
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My 3 ten pulls of the Novice Convene banner so far



i'll play until I see my 5* and sleep maybe.


Oct 25, 2017
Story ill give leeway to cause genshin sucked until halfway through inazuma and hsr was bad until the end of belebog


Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it well documented that the English Loc team was massively understaffed and crunched at the same time?


Oct 25, 2017
"This shouldn't have existed. But it did.

In the era of Sephirlia, governed by the Goddess of Harluxia, Yigus, the world was at peace. But then, the invaders known as Pemralden forced themselves onto our planet, for the resource known only as SRG-11534-DV in our blood. Once infused, it can increase the Mekodet ability present in all Pemralden. Thankfully, we were not without our defenses for we have allies governed by Queen Zentrey, a worshipper of Xianmut. Together, they fight back with the power granted to them by the Biolep to save our planet.

This is their story"

I should write a gacha game.
Lol this explains the game's awkward title.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Why do I have to put in my log-in info every time I open the game? That's going to be annoying having to put that in every time I boot up the game


Oct 25, 2017
They definitely aren't being subtle about which games they're ripping off lmaooo

Although Genshin runs better than this, holy shit.

The stuttering on my end is aggressive ~


Oct 28, 2017
Was initially positively suprised that there was controller support with PlayStation prompts to boot, just to be greeted with the major fuckup that there isn't invert camera options at all. Jesus fucking christ what a turn off, don't know if I wanna continue until that is in....


Oct 25, 2017
Also, loot being auto-picked up is another QoL thing that's gonna make it difficult to play this and Genshin

They definitely aren't being subtle about which games they're ripping off lmaooo

Although Genshin runs better than this, holy shit.

The stuttering on my end is aggressive ~
Genshin runs better, but they still fucked the performance with that patch that added official support for borderless windowed. I think that was 2 or 3 major patches ago?

Also, still absolutely amazing that none of these games officially support unlocked framerate. Literally why?

lol, truly. Same with Genshin, I could tell you exactly nothing about that game's story. This is purely a reason for me to throw on a podcast and zone out
This would probably annoy people in the Genshin OT, but I'm the same way. If I wanted story, I'd play Honkai: Star Rail.


Oct 25, 2017
This would probably annoy people in the Genshin OT, but I'm the same way. If I wanted story, I'd play Honkai: Star Rail.
I probably wouldn't have any friends on the Honkai OT either haha. If I wanted a story I just wouldn't play a grindy mobile gacha rpg. No shade to the writers, there might be a fantastic story there, but that's just not why I play these games.


Studied the Buster Sword
Jan 29, 2022
Made it to the city and so far the story has been below par.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, I'm reading that there wasn't a 60fps cap in the CBT? Wasn't it the exact same thing for Genshin? Very weird.


Oct 27, 2017

I have never been so tempted to skip story in a game in my life.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I just got Verina, which is the best character for the targeted convene?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Finally managed to get the game working

Tacet discord is such a stupid name lmao


Oct 27, 2017
Wow we got our stelleron early and even met Amber. This has truly been our Wuthering Rail Impact.


Oct 25, 2017
Decided to give this a go because I've seen a lot of people say it has the best combat in a gacha game and is the better Genshin Impact. It interested me because I really disliked GI's combat. Even though I can only play this on my phone right now, I can definitely feel the combat has promise. Even on a touch screen it feels good and at least now doesn't have a lot of screen clutter. The pokemon-like mechanic is also very interesting.

Unfortunately the combat is the only good thing about it. The story and the way it's delivered, even setting aside the bad voice acting, feels so dry. It lacks the charm that similar games like Star Rail and Xenoblade have. Like I get gacha games are all designed by committee to an extent but it feels like there's no originality here.

Maybe I'll give it another go when it comes to PS5 where it'll look/run better and there'll be more characters and whatnot but the thing that killed this for me was the lack of a character to get attached to. That was the biggest thing that made Star Rail sink its teeth into me since I genuinely liked the protagonist and I had characters I was instantly attracted to like Kafka and SAM for something to look forward to. This game however has a protagonist that I don't care for (with only a decent male design and awful female design) and all the other characters range from fine to bad.

Star Rail is the only gacha game I've put more than a few hours into so that's why I'm making those comparisons BTW. Plus it really feels like it's made by Hoyoverse so they're inviting those comparisons.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Haven't started yet but the comments int he story is making me nervous lol


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
While I am only about 3 hours into MSQ, as most people are, the story is not offensive in the least. I see the seeds being planted early and relatively fine with the story.

To be fair, very few stories in any game are compelling in the first hour or two. Especially RPGs. Genshins first hours are literally so bad most people quit. The world in Genshin feels so incredibly lifeless compared to this so far. Enemies fight each other. NPCs go along with their lives. Feels more lived in and alive then Genshin with enemies and NPCs standing around waiting for you to interact with them.

That's not even to mention Genshins eye glazing story and screeching Paimon. I had to force myself through dozens of hours (maybe even over a hundred) to get through 1.0 and 2.0 storylines and I still have no clue what is happening in that world or storyline. That is not to excuse the story here, it could be better (to be fair I haven't encountered the villains yet, which every player that has gotten to them says that's where the story really gets going). But I am also willing to allow the game more than an hour to try and get me acquainted with the world and systems before they start really diving into it. I would still take this 3 hour opening than whatever Genshins first 3 hours of pain was any day of the week.

That said I do hope the story picks up because I do agree it can be better. The Crownless was a good hook for things to come.

As for people saying the game looks bad or runs bad, I am sorry you are experiencing that. For me that hasn't been my experience. This runs far better than Genshin, plays better than Genshin, and looks sharper than it on my PC.

As for people saying they are shocked at UI similarities or that it's a ripoff of Genshin. I am not sure what to say or the irony of those statements.

I remember when some people said the same about HSRs UI when it launched too.

Also, loot being auto-picked up is another QoL thing that's gonna make it difficult to play this and Genshin

There is so much QOL improvement here and a fun gameplay hook, idk how Genshin fans aren't demanding more QOL like this.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Ok, got to Adventure Rank 5, managed to do a 10 pull on the limited banner, nothing there.

As far as 1st impressions, this is hard to play on mobile.
Not as bad as I was expecting, but performance is super rough. I can get it around 56 FPS on average, but other small problems, like lots of pop in, are really annoying.

I have to say though, exploration really sucks.
There's a lack of proper feedback from interacting with things.
When you break ore, it sounds like when you hit an enemy. When you pick up things, there's no sound or anything, the thing just disappears. Chest opening feels really tame as well, really woulda liked some voice lines there.
Moving around is fine, but the world itself doesn't feel real due to this.

Not as much jank as when I played CBT1 last year, but it is still kinda unpolished.
Still gonna try and see if I can get Lingyang early on, but Iunno if I stick with it at this rate.

Also, I suck at combat, I got no idea what I'm doing.
If I ever make it to endgame, I am cooked.

I have no idea what is going on with the story at all.
I ended accidentally skipping dialogue, because my finger slightly brushed the corner of my phone, and entire strings are skipped, it's so annoying.


Nov 16, 2017
It's abundantly clear that English subs / text etc has had almost no time for QA. Using words that you have to swap for other words in surtitles is bizarre, and more than once there's been a text block that simply didn't fit on the screen, and I couldn't fine a way to move it up and down. Combine that with how each line of text in a cutscene seems to take time to load in before you can fully show it or move past it and it's just a miserable experience, same as Genshin was.

Just say Universe, and what does she say after aligned the...? Good luck. This was only about half the actual line.

I wouldn't even mind but like... these games make MILLIONS of dollars.


Oct 28, 2017
While I am only about 3 hours into MSQ, as most people are, the story is not offensive in the least. I see the seeds being planted early and relatively fine with the story.

To be fair, very few stories in any game are compelling in the first hour or two. Especially RPGs. Genshins first hours are literally so bad most people quit. The world in Genshin feels so incredibly lifeless compared to this so far. Enemies fight each other. NPCs go along with their lives. Feels more lived in and alive then Genshin with enemies and NPCs standing around waiting for you to interact with them.

That's not even to mention Genshins eye glazing story and screeching Paimon. I had to force myself through dozens of hours (maybe even over a hundred) to get through 1.0 and 2.0 storylines and I still have no clue what is happening in that world or storyline. That is not to excuse the story here, it could be better (to be fair I haven't encountered the villains yet, which every player that has gotten to them says that's where the story really gets going). But I am also willing to allow the game more than an hour to try and get me acquainted with the world and systems before they start really diving into it. I would still take this 3 hour opening than whatever Genshins first 3 hours of pain was any day of the week.

That said I do hope the story picks up because I do agree it can be better. The Crownless was a good hook for things to come.

As for people saying the game looks bad or runs bad, I am sorry you are experiencing that. For me that hasn't been my experience. This runs far better than Genshin, plays better than Genshin, and looks sharper than it on my PC.

As for people saying they are shocked at UI similarities or that it's a ripoff of Genshin. I am not sure what to say or the irony of those statements.

I remember when some people said the same about HSRs UI when it launched too.

There is so much QOL improvement here and a fun gameplay hook, idk how Genshin fans aren't demanding more QOL like this.

Yeah, no technical hitches here on PC, either. It ain't a perfect game, but don't get the hyperbolic hate, either. It's a perfectly good game that does retread familiar ground, but is just different enough in a few areas to make it worth playing on its own. I guess that's just the way of the internet, though.


Oct 31, 2017
Now that I changed the ini file to invert the controller camera I am actually have a fun time. The game is not perfect and 100% polished but I see myself having some fun for the time being, story interest me enough so far and combat is super fun.


Dec 8, 2018
While I am only about 3 hours into MSQ, as most people are, the story is not offensive in the least. I see the seeds being planted early and relatively fine with the story.

To be fair, very few stories in any game are compelling in the first hour or two. Especially RPGs. Genshins first hours are literally so bad most people quit. The world in Genshin feels so incredibly lifeless compared to this so far. Enemies fight each other. NPCs go along with their lives. Feels more lived in and alive then Genshin with enemies and NPCs standing around waiting for you to interact with them.

That's not even to mention Genshins eye glazing story and screeching Paimon. I had to force myself through dozens of hours (maybe even over a hundred) to get through 1.0 and 2.0 storylines and I still have no clue what is happening in that world or storyline. That is not to excuse the story here, it could be better (to be fair I haven't encountered the villains yet, which every player that has gotten to them says that's where the story really gets going). But I am also willing to allow the game more than an hour to try and get me acquainted with the world and systems before they start really diving into it. I would still take this 3 hour opening than whatever Genshins first 3 hours of pain was any day of the week.

That said I do hope the story picks up because I do agree it can be better. The Crownless was a good hook for things to come.

As for people saying the game looks bad or runs bad, I am sorry you are experiencing that. For me that hasn't been my experience. This runs far better than Genshin, plays better than Genshin, and looks sharper than it on my PC.

As for people saying they are shocked at UI similarities or that it's a ripoff of Genshin. I am not sure what to say or the irony of those statements.

I remember when some people said the same about HSRs UI when it launched too.

There is so much QOL improvement here and a fun gameplay hook, idk how Genshin fans aren't demanding more QOL like this.
Most sensible post in this thread. Combat does look better than Genshin's.


Oct 25, 2017
For real, is there a gacha game that has the story be good from the start? Of the 9 or so gachas I've played, each one has had a garbage story until at least 6 months or so into it.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Feb 5, 2023
Played up to unlocking the events so far. Runs great on my M2 iPad Pro but man it's terrible to play with touch controls with any feeling of control, hope the PS5 version doesn't take too long. Haven't really checked out the characters but did my pulls so far and on my first starter banner 10 pull got my 5-star, some little healer girl

How many hours does it take before you get to pull?
Not that long after you get into the city, so maybe an hour?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Like an hour. But I started skipping halfway through.

Played up to unlocking the events so far. Runs great on my M2 iPad Pro but man it's terrible to play with touch controls with any feeling of control, hope the PS5 version doesn't take too long. Haven't really checked out the characters but did my pulls so far and on my first starter banner 10 pull got my 5-star, some little healer girl

Not that long after you get into the city, so maybe an hour?