
Oct 25, 2017
I'd love to see a similar treatment for other "older" games though off the top of my head I don't know of anything better suited for VR than Wipeout. Racing/cockpit oriented games are just a natural fit for VR. I'd like to think that the Motorstorm games would also work well in VR.
Twisted Metal VR maybe? I think RTS games could work well with VR.


Oct 29, 2017
Finally had time to load this up today and was pleased. As a Wipeout newb I've never been too keen on playing it on the TV but the VR variant instantly became one of my favorite VR experiences. Just wish I hadn't then loaded up Doom VR and got dizzy, lol
Oct 27, 2017
Somewhere South
As a huge wipeout fan, its amazing how natural the game feels in VR.
Almost as if it was meant to be in VR all along.

The original WipEout was the first game that made me dream about VR, so they were probably way ahead of their time back then.

I'd love to see a similar treatment for other "older" games though off the top of my head I don't know of anything better suited for VR than Wipeout. Racing/cockpit oriented games are just a natural fit for VR. I'd like to think that the Motorstorm games would also work well in VR.

MotorStorm in VR would probably be a blast, yeah. Man, I really want a MotorStorm HD Trilogy thing to happen.


Nov 8, 2017
Twisted Metal VR maybe? I think RTS games could work well with VR.

Twisted Metal VR sounds awesome. Armored Core sounds like a good option as well. I think there is a lot of potential for PS3 and even PS2 games to be ported to VR. The image quality that Wipeout VR has should be something that all developers making PSVR games should aim for, starting to build from PS2/PS3 games should make that easier.


Oct 27, 2017
The original WipEout was the first game that made me dream about VR, so they were probably way ahead of their time back then.

WipEout and Rez are the games that made me fantasise about a virtual reality future, so in that regard, the PSVR has delivered big time.

If I could let younger me play this game, younger me would shit my pants.
Oct 25, 2017
The original WipEout was the first game that made me dream about VR, so they were probably way ahead of their time back then.
I remember, around 2000-2001, I got to play an arcade version of (I think)2097, similar to those rollercoaster sims, where you get in an enclosed capsule with a display inside, and the whole thing moved to match to movement of your craft.

Would love a similar rig to go with this VR version, but this, along with the 3D implementation on PS3, the developers have been working to add immersion to this series for a long time.


Oct 25, 2017
I just did Sol for the first time. Holy shit that was incredible. That may be the most thrilling VR experience I've ever had.


Oct 25, 2017
I always lukewarm about Wipeout series in the past but VR mode change my mind.
Wipeout is good, I get it now.


Oct 30, 2017
Like an asshole I turned off all VR comfort assists immediately. Played tree races.

Felt sick for 7 hours until I went to bed.

First time that's happened.

I'm dumb.


Oct 29, 2017
Can't stop playing this! Crazy that this free update is not only one of the meatiest VR games, but also one of the best VR experiences full stop.

Sony, can we please have paid DLC now that this thing is taking off and selling units and PSVR headsets! I'll buy it for all my friends :P


Oct 28, 2017
Bournemouth, UK
I think there is a lot of potential for PS3 and even PS2 games to be ported to VR. The image quality that Wipeout VR has should be something that all developers making PSVR games should aim for, starting to build from PS2/PS3 games should make that easier.

Came back to add this. We said it when Skyrim VR came out, which is bloody good but WipEout is more my type of game...this should show that porting PS3 games with VR modes is a viable option.

Wonder if you could get Killzone 2 working in VR. But pretty much most driving games should be a cert for VR. Sony needs to make their last Gen first party catalogue the upcoming VR one.

OT-played more last night and elite passed a bunch of stuff, it's hilarious how VR is the easy mode...never would have thought that.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd love to see a similar treatment for other "older" games though off the top of my head I don't know of anything better suited for VR than Wipeout. Racing/cockpit oriented games are just a natural fit for VR. I'd like to think that the Motorstorm games would also work well in VR.

May I suggest Colony Wars?

Cockpit view, enhanced Gameplay thanks to 3D sound and they could add an MP part too. It's the perfect choice as it'd work flawlessly as a PS4VR hybrid game like RE7.

MotorStorm is also a very good choice!

Sony really needs to go through their PS library and do some VRemakes, it seems like the right thing to do: you can sell the remakes to both PS4 and PSVR owners, share the costs amongst far more consumers than on PSVR alone, it should be far less pricier than building entire new games just for PSVR and you can add really meaty games to the PSVR library, like Skyrim and WipEout. It's win win for everybody.
As long as VR is a niche this is IMHO a very good aproach, we won't get any AAA games like Killzone 2 or Skyrim exclusively on VR.

Played WipEout for around 3 hours, it's just soo good, I leave the camera fixed to the cockpit with everything else turned off, pilot camera is too much for me, at least for now.


Oct 27, 2017
I just want Sports Champions VR. I need that VR bocce ball.

And I think it's adorable that Wipeout tries to protect you. No thanks. I want to liquefy my eyeballs, thanks.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Not sure why, but it never worked. I'd get as far as the "check your surroundings" screen during the initial load, then I'd just see the black loading screen that shows up at the start forever before I closed it. I'd get the crash screen only after trying to close the game, so that was frustrating. I ended up deleting the game and redownloading it, so I'll see if that works.

Started up Volume to double check that it wasn't my headset or anything related to the PSVR hardware itself and that all worked fine. It seemed like the game never successfully made the switch from 2D projection screen to the 3D/VR headset views.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Not sure why, but it never worked. I'd get as far as the "check your surroundings" screen during the initial load, then I'd just see the black loading screen that shows up at the start forever before I closed it. I'd get the crash screen only after trying to close the game, so that was frustrating. I ended up deleting the game and redownloading it, so I'll see if that works.

Started up Volume to double check that it wasn't my headset or anything related to the PSVR hardware itself and that all worked fine. It seemed like the game never successfully made the switch from 2D projection screen to the 3D/VR headset views.
Turn off supersampling.


Oct 26, 2017
The mixed multiplayer has me imagining a future Battlefield game where the helicopter/other vehicle pilots are playing with VR while the regular soldiers aren't.

Kaiser Swayze

Oct 30, 2017

I think Sol in 2048 might be my favorite track. Not for those with a fear of heights. There are some crazy steep drops, and practically no guard rails.

Here's me playing earlier today:


Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah, tried this for the first time today and about fell off the couch (in the best possible way). Hands-down the best PSVR experience I've ever had! Straight-up otherworldly... I can't believe it was a free update.


Oct 27, 2017
The Zone trophies in Wipeout HD, 2048 and Omega had always eluded me. By some margin in many cases. I'd be happy to get in the 40s, but never came close to the trophy to get zone 65.

Not only have I got the trophy since playing in VR, I got to zone 91 today. Mach X! Jesus Christ that's fast. A video game hasn't given me such an adrenaline rush is years. I was a sweaty mess after it ended. Had to close the game and take a breather.
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Oct 25, 2017
I still can't get over how good the VR implementation is in this game. This has definitely overtaken Lone Echo as my favorite VR experience so far.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got to Zone 96 in Sol. This game! The course seems much easier in Zone mode, probably due to lack of vertigo.

I'm finding a new respect for the 2048 courses. The actual races and combat events are as uneven as ever, but the course designs come to life now I have much greater precision thanks to depth perception. Just unlocked the AG-Systems Prototype as well, which is beautifully nimble and really shines on the more technically demanding courses.


Oct 27, 2017
According to them, it's bureaucracy with Sony holding it up but it's coming soon.

In any case it's available on PC and it's incredible.
I don't expect 34BigThings to deliver a smooth experience on PSVR. They never did with the original game on PS4/Xbox.


Bought PSVR last week with some of the must have games but already owned Wipeout Omega Collection and I have to say that Wipeout is easily the best experience.

It really is incredible.


Nov 12, 2017
May I suggest Colony Wars?

Cockpit view, enhanced Gameplay thanks to 3D sound and they could add an MP part too. It's the perfect choice as it'd work flawlessly as a PS4VR hybrid game like RE7.

MotorStorm is also a very good choice!

Sony really needs to go through their PS library and do some VRemakes, it seems like the right thing to do: you can sell the remakes to both PS4 and PSVR owners, share the costs amongst far more consumers than on PSVR alone, it should be far less pricier than building entire new games just for PSVR and you can add really meaty games to the PSVR library, like Skyrim and WipEout. It's win win for everybody.
As long as VR is a niche this is IMHO a very good aproach, we won't get any AAA games like Killzone 2 or Skyrim exclusively on VR.

Played WipEout for around 3 hours, it's just soo good, I leave the camera fixed to the cockpit with everything else turned off, pilot camera is too much for me, at least for now.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas VR, please. And Fallout 4 VR for PS5 and PSVR2.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else have a hard time finding this after the update released? The day of the update every gamestop had it new and used. Tried looking for it yesterday and the closest gamestop with it is like 20 miles away.


Nov 25, 2017
Just discovered this has its own thread! I've been playing way more of this than I expected I would since the patch dropped. I've never been a Wipeout fan before now, but as everyone else has said, this is one of the most incredible VR experiences I've ever had. Because I never enjoyed Wipeout, what this reminds me of is the first four Burnouts - there's that same addictive quality of "just one more event", or "I bet I can shave a tenth of a second off that time if I give it another go". This thing has kept me up way past midnight in a way that no game has for a decade or so.

I was also blown away by how non-nauseating it is - within a half hour of playing I'd turned off all the comfort aids*, and after a bit of initial queasiness when I locked the camera to pilot, I was soon tearing around corners, practically leaning out of my chair with each turn and swoop. It's absolutely incredible how this game feels. Friends and I used to make fun of each other as we leaned into the turns in Burnout - "You realize that won't actually make you corner any better, right?" Here I feel like I'm getting parallel to the floor every time I veer hard left or right.

Fascinatingly, here's the only time I had nausea with the game: tonight, in order to study all the shortcuts, I did time trials in a number of the 2048 tracks, going at a snail's pace and investigating each split, occasionally going backwards to make sure I wasn't missing anything. After about 15 minutes and 3 tracks, I had to call it quits for the day, even though after the first five minutes I switched the camera back to "locked to cockpit"; my stomach is seriously threatening to remind me of everything I ate in the last 24 hours. It's weird - if I rocket through the courses at supersonic speeds, barrel rolling every chance I get, I'm fine. But if I go through at a motorized wheelchair pace - chunder city.

*and, my god, could they possibly be less helpfully labeled? Initially it pops up a yellow-boxed warning "explaining" the settings (which it does a terrible job of), without telling you where to access those settings, and using completely different terminology than the settings themselves. It's astonishingly incompetent in what is otherwise a superlative experience.