Oct 27, 2017
Right, but at the same time the factories I use are smaller and have less resources and my company is small and has less resources.

I never claimed that the information was 1:1 I was just sharing my view which is far more knowledgeable than the average forumer on resetera when it comes to Chinese production capacity at large.

Now I understand how all the insiders got run off from the next gen speculation thread.
Because people had differing opinions than them in a speculation thread where everyone is just making varying levels of educated guessing?


Oct 25, 2017
A year delay makes sense. Publishers can do all the live-streams they want, but you still need live events and wide media coverage to create mindshare and power a console launch. We're not doing E3 or anymore cons, GamesCom and TGS probably aren't gonna happen either. Yeah.

The software is always undercooked anyway. Wait a year and ease up on the cross-gen stuff imo.
Oct 29, 2017
Absolutely zero chance that either the PS5 or the Series X launch this year now.

Even if by some miracle, the hardware manufacturing capacity was there; the software won't be ready in time, as everybody has to shift towards working from home. Add on the absolutely wrecked economy and the inability to even publically demo the console itself (be it at events or even in stores) and this is the worst possible time to release a new console.

A 1 year delay is all but guaranteed for both companies now. Not doing so would be commercial suicide at this point anyway.

On the bright side, this grants both MS and Sony an extra year to refine their systems, improve specs/performance/heat, lower their manufacturing costs and gives them extra time to get everything ready, including their software lineup. It also grants Nintendo an extra year of 3rd party support that they would otherwise not have had; so in the end? It's not so bad for the industry as a whole.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
I'm skeptical of a delay. China is beginning to get back to normal. Unless things take a turn for the worse in China I think the consoles will still come this year. Sony being so quiet does make me think if one console were to be delayed it would be theirs though.

Remember when people were arguing between team2019 and 2020. šŸ˜£
2019 was always wishful thinking.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Another year of current gen would cement it as the worst modern console gen imo

Sure as shit has nothing on the last two


Oct 27, 2017
Not really important, but would this give either company a chance to change the specs or is that impractical ?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I've been saying this, there is zero chance of next gen this year.


Oct 8, 2018
Either way we should know soon enough if a delay takes place, the quarter is about to end and those console manufacturers need to tell their investors what to expect of this year, it'll probably take time for the report itself (somewhere around late april i think?), but I can see both of them saying something about the state of the launch beforehand.


Apr 4, 2018
Isn't production usually scheduled around June/July? I mean, we still have 3 months until deadline.Most of China's factories are reopening..


May 31, 2018
I feel like it's a lie to say that "oh I'm 100% happy about this." If they are delayed then I won't be happy about it because it's one of the few things I'm looking forward to at the moment. To me a delay of the new consoles would be a delay in the return to normalcy, and that sucks.

However that doesn't mean I don't agree with the reasons behind the delay or would be angry about it. I'd just find it silly to force myself into being positive just to make myself look like I'm not 'spoiled' or 'entitled' or something.

Deleted member 61469

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 17, 2019
Anything's fair game at this point. If they're not launching for another year? (Say, November 2021; which I think is the most likely scenario), absolutely. Yes they could, and quite substantially.

No they couldn't. They can change clock speeds but nothing stops them from doing that right now.

They absolutely can't change any meaningful parts without going back to the drawing board with AMD.

Not even a year would be enough.


Oct 25, 2017
lmao at people already talking about a full year delay

Software might be the issue here but it's still way too early to call anything.


Oct 8, 2018
Isn't production usually scheduled around June/July? I mean, we still have 3 months until deadline.Most of China's factories are reopening..
I think the stock issue will be much less significant than software development issues, but tbh its not unusual for launch day software to be underwhelming.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Isn't production usually scheduled around June/July? I mean, we still have 3 months until deadline.Most of China's factories are reopening..

it's not just about making consoles...think about software delays, marketing delays, etc. not to mention this virus will still be a thing this fall.


Jan 11, 2018
Wouldn't surprise me nor would it bother me. People come first. I also didn't have any plans on purchasing either of these consoles on day 1 anyway.


Oct 28, 2017
Life has to go on. Hopefully it doesn't get so bad that the whole economy comes to a stand still. I hope this virus goes away and that next gen is on time. I'd think they'd do wel since ppl will want to stay home even when things get better out of fear.

China does seem to be pulling through and nearing the other side of the epidemic, and it seems several countries are trying to get a vaccine out ASAP. Idk, they should be delayed if they have to but is there reason today to believe they would have supply chain issues when the regions they need most for this (China, Taiwan) are actually doing better with the virus now?

obviously there's concerns of consumer spending too, but that's a whole other beast

Agreed completely. I disagree with the article and am confused by its confidence in a delay. It could happen sure, but there are positive signs that actually make more confident a delay won't happen. But no one knows for sure, so time will tell.

Absolutely zero chance that either the PS5 or the Series X launch this year now.

Even if by some miracle, the hardware manufacturing capacity was there; the software won't be ready in time, as everybody has to shift towards working from home. Add on the absolutely wrecked economy and the inability to even publically demo the console itself (be it at events or even in stores) and this is the worst possible time to release a new console.

A 1 year delay is all but guaranteed for both companies now. Not doing so would be commercial suicide at this point anyway.

On the bright side, this grants both MS and Sony an extra year to refine their systems, improve specs/performance/heat, lower their manufacturing costs and gives them extra time to get everything ready, including their software lineup. It also grants Nintendo an extra year of 3rd party support that they would otherwise not have had; so in the end? It's not so bad for the industry as a whole.

I'm sorry but your post is garbage. The first sentence is enough that every single person should throw out your opinion. "Absolutely zero chance" that either console launches? Give me a break.
Oct 29, 2017
No they couldn't. They can change clock speeds but nothing stops them from doing that right now.

They absolutely can't change any meaningful parts without going back to the drawing board with AMD.

Not even a year would be enough.

They totally could. The GPUs/CPUs they're using are based on PC parts that are not even far modified from what AMD are already making anyway. Nothing stopping them from adding extra CUDA cores, going for a die shrink, or extra/faster RAM; this isn't the era of custom silicon anymore. These consoles are built with off the shelf parts now; and 1 year is plenty of time for them to upgrade to AMD's latest offering, it's all binary compatible anyway.

The only thing that would be an issue is if they wanted to downgrade their specs, when the games are designed for higher specced hardware; but I doubt that either company would look to do that. Sony in particular I could see deciding to go back to the drawing board and giving up on the traditional console form factor to chase Series X's specs; hell they might have already been planning on doing that, considering their dealthy silence well before COVID-9 blew up.

Deleted member 61469

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 17, 2019
They totally could. The GPUs/CPUs they're using are based on PC parts that are not even far modified from what AMD are already making anyway. Nothing stopping them from adding extra CUDA cores, or extra/faster RAM; this isn't the era of custom silicon anymore. These consoles are built with off the shelf parts now.

The only thing that would be an issue is if they wanted to downgrade their specs, when the games are designed for higher specced hardware; but I doubt that either company would look to do that. Sony in particular I could see deciding to go back to the drawing board and giving up on the traditional console form factor to chase Series X's specs; hell they might have already been planning on doing that, considering their dealthy silence well before COVID-9 blew up.

ok then


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
They totally could. The GPUs/CPUs they're using are based on PC parts that are not even far modified from what AMD are already making anyway. Nothing stopping them from adding extra CUDA cores, going for a die shrink, or extra/faster RAM; this isn't the era of custom silicon anymore. These consoles are built with off the shelf parts now; and 1 year is plenty of time for them to upgrade to AMD's latest offering, it's all binary compatible anyway.

The only thing that would be an issue is if they wanted to downgrade their specs, when the games are designed for higher specced hardware; but I doubt that either company would look to do that. Sony in particular I could see deciding to go back to the drawing board and giving up on the traditional console form factor to chase Series X's specs; hell they might have already been planning on doing that, considering their dealthy silence well before COVID-9 blew up.

Just popping down to the shops to grab some extra nvidia CUDA cores to add to my AMD GPU.

Anybody want any toilet roll while I'm there?


Apr 5, 2018
It will really depend on whether East Asia can continue to control the Corona situation or not.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah if you work in logistics you know China is turning it up to 11 right now. It would be really cool to see these game companies actually prove that working from home isn't a bad thing once in a while and not delay the process. Might help with crunch time. At least crunch from the comfort of your home. I much rather do extra hours from home then on site.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
They would be stupid to launch in 2020.

- a recession is basically a given
- 2020 has a bad reputation
- it would cost more because everyone scrambles to get their production up and going again, which makes getting parts costlier (either because they can only be produced in low quantities or because you have to pay a premium to jump the line)
- you would have a draught after the initial release because the studios would have lost productivity


Oct 28, 2017
They would be stupid to launch in 2020.

- a recession is basically a given
- 2020 has a bad reputation
- it would cost more because everyone scrambles to get their production up and going again, which makes getting parts costlier (either because they can only be produced in low quantities or because you have to pay a premium to jump the line)
- you would have a draught after the initial release because the studios would have lost productivity

2020 has a bad reputation? Seems like a strange reason to me.


Oct 26, 2017
A guy from Xbox accessories tweeted that he was switching to working night shift now to coordinate with Chinese suppliers, so Xbox accessories at least sound like they're still getting made.

Apr 4, 2019
Greater Toronto Area
China isn't safe from another outbreak until the virus is controlled in every country. If China ends their quarantine measures while Europe, the Middle East, and America are still suffering from the pandemic then China could easily become infected again. The virus really only exploded in Hubei province and Wuhan. The rest of China is till ripe for COVID-19 to flourish.

Things are going to be put on hold/slowed down until a vaccine is developed or the virus evolves into a milder strain.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if Microsoft would launch Halo Infinite in November if the Series X is delayed.

Also, people should keep in mind that a delay doesn't automatically mean a spring release. These systems could be delayed for a full year.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
Whether I get the XSX this year or not is not on my list of worries at all. They are closing schools, restaurants, bars, fitness clubs, theaters until April 6th and who knows what the regular stores are gonna do.

Very strange, even eerie times.

And really, end of the day... safety and health first, for everyone.


Oct 27, 2017
Definitely wouldn't surprise me. Wasn't planning on going next gen this year anyway but even if I did, getting a new console would be the least of my concern right now.


Apr 4, 2018
So which games are we gonna play till Q4 2021? Because most of the games that are gonna be released after October are for next gen/current gen. I dont think they will release only on current gen


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
2020 has a bad reputation? Seems like a strange reason to me.

Psychology is a powerful motivator.

2020: the year of the big pandemic, hardship, losses, etc.
2021: (hopefully) when we rose out of the ashes, positive feelings etc.

you want to be associated with the positive outlook.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It's fine honestly. Like there is more than enough to play this year.


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder what will happen with game releases since most were likely to be cross-gen. Late next gen ports or delayed simultaneous releases?


Oct 27, 2017
Basically, donĀ“t expect shit in the gaming industry to hit on time after the first half of the year.
Games are gonna be delayed. Announced dates or internally delayed.
Forget about hardware, to either hit at all (or late) or be severly supply constrained.


Oct 28, 2017

Said this weeks ago.
