Which Terror Twin will you play as?

  • Jess

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  • Soph

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Oct 27, 2017
The enemies have health bars and lvls...

What the fuuuck. I did not expect that at all.

Last edited:


Nov 6, 2017
Yea I really don't get this microtransaction drama (nevermind that we've known they were tied to only cosmetics in there since, I dunno, March or something?)
Italian reviews are positive and it looks like a globally good game from what i read/watched/listened.

And very important: it's a spin-off with a budget price. I'm OK even if it diverges from the standard Wolfenstein experience.


Mar 1, 2018
Read the last few pages and thought 'oh no, meta critic must be bad'

It's 76, how come all the doom and gloom?


Oct 27, 2017
I tried to be as blind as possible, and now i read looter shooter infused weekly events, cosmetics, store, gestures, experience (i was already not too fond of the feats in the past but passed over that) ...
on top there is now forced backtracking to unlock things.
*sigh* and these were women mains at laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast *triple sigh* what a waste
I'll cheat my way through and play just for the story, i won't grind in a Wolfenstein.
I hope i am reading wrong, but it's alright with the price point, i guess...

To be fair they did a good job hiding most of these systems , I am only a casual follower but all the trailers led me to believe it would be another linear shooter like it's past games but would have coop and still interlaced with story cutscenes.

Maybe I just didn't follow it enough , but it feels like they didn't spend a lot of effort explaining these things . Even the launch trailer gives that impression .

Throw in cosmetics if you like , doesn't bother me , but completing changing the gameplay to grinding and backtracking etc just to accomodate the mtx systems seems stupid .

Sad thing is they had a ton of potential to make this an amazing campaign with Arkanes level design skills but it seems wasted here .


Oct 25, 2017
I really hope people will understand at some point, that mtx in games, even if they are just for cosmetics, will always have an impact on game design. And it does not matter if I want to buy them, I would probably get a better game without them.
Oct 27, 2017
To be fair they did a good job hiding most of these systems , I am only a casual follower but all the trailers led me to believe it would be another linear shooter like it's past games but would have coop and still interlaced with story cutscenes.

Maybe I just didn't follow it enough , but it feels like they didn't spend a lot of effort explaining these things . Even the launch trailer gives that impression .

Throw in cosmetics if you like , doesn't bother me , but completing changing the gameplay to grinding and backtracking etc just to accomodate the mtx systems seems stupid .

Sad thing is they had a ton of potential to make this an amazing campaign with Arkanes level design skills but it seems wasted here .

The thing that puts me off from this game, my biggest gripe is that they added health bars and lvls to enemies. In a Wolfenstein game, the running around blasting enemies was what made the other games fun for me. I don't need another Gaas.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
Feels like a "low" 76 if you know what I mean? It's not really a solid, just below 80, "76", it's more like a hmm, could have been a lot better, "76".

It's at 77 now so maybe it'll reach 80 at some point. I'm digging everything I'm reading with the exception of the not restarting a checkpoint with the ammo you had when you reached said checkpoint. Other than that I'm pumped!


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
The thing that puts me off from this game, my biggest gripe is that they added health bars and lvls to enemies. In a Wolfenstein game, the running around blasting enemies was what made the other games fun for me. I don't need another Gaas.

it´s basically a "Wolfensteined" Far Cry New Dawn

i just wanted another crisp single player campaign which is fun to replay because of different routes/approaches and not a modern "here, enemy lvls, health bars, MTX, coins and dailies"

lower price or not, these decisions were awful

after i got burned with Rage 2 which i found to be plain bad it feels like this is another stinker from the Bethesda range of games.


May 6, 2018
Yeesh, this looks awful. I was on board with TNO/TNC because of the narratives, but I wasn't a fan of their gameplay. Enemies were squishy and fun to shoot, but you were also squishy, so it pushed you to play slow and boring. From the looks of things, Youngblood makes both you and the enemies into damage-sponges, and it seems like a massive over-correction. Now, instead of being boring because the game encourages you to play lame, the game is just boring all the time as you slam your numbers into the enemy's numbers until someone's numbers outnumber the other's numbers. Thrilling.

RPG mechanics were a mistake.


Nov 3, 2017
I really hope people will understand at some point, that mtx in games, even if they are just for cosmetics, will always have an impact on game design. And it does not matter if I want to buy them, I would probably get a better game without them.

How did MTX in Monster Hunter World affected the game negatively?


Nov 3, 2017
Well my hype just tanked, it's already bought and paid for but I do not like what I'm hearing, it's definitely not what I was expecting. Who the hell thought adding enemy health bars was a good idea?
Oct 27, 2017
it´s basically a "Wolfensteined" Far Cry New Dawn

i just wanted another crisp single player campaign which is fun to replay because of different routes/approaches and not a modern "here, enemy lvls, health bars, MTX, coins and dailies"

lower price or not, these decisions were awful

Exactly what I wanted. I really hope they didn't do the same with the new Doom.

I've been out of the loop, but did they show the lvl/healthbar thing in any of the trailers? I had no idea it was the direction they were going.


Oct 25, 2017
Read the last few pages and thought 'oh no, meta critic must be bad'

It's 76, how come all the doom and gloom?

Anything below MC 90 is hot garbo on ERA that shouldn't been released.


So people keep complaining about bullet sponge enemies, but watching Cohh play I'm just not seeing it? Enemies seem to drop in pretty much same amount of effort as they do in TNC. So what is this bullet sponge drama again?


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games


Oct 28, 2017
proobably best to check you undrestand what people mean by lack of feedback before getting embarrassingly snidey about it
I know full well what lack of feedback means and I know full well the post I was referring to

>>>"TNC is full of issues, but even with TNO I found the gunplay unsatisfying. The lack of strong audio/visual feedback during combat makes it feel like BJ is using lethal airsoft guns."


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
How did MTX in Monster Hunter World affected the game negatively?

It didn't because the cosmetics are not pushed in your face within the game, like Ubi-style stores/currencies. You can buy and play the game and not know about the mtx at all. There's no place within MHW where you have the option to buy armors/skins etc. with any in-game currency or otherwise.

In Ubishit titles you're constantly getting tiny amounts of in-game currency to remind you that it's there and all store panels for guns, vehicles etc. tell you how much easier it would be to unlock by paying. And hey, please buy these shitty currency/material packs!

MHW has none of that shit.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 27, 2017
This game sounds close enough to Far Cry New Dawn, which I loved, and has a higher MC score than New Dawn. Not what I expected from a Wolfenstein game but still sounds like something I'll enjoy.


Nov 3, 2017
It didn't because the cosmetics are not pushed in your face withing the game like Ubi-style stores/currencies. You can buy and play the game and not know about the mtx at all. There's no place withing MHW where you have the option to buy armors/skins etc. with any in-game currency or otherwise.

In Ubishit titles you're constantly getting tiny amounts of in-game currency to remind you it's there and all store panels for guns, vehicles etc. tell you how much easier it would be to unlock by paying. And hey, please buy these shitty currency/material packs!

MHW has none of that shit.

The poster I quoted said mtx "will always have an impact on game design", "even if they are just for cosmetics"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's starting to sound like it's more of Arkane's take on Wolfenstein and I'm more than thrilled if that's the case. Machinegames lost the plot when it comes to gameplay with TNC so I'm open to new ideas.


The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017



I don't know what version of TNC some ppl played but they should try uninstalling/reinstalling if they didn't feel there was feedback
There was some cool visual feedback and nice finishers, but I agree with what I've heard a lot of people say about TNC, overall the gunplay was pretty unsatisfying and actually bad at times, enough so that I only made it like half way through the game before I gave up. It's what I was waiting on before buying Youngblood, wanted to see if that aspect was improved, otherwise it's a pass for me.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It didn't because the cosmetics are not pushed in your face withing the game like Ubi-style stores/currencies. You can buy and play the game and not know about the mtx at all. There's no place withing MHW where you have the option to buy armors/skins etc. with any in-game currency or otherwise.

In Ubishit titles you're constantly getting tiny amounts of in-game currency to remind you it's there and all store panels for guns, vehicles etc. tell you how much easier it would be to unlock by paying. And hey, please buy these shitty currency/material packs!
This is literally tales from your ass. Ubisoft titles are straight up known for having some of the least intrusive stores and they tend to hide their stores behind multiple UI.


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed TNC after not caring at all for the 2014 reboot, but this looks like a weird-ass step in the wrong direction. Health bars and levels in an old school shooter don't make any sense to me. That said, I'll def pick this up at some point because of Arkane.

IXI FalcoN

Oct 27, 2017

Seems way different than I thought I'd be, and that's not really a good thing. Yes there are multiple areas, but it seems like a looter shooter. You repeatedly come back to the same areas, select missions, daily and weekly challenges... weird.

After watching this video any excitement I had for this game just fucking plummeted. Wolfenstein didn't need any of this nonsense.

Did we miss something in the marketing or is this really as far out of left field as it seems? I recall the devs stating the levels were more open ended and that there would be skins you could buy and that's fine, but not any of this shit. I had the impression this would essentially be TNC with co-op and more open ended levels, not a 2 player looter shooter lite. Sounds like the story takes a huge back seat too.

I liked the combat loop of the previous games so maybe I'll find some enjoyment here, but this is not what I wanted out of a Wolfenstein game at all.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
The poster I quoted said mtx "will always have an impact on game design", "even if they are just for cosmetics"

Yes, and I merely explained to anyone who might not know why it doesn't really impact MHW a whole lot in contrast to Ubi-style mtx.

I do however mostly agree that mtx impact game design in western games by the big publishers due to their greed and shamelessness. But there's of course games where it isn't the case.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
User Warned: Antagonizing other members (shill/employee accusations)
This is literally tales from your ass. Ubisoft titles are straight up known for having some of the least intrusive stores and they tend to hide their stores behind multiple UI.

Yves, listen... in New Dawn it's basically in your face whenever you go to upgrade/buy weapons. Every stash also doles out a small amount of premium currency to constantly remind you that it's there.


Oct 25, 2017
It's starting to sound like it's more of Arkane's take on Wolfenstein and I'm more than thrilled if that's the case. Machinegames lost the plot when it comes to gameplay with TNC so I'm open to new ideas.
That's what I was hoping for with this side-game. I'm a little disappointed that it sounds like the AI buddy is garbo, but I'll be playing this game mostly with a friend so I'll rarely experience that. Things like enemy levels and daily/weekly missions are headscratching decisions though.
Oct 29, 2017
I really hope people will understand at some point, that mtx in games, even if they are just for cosmetics, will always have an impact on game design. And it does not matter if I want to buy them, I would probably get a better game without them.

This x1000, I feel like some of the "they are just skins" folks are just trying to be internet contrarians to win arguments. Anyone who actually believes this is totally full of shit. Developers areliterally designing systems and mechanics that work to keep the end user as engaged as possible (very similar to pulling slots at a casino). Without the illusion of unlocking that next reward, this bullet sponge and repetitive mission stuff would be blatantly obvious to everyone.

The mechanics of loot shooters do not work without the illusion of progression. And that sense of progression is based entirely on insidious psychological tricks that casinos have employed for years to keep people engaged. The fact of the matter is that you're willing to spam fire an enemy whose only behaviors are strafe left/right because the game flashes sensory overload at you, and you want to unlock that next thing that will somehow make the game more fun or give you higher in-game status. Until the next IP that decides to do this, and then you do it all over again, until you realize it's literally the shittiest mechanic in modern game design.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeahhhh. Steam preorder cancelled on this one I think. I can see that there's a 1h25m cutscene compilation on YouTube already and I'm not interested in being forced to grind for 20 hours to see that stuff.

Bummer how the structure of this game turned out.


Oct 27, 2017
I really dislike the direction this game went, I might pick it up severely discounted on Steam. But health bars, levels, pseudo open world GaaS crap isn't what I wanted.


Oct 26, 2017
This pretty much sounds like it's what I expected after what they'd being saying pre-release and how this was them testing a lot of new ideas. Machine Games' take on Wolfenstein has been one of my favourite series of this gen so I'll probably still have a good time with this, even if I don't love some of the ideas they went with here.


Oct 25, 2017
So this game is basically Arkane's take on a looter shooter?

Sounds fantastic, I'm sold.

Seeing how their take on a roguelite with Mooncrash was my favorite in the genre.
May 25, 2019
Relieved that I can skip this now and wait for the true follow-up to Wolfenstein 2. Another great reminder to never pre-order games, even if its another entry in a franchise you already love.