
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Pro :
streamlined battle system compared to Nioh
Ancient China is kinda rare in games, good to see something different from medieval Japan for once

Con :
imput delay fest (but that will 100% be adressed, they always get shit done thanks to their betas feedback)
Disgusting loot system that makes you stop and change pants after each single basic enemy
Loot system seemed fine to me? I mean yeah you get a lot of dupes and garbage but I'm used to that in most games with loot so it's whatever. I don't think there's anything uniquely bad about the way this game does loot.

Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
What I commented in the survey:
  • Less strict parry timing and/or less unforgiving if you miss. It just doesn't feel good like this. I replayed the level and noticed that I would rarely even attempt to parry any basic enemies since it just wasn't worth the risk. Even against the boss you're better off blocking almost everything which is kind of boring.
  • Dodge shouldn't be useless. Very few i-frames and massive enemy attacks and AOEs means it can hardly avoid anything. Oh, and it costs a ton of spirit.
  • Needs more combos. Maybe they've got something up their sleeve that wasn't in the demo, but it seems doubtful. As it is, you've got 1 basic attack and 7 various other attacks. The only properly combo-y things I noticed was that the regular spirit attack was different when added to a basic attack string, and some special attacks could be altered with attack inputs. That's a pretty steep decline from Nioh.
  • Customization for the specials. Being stuck with 1-2 specials you may not like at all was pretty weird. I'm pretty sure this will be in the game in some form, but felt like pointing it out regardless.
Agree with everything, nice stuff

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I asked for them to rework the parry system to make it more rewarding/feel better and to make it more consistent. Also asked for a better dodge system and less messy monster enemy attacks.

I hope they can improve these elements because I was looking forward to this based on the info and the trailers but the demo didn't give me a good impression.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the demo but it lacked many things that I really enjoyed about Nioh.

Probably the biggest thing was the lack of build/weapon/combat variety. Combat felt very similar for many of the weapons. I did like the magic variety but it felt pretty unbalanced. The basic fire spell did way more damage and status buildup than any of the other basic element spells for example.

Another big issue was the input lag, or button presses seemingly not registering. It was particularly iffy when using the heal potions and doing spirit summons for whatever reason.

Overall I dug it, but I really hope that there is a bit more to the build variety and customization in the final release.


Oct 25, 2017
What I commented in the survey:
  • Needs more combos. Maybe they've got something up their sleeve that wasn't in the demo, but it seems doubtful. As it is, you've got 1 basic attack and 7 various other attacks. The only properly combo-y things I noticed was that the regular spirit attack was different when added to a basic attack string, and some special attacks could be altered with attack inputs. That's a pretty steep decline from Nioh.

I can agree with this. Like in Nioh, every weapon is almost like a Fighting game character with how much you can do with them. I do feel like my overall move set was far more limited in terms of the weapon itself in this. Granted the removal of stances I do suppose was always going to have an affect on that.

Honestly it's why that while I am super excited for this game. I do want them to return to Nioh after this and Ronin. (Which they sort of implied is in the cards, come back to Nioh after doing some new stuff)


Oct 25, 2017
Thr people calling this Nioh 3......have they ever played Nioh lol?
This is a carbon copy of Nioh with a way stripped down gameplay. The level design, enemy AI, pacing, loot system is entirely copied from Nioh. If you can't see that I think you are the one that never played it.

While I loved the game, I agree with people saying it has less depth. The way we could change weapons and continue combos with the ki system seamlessly just can't be easily replicated. I'm intrigued and looking forward to what the final build might look like.

EDIT: Good to see more people talking about the inputs not registering sometimes. There were several occasions I wanted to activate the Spiritual Animal and it just didn't work, they need to fix that as priority number 1.


May 17, 2018
I do understand but I kinda disagree with some things. I think the spirit bar is pretty innovative and new with everything basically tied to it to manage, and we haven't really seen much of the game yet.
It's the most interesting of the new systems, yes. I think the potential of it will be exposed when we start seeing enemies that don't get so easily steamrolled by offense.

That said, if we're looking at the player kit, there really isn't a central mechanic that is especially especially new, innovative, or especially distinctive when you compare them to older Team Ninja games. Dead or Alive had hold reversals. Ninja Gaiden had mobility with wall runs, jumping on the heads of enemies, and eventually ninja teleports. Nioh had stances and ki pulse. Stranger of Paradise had its seamless job switching system and focus on magic spells. Wo Long has parries I suppose? Something which has been popular in modern games for a long time now and in this game just feels like a fusion of Nioh's standard parries and burst counters.

We haven't seen much of the game yet, but Nioh 1 and Stranger of Paradise made their depth pretty apparent even from their initial alpha/demo despite both being introductions to new titles with different gameplay concepts. I'm hoping there might be more going on here, but I don't really have much reason to believe that what has been shown isn't really indicative of what the core of their game currently looks like based on their previous track record.

Maybe it's simple compared to Nioh, but I wouldn't still call it simple in itself. I just don't think we absolutely need tons of complex and different mechanics for the gameplay to be good and gratifying, like just for the sake of it being complex and not because it can't be challenging in other ways. The easy to grasp but hard to master approach usually works the best for most, rather than hard to grasp and even harder to master. I think I've played Nioh 1 and 2 close to 30 hours and while it's absolutely nothing compared to how much time some people have spent with the games, I feel like I still don't really get how the hell I'm actually supposed to play the game. Both are great games, but that's way too long to hold my interest.
I suppose I just disagree with the premise that Nioh is complex for the sake of being complex. Pretty much everything you can do in that game combat-wise has a purpose and utility. It's to the point where when you're using your kit effectively, you won't have to worry about stamina and you'll be seamlessly switching between stances to perform different combo enders, weapon skills, recover ki faster, setup buffs, etc.

And you don't even have to engage with the vast majority of it on a first playthrough to get through it. I've seen people on this very forum say they beat Nioh without switching stances. A first playthrough in Nioh is incredibly easy if you actually use all the tools at your disposal. It's certainly not geared toward veterans. I don't know, I guess I really just disagree that it doesn't fall into the "easy to learn, hard to master" camp. The fundamentals like ki pulse, stances, and dodging aren't hard to understand at all. They just have extra layers that will benefit you if you learn them and apply them.

I think you're right that simple action games can be great and gratifying, but the very best of those type of games often make up for it by adding complexity or dynamic elements to things like encounter design, enemy design, and level design (and they're usually not 30-50 hour long ARPGs with an emphasis on replaying on higher difficulties like this game is likely looking to be).

Honestly, I just find it a little odd that you openly admit that you don't fully understand the systems in Nioh, complain about them being complex for the sake of it despite not really knowing what you're talking about, and then not understand my skepticism about whether this seemingly basic combat system is really going to endure a full 30-40 hour runtime, let alone the post launch replayable difficulty modes they'll surely be adding after launch. Nioh's depth with how much there was to learn and improve on was a huge part that made NG+ runs interesting.

This more streamlined approach of Wo Long allows a much faster gameplay, which is great imo. If this combat system built on timed deflects would also implement Nioh's more complex stuff like stances, ki pulse etc on top of everything, I don't know if many would be able to keep up or actually enjoy it. Guess the point is that you can't have everything and let's give the game a chance.
I'm still not fully convinced the streamlined approach actually results in faster gameplay than what was present in Nioh.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANEvB2nexcU

I'm not one of those people lamenting the loss of Nioh specific mechanics like stances, ki pulse, etc. I don't even care. It's a new IP. I wanted them to go wild with it. I wanted to see new mechanics. I just wish that instead of sapping all the depth out of it they replaced them with new and interesting systems with a decent amount of depth at least, doesn't even have to be comparable just a decent amount.

I'll still be checking this game out as it develops. I think there's fun and cool aspects to it and I'm hoping the feedback process serves it well, but I do think it kind of sucks that so many of these prolific action studios have to chase trends and remove interesting elements just to get more mainstream attention.


Dec 28, 2017
This parry system feels horrible, and ultra punishing. It being tied to the same button as dodge is horrible as well. I'm really not digging this game so far.


Nov 3, 2017
This parry system feels horrible, and ultra punishing. It being tied to the same button as dodge is horrible as well. I'm really not digging this game so far.

Yeah, that's a weird choice. What's wrong with making parry work like in other Soulslike games?

I don't understand this complain, what's the difference if it's the dodge or block or even the attack button to parry?

It still requires just pressing the correct button at the correct timing- It doesn't even require a directional input like MGR.


Jun 7, 2018
Game feels like it's going down a good path, but still has some core issues to figure out and iterate on. I felt the same way with the first Nioh demo/test, and that game improved a whole lot by release, so I'll be surprised if Team Ninja doesn't step things up by launch.

Current main problem is that it feels like I'm fighting the controls more than most enemies. Some of this just feels like bugs though, which I'm surprised were in a first playable build.
  1. Heal can't be used until attack or dodge recovery frames are fully complete. Can get around this by tapping a direction to take a step, and then tapping heal. Heal needs to be moved so it can be activated when your character can move.
  2. Summon button combo fails if you tap triangle a frame or two before circle, which also causes an attack to come out, which then often results in getting hit. Super frustrating. Got it to be more consistent by holding circle and then tapping triangle.
  3. I had to pause and try to figure out why my parries were often failing to come out. It's because after an attack I'm often slightly holding the analog stick in a direction without realizing it, and that causes dodge to come out instead. I'm betting a bunch of people are hitting this same issue. Had to consciously make an effort to leave the stick at neutral, which I don't think I should have to do (and most players won't).

I'm personally fine with parry and dodge sharing a button, they just need to do a much better job of covering dodge/parry priority, and cases where players plink buttons.


Nov 3, 2017
  1. I had to pause and try to figure out why my parries were often failing to come out. It's because after an attack I'm often slightly holding the analog stick in a direction without realizing it, and that causes dodge to come out instead. I'm betting a bunch of people are hitting this same issue. Had to consciously make an effort to leave the stick at neutral, which I don't think I should have to do (and most players won't).

Hmm I never noticed that- for me I feel like I had the most success dodging into the attacks to trigger the parry.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
I just tried the demo today. Game seems good, but anyway really hard. I have always struggled with parries in any game like this and this game seems geared toward them. I'm dying a lot haha


Feb 7, 2018
  1. I had to pause and try to figure out why my parries were often failing to come out. It's because after an attack I'm often slightly holding the analog stick in a direction without realizing it, and that causes dodge to come out instead. I'm betting a bunch of people are hitting this same issue. Had to consciously make an effort to leave the stick at neutral, which I don't think I should have to do (and most players won't).
I'm pretty sure the first input, regardless of the direction you're holding results in a deflection. If you're holding a direction while you press O/B, you'll do a deflection for an attack while also SLIGHTLY moving in that general direction(holding forward and pressing O/B will cause you to do a deflection while moving forward a bit for instance). I've successfully deflected attacks in quick succession while holding a direction and pressing O; the problem really just seems to boil down to how relentlessly unforgiving the deflection window actually is. I'm not sure if it'll be mitigated by armor set bonuses, or if player weight will have an impact on it in the final release, but as it stands in this current build, it's just super strict timing.

It's a wonderful first showing of the game, and it does A LOT right. I really just want them to swap the deflection to the guard button like everyone's mentioned, add in combo strings/customization for added depth, and just tweak the deflection timing a bit so that it doesn't feel so strict. This game already feels like it's done a bang up job in setting it's foundation for something great, I just need to see where they go with it, and I hope all the feed back players have given them just nudges them in the right direction.
Oct 28, 2017
  1. I had to pause and try to figure out why my parries were often failing to come out. It's because after an attack I'm often slightly holding the analog stick in a direction without realizing it, and that causes dodge to come out instead. I'm betting a bunch of people are hitting this same issue. Had to consciously make an effort to leave the stick at neutral, which I don't think I should have to do (and most players won't).

So your saying you are getting a full dodge with this? Because I've been using the stick and the parry button to parry different directions to put myself in different positions. Like if I hit right and parry my character steps to the right and deflects the attack to the left. It looks like a little dodge but will parry an attack if I time it right.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
This is a carbon copy of Nioh with a way stripped down gameplay. The level design, enemy AI, pacing, loot system is entirely copied from Nioh. If you can't see that I think you are the one that never played it.
so this is basically nioh 4 for you since stranger's paradise was nioh 3 going by this logic


Jun 7, 2018
I have to look at the parry/dodge timing more. Might have been wrong before. Just know that when I stand in neutral and tap parry that I get more consistent results than direction+parry. Might be be a difference of activation timings or something.


Oct 30, 2017
Really enjoying the game, husband beat the demo i'm stuck on the boss. tried using npc summon and almost won but i figured i'd try and grab a real person to confirm the win but it appears no one's quing, at least not on PS5 :(


Feb 4, 2018
Tried the demo, game seems like not-Nioh and not-Sekiro. I like Nioh and I like Sekiro, not sure I like this. Feels weirdly stiff to me. I guess I was expecting it to feel closer to Sekiro from the trailer. I only played a bit though, generally don't like to sink much time in to KT demos until the demos closer to release since they change/improve so much each demo and I'd rather get a feel for what the actual release game will feel like to decide whether I wanna drop $60-70 on it.


Oct 25, 2017
So after another session I'm getting a better feel for the combat, and I'm really digging it. I really really don't like sprint on the L3, though. I feel like I'm losing a lot of precision and control compared to using a face button


Dec 3, 2018
This was lots of fun. Thread has my parry gripes covered, pretty solid otherwise. I didn't play long enough to Get Good, if I'm gonna beat my head against the wall I'd rather put those hours in when the full game is out.

Man I wish the Nioh Collection was on sale, gotta catch up before this one drops! Team Ninja is the real deal


May 2, 2020
Was super pumped for this, but I am not feeling the parrying at all. Second phase of the boss is a slog. Healing feels super bad and I have no idea when I'm able to summon my divine beast.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Was super pumped for this, but I am not feeling the parrying at all. Second phase of the boss is a slog. Healing feels super bad and I have no idea when I'm able to summon my divine beast.

Well look at it this way, this is the most polished beta they ever put out lol.

This has incredible potential considering how much Nioh games were refined and this is due next year.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone getting network errors? Beat the demo could not upload clear data =/, so will have to fight the boss again


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Game feels like it's going down a good path, but still has some core issues to figure out and iterate on. I felt the same way with the first Nioh demo/test, and that game improved a whole lot by release, so I'll be surprised if Team Ninja doesn't step things up by launch.

Current main problem is that it feels like I'm fighting the controls more than most enemies. Some of this just feels like bugs though, which I'm surprised were in a first playable build.
  1. Heal can't be used until attack or dodge recovery frames are fully complete. Can get around this by tapping a direction to take a step, and then tapping heal. Heal needs to be moved so it can be activated when your character can move.
  2. Summon button combo fails if you tap triangle a frame or two before circle, which also causes an attack to come out, which then often results in getting hit. Super frustrating. Got it to be more consistent by holding circle and then tapping triangle.
  3. I had to pause and try to figure out why my parries were often failing to come out. It's because after an attack I'm often slightly holding the analog stick in a direction without realizing it, and that causes dodge to come out instead. I'm betting a bunch of people are hitting this same issue. Had to consciously make an effort to leave the stick at neutral, which I don't think I should have to do (and most players won't).

I'm personally fine with parry and dodge sharing a button, they just need to do a much better job of covering dodge/parry priority, and cases where players plink buttons.
Directional+circle still gives deflect, it just puts a bit of movement to it as well. What gives dodge is double pressing circle, I don't specifically recall if double circle with no directional input gives dodge, but if it doesn't that's probably why you find it more reliable.

I don't understand this complain, what's the difference if it's the dodge or block or even the attack button to parry?

It still requires just pressing the correct button at the correct timing- It doesn't even require a directional input like MGR.
I think people want a standalone invincible dodge alongside the deflect, rather than have the dodge be primarily for spacing. I disagree with the sentiment but I think that's what it is mainly.
Last edited:


May 2, 2020
Well look at it this way, this is the most polished beta they ever put out lol.

This has incredible potential considering how much Nioh games were refined and this is due next year.

True. There was a huge difference between the Nioh 1 or 2 alpha/betas and final games. I'm just pissed at getting hard stuck on this boss lmao. Also secretly wanted this to be Team Ninja's Sekiro with more emphasis on parrying because I need more Sekiro.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay played a little on Series X today and performance was noticeably smoother than PS5 I felt. Weird. Hope performance gets cleaned up for launch. Probably will.


Oct 25, 2017
True. There was a huge difference between the Nioh 1 or 2 alpha/betas and final games. I'm just pissed at getting hard stuck on this boss lmao. Also secretly wanted this to be Team Ninja's Sekiro with more emphasis on parrying because I need more Sekiro.
I was gonna ask if the vibes were the same in the Nioh beta wtih a lot of people unsure of the demo build and how well the full game would turn out.

Some stuff in here is quite concerning but not trying to work myself into a panic just yet. Gonna trust the process.

Li Kao

Oct 25, 2017
So a block dodge playstyle is untenable in this game and you are forced to parry ?
Please no, I have the worst timing.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
> Finally beat the boss after an hour of attempts
> "Failed to send game clear data"



May 2, 2020
I was gonna ask if the vibes were the same in the Nioh beta wtih a lot of people unsure of the demo build and how well the full game would turn out.

Some stuff in here is quite concerning but not trying to work myself into a panic just yet. Gonna trust the process.

Honestly, it was so long ago I can't remember too much. But it definitely felt super jank and I came around 100% on the first Nioh. Nioh 2, I can't remember if I tried the demos, but I ended up completing Nioh 2 co-op and going through a few NG+ cycles solo. So yeah I'm definitely giving them the benefit of the doubt here and I appreciate them getting these betas out early for feedback.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
> Finally beat the boss after an hour of attempts
> "Failed to send game clear data"

Same. Thankfully you can retry from the menu after beating him. Still not working. I'm guessing their servers got hammered because people have time to play during the weekend.
Might actually set up my XSX and replay it so I can get the reward for the full release.


Jun 7, 2018
Same. Thankfully you can retry from the menu after beating him. Still not working. I'm guessing their servers got hammered because people have time to play during the weekend.
Might actually set up my XSX and replay it so I can get the reward for the full release.
It seems to lose connection if you put the console to sleep, and not regain connection until you shut down and restart the game.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm currently playing through Nioh and think Wo-Long has performance issues (to be expected I suppose), input lag and strafe (locked on to an enemy) feels weird.

I expect performance issues and input lag to be resolved but strafe feels more natural in Nioh because the character side-stepps rather than seemingly unlocking and running in the pressed direction. I feel more in control in Nioh.

Not is sure about this one. Will try it again.


Feb 12, 2022
I just finished the demo on PS5, now to try it on the Series S, where I'll likely end up playing the game..