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Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Lol, why'all force yourself to play such medicore games just coz they be leaving the service 😂

Yeah I had to train myself out of doing that!

Having said that, there are some people who actually do like the Last Stop, so I guess you never know until you play it. But as someone who didn't really like Virginia all that much, I didn't bother.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I loved Virginia, but it was compelling from the start. I feel like if you give players narrative choice but the narratives themselves don't have an immediate hook, the autonomy just exacerbates ennui.


Oct 25, 2017
Best part of The Last Stop is probably Paper Dolls Episode 3.

Worst part is that the illusion that your dialogue choices matter doesn't work, which is essential to a game like this. You can sometimes tell that what your character says would be exactly the same if you chose another option cause the words they say would cover both or even all three of the dialogue cues. And of course at the very end when you press buttons to chose which of the 2 endings you want for each character. Then you really feel that none of the choices you did earlier would do anything different at all.


Nov 25, 2017
Done with THE FORGOTTEN CITY. Got 3 out of 4 endings (incl the best/cannon ending). Philosophy, history, time shenanigans and mystery mixed in to form one of the tightest and smartest story-driven games I've ever played. Loved it!!!



Jul 6, 2018
My TMNT save file seems to have vanished on PC, just wiped all my progress. Can't figure out how to download any sort of cloud save either. I hadn't played that much, but still.
Apr 24, 2018

Rolled credit on Mighty Goose this morning. I didn't realize, but I guess I was right around the end of the game when I stopped playing it like a month ago. Fun game for those who like run 'n' gun style games. Not too hard, and definitely nowhere near the difficulty of something like the Mega Man games, but wasn't an absolute cakewalk for me. I wound up dying three times on the final boss fight, I think; with two of them infuriating me as a health drop landed just as I died -_-


Oct 25, 2017
Playing AI The Somnium Files and I have a question about the early game:

I just looked at the flowchart, and there is an undiscovered branch coming off the event where I went into the carousel dream world. Am I supposed to play through that again to get the other path? Is this how I am supposed to play the game, getting all paths? Does something block me from doing so right now and I should try it later?


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2020
Playing AI The Somnium Files and I have a question about the early game:

I just looked at the flowchart, and there is an undiscovered branch coming off the event where I went into the carousel dream world. Am I supposed to play through that again to get the other path? Is this how I am supposed to play the game, getting all paths? Does something block me from doing so right now and I should try it later?
there are a bunch of somniums, some have branching paths like the carrousel one. to get the true ending you have to play all the branches. the good thing is that you can select any somnium at any time so you only have to complete it differently to unlock the other paths without having to replay barely anything. there's one specific path that gets locked until you complete the rest, other than that you can play most of them in any order you want.


Oct 29, 2017
Best part of The Last Stop is probably Paper Dolls Episode 3.

Worst part is that the illusion that your dialogue choices matter doesn't work, which is essential to a game like this. You can sometimes tell that what your character says would be exactly the same if you chose another option cause the words they say would cover both or even all three of the dialogue cues. And of course at the very end when you press buttons to chose which of the 2 endings you want for each character. Then you really feel that none of the choices you did earlier would do anything different at all.

The dialogue choices being inconsequential really affected how I played the game. Most of the time, it felt like I was just going through the motions to see how things play out and it was quite tedious, especially since you can't skip the dialogue. Story was somewhat interesting in that I was curious what was going to happen next with the way each episode ended but didn't care about the characters as much. Finished and got all the achievements in 7 hours 5 minutes. Definitely a Game Pass game. I would not play it again


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2020
i liked the last stop, the story was weird and literally went places i didnt expect. the choices or lack of thereof didnt matter to me that much cos in games that have multiple endings most of them are pretty subpar. like if you're going to tell a story, focus on one instead of making 5 not that great substories.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished Chorus, that was fantastic.

Visually absolutely stunning (on Series X anyway) and incredibly satisfying to control. My favorite was anytime you get to fight the bigger ships and doing a drift out the exit to watch it explode after you take out the core.

Really hope they get to do more with it. Massively recommended.

Citizen Sleeper for me next.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Even though I've heard plenty of positive things about Guardians of the Galaxy I'm actually still surprised by how much fun it is so far. It looks absolutely gorgeous (shame about that it doesn't look as hot on 60fps, but it's manageable on 30) and the writing is pretty darn good so far.

The combat isn't super incredible but it's ok so far. Only really complaint is that the audio is a bit wonky. If someone is a bit too far it just completely cuts out. The part where Drax tosses Rocket across a gap (which was pretty hilarious) just didn't work because he threw Rocket outside of the audio range. If there is a fix for this weird issue I'd love to know!
Oct 27, 2017
Do you guys think we'll get a Game Pass announcement this Tuesday, seeing as there was a 3 week time span between the last two Game Pass announcements? Also, there is just the one Game Pass game for this upcoming week (Far Cry 5 on July 1) and nothing else, so it would make sense for there to be another announcement this upcoming Tuesday, I'm thinking.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think we'll see an announcement this week. Month ends on Friday, and we already know Far Cry 5 is coming on the 1st.

I'm guessing we'll get the first half of July announcements during the week of the 4th.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2020
Do you guys think we'll get a Game Pass announcement this Tuesday, seeing as there was a 3 week time span between the last two Game Pass announcements? Also, there is just the one Game Pass game for this upcoming week (Far Cry 5 on July 1) and nothing else, so it would make sense for there to be another announcement this upcoming Tuesday, I'm thinking.
i wouldnt expect anything until


Oct 26, 2017
God... Total War: Three Kingdoms is legit so confusing 😂 There is so much going on and I can't keep track of everything


Jan 20, 2021
Yeah I'm not sure what I was expecting but I'm pretty overwhelmed
Three Kingdoms is a pretty involved one, if you don't mind spending a few bucks on the summer sale, I recommend getting Rome Remastered, Medieval 2, or especially Shogun 2, and starting with one of those - They are simpler games and easier to get to grips with the series
Oct 28, 2017
Well I've done 4 chapters for each of the 3 characters and I have to say so far I'm really enjoying Last Stop.

The dialogue options look exactly the same, so why they even put up the pretence of giving you a choice I don't know but that's pretty much the only downer I have on it just now.

Molly is great. She may well be the first kid in a game that hasn't actively annoyed the living shit out of me.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Whew there is a 13gb Sniper Elite 5 update today lol

Guess I'll play some Chorus instead then


Oct 27, 2017
Finished Last Stop. The final chapter was uh... interesting... but I quite enjoyed my time with the game overall. I'm certainly glad to have experienced it. It will definitely be memorable.

It's an impressive step up from Virginia, and I look forward to what the studio does next.

Deleted member 59

Resubbed to Gamepass just before the last June Showcase and so glad i did, because I've just binged the Nonary Games collection. I skipped these on DS/3DS but glad i finally gave them both a chance, just excellent VN/escape rooms

I've had to buy Zero Time Dilemma on ps4 because i need to see how this series ends, regardless of the lack of fan/critical success it had.

Might have to play the Danganronpa games next, another blessing from gamepass!


Oct 29, 2017
Do we have any expectations on when BF2042 may land on GP/EA Play? I feel like it should have hit already given how disastrous it has been.


Oct 27, 2017
Do we have any expectations on when BF2042 may land on GP/EA Play? I feel like it should have hit already given how disastrous it has been.

Maybe waiting until they've finished all the reworking stuff they're doing to it? Would be a good way to get an influx of players if you tie that in with Game Pass.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Resubbed to Gamepass just before the last June Showcase and so glad i did, because I've just binged the Nonary Games collection. I skipped these on DS/3DS but glad i finally gave them both a chance, just excellent VN/escape rooms

I've had to buy Zero Time Dilemma on ps4 because i need to see how this series ends, regardless of the lack of fan/critical success it had.

Might have to play the Danganronpa games next, another blessing from gamepass!
Yea, after years of hearing people talk about it on my periphery, it was cool to finally jump in and go "Oh, THIS is what those games were??". Haha, definitely glad I got to experience them myself. Never would have bought them without game pass. Weirdly, probably would never have played them (even if I had them) if they weren't on game pass either.


Apr 5, 2018
Also finished Last Stop. The plot certainly took me to places I didn't expect. Can't really say it was a narrative masterpiece though the individual stories did touch me. You can play it if you are into narrative games but don't have better options at hand.

Type VII

Oct 31, 2017
I subbed to PS Plus Premium yesterday mainly due to the lure of PS1/PS2/PSP games and after discovering how much PS4 games I never got round to buying and PS3 games I've been meaning to revisit for years are on there, I decided to try out Game Pass for a month to compare. I've just downloaded Taiko no Tatsujin and the Ninja Gaiden Sigma collection and noticed loads of stuff I want to play so it's already paid for itself.

I'm generally very averse to subscription services so deciding to sub was a bigger deal that it would be for most people, but I'm glad to be on board looking at this library!


Oct 28, 2017
Even though I've heard plenty of positive things about Guardians of the Galaxy I'm actually still surprised by how much fun it is so far. It looks absolutely gorgeous (shame about that it doesn't look as hot on 60fps, but it's manageable on 30) and the writing is pretty darn good so far.

The combat isn't super incredible but it's ok so far. Only really complaint is that the audio is a bit wonky. If someone is a bit too far it just completely cuts out. The part where Drax tosses Rocket across a gap (which was pretty hilarious) just didn't work because he threw Rocket outside of the audio range. If there is a fix for this weird issue I'd love to know!

What I found was that the audio doesn't cut out, it's still playing, the directional audio is just bugged all to hell.

So, a lot of the time, if you are not stood right next to people who are talking the audio cuts out when you point the camera towards them. Point it in the opposite direction though, then the audio becomes audible again.

There is also a lot of audio overlaying each other because there is almost no situation where one of the characters isn't making some kind of comment.

Great game but pretty darn buggy.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I subbed to PS Plus Premium yesterday mainly due to the lure of PS1/PS2/PSP games and after discovering how much PS4 games I never got round to buying and PS3 games I've been meaning to revisit for years are on there, I decided to try out Game Pass for a month to compare. I've just downloaded Taiko no Tatsujin and the Ninja Gaiden Sigma collection and noticed loads of stuff I want to play so it's already paid for itself.

I'm generally very averse to subscription services so deciding to sub was a bigger deal that it would be for most people, but I'm glad to be on board looking at this library!
It's definitely not the worst way to find and play games. I like it haha.


Oct 27, 2017
I know that it won't happen, but still have a little hope (about 2%) to see Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course as a surprise on Game Pass!


Oct 30, 2017
Did they ever fix input lag on pac-man museum?
Nope, and I wish I could say that was the game's only issue. It's also got a fun little bug where it doesn't save your progress sometimes...just lost about 90% of all the time I put into the game, was nearly done with everything, just had to mop up some upgrades in Pacman 256 and wham! Back to the near beginning for me. Just uninstalled it, as it's clearly got issues with Quick Resume messing its save process up.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I'm a little surprised the original game wasn't added this month. Figured it would have made for a timely drop during their showcase.

Also, it looks like Disney Dreamlight Valley will be coming Day 1 to Game Pass in September. I feel like we might have already known that?


Oct 27, 2017
DLC megaton with Outriders Worldslayer and Delicious Last Course? 😂

No chance
One can dream! :D

I feel like it would be a great time to put the base game up, at least, and try and garner some more interest/sales for the DLC that way.
It's so weird that Microsoft still hasn't added Cuphead to Game Pass.
Original Cuphead was announced at Microsoft E3 2014 conference for X1 (and PC) and it was a timed console exclusive for 2,3 years, but we didn't see it on Game Pass at all. Maybe it's Studio MDHR who doesn't like that for some reason?
Apr 24, 2018
One can dream! :D

It's so weird that Microsoft still hasn't added Cuphead to Game Pass.
Original Cuphead was announced at Microsoft E3 2014 conference for X1 (and PC) and it was a timed console exclusive for 2,3 years, but we didn't see it on Game Pass at all. Maybe it's Studio MDHR who doesn't like that for some reason?
Yeah, very well could be Studio MDHR's decision like you said. I normally hate replaying games these days, but I would totally go for some achievements for the game on Xbox.

Other than the odd exclusive or rare instance I'm travelling, I rarely touch my Switch these days (which is where I own Cuphead). If the base game goes to Game Pass, I'd 100% buy the DLC on Xbox rather than on Switch.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2020
Resubbed to Gamepass just before the last June Showcase and so glad i did, because I've just binged the Nonary Games collection. I skipped these on DS/3DS but glad i finally gave them both a chance, just excellent VN/escape rooms

I've had to buy Zero Time Dilemma on ps4 because i need to see how this series ends, regardless of the lack of fan/critical success it had.

Might have to play the Danganronpa games next, another blessing from gamepass!
dont forget ai the somnium files that's by the director of the nonary games

Also, it looks like Disney Dreamlight Valley will be coming Day 1 to Game Pass in September. I feel like we might have already known that?
they announced that back in the day, yes.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
Lol, why'all force yourself to play such medicore games just coz they be leaving the service 😂

Yeah I only pay attention to what's leaving in case there's something I truly wanted to play that's leaving so I can knock it out if it's short enough to do so before it leaves.

I use Gamepass mostly to not have to buy games I'd otherwise buy (I don't care about owning things as I rarely replay) and to check out other crap in between those games and new releases I want to buy and play that aren't on the service.
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