'Cindy in FFXV' situation here.

I suppose that's a defense of the game. Apparently you believe this opinion means I shouldn't be welcome in the forum? I think that goes too far, but each to his own, I know you mean well. To be clear, I'm certainly not angry, just confused at the level of your opprobrium to something I consider totally harmless.

As for the second part of the question, the 'Why do you enjoy being pandered to in such a gratuitous, over-the-top manner', well, you've nailed it. It's the interactivity. For me, I'm an amateur photographer. I love taking pictures of stuff. Getting the right lens, the right aperture, setting up the light or being in the right place at the right time. I've done all kinds of photography - landscape, macro, safari, architectural and urban exploration - but one kind I don't get to do that I've always wanted to is taking pictures of half-naked beautiful women - because I don't have access to beautiful women who'd get naked and just pose all day. Guess what, no normal guy does! DoAX3 lets me live out this thing I can't do in real life, and I love it for it. You can't pan the camera around a model and find the perfect angle in porn. And that last sentence is basically 100% of the appeal, if I'm being as candid as you want me to be. And to be extra candid, I don't actually know anyone with the physical attributes of a Momiji from DoA. (They might actually be impossible.) Put those things together and I can spend an hour just setting up scenes, taking pictures, and appreciating the beauty of the subject. Some do the same with landscapes in Horizon or the cars in GT Sport. For me, I prefer female models. It's just purely an enjoyment of physical beauty thing.

So if you want to know where the enjoyment comes from, that's it for me. I get that almost everyone else in the thread isn't going to think that's enjoyable, but it should be obvious how to some people it is. I don't get anything out of discussing it with other people other than sharing good images, so I don't really discuss it. And I disagree, as I've stated before, that it's ludicrous or harmful. And that's an important point. People don't defend these games despite them being 'so clearly ludicrous and harmful' they defend them because they disagree that they're harmful.

(I just want to say that all of this is, as you said, assuming the characters are 18. Marie Rose in DoA shouldn't be allowed, imo. It's actually fucking crazy that there wasn't more fuss over her being in DoAX3.)


Oct 26, 2017
Replying to this post because you've asked for candid responses. Now - I don't like Senran Kagura and know nothing of it beyond those two videos you posted. But I like DoAX3 and am willing to defend that, so I reckon I'm close enough to be able to give a relevant response.

But having watched those videos, I don't agree that they're pretty gross. I don't see what makes them pretty gross. You're interactively harassing or assaulting a virtual character. That's it. You, the player, is behaving like an asshole and a pervert to a young woman. It's not for me, but you describe it as 'potentially harmful' and I just can't see it. Potentially harmful to who? Pixels? Fictional characters? Sure. Real people

Do you mean to imply that there could be someone out there who interacts with this and thinks to himself "Ah, I see. So this is the way to treat women. I was doing it incorrectly all along. From now on when I see a bikini-clad maiden I shall proceed to give her bosoms friendly pokes and slaps. If she recoils with tears in her eyes I will know I have done it correctly." Because that doesn't happen. Stuff like this exists because you can't treat people like this in real life, because it would be gross in real life. It the same reason all kinds of forbidden behaviour appears in video games, most of it violent, but some of it, like this, sexual. And like video game violence, I don't believe that it affects anyone who isn't already predisposed to that kind of behaviour, and I believe only very realistic content (real both emotionally and visually) can have such an effect. Slapping around some poorly-rendered cartoon character in a blatantly silly atmosphere is not anywhere near the level of realism that would cause anyone to get confused.

On the other hand, I can't see how this is harmful in the overall context of video games either, because this is a niche game for a tiny audience that is aimed squarely at heterosexual male otakus. There aren't any women feeling excluded by this game having sexualisation - sexualisation is the raison d'etre of the game. So from that point of view no harm is being done either. This isn't a 'Cindy in FFXV' situation here.

I suppose that's a defense of the game. Apparently you believe this opinion means I shouldn't be welcome in the forum? I think that goes too far, but each to his own, I know you mean well. To be clear, I'm certainly not angry, just confused at the level of your opprobrium to something I consider totally harmless.

As for the second part of the question, the 'Why do you enjoy being pandered to in such a gratuitous, over-the-top manner', well, you've nailed it. It's the interactivity. For me, I'm an amateur photographer. I love taking pictures of stuff. Getting the right lens, the right aperture, setting up the light or being in the right place at the right time. I've done all kinds of photography - landscape, macro, safari, architectural and urban exploration - but one kind I don't get to do that I've always wanted to is taking pictures of half-naked beautiful women - because I don't have access to beautiful women who'd get naked and just pose all day. Guess what, no normal guy does! DoAX3 lets me live out this thing I can't do in real life, and I love it for it. You can't pan the camera around a model and find the perfect angle in porn. And that last sentence is basically 100% of the appeal, if I'm being as candid as you want me to be. And to be extra candid, I don't actually know anyone with the physical attributes of a Momiji from DoA. (They might actually be impossible.) Put those things together and I can spend an hour just setting up scenes, taking pictures, and appreciating the beauty of the subject. Some do the same with landscapes in Horizon or the cars in GT Sport. For me, I prefer female models. It's just purely an enjoyment of physical beauty thing.

So if you want to know where the enjoyment comes from, that's it for me. I get that almost everyone else in the thread isn't going to think that's enjoyable, but it should be obvious how to some people it is. I don't get anything out of discussing it with other people other than sharing good images, so I don't really discuss it. And I disagree, as I've stated before, that it's ludicrous or harmful. And that's an important point. People don't defend these games despite them being 'so clearly ludicrous and harmful' they defend them because they disagree that they're harmful.

(I just want to say that all of this is, as you said, assuming the characters are 18. Marie Rose in DoA shouldn't be allowed, imo. It's actually fucking crazy that there wasn't more fuss over her being in DoAX3.)
Ban, I'm just going to say that a lot of what you've just described sounds really creepy.

As for what the problem is, it is about issues bigger than any individual game. The individual games contribute to a larger societal problem of objectification, specifically how women are not worthy of being treated as equals. (just one of many articles)

And a quote:
Rather than empowering the woman character from the beginning, the male creators of the series decided androgynous discretion of character would net them a blunt force narrative twist in the end. This is why Samus, though she may be an empowered female protagonist, is diminished through the lens of the male point of view that produced her and isn't empowering to the female viewpoint.

She doesn't exist as an enabled woman; on the contrary, she exists as a useful plot device to titillate a predominately male audience. This early example shows that given the resources to make a game, and sometimes even the best intentions, the concepts and viewpoints still come from a male impetus. Even still, more recent examples fail to pass muster and are more disheartening considering their contemporary circumstances.
The dialogue between creator and viewer is truly malleable, and associative signs shared between the two become muddled. Every user enters the world without the creator's expectation, and in a videogame they interpret not only the message but the material. I'll be the first to admit that in Grand Theft Auto 3, after I paid a hooker for sex the second or third time, I though about jumping out of the car to see if I could murder her and get my money back. And I did.

This isn't necessarily indicative of social deviancy. In the game it becomes an explorable curio for proof of fact. Would I do it in real life? The answer is, of course, no. But that's not the important part. The important part is the semiotics signs thrown out. What are the innate linkages that I make between hookers and guns and crime within the public culture?

How do these concepts provide understanding, and what are the ramifications of my actions? All three have their basis in regimented male design choices. Clearly some of the game developers' intent has survived the multitude of user options intact. Pragmatically, there is a John, represented onscreen by the 3D model of a man, a common Western sign, and a hooker, also represented by a 3D model, another common Western sign.

These two signs engage in a scene that is both comical and sophomoric. The car rocks a bit, maybe the woman moans, and voilà, the man's health and vigor is restored. This wasn't a woman's game from the start, developer to the end-user the whole way through; it was The Male Gaze.
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Oct 27, 2017
Ban, I'm just going to say that a lot of what you've just described sounds really creepy.

As for what the problem is, it is about issues bigger than any individual game. The individual games contribute to a larger societal problem of objectification, specifically how women are not worthy of being treated as equals. (just one of many articles)

And a quote:

No, I don't accept any of this. I don't accept any of this at all.

In this context, you are using 'creepy' to police how I enjoy myself and express my sexuality in the comfort of my own home. That's nonsense. 'Creepy' is such a mealy-mouthed term. Is what I'm saying wrong, or harmful, or is it not?

Secondly, how does this game contribute to objectification? The whole point is to appreciate the characters body. In that context, focusing on that element is appropriate, as it is in porn or modelling. In other contexts, it's not appropriate to focus on a woman's body. But saying it's NEVER appropriate to make appreciating the beauty and sexual attractiveness of the human body the focus of a piece of media would be wrong. And that's what these games do. What is the problem with them? Be specific rather than just dropping a huge essay on me to read, because right now I'm not seeing the relevance of it. Metroid and Final Fantasy are not equivalent to Senran Kagura and DoAX3. I made that point explicitly in my original post.

EDIT: Even your quote, added after I'd replied, is totally irrelevant to my points. Did you read my comment?

We are not talking about games for mass consumption that feature the male gaze here. We are talking about blatantly sexual games for a heterosexual male audience and whether they are, as DMax3901 claimed 'so clearly ludicrous and harmful'.
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Oct 26, 2017
No, I don't accept any of this. I don't accept any of this at all.

In this context, you are using 'creepy' to police how I enjoy myself and express my sexuality in the comfort of my own home. That's nonsense. 'Creepy' is such a mealy-mouthed term. Is what I'm saying wrong, or harmful, or is it not?
It's creepy. What you said is creepy.
Secondly, how does this game contribute to objectification? The whole point is to appreciate the characters body. In that context, focusing on that element is appropriate, as it is in porn or modelling. In other contexts, it's not appropriate to focus on a woman's body. But saying it's NEVER appropriate to make appreciating the beauty and sexual attractiveness of the human body the focus of a piece of media would be wrong. And that's what these games do. What is the problem with them? Be specific rather than just dropping a huge essay on me to read, because right now I'm not seeing the relevance of it. Metroid and Final Fantasy are not equivalent to Senran Kagura and DoAX3. I made that point explicitly in my original post.
It took me about 15-20 minutes to read. It is by no means a "huge" essay.

Also, read the quote I added about GTA3, as it is rather telling.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Replying to this post because you've asked for candid responses. Now - I don't like Senran Kagura and know nothing of it beyond those two videos you posted. But I like DoAX3 and am willing to defend that, so I reckon I'm close enough to be able to give a relevant response.

But having watched those videos, I don't agree that they're pretty gross. I don't see what makes them pretty gross. You're interactively harassing or assaulting a virtual character. That's it. You, the player, is behaving like an asshole and a pervert to a young woman. It's not for me, but you describe it as 'potentially harmful' and I just can't see it. Potentially harmful to who? Pixels? Fictional characters? Sure. Real people

Do you mean to imply that there could be someone out there who interacts with this and thinks to himself "Ah, I see. So this is the way to treat women. I was doing it incorrectly all along. From now on when I see a bikini-clad maiden I shall proceed to give her bosoms friendly pokes and slaps. If she recoils with tears in her eyes I will know I have done it correctly." Because that doesn't happen. Stuff like this exists because you can't treat people like this in real life, because it would be gross in real life. It the same reason all kinds of forbidden behaviour appears in video games, most of it violent, but some of it, like this, sexual. And like video game violence, I don't believe that it affects anyone who isn't already predisposed to that kind of behaviour, and I believe only very realistic content (real both emotionally and visually) can have such an effect. Slapping around some poorly-rendered cartoon character in a blatantly silly atmosphere is not anywhere near the level of realism that would cause anyone to get confused.

On the other hand, I can't see how this is harmful in the overall context of video games either, because this is a niche game for a tiny audience that is aimed squarely at heterosexual male otakus. There aren't any women feeling excluded by this game having sexualisation - sexualisation is the raison d'etre of the game. So from that point of view no harm is being done either. This isn't a 'Cindy in FFXV' situation here.

I suppose that's a defense of the game. Apparently you believe this opinion means I shouldn't be welcome in the forum? I think that goes too far, but each to his own, I know you mean well. To be clear, I'm certainly not angry, just confused at the level of your opprobrium to something I consider totally harmless.

As for the second part of the question, the 'Why do you enjoy being pandered to in such a gratuitous, over-the-top manner', well, you've nailed it. It's the interactivity. For me, I'm an amateur photographer. I love taking pictures of stuff. Getting the right lens, the right aperture, setting up the light or being in the right place at the right time. I've done all kinds of photography - landscape, macro, safari, architectural and urban exploration - but one kind I don't get to do that I've always wanted to is taking pictures of half-naked beautiful women - because I don't have access to beautiful women who'd get naked and just pose all day. Guess what, no normal guy does! DoAX3 lets me live out this thing I can't do in real life, and I love it for it. You can't pan the camera around a model and find the perfect angle in porn. And that last sentence is basically 100% of the appeal, if I'm being as candid as you want me to be. And to be extra candid, I don't actually know anyone with the physical attributes of a Momiji from DoA. (They might actually be impossible.) Put those things together and I can spend an hour just setting up scenes, taking pictures, and appreciating the beauty of the subject. Some do the same with landscapes in Horizon or the cars in GT Sport. For me, I prefer female models. It's just purely an enjoyment of physical beauty thing.

So if you want to know where the enjoyment comes from, that's it for me. I get that almost everyone else in the thread isn't going to think that's enjoyable, but it should be obvious how to some people it is. I don't get anything out of discussing it with other people other than sharing good images, so I don't really discuss it. And I disagree, as I've stated before, that it's ludicrous or harmful. And that's an important point. People don't defend these games despite them being 'so clearly ludicrous and harmful' they defend them because they disagree that they're harmful.

(I just want to say that all of this is, as you said, assuming the characters are 18. Marie Rose in DoA shouldn't be allowed, imo. It's actually fucking crazy that there wasn't more fuss over her being in DoAX3.)

You don't see?

There is so much I want to say. At the very least I'm disappointed.

There has to be a part of you that sees that women (or men) who are against this type of entertainment have a right to be very very vocal. Right?

In your own words you said that because it's a character on a screen it shouldn't be treated like it's a big deal......I just don't agree at all.


Oct 27, 2017
It's creepy. What you said is creepy.

It took me about 15-20 minutes to read. It is by no means a "huge" essay.

Also, read the quote I added about GTA3, as it is rather telling.

I read the whole article, man! That's why I was frustrated at you just dumping it on me rather than explaining your point - and it's totally irrelevant! The part about GTA3 is also totally irrelevant - we are talking about games where sexualisation is the point. A discussion over how GTA hooker game mechanics are informed by male semiotics is not relevant to what I'm saying.

And 'Creepy' means causing fear or unease. How on earth are my opinions on these games making you feel that way and why? I've asked you to be specific before and I'm doing so again.

You aren't engaging with my points. Are you missing them or are you being disingenuous?

You don't see?

There is so much I want to say. At the very least I'm disappointed.

There has to be a part of you that sees that women (or men) who are against this type of entertainment have a right to be very very vocal. Right?

In your own words you said that because it's a character on a screen it shouldn't be treated like it's a big deal......I just don't agree at all.

Of course you have the right. I would never claim you don't.


Oct 25, 2017
But having watched those videos, I don't agree that they're pretty gross. I don't see what makes them pretty gross. You're interactively harassing or assaulting a virtual character. That's it. You, the player, is behaving like an asshole and a pervert to a young woman. It's not for me, but you describe it as 'potentially harmful' and I just can't see it. Potentially harmful to who? Pixels? Fictional characters? Sure. Real people
Lemme pick your brain for a sec. In your mind, is child pornography in manga 'not harmful' because the characters are just drawings?


Oct 26, 2017
Secondly, how does this game contribute to objectification? The whole point is to appreciate the characters body. In that context, focusing on that element is appropriate, as it is in porn or modelling. In other contexts, it's not appropriate to focus on a woman's body. But saying it's NEVER appropriate to make appreciating the beauty and sexual attractiveness of the human body the focus of a piece of media would be wrong. And that's what these games do. What is the problem with them? Be specific rather than just dropping a huge essay on me to read, because right now I'm not seeing the relevance of it. Metroid and Final Fantasy are not equivalent to Senran Kagura and DoAX3. I made that point explicitly in my original post.

EDIT: Even your quote, added after I'd replied, is totally irrelevant to my points. Did you read my comment?

We are not talking about games for mass consumption that feature the male gaze here. We are talking about blatantly sexual games for a heterosexual male audience and whether they are, as DMax3901 claimed 'so clearly ludicrous and harmful'.
It is about signifiers, and what those signifiers represent. Saying that, "it's for men" isn't a defense. Among other reasons, because nearly everything in modern society is for men. GTA3 is definitely as relevant a point of discussion as Senran Kagura, because they are both very explicitly created for men and the game's signifiers strongly represent that. Within the games, both present powerless women who only exist as objects for consumption.

The problem you mostly have is that you don't see the problem. You accept that because it's a game "for men" that the objectification that happens is acceptable. You're not even willing to discuss the possibility that the objectification of the characters in these games is a problem.

I can't have a discussion with someone who isn't open to the possibility that their views are problematic.

edit: Additionally, even if "the point" of a game is to indulge in the male gaze, it doesn't mean the male gaze isn't problematic, whether in the specific or general case.
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Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Everywhere and nowhere
Was this posted?

I don't think any woman in this game has a non fanservice outfit. While all the dudes look rather dapper. Even the flat chested chick couldn't escape it.


Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to say that I'm not a huge fan of Android 21's characterization or the fact that she just happens to be busty (when Towa already filled that quotient and "evil is sexy" is such a bloody pernicious overused trope).
Her "good" side is incredibly bland and vanilla to the point of being flavorless. She simply lacks any hook to draw me in. Her "evil" side, while pretty textbook, at least acted unhinged to the point of legitimately being creepy at times. Her better half has no such hook. She's just kind of... there.

Her fighting style, on the other hand, is legitimately great, and I'm glad she exists just for that. Not so glad about how incredibly strong she is in PvP... heh.
At least we still have 18!

...The only other female fighter in the game.

edit: oh wow i missed some shit in this thread what happened ):
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Oct 25, 2017
I'll personally defend it because I find it hilarious. Ludicrous things like that are like that for me.

That being said, I haven't actually played any SK games beyond a demo IIRC, but those videos make me want to. It's the kind of absurdism I find appealing. Even if the combat is bad, presentation goes a long way.

That SK thread has actually got me curious too with people saying there are legit well-written characters. I'm trying to wrap my head around that claim. I would find the cognitive dissonance of that absolutely fascinating if things do indeed get as serious as they say.

I was warned for this post, so I thought I'd clarify my position.

I was only speaking for myself and not the greater climate. Those videos are so over the top that it's such an alien concept to me that it would inform anyone's view of women, even subconsciously. The goofy Mickey Mouse hands, the exaggerated movements and voice acting, the ridiculous sound effects, the happy island music, the breast physics that are more akin to playing with Mario's face in Mario 64 than anything resembling realism; I legitimately don't understand how anyone can take that seriously. I extend that view to games where men are in those positions, like the male version of Doki Doki Majo Shinpan.

It's all just so ridiculous that it wraps around to being funny for me. I won't hold it against anyone for feeling differently, but you likely won't be able to convince me of that viewpoint.
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Oct 27, 2017
It is about signifiers, and what those signifiers represent. Saying that, "it's for men" isn't a defense. Among other reasons, because nearly everything in modern society is for men. GTA3 is definitely as relevant a point of discussion as Senran Kagura, because they are both very explicitly created for men and the game's signifiers strongly represent that. Within the games, both present powerless women who only exist as objects for consumption.

The problem you mostly have is that you don't see the problem. You accept that because it's a game "for men" that the objectification that happens is acceptable. You're not even willing to discuss the possibility that the objectification of the characters in these games is a problem.

I can't have a discussion with someone who isn't open to the possibility that their views are problematic.

But my point is that saying "it's for men" is - IN THIS INSTANCE - a defense. Because the alternative is the idea that any media that specifically appeals to male heterosexuality to the exclusion of others is harmful. And I don't accept that.

You keep focusing on the overall level of dominance of male-oriented media. But that's not what I'm talking about. I agree (and have previously agreed in this thread) that there needs to be more neutral media, less male gaze where it's not warranted etc etc. All I'm saying here is that - whatever about the overall context of media - sexual content such as DoAX3 and Senran Kagura aren't harmful in and of themselves. That it's not innately harmful for men to buy games to oogle beautiful virtual characters. And it's this point that you aren't dealing with. Why is the male gaze on these characters problematic, in and of itself? You won't explain it.

The problem you have isn't that I don't see the problem - it's that I deny there is one and you refuse to make a case that there is. That's why this discussion is going nowhere. Remember, you were the one to reply to me originally. My original post sets out four clear points, none of which you have truly responded to. To make it really easy, I'll tl;dr my original post.

1. I don't believe these games influence behaviour of actual men.
2. I don't believe that women are being excluded from content they'd otherwise enjoy in these games because these games have as their core heterosexual male content.
3. I (and others) enjoy these games because I appreciate the beauty of the characters, and because of the interactivity that you don't get in other kinds of media, and
4. I don't see how making a game appealing to that enjoyment is harmful, or how appreciating a woman's beauty in that respect is 'objectification', or if it is, how objectification is wrong in that context.

edit: Additionally, even if "the point" of a game is to indulge in the male gaze, it doesn't mean the male gaze isn't problematic, whether in the specific or general case.

To deal with your edit - this is finally what I'm specifically talking about. Why is the male gaze problematic in the specific case of heterosexual-male-oriented sexual content? Why is it problematic for men to enjoy their sexuality by looking at beautiful naked women? In my opinion, it isn't.

Lemme pick your brain for a sec. In your mind, is child pornography in manga 'not harmful' because the characters are just drawings?

I will be entirely honest and consistent here - as horrid as that material is, as filthy and disgusting as it is - I don't think I would describe it as 'harmful'. With two caveats: If someone could show me stats that show that said material draws pedos into offending then I'd change my mind, and if this material is based off of real children then it is obviously harmful and criminal (I have no idea if it is or not).

I don't think it's a very good comparison to what I'm talking about, though, because pedophiles can't get sexual satisfaction without abusing kids and ruining a life. It's one or the other for them. Someone who plays DoAX3 or Senran Kagura etc can obviously get sexual satisfaction normally, the games just fulfill a particular fantasy niche. Not so for pedos, who are innately dangerous.


Oct 26, 2017
But my point is that saying "it's for men" is - IN THIS INSTANCE - a defense. Because the alternative is the idea that any media that specifically appeals to male heterosexuality to the exclusion of others is harmful. And I don't accept that.

You keep focusing on the overall level of dominance of male-oriented media. But that's not what I'm talking about. I agree (and have previously agreed in this thread) that there needs to be more neutral media, less male gaze where it's not warranted etc etc. All I'm saying here is that - whatever about the overall context of media - sexual content such as DoAX3 and Senran Kagura aren't harmful in and of themselves. That it's not innately harmful for men to buy games to oogle beautiful virtual characters. And it's this point that you aren't dealing with. Why is the male gaze on these characters problematic, in and of itself? You won't explain it.

The problem you have isn't that I don't see the problem - it's that I deny there is one and you refuse to make a case that there is. That's why this discussion is going nowhere. Remember, you were the one to reply to me originally. My original post sets out four clear points, none of which you have truly responded to. To make it really easy, I'll tl;dr my original post.

1. I don't believe these games influence behaviour of actual men.
2. I don't believe that women are being excluded from content they'd otherwise enjoy in these games because these games have as their core heterosexual male content.
3. I (and others) enjoy these games because I appreciate the beauty of the characters, and because of the interactivity that you don't get in other kinds of media, and
4. I don't see how making a game appealing to that enjoyment is harmful, or how appreciating a woman's beauty in that respect is 'objectification', or if it is, how objectification is wrong in that context.

To deal with your edit - this is finally what I'm specifically talking about. Why is the male gaze problematic in the specific case of heterosexual-male-oriented sexual content? Why is it problematic for men to enjoy their sexuality by looking at beautiful naked women? In my opinion, it isn't.
I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted with this. I'm going to re-post these from the OP, because both of them are true of the arguments you are making.

- "I don't care, I love T&A". Good for you, but coming in a thread about women's opinions to tell them you don't care is rude and inflammatory. Don't be that guy.

- "What's the problem anyway? It's just fiction/video games/etc.". The "problem" has been explained in detail across the whole thread. You might not want to read the whole thread, and that's fine -- but in that case, just don't reply.


Nov 1, 2017
But my point is that saying "it's for men" is - IN THIS INSTANCE - a defense. Because the alternative is the idea that any media that specifically appeals to male heterosexuality to the exclusion of others is harmful. And I don't accept that.

I recommend you have a look at this. This is what happened at a Men Only charity dinner. The women where employed to be eye candy (roughly the equivalent of a DOA or SK character there to be nothing more than eye candy for the rich men).

This is taken to its most extreme level. I doubt it will change your mind that objectification and sexualisation can lead to women being treated like meat but i just wanted you to read it.

Helps if i include the link.


Oct 27, 2017
Ban, I'm just going to say that a lot of what you've just described sounds really creepy.

As for what the problem is, it is about issues bigger than any individual game. The individual games contribute to a larger societal problem of objectification, specifically how women are not worthy of being treated as equals. (just one of many articles)

And a quote:

It was a really interesting read. Especially the part that talks about how a male naked body is often used for laughs while the female body is used for sexualization. I've seen a lot of stuff (both in and outside videogames) that fall into this but I haven't realized it as a wide and more cultural thing until now. Thanks!

Now, about the topic in question, like I think I've said before, is that games like Senran Kagura will never stop being like this. What you say won't make them stop being like this. The problem with a Senran Kagura, or any other otaku game, is that they have a really, really specific audience, that they do their best to cater, and they don't really want to expand it beyond that. You're basically complaining about a group of developers that don't give a flying shit about you. And, well, actually giving the games they develop more visibility since people will check it out after seeing your complains.

Since those games are lost causes, I think the disussion should be shifted to bigger titles. Mid tier and above. Stuff like Persona, a franchise that suddently sold more than twice outside of Japan than it did inside its borders. Games that are trying to expand their audience and will inevitably look outside of their frontiers because there is just so much you can do inside of them. Discussing about it, and keeping their problems visible (as much as I sometimes am exhausted of reading them) is actually useful, because it increases the chance that they'll keep those opinions and mind and create a product that isn't harmful.

I'm not trying to use this as a defense to those titles. I just think we should pick up our fights better. Just that.

Was this posted?

I don't think any woman in this game has a non fanservice outfit. While all the dudes look rather dapper. Even the flat chested chick couldn't escape it.

Not defending the sexualization of the women. But the men designs are really, really similar to the kind of designs you would find in an otome game, a subgenre of VN that target a female audience and are filled with handsome and good looking characters to date. See Hakuoki, Amnesia, or just look for pictures of the genre in Google.

In this case both types of designs share the same goal, even if they're totally different. I'm not saying you shouldn't complain about the female designs. I just say comparing them to the male characters is a flawed argument because it just shows the difference between the kind of characters that appeal to both genres. I think I already talked about this in a previous post. If you want to discuss the actual designs, I'd happily do it. I think this is a good example of games that should get discussion (see the text above your quote), since it seems Bandai Namco is interested in pushing the game in the West too.


Oct 26, 2017
I just wish we wouldn't have to link male heterosexuality with harassing and molesting half naked girls (even if they're just polygons like some say).
Oct 25, 2017
Not defending the sexualization of the women. But the men designs are really, really similar to the kind of designs you would find in an otome game, a subgenre of VN that target a female audience and are filled with handsome and good looking characters to date. See Hakuoki, Amnesia, or just look for pictures of the genre in Google.

Yeah, I think a lot of people are missing that those designs are targeting both men and women based on what's considered traditionally attractive in those circles.

Saying "the men are more dressed, therefore they aren't objectified like the women" is missing the point because it's not true from a Japanese otaku perspective. That's pure fujoshi bait right there.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I just wish we wouldn't have to link male heterosexuality with harassing and molesting half naked girls (even if they're just polygons like some say).
That's really what it comes down to, isn't it?

It's not just about ogling sexy girls. Some of those games are explicitly about sexually harassing and assaulting the unwilling, and often underage, characters. That's supposed to be appealing to a heterosexual male audience?


Dec 7, 2017
I'm going to re-post these from the OP, because both of them are true of the arguments you are making.
Both points don't really apply. They're not hand-waving, and they're not pulling the fiction card.

A lot of people seem to let fringe-cases like SK slide because of their "honesty". I dunno.


Oct 26, 2017
Both points don't really apply. They're not hand-waving, and they're not pulling the fiction card.

A lot of people seem to let fringe-cases like SK slide because of their "honesty". I dunno.
The initial argument has plenty of hand-waving and literally states that there's no problem because it's fictional.
It was a really interesting read. Especially the part that talks about how a male naked body is often used for laughs while the female body is used for sexualization. I've seen a lot of stuff (both in and outside videogames) that fall into this but I haven't realized it as a wide and more cultural thing until now. Thanks!

Now, about the topic in question, like I think I've said before, is that games like Senran Kagura will never stop being like this. What you say won't make them stop being like this. The problem with a Senran Kagura, or any other otaku game, is that they have a really, really specific audience, that they do their best to cater, and they don't really want to expand it beyond that. You're basically complaining about a group of developers that don't give a flying shit about you. And, well, actually giving the games they develop more visibility since people will check it out after seeing your complains.

Since those games are lost causes, I think the disussion should be shifted to bigger titles. Mid tier and above. Stuff like Persona, a franchise that suddently sold more than twice outside of Japan than it did inside its borders. Games that are trying to expand their audience and will inevitably look outside of their frontiers because there is just so much you can do inside of them. Discussing about it, and keeping their problems visible (as much as I sometimes am exhausted of reading them) is actually useful, because it increases the chance that they'll keep those opinions and mind and create a product that isn't harmful.

I'm not trying to use this as a defense to those titles. I just think we should pick up our fights better. Just that.
Not disagreeing. It's just exhausting to continually have a discussion where the other party constantly says your arguments aren't relevant. I don't even really mind if people like games like Senran Kagura or DoA, I just want people to accept that the games are about objectification. Like, just getting people to realize that that's what those games are about seems like a huge challenge.
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Oct 27, 2017
I recommend you have a look at this. This is what happened at a Men Only charity dinner. The women where employed to be eye candy (roughly the equivalent of a DOA or SK character there to be nothing more than eye candy for the rich men).

This is taken to its most extreme level. I doubt it will change your mind that objectification and sexualisation can lead to women being treated like meat but i just wanted you to read it.

Helps if i include the link.

I saw this in the news... but what relevance does it have to what I'm talking about? Are you implying that some of these men were inspired to harass the hosts by playing Senran Kagura? (Yes, that was a facetious question.)

These guys were drunk, sexist assholes - the kind you find all over the place in big business in London. I know this kind of guy. I can't stand them, have never been able to stand them. Plenty of my old school friends ended up like this. And there's no doubt that our media in general totally empowers this kind of man. But niche video games where you can ogle women aren't what's creating these guys, trust me. And on the other hand if these guys had done what they'd done in a video game instead of in real life, no one would have been hurt.

I still maintain that ogling virtual women in games specifically designed to do that causes no harm whatsoever.

That's really what it comes down to, isn't it?

It's not just about ogling sexy girls. Some of those games are explicitly about sexually harassing and assaulting the unwilling, and often underage, characters. That's supposed to be appealing to a heterosexual male audience?

Most of these games aren't about harassing anyone, as far as I can tell. DoAX3 certainly isn't. Most sexual content in games absolutely is just about ogling sexy girls. And for me that's what it's all about, as I said.

Some other games are about harassment, yes. But to not understand why that is strange. Some people have dark sexual desires that may come and go and are absolutely fine when acted out consensually in the bedroom or depicted in fictional media. Simple. I think anyone would accept that if we were talking about content in a romance novel or movie, but in a game the interactivity makes people suddenly feel different. (Which is understandable - interactivity transforms the experience, after all.)

That Senran stuff does absolutely nothing for me. I can no more see the appeal of poking and prodding some unwilling female character than I can see the beauty in some damn foot that a foot fetishist does. But I accept that some dudes like this stuff, and it doesn't bother me that they have a way of acting that out in a game. More importantly, I have never believed that actually harassing the girl is supposed to be what's turning you on.

To break down what's probably actually happening on a meta level in those videos, what the actual appeal is supposed to be:
1. The girl doesn't like it not because you're supposed to think it's hot that you're assaulting her, but because the fact that she doesn't like it means she's 'pure' and thus more attractive. I'm sure this is the reason these girls are made to resist.
2. The reason you poke and prod the girls is to see the jiggle effects, which are sexually stimulating to a guy, as well as to feel like you have some 'interaction' with the character.
3. The girl laughs it off at the end to relieve you of any bad emotions you may have felt for prodding her and being a harassing asshole.

I mean, it's all stupid bullshit, but each part is there just to make a guy feel good and plays to standard male heterosexual tastes.
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Dec 7, 2017
The initial argument has plenty of hand-waving and literally states that there's no problem because it's fictional.
Okay, you're right.
I saw this in the news... but what relevance does it have to what I'm talking about? Are you implying that some of these men were inspired to harass the hosts by playing Senran Kagura? (Yes, that was a facetious question.)

These guys were drunk, sexist assholes - the kind you find all over the place in big business in London. I know this kind of guy. I can't stand them, have never been able to stand them. Plenty of my old school friends ended up like this. And there's no doubt that our media in general totally empowers this kind of man. But niche video games where you can ogle women aren't what's creating these guys, trust me. And on the other hand if these guys had done what they'd done in a video game instead of in real life, no one would have been hurt.

I still maintain that ogling virtual women in games specifically designed to do that causes no harm whatsoever.
For one, it's a statement that women are to be ogled. I bet a lot of women disagree there.
I'm not an expert on creeping and its effects on the creeper, but I can imagine it's not healthy for them either.


Oct 27, 2017
The initial argument has plenty of hand-waving and literally states that there's no problem because it's fictional.

Not disagreeing. It's just exhausting to continually have a discussion where the other party constantly says your arguments aren't relevant. I don't even really mind if people like games like Senran Kagura or DoA, I just want people to accept that the games are about objectification. Like, just getting people to realize that that's what those games are about seems like a huge challenge.

I see. I pretty much share the same views as you as in that topic then.


Nov 1, 2017
I saw this in the news... but what relevance does it have to what I'm talking about? Are you implying that some of these men were inspired to harass the hosts by playing Senran Kagura? (Yes, that was a facetious question.)

These guys were drunk, sexist assholes - the kind you find all over the place in big business in London. I know this kind of guy. I can't stand them, have never been able to stand them. Plenty of my old school friends ended up like this. And there's no doubt that our media in general totally empowers this kind of man. But niche video games where you can ogle women aren't what's creating these guys, trust me. And on the other hand if these guys had done what they'd done in a video game instead of in real life, no one would have been hurt.

I still maintain that ogling virtual women in games specifically designed to do that causes no harm whatsoever.

I am treating this as an extreme and if you don't know the history of men only clubs in the uk the relevance may well be lost. But these clubs where space where men could get away from the women. Except for the strippers, or the wet t-shirt contests and sometimes worse. The reason I bring it up though is it was the same line of defence. These are men only clubs, only intended for men, there's no harm in them. But every now and then things like this happen.

Oh and lay off the drunk excuse. An awful lot of people go through there lives getting drunk and managing not to sexually harass people. These are products of male only schools, men only golf clubs, men only dinners. The only time women enter these worlds are as servants, escorts or hosts.

But I can't make an argument to save my life so feel free to ignore me.

Just as a quick aside you honestly don't see any issue with a game using, with what would be in real life, sexual harassment?


Oct 29, 2017
Bán ... Sorry, but all of this was already covered in the OP and really, you're not giving a good impression here, nor this is actually the thread to discuss it to that extent. You're going overboard.

Stop before you get carried away enough to regret it.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, you're right.

For one, it's a statement that women are to be ogled. I bet a lot of women disagree there.
I'm not an expert on creeping and its effects on the creeper, but I can imagine it's not healthy for them either.

Argh, I feel like I'm just not getting through! Which is that there are situations when human beings - including women - ARE there to be ogled, and that's alright. Like porn, or modelling, or (wait for it) soft-porn video games. And that's all right. Many women make a living off of that. And that's all right. Some video game developers do too. And that's all right.

And giving a real-world example of where women were ogled and harassed when they shouldn't have been doesn't really negate that point. Just because those women were harassed does not mean that it's never okay to sexualise or ogle a person, or that it's never okay to make a game where that is the main attraction. All I want is some agreement or discussion about that, and people keep bringing it to the realm of 'the industry as a whole' or 'bad things which have happened in real life' without any attempt in either case made at showing how said niche games actually cause any harm.

Bán ... Sorry, but all of this was already covered in the OP and really, you're not giving a good impression here, nor this is actually the thread to discuss it to that extent. You're going overboard.

Stop before you get carried away enough to regret it.

Overboard? How so? I'm just stating my opinion, after a guy asked for 'candid opinions' from people who like those kinds of games. Had it not been for that request I would have merely continued reading the thread quietly like I have for the last 50+ pages since I last weighed in.

And I don't agree that this was covered in the OP, I disagree entirely. Go and read it, you'll see. The question of whether 'Is objectification of virtual characters ever okay when it's the entire goal of a niche soft-porn game' - that question is not covered in the OP. And it appears to be impossible to get people to engage on that point in this thread.

I'll bold it: 'Is objectification of virtual characters ever okay when it's the entire goal of a niche soft-porn game?' I'd bet money that no one will answer this question.

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not disagreeing. It's just exhausting to continually have a discussion where the other party constantly says your arguments aren't relevant. I don't even really mind if people like games like Senran Kagura or DoA, I just want people to accept that the games are about objectification. Like, just getting people to realize that that's what those games are about seems like a huge challenge.

I would hope most people could agree that those games are fanservice games, most people arent getting doa for the volleyball :P. I dont think thats even anything to be ashamed of, thats just what the games are, if someone is not open to that concept, they arent open to the broder conversation and at that point its probably best to bail.


Dec 7, 2017
To break down what's probably actually happening on a meta level in those videos, what the actual appeal is supposed to be:
1. The girl doesn't like it not because you're supposed to think it's hot that you're assaulting her, but because the fact that she doesn't like it means she's 'pure' and thus more attractive. I'm sure this is the reason these girls are made to resist.
2. The reason you poke and prod the girls is to see the jiggle effects, which are sexually stimulating to a guy, as well as to feel like you have some 'interaction' with the character.
3. The girl laughs it off at the end to relieve you of any bad emotions you may have felt for prodding her and being a harassing asshole.

I mean, it's all stupid bullshit, but each part is there just to make a guy feel good and plays to standard male heterosexual tastes.
1. And the player's destroying that purity.
2. It's because of the (weak) association with breast fat.
3. So she's making excuses for the player and validating asshole behaviour.

I don't think these are standard sexual tastes. They are power fantasies in a sexual setting.
Argh, I feel like I'm just not getting through! Which is that there are situations when human beings - including women - ARE there to be ogled, and that's alright. Like porn, or modelling, or (wait for it) soft-porn video games. And that's all right. Many women make a living off of that. And that's all right. Some video game developers do too. And that's all right.

And giving a real-world example of where women were ogled and harassed when they shouldn't have been doesn't really negate that point. Just because those women were harassed does not mean that it's never okay to sexualise or ogle a person, or that it's never okay to make a game where that is the main attraction. All I want is some agreement or discussion about that, and people keep bringing it to the realm of 'the industry as a whole' or 'bad things which have happened in real life' without any attempt in either case made at showing how said niche games actually cause any harm.
I'll bold it: 'Is objectification of virtual characters ever okay when it's the entire goal of a niche soft-porn game?' I'd bet money that no one will answer this question.
It's okay, I get what you're saying. And you do have a point.
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Oct 26, 2017
That Senran stuff does absolutely nothing for me. I can no more see the appeal of poking and prodding some unwilling female character than I can see the beauty in some damn foot that a foot fetishist does. But I accept that some dudes like this stuff, and it doesn't bother me that they have a way of acting that out in a game. More importantly, I have never believed that actually harassing the girl is supposed to be what's turning you on.

To break down what's probably actually happening on a meta level in those videos, what the actual appeal is supposed to be:
1. The girl doesn't like it not because you're supposed to think it's hot that you're assaulting her, but because the fact that she doesn't like it means she's 'pure' and thus more attractive. I'm sure this is the reason these girls are made to resist.
2. The reason you poke and prod the girls is to see the jiggle effects, which are sexually stimulating to a guy, as well as to feel like you have some 'interaction' with the character.
3. The girl laughs it off at the end to relieve you of any bad emotions you may have felt for prodding her and being a harassing asshole.

I mean, it's all stupid bullshit, but each part is there just to make a guy feel good and plays to standard male heterosexual tastes.

That sounds basically a bunch of excuses to make men not realize that they are, indeed, sexually harassing a women. And for the love of god don't say that is standard male sexuality, luckily is not.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
To break down what's probably actually happening on a meta level in those videos, what the actual appeal is supposed to be:
1. The girl doesn't like it not because you're supposed to think it's hot that you're assaulting her, but because the fact that she doesn't like it means she's 'pure' and thus more attractive. I'm sure this is the reason these girls are made to resist.
2. The reason you poke and prod the girls is to see the jiggle effects, which are sexually stimulating to a guy, as well as to feel like you have some 'interaction' with the character.
3. The girl laughs it off at the end to relieve you of any bad emotions you may have felt for prodding her and being a harassing asshole.

I mean, it's all stupid bullshit, but each part is there just to make a guy feel good and plays to standard male heterosexual tastes.
I'm really not sure that 'poking and prodding' 'pure' girls who 'don't like it' and are thus 'more attractive' is playing to 'standard' male heterosexual tastes. Do you not see the focus on lack of agency, dominance, power and control here?

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it's all stupid bullshit, but each part is there just to make a guy feel good and plays to standard male heterosexual tastes.

I mean lets not say thats "standard male heterosexual tastes" cause that would be very sad if true. Having a girl resist doesnt do anything for me as a hetero male and I would be more than happy to see that go as it goes beyond just sexualization


Oct 27, 2017
1. And the player's destroying that purity.
2. It's because of the (weak) association with breast fat.
3. So she's making excuses for the player and validating asshole behaviour.

I don't think these are standard sexual tastes. They are power fantasies in a sexual setting.

It's okay, I get what you're saying. And you do have a point.

That sounds basically a bunch of excuses to make men not realize that they are, indeed, sexually harassing a women. And for the love of god don't say that is standard male sexuality, luckily is not.

And that is really the problem here. Do you not see that?

"Sexual harassment/assault is standard heterosexual male taste". No, just no.

Alright, I'll give you guys this one. I meant that interacting with a half-naked girl is standard heterosexual taste. The way it's done - poking and prodding (assault) is not.

I should have expressed myself better there, that one's on me. Point taken.

I'm really not sure that 'poking and prodding' 'pure' girls who 'don't like it' and are thus 'more attractive' is playing to 'standard' male heterosexual tastes. Do you not see the focus on lack of agency, dominance, power and control here?

On the other hand, I'd argue that wanting to be dominant and in control is pretty standard in heterosexual men. But the assault thing, not standard.

With all of that said, I'm just going to cheekily put this here again:
'Is objectification of virtual characters ever okay when it's the entire goal of a niche soft-porn game?' I'd bet money that no one will answer this question.
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