
Dec 13, 2017
The streaming stuff is about to hit critical mass in terms of completely fucking up Hollywood economics. The idea that you have "residuals", that you make a percentage of the money earned at the box office, and when played on TV, and when sold via DVD has been a cornerstone of how actors negotiate fair contracts for decades now. The inability to qualify "how much money" something being streamed is worth is a wrecking ball to that system. With BW they can make a case that there was additional direct revenue in the form of the premium rental, but as more stuff moves to simultaneous release on the base tier, how do you put a number on the value of streaming? There's no ads to count. There's no buy in fees. Its some fraction of their monthly subscription cost, but not an easy one to assess

Drop the idea of "residuals" and just pay for the job up front.

Bonus: You don't have to deal with Hollywood accounting.


Oct 27, 2017
From what I've read via some google news stuff, Ryan Reynolds doesn't want to work with her, and isn't her replacement hinted at in her movie?

Add me to the burning bridges and she's remaining dead camp.

Who gives a shit what her doofus irrelevant ex husband has to say? She is 100% entitled to the money and will get it.

The mental gymnastics to defend **the corporation** over workers in this thread is embarrassing.


Oct 25, 2017
If Delta variant makes the box office comeback take longer than expected I will be interested to see what happens.

Hypothetically you can bet that if they had to do a day and date Disney+ on Dr. Strange 2 they will absolutely renegotiate with Cumberbatch before release. But would they renegotiate with Simu Liu if they did a last minute change for Shang Chi? Or the cast of The Eternals? Not so sure about those.


Oct 27, 2017

Jesus Christ
Don't care how rich you are, people have died for far less.
Jun 20, 2019
I don't disagree, I just said concretely. Could be higher, could be lower, could have been even bigger by people rushing back to theatres after the pandemic, etc. I know they'll arrive at a number, of course...maybe that was unclear in my post.
It's all good.

If the facts of the case are as clear-cut as they appear then a ruling that Disney is in breach of contract seems fait accompli and the real fight will be how to calculate the damages.


Late to the party
Nov 1, 2017
Clearwater, FL
Who gives a shit what her doofus irrelevant ex husband has to say? She is 100% entitled to the money and will get it.

The mental gymnastics to defend **the corporation** over workers in this thread is embarrassing.

Excuse me, but you may want to re-read the post you responded to.

I wasn't defending Disney at all. I specifically commented on whether or not she's coming back to the Marvel universe.

Also mentioned she deserves money.

WTF. Ryan Reynolds has less than zero to do with this. At all.

No shit. I mentioned that perhaps she isn't coming back and included something about RR not wanting to work with her. That speculation has nothing to do with whether she deserves money (which she does).


Oct 25, 2017
Take every solo MCU film released to date, model the average box office take across them all, and calculate Scarlett's percentage. There's your damages.

And how many of them were released post-Covid?

Hell even if it did address Covid I think both sides would object to that methodology.

The amount of money Disney made off the streaming release on its opening weekend is literally public knowledge lol

Sure but that isn't the measure of the damages from breach of contract.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Hollywood is using this streaming shit as a way to cut actors out of Promised profits. Fucking scam artists


Oct 26, 2017
Disney is a garbage company and deserves to suffer so whatever contributes to that is only a good thing tbh


Dec 13, 2017
Sure but that isn't the measure of the damages from breach of contract.

It could be close if you figure the take from the theater.

I've seen estimates that $60 million is what Disney could expect to get from ~$150 million in theatrical box office sales.

So rather than theater + Disney+ for the take, estimate theater + theater equivalent from D+.

Then you'd just have to argue about how much was "lost" to repeat viewing and piracy.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't disagree, I just said concretely. Could be higher, could be lower, could have been even bigger by people rushing back to theatres after the pandemic, etc. I know they'll arrive at a number, of course...maybe that was unclear in my post.

There's no speculation needed. Disney released the movie in theaters and on VOD streaming, were paid per viewing for each. Scarlett's contract states it will only be released in theaters and she was only paid for the theatrical portion, therefore Disney owes her her contractually obliged portion of streaming cut at minimum. We don't need to guess how much money Disney made through streaming Black Widow.


Oct 25, 2017
Frankly it's fucked up that the contracts are so complicated and that movie makers are not sharing the profits from the streaming money. It's no wonder stars, directors and everybody is pissed about not being properly compensated.


Oct 28, 2017
Incoming Disney Statement: 'Black Widow? Yeah I guess it made us a few bucks, but we've a long way before it turns a profit'!


Oct 25, 2017
It could be close if you figure the take from the theater.

I've seen estimates that $60 million is what Disney could expect to get from ~$150 million in theatrical box office sales.

So rather than theater + Disney+ for the take, estimate theater + theater equivalent from D+.

Then you'd just have to argue about how much was "lost" to repeat viewing and piracy.

Right, just saying these figures will be hard to generate and easy to contest. You have to demonstrate, e.g, that D+ purchasers would have gone to the theater if not for the streaming option, in what volume, with what frequency, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
They should have renegotiated once they decided to release it on streaming. That's pretty shitty.


Oct 25, 2017
She's definitely gonna burn bridges

‘Tower Of Terror’ Film Produced By Scarlett Johansson In Early Development At Disney

Deadline has confirmed that a Disney 'Tower of Terror' pic starring Scarlett Johansson is in the early stages of development.

Will be dead. But otherwise yeah Disney fucked up

Nah. It might be delayed a bit but Hollywood doesn't take this stuff too personally.

Peter Jackson sued Warner subsidiary New Line over being shafted on LOTR trilogy profits but was still back at the studio a few years later making The Hobbit trilogy.

If anything is going to kill The Tower of Terror it will be Jungle Cruise underperforming.
Oct 27, 2017
Frankly it's fucked up that the contracts are so complicated and that movie makers are not sharing the profits from the streaming money. It's no wonder stars, directors and everybody is pissed about not being properly compensated.
Has nothing to do with being complicated and more to do with makers not wanting to share profits with the crew/staff


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not surprised she is sueing if that's what the contract said. It isn't even about the pandemic causing this issue so much as Disney doing the same shit they've pulled for a while now. Wasn't there a story about them using weird terms from the 90s to not pay royalties for streaming that would be paid for home box office stuff done over cable etc with bill nye the science guy? I remember the way it seemed in the lawsuit they really screwed him over when they should have paid up.


Oct 25, 2017
She should get an appropriate percentage of the Disney Plus Premiere money as well and if the initial contract is as cut and dry and the OP article suggests, this is likely what will happen.

With that said, don't expect her in ANY Disney-affiliated films for a long time, if ever.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait doesn't she get that disney + premiere access money? Either way yeah her contract gives her the right to get that money.


Nov 2, 2017
And they should! Like I said, her contract seems incredibly clear.

I want her to win, and I want Disney to lose. I just don't feel torn up about it. Nonetheless, you're not the only person responding adversely to what I said so I've deleted my post. Sorry if it came off in support of Disney or actively against her, that was not the intent.
Sorry if it came off like I was attacking you, was just saying Disney are very well off too.


Oct 25, 2017
The only odd thing is that WB was reportedly willing to buy out Gal Gadot's and Patty Jenkins' contracts but DISNEY wouldn't do the same for Scarlett. And Scarlett has been an A list star for far longer.


The Mushroom Kingdom Knight
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Nah. It might be delayed a bit but Hollywood doesn't take this stuff too personally.

Peter Jackson sued Warner subsidiary New Line over being shafted on LOTR trilogy profits but was still back at the studio a few years later making The Hobbit trilogy.

If anything is going to kill The Tower of Terror it will be Jungle Cruise underperforming.
Yeah people treat companies as if they are people
Look at George Miller, folks thought him and Warner were done after the blowup over Fury Road, but I'm sure he's back for the prequel


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised this wasn't figured out before the movie release. Seems like a no duh that she'd be losing out on money she'd be otherwise getting?

Certainly sucks for anyone who was getting a cut of the movies though that were planned pre-covid

Bisha Monkey

Aug 12, 2018
People trying to use the argument that because she is a millionaire she should be able to get screwed over and not get properly compensated for her work are garbage people. Hope you also get fucked by legal loopholes, assholes.

Majin Boo

Oct 26, 2017
If they violated the contract she has every right to sue them, doesn't matter who she is or how much money she has.


Jan 9, 2018
Damn i was hoping they could bring her back for a sequel but i guess she gone stay dead


Jun 12, 2018
The lawsuit also claims that "Disney's financial disclosures make clear that the very Disney executives who orchestrated this strategy will personally benefit from their and Disney's misconduct," as it identifies Disney CEO's Bob Chapek's equity grants "totaling 3.8 times his $2.5 million base salary" in 2021, with the "primary justification" for that award being the launch of direct-to-consumer services. The lawsuit also notes that Disney executive chairman Bob Iger received the "overwhelming majority" of his $16.5 million compensation in the form of stock grants, with the company's annual report citing the growth of Disney+.​

Disney Strikes Back Over Scarlett Johansson’s ‘Black Widow’ Lawsuit, Reveals Her $20 Million Payday – Update

'Black Widow' star Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney for breach of contract over its release of the film on Disney+ the same day it opened in theaters


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This is why I figured Feige was pushing for a theater-only release. There were too many BO-related contracts that would get screwed over.

This. She is also listed as a producer so she probably has a large part of her salary based on gross profits or revenues. And this was supposed to be THE movie where she's getting paid a high salary, as compared to a more regular lead role salary in her previous movies. I thought they would have renegotiated with her.

I feel like people are really overrating the impact this will have both on any potential future relationship between Scarlett and Disney, and in souring Disney's perception with other stars. It's rich people suing each other I doubt they take any of it personally and they'll probably come to some sort of agreement.

Yup. It could be a formality to get things moving. George Miller sued Warner Brothers but they're still making Mad Max movies with him.
Oct 25, 2017
Good, studios shouldn't screw over talent by ignoring agreed contracts. This is something that, if she wins, will help a lot of a actors in the future