Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
* looks at the success of games like Fortnight, Paladins, Minecraft etc. * I think between first party, indie games and cross play download games, Switch is in no way lacking in western support. Wouldn't surprise me to see pubg mobile adapted and agents of valor is coming.


Nov 9, 2017
(Yes it's another one of those threads about third parties on Switch, sorry)

It's an honest question from a user: i love my Switch, it's currently my main system but will we ever reach a point where:

1) western third parties are done with last gen ports


2) the system has a very big audience that demands new contents designed for the system?

Like for instance as a big Prince of Persia fan, i remember when Sands of Time came out, Ubisoft made both the PC/console version plus a portable one in 2D for GBA inspired by the original one. (while it wasn't nearly as amazing as the other game, it was still okay)

What are the chances from Ubisoft to make something similar for Assassin's Creed on Switch?

Or even better, design new games for the Switch: Find out what it works on the system and invest on a new ip for the system, japanese third parties will do that: especially when/if the system will hit those 40-50-60 mln units sold why not? And if this happens eventually, when do you expect these games to be announced? (like 2019? or 2020?)

Or opposite case scenario: western third parties are cool with these 2-3 old ports, so they will soon drop the support cause "hey PS5 is out so who cares?
2k just announced a new carnival games


Dec 13, 2017
So did the vita.

The Switch would be able to translate the console AC experience better than the Vita did. Skyrim, BotW, and similar titles prove that there is an audience for a finely tuned AC game for the hardware.

The Vita never really had an established audience with clear preference until it died and became a niche indie machine.

Deleted member 16365

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Oct 27, 2017
The industry is headed towards 60fps 4k. Nintendo is doing their own thing which is awesome, but it's nieve to think that third party publishers are going to take the time in their already condensed dev cycles to make a down port.

It'll be the same as it was all the previous gens: a dev will farm out the port, some will be good, others a trainwreck. The bad ones will not sell at all and eventually the publishers will stop even trying. The shit ports not selling will be their fault, but it won't matter and the Switch will lose major third party support.


Oct 28, 2017

It's not Nintendo funded, it's not even Nintendo published. It's an Ubisoft developed and published game licensing Nintendo characters.
Nintendo published the game in Asia; they provided overseeing, quality control, assets etc and is a result of earlier collaboration between ubi and Ninendo. The game was a wii title which was rejected and gave new impulse with the Switch. A small new prototype brought new fire to the project and Nintendo greenlit the project. With Ubi going multiple times to Japan to work and present new ideas.

This project is way different than normal 3rd-party projects. Mainly because of the Mario universe and strict Nintendo rules.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, I just don't see bigger budget 3rd parties ever coming over. I'm really not interested so much in AAA ports, but just more games developed exclusively around Switch's hardware. We're only a little over a year in, so, there's still a chance I guess. But, if we don't get an uptick in new announcements by the end of the year, I don't expect it happening at all. That said, I knew that coming into the Switch. I just wanted some great first party games and some indies to go along with it. I'm getting that for the most part, just the lack of Virtual Console really hurts. And, no, their online service ain't gonna cut it either.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm guessing indie games don't count somehow.

Plenty of those come out every week and they're getting good sales.


Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo published the game in Asia; they provided overseeing, quality control, assets etc and is a result of earlier collaboration between ubi and Ninendo. The game was a wii title which was rejected and gave new impulse with the Switch. A small new prototype brought new fire to the project and Nintendo greenlit the project. With Ubi going multiple times to Japan to work and present new ideas.

This project is way different than normal 3rd-party projects. Mainly because of the Mario universe and strict Nintendo rules.
Okay and at the end of the day it's not Nintendo funded, it's not even Nintendo published. It's an Ubisoft developed and published game licensing Nintendo characters.


Oct 25, 2017
The commercial reality of making games is that Ubisoft made unique Assassin's Creed games for PSP, DS, Vita, 3DS, feature phones, smartphones, and digital download marketplaces. The idea that they suddenly have no interest in developing an Assassin's Creed game for the Switch eventually seems to be the one which is divorced entirely from reality.

PSP and DS times were over 10 years ago. Vita and 3DS already received far less western third party support because they don't really make games fitting handheld platforms anymore. It's all about AAA.


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo published the game in Asia; they provided overseeing, quality control, assets etc and is a result of earlier collaboration between ubi and Ninendo. The game was a wii title which was rejected and gave new impulse with the Switch. A small new prototype brought new fire to the project and Nintendo greenlit the project. With Ubi going multiple times to Japan to work and present new ideas.

This project is way different than normal 3rd-party projects. Mainly because of the Mario universe and strict Nintendo rules.

Where are your sources on that Mario + Rabbids was a rejected Wii game? The only thing I have heard of is that Soliani had a proposal for a Wind Waker clone on GBA that was rejected.

And licensed assets isn't the same as a 2nd party project. Starlink doesn't become a 2nd party project just because Nintendo collaborated regarding the Star Fox model.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i don't expect a whole lot, but
i'm very excited for trials rising
spyro is probably coming, but beyond that i don't expect anything from activision
fifa 18 was a success, if 19 sells well i guess yearly fifas are gauranteed
i expect an exclusive from the mario+rabbids to be in development, but we won't see it for a while
while bethesda's support has been good, i don't know if it'll continue beyond the new wolfenstein. if they can get the new doom running on switch it'll be great


Oct 29, 2017
wait, they are releasing Pillars2 on Switch?!
Haven't heard that one yet, hope the font size will not be too small.
For me the switch is an indie machine.
I do not expect AAA games to come out on it. If I want bombast graphics I can always go to my PS4 or PC.
The switch is perfect for indie games, AA games and ports.
With big publishers complaining about the costs of AAA games I hope they take the opportunity to give smaller dev teams a chance to work passion projects, stuff that you expect from the indie scene just coming form a big publisher.
I do hope that we see more ports of older games though, I would love to have a Fallout 3/NV, Morrowind, Warcraft 3, Mass Effect, AssCreed(1-4), experience on the go.


Oct 26, 2017
You are not getting the graphically intensive AAA multiplats on Switch day and date, if at all. The baseline specs for those games is a PS4. Porting down isn't going to be easily feasible for all of those games.

Other than that the third party support seems quite decent and growing.
Jan 10, 2018
I'm curious to see what Panic Button will announce. When DOom was announced, the goalposts moved a first time and many were downplaying the port and the console by pointing out the fact that Id6 is scalable and that the game had lots of overhead on the other consoles. The Wolf 2 was released, the port of a more demanding game, with arguably better performances than doom ( I have both and Wolf looks AND plays better in my opinion). This fall, Ark will be released and the goal posts will hopefully move again (large open world, 30fps/720p on more powerful consoles) if the port is playable. Listening to the studio responsible from the port ( I don't see why they would lie on that), the power gap between the switch and the base consoles isn't as big as some make it out to be, so I'm actually quite optimistic about future third party releases. Power-wise, the Switch really seems halfway between the previous and the current gen and could, I guess, receive games few would expect on a handheld.


Oct 28, 2017
Where are your sources on that Mario + Rabbids was a rejected Wii game? The only thing I have heard of is that Soliani had a proposal for a Wind Waker clone on GBA that was rejected.

And licensed assets isn't the same as a 2nd party project. Starlink doesn't become a 2nd party project just because Nintendo collaborated regarding the Star Fox model.
Just searched and found this: https://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_+_Rabbids_Kingdom_Battle

Perhaps there are better sources. I know they started talking after the first Just Dance success on Wii.

I thought a second party title was exclusive to a platform and is impossible to release on a different platform, like named title. Starlink is not exclusive and only uses some Nintendo IP and still stands as a standalone title without.
Oct 29, 2017
You won't get anything from anyone other than Ubisoft and Bethesda. That's it.

TBH, that's much better than I ever expected from the Switch's outset.


Oct 30, 2017
You won't see AAA Western games. The majority of them just aren't meant to exist on mobile hardware, that is the reality.

Indies and Japanese 3rd parties are going to fill out the Switch library, with the occasional collaboration between Ubi and Nintendo. Games that put cutting edge graphics first are not a logical fit for the Switch.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Didn't Liberation fucking tank? Like I wouldn't be surprised if ZombiU did better...


Oct 26, 2017
Doesn't feel that way.

Expectation certainly play a role here, i was ready for 3DS level of support. We are getting quite a bit more than that and quickly too. What do you feel is missing?

It's not going to replace a PC or a PS4 though, especially for AAA game. But again, i never expected it would.
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Deleted member 37739

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Jan 8, 2018
Nintendo have been cutting their own groove in the industry for the last decade or more - I wouldn't expect them to enter the main competitive space with PS, XB and Steam and start chasing flagship western AAA properties (which appears to be the trust of the argument here). For me, the Switch makes way more sense when you accept it for what it is - and it's great - but demanding it to be something else is a quick way to feel frustrated.
Oct 25, 2017
Expectation certainly play a role here, i was ready for 3DS level of support. We are getting quite a bit more than that and quickly too. What do you feel is missing?

It's not going to replace a PC or a PS4 though, especially for AAA game. But again, i never expected it would.
I think it's decent I just don't feel likes it's growing I also don't except major western 8 gen AAA games but I did except if was successful Western 3rd parties would try and port their 7th gen catalog.

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
Nintendo have been cutting their own groove in the industry for the last decade or more - I wouldn't expect them to enter the main competitive space with PS, XB and Steam and start chasing flagship western AAA properties (which appears to be the trust of the argument here). For me, the Switch makes way more sense when you accept it for what it is - and it's great - but demanding it to be something else is a quick way to feel frustrated.

It's not just AAA titles, but also making something that works on Switch, designed for the hardware and for the audience.

No thanks. I hope devs stick to ports rather than making exclusive games.
The fewer exclusives a system has, the better.

HD development takes up a lot of resources, better to port the game than to create a separate version for the Switch.

You're going to get games rated E to T because that's what Ubisoft knows sells on Nintendo systems. Any M rated titles will be multiplatform because they know the audiences for it have already been established on PS4/XB1.

2k just announced a new carnival games

And yet we see AA studios investing more on those HD games for Switch.

Like when i wrote that part i was referring to something like Ninjala, that clearly represents GungHo's attempt to make something for the Switch audience. it is clearly inspired by Splatoon 2 (which has a huge community on Switch), i don't know if it's a good game but it has the same premises: fun and cute but also very competitive.

And i bet you can also make M-rated games for the Switch audience, it would be interesting how that Daemon X Machina shown at E3 will do. (although usually Mech games are for a niche audience)

While if you look at western third parties there is often a clear distinction between the hardcore experiences made for PS4/XB1 (not PC cause even there i know there is a wider audience) so they would look downgraded on Switch, and the extremely casual games.

Where's the line between the Carnival Games and Red Dead Redemption 2?
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
They did it for Vita, and Ubi is very involved with Nintendo and Switch these days.

Cost of making a vita game =/= cost of making an exclusive AC Switch game.

The Vita game was also made up completely of recycled assets from the Main HD game.

With engines as scalable as they are, there's no technical reason the next mainline AC game can't be scaled down and ported to the Switch.

That's far more likely than entirely exclusive game.

See above


The commercial reality of making games is that Ubisoft made unique Assassin's Creed games for PSP, DS, Vita, 3DS, feature phones, smartphones, and digital download marketplaces. The idea that they suddenly have no interest in developing an Assassin's Creed game for the Switch eventually seems to be the one which is divorced entirely from reality.

See above.

Nobody said Ubi isn't interested in putting an AC game on the Switch. That's a weird straw man. Perhaps read posts before making knee-jerk reactions based on whatever narrative you projected onto my post. I'm talking about an entirely exclusive AC game for the Switch which is more along the lines of the cost of an AC game for the PS3 and 360, I.e. prob an order of magnitude more expensive than the Vita game they shat out last gen.

With the gulf in CPU performance between the Switch and PS4/XB1 being small enough that games can evidently be ported between the two (see Wolfenstein, Doom etc) there's no commercial justification for an exclusive AC game on the Switch when they can simply port the next mainline game to the device and call it a day.
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Oct 29, 2017
I could see ubisoft porting those AC: India, Russia and China games, same goes for child of light and maybe unravel. A Liberation Port would be nice, never got around to play that entry.


Nov 13, 2017
I totally agree OP, and i think some people are not getting your point:

new contents designed for the system?

As in, not multiplat ports (as welcome as those are)

Aside from Mario+ rabbids there is none of this so far and there should be. Switch is not as powerful as the other guys sure but a lot can be done with the system when content is designed from the ground up for it rather than being ported, and also devs could take advantage more of its unique hardware (joy cons etc)

Wii had a lot of shovel ware, but also had plenty of third party executives that were great games in their own right - Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox, the Conduit, Mad World, Red Steel (2) etc

E3 disappointed in this regard, I really hoped some 3rd party was gonna show their new exciting switch project. There's money to be made....maybe next year?
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Expecting third party AAA exclusives for the Switch is setting yourself up for disappointment. The ballpark devs cost of a AAA Switch game will be closer to a typical AAA PS3 game than the cost to make an exclusive Wii game.

No third party is going to be willing to take that kinda risk unless they can leverage IP properties that appeal more to the Nintendo audience and will mitigate much of that commercial risk, hence why Ubisoft is pursuing partnerships with Nintendo to incorporate their characters into exclusive AAA Switch games.

I'll never say never, but third party AAA Switch exclusives are highly unlikely, imho. And despite the differential in GPU performance, the Switch actually benefits from the weakness of Jaguar cores in the PS4 and XB1, meaning there are fewer technical barriers to full AAA ports appearing on the Switch simultaneously, and I see this as where most third parties will go as the Switch continues its sales success.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Between indies and ports, I'm honestly covered.

I do think a few more games could have switch ports. But as it is there's plenty coming.

As for AAA exclusives, well there was MR last year and octopath this year. Most third party games are multiplats now


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
There really isn't a big variety of new and/or exclusive third party AA games.

I would love Prey or Dishonored but even they are in the older side. Just cause 4 close to launch would be fun. Monster Hunter is coming.

I know it is old but the remaster of Red Faction Guerrilla would've been cool.


Nov 13, 2017
Expecting third party AAA exclusives for the Switch is setting yourself up for disappointment. The ballpark devs cost of a AAA Switch game will be closer to a typical AAA PS3 game than the cost to make an exclusive Wii game.

No third party is going to be willing to take that kinda risk unless they can leverage IP properties that appeal more to the Nintendo audience and will mitigate much of that commercial risk, hence why Ubisoft is pursuing partnerships with Nintendo to incorporate their characters into exclusive AAA Switch games.

I'll never say never, but third party AAA Switch exclusives are highly unlikely, imho. And despite the differential in GPU performance, the Switch actually benefits from the weakness of Jaguar cores in the PS4 and XB1, meaning there are fewer technical barriers to full AAA ports appearing on the Switch simultaneously, and I see this as where most third parties will go as the Switch continues its sales success.

I dont think anyone is expecting that. A "AA", more simple but fun game that takes advantage of the switches hardware would still be better than only ports

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
I totally agree OP, and i think some people are not getting your point:

As in, not multiplat ports (as welcome as those are)

Aside from Mario+ rabbids there is none of this so far and there should be. Switch is not as powerful as the other guys sure but a lot can be done with the system when content is designed from the ground up for it rather than being ported, and also devs could take advantage more of its unique hardware (joy cons etc)

Wii had a lot of shovel ware, but also had plenty of third party executives that were great games in their own right - Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox, the Conduit, Mad World, Red Steel (2) etc

E3 disappointed in this regard, I really hoped some 3rd party was gonna show their new exciting switch project. There's money to be made....maybe next year?

Exactly, power is not that big of an issue if you make games designed to run on that hardware: in terms of graphics if you go with a stylized look (like Breath of the Wild, Mario + Rabbids, Daemon X Machina,...) you can still make pretty looking games for 2018 standards.

Nobody expects RDR2 but you can still make new IPs or spin-offs using those big franchises.

Like when Square Enix made FF Crystal Chronicles: sure it wasn't FF X but still such a great game, and they built a spin-off series from that. Why western third parties aren't able to do that?
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Jun 19, 2018
I think Activision lost lot's of money with the 3 wiiU ports. They need motivation to release these kind of games on Nintendo platforms

As far as I can tell, those did really well in the beginning, the later ports ran into the problem of a declining core audience (with nintendo not relaesaing many games to keep interest high in that target audience).


Oct 28, 2017
As far as I can tell, those did really well in the beginning, the later ports ran into the problem of a declining core audience (with nintendo not relaesaing many games to keep interest high in that target audience).
I would love CoD on Switch but something happened. They only gave token-support so far which is focused on a younger audience.


Oct 30, 2017
There just needs to a sticky thread titled. " it's been out a year. It takes time to make new games."

Seriously though many and publishers/devs have said they we're surprised by the switches popularity. It takes time to make games so they scrambled to port games.

We probably won't start seeing day one poets of new games until sometime next year.