Will you buy RE8 if it’s first person?

  • Yes, I’ll buy it day 1.

    Votes: 563 68.8%
  • Yes, but I’m gonna wait till it’s used/discounted.

    Votes: 119 14.5%
  • No, I will not buy it.

    Votes: 136 16.6%

  • Total voters
Gold Arsene

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Perspective has no bearing on whether or not the game will actually be decent. The fuck is this?
I mean yeah a first person RE8 is still probably going to objectively be a good game.

But I don't like playing FP games most of the time so I'm still probably not going to play it.

Don't see how that's such a shocking concept for you.


Oct 28, 2017
Unless you suffer from some sort of medical condition that fucks with your brain when playing a first-person perspective compared to a third-person one I see no reason why anyone would care whether or not it's one of those things. Really odd poll but typical for Era I suppose.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
Unless you suffer from some sort of medical condition that fucks with your brain when playing a first-person perspective compared to a third-person one I see no reason why anyone would care whether or not it's one of those things. Really odd poll but typical for Era I suppose.
You can't see why someone would have a preference for two very different ways of displaying information?

I'm not making a judgement call when I do so but I mostly avoid first person games because I much prefer being able to see how my character is oriented within the world and what's happening in their immediate surroundings. I find close third-person better emulates the amount of info you get through all your senses in real-life so I personally find it more immersive, while first-person feels too claustrophobic.

I'm obviously not saying you need to share that opinion, but you can't even empathize that it might exist?

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Nope! Skipped RE7 for the same reason. I cannot get into first person games at all, not being able to see my character really messes me up.

I'm with him. ^

I have zero interest* in first person games, which also usually trigger motion sickness (even with wider FoV and high framerates).

(*With the exceptions of the Metroid Prime games, vehicle-based games, and visual novels.)


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017

The RE2 Remake is incredible, and frankly I won't be surprised if that's the new direction for RE as a franchise. I would definitely not be disappointed about that if they decided to do it this way.

However, RE7 is easily my runner up for favorite RE title. The first person aspect I felt made things more tense than usual, it felt more horror than any other RE title which I loved. The first person also allowed for a fully fledged VR mode which frankly made the game so so much more immersive and amazing on a first playthrough. It may not have been quite as "Resident Evil" feeling as other RE titles due to this, but I felt it gained a lot more from it than it lost, and I'd be very happy to have them continue it this way.


Oct 28, 2017
First person vs third person isn't a deciding factor for me. What is though, is the nature/tone of the game and enemies.

While I enjoyed RE7, RE2 has made me a lot more excited for the series. I wasn't a fan of the Bakers or the various molded enemies. I love the classic zombies from the earlier games, and my wish would be for games with that as the focus to continue - whether that's RE3/CV remake, or RE8 more in line with those games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd buy RE8 if it was a battle royale game (a genre I can't get into), give me whatever they're putting out.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, and I loved 7, but I'd really prefer that it was third-person. 7 was fun... but I just don't care about Ethan at all like I do *every* other RE character.
The first part of your post has nothing to do with the second. What does the character perspective have to do with what character is featured in the game?


Oct 27, 2017
Poll is missing more options. I'd decide if and when to buy RE8 based on it being good or not. Being fpp or tpp wouldn't be the deciding factor.
Oct 26, 2017
they would have to go to some truly absurd places to get me to not buy Resident Evil 8

I like classic RE.
I like third-person shooter with melee RE, even/especially RE6.
I like VR RE7.
I like RE2 2019.

I don't see it happening.
But do you like...

Pinball Resident Evil?!



Jul 17, 2018
Perspective matters not to me. The influence on my purchase decision is VR. 3rd person VR? I'll buy it. 1st person VR? I'll buy it.

1st or 3rd person without VR? I'm just not interested.


Jul 17, 2018
As much as I love psvr I'd prefer a first person RE to not have VR if the main game is going to be slightly catered with it in mind.

I feel like the boss fights really suffered having to be playable in VR.
I'd say they are finding their footing. You have to fall before you can walk.

With the next title, they should have learnt plenty to have no sacrifices on either side.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
There's no worsening of one over the other in GTA5 though, which is my point, especially since 3rd person is largely unchanged from the versions of the game without FPV.

A first person view is fundamentally different to a third person one, especially for a horror game where how you go about designing the game and how much the player can see on screen at any given time are very fundamental questions of how the game should be put together.

Third person RE is fine as a action game series, but RE7 was an actual horror game again, in that it actually had scary parts, and I want more of that.


Jan 14, 2019
San Jose, Costa Rica
I will buy it eventually, I have liked pretty much all Resident Evil games, even the ones with first person perspective (PS1 Survivor, RE7).

But I really wish they stick with third person. RE IS third person to me. RE7 was a very polished game that could have been called anything else and would have still worked just fine. It didn't really add or detract from the RE overall timeline-characters-lore perspective, and the first person perspective made me feel disconnected from the "I'm playing a Resident Evil game" vibe.

I also really, really, like the T-Virus rotten zombies and bioweapons archetypes. I don't really care about the art design or implemented 3D models of the slime things from Revelations, or the Molded from 7. Even "Las Plagas" humans are just too normal compared to a rotten reanimated human being. I like that aesthetic and Remake 1 and Remake 2 nail it so I really wish they also follow that moving forward.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Resident Evil devs have my full confidence right now. So I'll buy it Day 1.
Gold Arsene

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Unless you suffer from some sort of medical condition that fucks with your brain when playing a first-person perspective compared to a third-person one I see no reason why anyone would care whether or not it's one of those things. Really odd poll but typical for Era I suppose.
I don't like playing first person games. I don't understand what's so hard to get about that.
Dec 6, 2017
I'm not sure I really care either way personally. First Person was fine for RE7's formula so if it continues a similar style, sure, why not.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, RE7 was the best game of it's year and I would buy another game like that day zero.

I'll be honest, if RE8 is first person I'm probably not going to get it.

Have you tried RE7 yet? do that before deciding skipping the next entries just because they might be FPS as well. Before RE7 came out, I was hating on it and funnily enough I even convinced myself it would be even worse than RE6. That's how much I hate FPS. however, I did give it a chance and it was the biggest surprise of this gen by far for me.

Give it a chance. there is plenty of time before DMCV comes out :)


Oct 25, 2017
I thought RE7 was great but RE2 remake is just way better. So I'd still get it but I would be disappointed. RE2 Remake is the new template I want all these games to use


Oct 27, 2017
I prefer first person, but I'd be okay with third as long as it's still playable in VR. RE7 VR was amazing.


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
Yep. Ideally, we could have RE games of all styles. I'd be totally okay with the mainline series sticking to first person for now and a spinoff series using the RE2make style.


Oct 27, 2017
FPS was a wonderful addition to RE7. The problems with that game were completely separate from that - ie. no conventional zombies, very restricted enemy diversity and a really lackluster back 1/3. If they could learn some lessons from REmake 2 and bring the whole experience up to the level of the first half, it would be fucking incredible.

Toa Axis

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely. If it's on par with - or better than - RE7, sign me the hell up. It helps that the first person perspective is also my favorite when it comes to games (though I have zero problems with third person - I'm pretty flexible when it comes to these things).
Jan 7, 2018
Yes. RE7 was great.
Sure, REmake2 was even better and I'd rather have another 3rd person game, but this doesn't make RE7 any less good.


Oct 25, 2017
The first part of your post has nothing to do with the second. What does the character perspective have to do with what character is featured in the game?

Everything? The perspective totally changes how you view the characters and how the characters are presented. We're given jack and shit for Ethan. We pretty much don't see him and it's mostly a self insert - he barely has a character. First person RE largely strips away all of the charm that the third-person REs have.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Everything? The perspective totally changes how you view the characters and how the characters are presented. We're given jack and shit for Ethan. We pretty much don't see him and it's mostly a self insert - he barely has a character. First person RE largely strips away all of the charm that the third-person REs have.
Your post implies that first person is inherently only to do with those characters. That makes no sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a big first person shooter guy, but YES. Some genres really excell in first person mode. Metroid Prime is a great example, and I was legitimately shocked at how much I enjoyed RE7 in first person. The slower paced game structure combined with the ammo and inventory conservation really made the game more immersive and tense IMO. I'd love if they returned to first person for RE8.


Oct 28, 2017
Will wait until heavily discounted. I just really hate fps perspective in games. I try to like them but end up never getting into them anymore. They have to have some other hook like good rpg or stealth to get me to overcome my distaste for it.


Nov 27, 2017
As long as it isn't as much of a walking simulator as RE7 then i'll be happy. Good game but it definitely had walking simulator-related issues.