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Nov 25, 2017
I bought Blade Runner 2049 on blu ray a year ago (or close to it) but finding the time to watch a nearly 3 hour long movie isn't easy.

And when I do finally watch it I want to make sure I can watch it from start to finish without stopping.

I'm not normally one for serious sci fi but the directors cut of the original is one of my favorite movies ever.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
I feel a nostalgic obligation to check out Dark Pheonix for the sake of closure, but I also know that it's almost guaranteed to be mediocre, so I'm a bit torn. MIB, Toy Story and Shaft are all happening this month too, so I'm trying to figure out my movie budgeting.

I'm on record defending some of the Fox X-Men movies in these threads, but I skipped Apocalypse until home release and will probably skip this one too. I can wait.


Nov 15, 2017
It is happening:



▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
I'm a Dune stan. No one stans harder than Dune stans.

It most likely won't get to one billion. However, I've been waiting for a good dune adaptation for so long, and this is shaping up to be the perfect one. I'd rather bet one billion and have fun along the way than make a boring prediction like 500M. Hell, I'm going to do a billion WW dune avatar bet too.

At least I stan for "my" movies unlike Surfinn who won't commit to TRoS avatar bet for top domestic all time.

Amen! I'd be willing to join the Dune billy bandwagon because goddamnit, Dune is my favorite book and Villeneuve is my favorite director and if I have to will it into success I will.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a Dune stan. No one stans harder than Dune stans.

It most likely won't get to one billion. However, I've been waiting for a good dune adaptation for so long, and this is shaping up to be the perfect one. I'd rather bet one billion and have fun along the way than make a boring prediction like 500M. Hell, I'm going to do a billion WW dune avatar bet too.

At least I stan for "my" movies unlike Surfinn who won't commit to TRoS avatar bet for top domestic all time.
Oh come on 800M domestic isn't enough for you?! Even Kswis thinks I'm crazy with it.


I see no Dune avatar bet thread you fraud.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
Oh come on 800M domestic isn't enough for you?! Even Kswis thinks I'm crazy with it.


I see no Dune avatar bet thread you fraud.

I said next year. Gotta wait for the first Dune trailer or teaser.

And don't be logical, it's the last star wars movie of the saga. Throw your logic out the window.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
Amen! I'd be willing to join the Dune billy bandwagon because goddamnit, Dune is my favorite book and Villeneuve is my favorite director and if I have to will it into success I will.

The fact that I love the book and the director are exactly why it won't hit 1B. I have the death touch.

I saw Speed Racer on opening night and loved it.


Oct 25, 2017
So they've just announced the 5th 'Department Q' movie, but it seems like they've changed the two main actors. Wow, this is gonna be weird. Sucks, cause the two actors they had for the 4 past movies were really good. But I did hear they had their share of problems and disagreements. But man, replacing the two lead actors is gonna take some time getting used to.



Oct 26, 2017
Dark Phoenix will bomb both reviews and box office.

Dune will at worst bomb in the box office and be a critical darling. That being said, Dune is going to get to 1B. Choo choo

Well, I'm rooting for it. Honest. Sci-fi is my favorite genre and aside from Marvel's cosmic stuff, Star Trek Beyond, Blade Runner 2049, Planet of the Apes and The Arrival, there has been nothing even remotely watchable released in the last, say, four and a half years. Literally nothing.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
And for the more adventury side, Rouge One. More sci-fi than most Star Wars, which are Science fantasy (but then so it Marvel Cosmic).


Nov 15, 2017
Why do we preemptively hate Dark Phoenix again?
The real reason? People want a proper MCU reboot ASAP, not that I think it makes a difference one way or another but if it somehow manages to make anything close to $750M, who knows.

Same reason people wanted Venom to fail, if the film failed, then Sony would probably stop any Spidey spin-off films and leave them for the MCU, but now that the Venom was a box office success, they are likely going to keep using the best Spidey villains and stop them from appearing in the MCU.


Nov 15, 2017
Are we going to pretend that Marvel getting the X-men rights back didn't play a role in all this hate or do I need a list of all the "Kill it so Fiege can give us the real X-Men" posts.
How is that the real reason when we've already been explicitly told that we won't be seeing any X-Men in the next 5 years (at minimum) worth of MCU movies lol
This hate train started long before the deal was made official and Fiege made that comment.
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