
Oct 25, 2017
I came home from work and someone left the TV news on, and it covered his latest "jerk me off" rallies. My immediate priority wasn't to "turn off the TV". The sound of his voice is so grating and its incredibly insulting to hear his disgusting voice prattle on about how smart and awesome he is. I don't watch videos or read about his rallies because they're a great waste of time of man children.

Sorry to rant, I'm tired.

My point is, I was thinking about it and I was thinking "Am I even going to watch the debate in 2020? I'd vote for Satan or the ghost of Benedict Arnold over Trump at this point". What about everyone else? I know it's a long 2 years off (jesus fuck it's only been 2 years since 2016....).

But how are you feeling currently, do you feel like it'll be something you'll skip, watch because it's your duty, or wait and see?

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There won't be any debates. Just reality television shows where Donald acts like a man baby and insults people.

"Are you the next great contender to Trump?"


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but I'm under no illusions that Trump losing them will affect the election very much.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I predict that there won't be any to watch because Trump won't show, he'll just have a rally and make the news networks decide what they want to do


Jan 31, 2018
Im from overseas, but i will follow carefully the midterm elections on November 6th this year for sure.


Dec 15, 2017
Nope. Not even remotely interested in that slideshow. By then we will have had 3 full years of policy and effect sift through. Also we will have the interent to collate information about the challenger. No point watching someone else set the menu for soundbites.

Deleted member 10551

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
No point. I'm not going to be convinced by anything at this point- I'd vote for a Dem no matter what.
Oct 25, 2017
No. The sight of him disgusts me. His voice feels like nails on a chalkboard. It's been almost two years, I've heard more than enough to last two lifetimes.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
No, they don't matter, if Trump is still President he could flop like he did last time and it won't matter.

Pretty much nothing matters at this point


Oct 25, 2017
UmeĂĄ, Sweden

Donald Trump will have banned debates for Presidential elections and replaced them with this:

36 Chambers

Oct 27, 2017
I'll probably watch if I have nothing to do.

Trump debates were entertaining as all hell last time.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
I'd like to see someone debate him who could totally destroy him.

I am really coming around to the idea of Oprah / Jon Stewart 2020. Only way to cancel a bad talk show host is with two good talk show hosts.

Both are left of Hillary; they're the face of administration with Warren, Bernie, Waters, etc, in key positions.

It works really well too: Oprah is the steady, strong, empathic one able to reach across broad demographics. And Jon Stewart is the attack dog, the comedian who has good jokes and good points, able to kick the living sh*t out of Pence or Trump or any of these clods.

That's a ticket that would win big, I'm telling you. Democrats can't let Trump out-charisma them again in 2020.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be watching the Dem side potentially to see if Andrew Yang gets a presence, and to see the left absolutely ignore his warnings as they ignore Obama's now. :(


Oct 30, 2017
Absolutely. IMO, they can be key to the decision making process on whom one ends up voting for, should one decide to vote.

If debates actually mattered Hillary would've won in a fucking landslide. Trump didn't give one coherent answer. Remember nuclear? Remember cyber? Hell, remember "nasty woman"?

I'll watch them because I expect him to be even more unhinged than last time. The (already borderline) dog whistles have given way to blatant racism.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
Fucking no.

Haven't we learned anything about electing unqualified celebrities as presidents?

I wouldn't want Oprah to be the president for the same reason I wouldn't want her to be my surgeon.

There is no medical school equivalent for politics aside from public behavior. Celebrities are people just like anyone else, and I agree that it's absurd, but get real. We live in an absurd world, one in which celebrities are deeply embedded into our culture. Trump is the 2nd out of the last 4 Republican presidents to come from pop culture entertainment. The Republicans are so vile, they'll run the few Republican celebrities they can, just to put a "fun" face on it, and it always works. Jesse Ventura, Schwarzenegger were Republicans too. Al Franken is (was) the lone Democrat celebrity, but doesn't need to be. All of the good celebrities are Leftists. It's time to take that charisma & fame and use it for something good for everybody instead of just for personal profit.

An effective president doesn't necessarily need tons of experience in a broken political system. They just need to know how to surround themselves with people they can trust to carry out an agenda. Trump is terrible at this, and it's why his administration is a bad joke. That doesn't necessarily mean that all celebrity Presidents would be just as bad, or if a President came from a real estate background. For high-level executive roles like the Presidency, what truly matters is character, curiosity, understanding, wisdom, and strength in decision-making.


Dec 22, 2017
I'm not even sure why someone should bother. Nothing idiotic Trump does or says seems to matter at all to his base. No Democratic politician is going to reach people who are voting for him, because those people are already too far gone. They should focus more on energizing people to actually vote, and unless they have the balls to actually call Trump a bigoted idiotic rapist manbaby on national television, that's not going to be an effective way of doing that.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
The other thing is with someone like Oprah, then Fox News / conservatives have no ground to argue "But she's just a celebrity, what does she know?" because that's all Trump is.

Any suggestion that Pence is the real brains of the operation would be obliterated in a debate by someone sharp-witted like Jon Stewart -- by anyone with more bite than Tim Kaine, who made an easy kill look clumsy as hell.

And so then it's just a popularity contest between Oprah, the most beloved person on earth, and Stewart, regarded as one of the smartest people in culture — a ticket with a black woman and Jewish man, but a ticket that isn't "about" the fact of their race or religion — running on a democratic socialist platform — versus Donald Trump, the racist illiterate golf apprentice.

Oprah would be the Reagan of the left. She also possesses the kind of calm, human rationality that the American consciousness desperately needs.

I know it sounds crazy. It is crazy. But in a crazy world, it's crazy enough to work.
Oct 25, 2017
What is needed in 2020 is some live fact checking from moderators. Remember Obama "Check the transcript!"? We need more of that so Trump can't go through another election without being called out by anyone except his direct opponent.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah I always try to catch the debates. I hope people pay attention when Putin's slobknobber gets put in his place again.

He should be fact checked live.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
It's going to be a shit show of who can sell the biggest fantasy they can't deliver on. Can't wait...

But seriously Gillabrand or bust


Oct 26, 2017
The Democratic nominee could masturbate on stage and I'd still vote for them so nah, no point in watching for me really.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course I will. Caveat to that is I'll switch off the moment his opponents fall for his bair to turn it into a game show.


Oct 25, 2017
No point. I'll just watch the highlights later on the news. I'll be voting for whoever runs against him.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I'll be watching. I want to be able to watch the aftermath, and see his supporters twist themselves in knots trying to prove how he "won" the debates, even though he'll be completely destroyed, like before. His opponent needs to come armed to the teeth with facts and figures.

No point. I'm not going to be convinced by anything at this point- I'd vote for a Dem no matter what.

This is a reasonable enough answer....there's nothing that would make me vote for him at this point.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No, I don't need my intelligence insulted by listening to Trump speak anymore then it already has been. I also don't need any amount of debates or speeches to know I'll literally vote for anyone who isn't Trump at any and all levels of the election process in which I'm allowed to vote against him.


Oct 27, 2017
I had trouble watching the 2016 ones already. With all the shit he's done since then I don't think I'll be able to.


Oct 26, 2017
Nope, and not even because of Trump (but him being in one is a reason for me to not watch). I'm not one of those 'undecideds' that are always talked about who don't know who they are voting for on the runup to the election. I know what the major policies of a Republican who's made it that far in the process are and nothing in the debate is going to sway me towards them, so what's the point? As for 2020 debates specifically, I guess a reason is maybe to see how racist and despicable and stupid Trump is firsthand but I already know he's super-fucking-racist and a garbage human being. I'm already angry about the situation we're in as a nation. The debates aren't going to give me some revelation towards him or new insight; they'll just make me more angry and annoyed.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I would vote in a turnip over Trump. I don't need to watch 2 hours of an illiterate man-child piss and moan about rapist mexicans, lazy blacks, and how great 1950's america was to know he is a piece of shit.