Should there be a new OT?

  • Yes

    Votes: 496 54.3%
  • No

    Votes: 417 45.7%

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Oct 26, 2017
Do you think the first game is easier to get into? I'm not sure, but it would explain the amount of people that seem to love the first game and hate this one.
In my opinion, there are two ways to look at this.

Firstly... A lot has been made about how the sequel is very much the same game as the first one and while I can see where people are coming from, I personally think many miss a subtle, yet fundemantally really big difference between the two games and that mostly lies in the sequel's deliberate nature. The first game, for a lack of a better term feels more gamey, perhaps the result of Ninja Theory's first attempt at this sort of experience like direction as well as balancing their lower budget with delivering fantastic production levels. There is nothing of sorts when it comes to Senua's Saga, there is no balancing done or attempt at a genre here. While the first one can feel as a more universal and paired down 3rd person action adventure, the sequel is a different kind of beast. Every inch, every second, every element, everything is so meticulously planned and deliberate, it takes the concepts and foundations of the first game and transforms them into something completely different and new. It might sound strange and obviously they're extremely different games, but the comparison that comes to mind would be Red Dead Redemption and RDR2. Basically the same game, same mechanics and foudnations, but at the same time vastly different games in their feel and purpose. Again, I'm not comparing the games themselves as much as the difference between the sequel and the predecessor.
So to answer the question, yes, I think the first Hellbalde can be easier to get into, because it starts and feels more familiar, like a normal game.

Secondly, I also can't help but feel there's a bit of bad faith involved as well. While I believe a lot of people are rightfully saying they loved the first one more and are really disappointed by the sequel, I also think this idea kinda spread a bit like wildfire and some started using it as a sort of extra crutch to shit on the sequel; the disingenuous, "it was my favourite game and the developers took a bit shit on it" type of discourse, etc.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
Treyarch games always tend to go the extra mile on marketing, which is great to see.


Apr 5, 2018
I finished Hellblade II last night and I'm just glad NT stuck to their vision for the game. I think the God of War comparisons and fever dreams didn't quite help in this case. But the end product is so spectacular, it's an audiovisual treat and has such great production values. I said it elsewhere: Video games can be many things, and despite being light on gameplay, NT still managed to make Senua's fights feel intense.

Inspired from all the Japanese talk in here, I went deep into my backlog and finally got around to Asura's Wrath. Man, this feels like playing those Dragon Ball episodes I loved as a kid. Definitely interesting to see elements of Indian religious beliefs mixed into that anime style as well.

Check it out

Oct 25, 2017
maybe Microsoft can hold off announcing any more third party releases other than ABK games until after they see the absolute inevitable influx of revenue from CODBO6 that is getting hyped up to levels that even surprise me. Patience would be a very wise move, I don't expect them to have it.
Mar 6, 2021
Saint Louis
maybe Microsoft can hold off announcing any more third party releases other than ABK games until after they see the absolute inevitable influx of revenue from CODBO6 that is getting hyped up to levels that even surprise me. Patience would be a very wise move, I don't expect them to have it.

MS leadership (aka Satya and Amy) are anything but patient. They are garbage people


Dec 18, 2018
MS leadership (aka Satya and Amy) are anything but patient. They are garbage people
Xbox is at a crossroads right now regarding whether to pursue a multi-platform strategy or not. I feel the decision-makers know that there is no turning back if they proceed with making things multiplatform, hence why they have been coy at talking to us. They would also know they would have then to forgo whatever ambitions they had with Game Pass.


Oct 26, 2017
maybe Microsoft can hold off announcing any more third party releases other than ABK games until after they see the absolute inevitable influx of revenue from CODBO6 that is getting hyped up to levels that even surprise me. Patience would be a very wise move, I don't expect them to have it.
I'm not sure that influx will benefit the first party-third party strategy unless it drastically changes numbers for the platform and/or game pass. If something like COD continues to be as huge on other platforms, I think it will only show executives that third party releases are the way to go


Oct 27, 2017
Xbox is at a crossroads right now regarding whether to pursue a multi-platform strategy or not. I feel the decision-makers know that there is no turning back if they proceed with making things multiplatform, hence why they have been coy at talking to us. They would also know they would have then to forgo whatever ambitions they had with Game Pass.
They can't be dumb and make everything Multiplat. It's literally the dumbest strategy. Will be a self destruct on any Xbox hardware


Nov 1, 2017
United States
Being one of three companies who have had tremendous success in this industry would be something you would think you would never want to throw away for the future so you would assume they want to make sure they keep a robust hardware ecosystem so they can always be at the table in the console market. To me that means exclusives. So, if they want to keep a seat at the table, I would assume they make lots of exclusives going forward. If they have decided they don't need a say and would like to give up their hard-fought and incredibly unique position in the market then so be it, but I think they'll live to regret it.


Dec 18, 2018
Could probably just go with capitalism is a garbage system that were all at the wims of.


Jan 26, 2018
Loving hellblade 2 so far. It's a truly unique experience, something that can't be said about all games. I really do appreciate it for the things it tries to do - and applaud the studio for nailing most of it.


Feb 11, 2022
Satya is a garbage people? Ayy LMAO!
He's ensuring that the incredibly huge company he runs has no way to reach any of its climate goals, all in the pursuit of "AI" goals. I think that's pretty awful.

Gaming stuff doesn't even compare to that, so I'm comfortable calling him whatever.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Being one of three companies who have had tremendous success in this industry would be something you would think you would never want to throw away for the future so you would assume they want to make sure they keep a robust hardware ecosystem so they can always be at the table in the console market. To me that means exclusives. So, if they want to keep a seat at the table, I would assume they make lots of exclusives going forward. If they have decided they don't need a say and would like to give up their hard-fought and incredibly unique position in the market then so be it, but I think they'll live to regret it.
I don't think this current or any future Microsoft CEO will ever care about that. It doesn't fit with Microsoft's business model and really never has. That version of Xbox would need to be its own entity.


Nov 4, 2017
Digital Foundry video on Hellblade 2 is excellent. Highly recommend every watch it just to see the sheer amount of detail and effort Ninja Theory put into this game.

Overall, I'm trending towards giving the game a 9/10 right now. I'm about halfway through the game going by the spots lighting up on the trees. I certainly wouldn't want many other games to be designed like this, but I'm so glad this one exists. This is the Xbox I wanted to see when I moved back into the ecosystem in 2020. Creative, risky, polished. Now, time for Towerborne, Flight Sim, Shattered Space, Ara, Age of Mythology, Indiana Jones, Avowed, and COD to do their jobs. You can't get any more diverse of a lineup as that. To quote a bad movie, this is where the fun begins. Really hope the Xbox folks don't throw in the towel right as we're on the precipice of everything coming together.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Digital Foundry video on Hellblade 2 is excellent. Highly recommend every watch it just to see the sheer amount of detail and effort Ninja Theory put into this game.

Overall, I'm trending towards giving the game a 9/10 right now. I'm about halfway through the game going by the spots lighting up on the trees. I certainly wouldn't want many other games to be designed like this, but I'm so glad this one exists. This is the Xbox I wanted to see when I moved back into the ecosystem in 2020. Creative, risky, polished. Now, time for Towerborne, Flight Sim, Shattered Space, Ara, Age of Mythology, Indiana Jones, Avowed, and COD to do their jobs. You can't get any more diverse of a lineup as that. To quote a bad movie, this is where the fun begins. Really hope the Xbox folks don't throw in the towel right as we're on the precipice of everything coming together.
I hope Ninja Theory has an interview with DF or sponsored content segment planned. Seems like a missed opportunity not to do that. We have seen a ton about their audio and motion capture and photogrammetry work, but having a deep dive conversation about their in-engine/graphics/systems work would be cool to see.


Jun 11, 2018
Digital Foundry video on Hellblade 2 is excellent. Highly recommend every watch it just to see the sheer amount of detail and effort Ninja Theory put into this game.

Overall, I'm trending towards giving the game a 9/10 right now. I'm about halfway through the game going by the spots lighting up on the trees. I certainly wouldn't want many other games to be designed like this, but I'm so glad this one exists. This is the Xbox I wanted to see when I moved back into the ecosystem in 2020. Creative, risky, polished. Now, time for Towerborne, Flight Sim, Shattered Space, Ara, Age of Mythology, Indiana Jones, Avowed, and COD to do their jobs. You can't get any more diverse of a lineup as that. To quote a bad movie, this is where the fun begins. Really hope the Xbox folks don't throw in the towel right as we're on the precipice of everything coming together.

half way through the DF vid, just insane stuff from NT


Dec 28, 2023
i wonder if being at the same showcase as call of duty made it easier for microsoft to convince big third party games to show up for their showcase lol


Dec 9, 2021
Is it worth upgrading to OLED for one bloody game 😭 stupid brain making me want to spend money


Jan 3, 2018
Continuing Hellblade 2 (only at chapter III right now) and what an incredible piece of art this game is. I'm 100% onboard with their vision, and could not even care that combat is reduced to the very basic fondamentals in gaming. I just love how visceral everything feels.

I actually wish more games felt that good in combat because a lot of times the depth of gameplay and choices would really be elevated with that kind of presentation. Each hit feels real.

And the cinematics direction is literally perfect. The way the cinematics are made here remind me of what they tried in Halo: Infinite, most of the time floating around the characters while they speak, but somehow this feels just so much more real. And I swear this is not just because they are human characters and because the character models are that good, there is something real in the way it is shot.

I do however feel like, occasionally, Melina or the animators go too far with Senua's expressions (like a scream where the mouth just opens a little bit too much and it's not quite right for example). Shit is so well done that this is the kind of thing that jumps out to me.

For now it's a 9/10 for me that's for sure.
Exactly the kind of short highly-polished slap in the face I needed, after playing a few long open-worlds

It's a good thought...I do think though that there's value in releasing a Gears Collection (if it exists) and possible Elder Scrolls or Falloiut remakes/remasters on other platforms day one, those things would sell like gangbusters.

That "only on game pass platforms" lineup looks incredible. But the problem is, you probably won't get an official list like this from Microsoft. People will assume everything is going to PlayStation and Switch. That's going to kill Xbox consoles in my opinion.

We know this isn't going happen unfortunately. Tom Warren has said that Indiana jones is coming to ps5 a few months after launch (if I remembered correctly)

This makes too much sense so it'll never happen 🫤

The good thing is you mostly all agree that such a list makes sense. Which proves to me that there is still a path for Xbox/Microsoft to have their cake and eat it too. But they should do exactly what you say they won't: they need to make such a list and find a way to communicate it clearly. It doesn't have to be about specific games, but if they say "big licensed games will be first on Xbox" then it's pretty clear what this means.

All of that doesn't preclude them from going even more multiplat in 5 to 6 years. But right about now they should still see how important the console business is.


Jan 3, 2018
Not a lot of people are playing Hellblade 2 on my Xbox friends list.

I know it's not the same, but when Starfield released literally everyone was on it, most even right from the start of the early access.

Now, I never expected those numbers, but I still am surprised that only a couple of my gamer friends with GP are trying it out. I know two people in my close circle who are finishing other games before going into this one. But still.

I'm not even that confident it's hitting 3-4 million players in a month at this rate.

I'm sending pictures I've taken in the game to try and convince them lol.


Sep 21, 2020
You could say they're garbage executives, but garbage people I think it is a bit too much
I don't know, if you manage to fire 20,000 people in the span of 15 years there must be some kind of sociopathy in there. But what do I know.

Anyway, maybe I was hallucinating or something, but I think that Thórgestr's skin/muscles reacted to Fargrímr's touch when he patted his arm during a cutscene. If that actually happens, that's an absurd level of details.
Also, I like how supportive the voices inside Senua's head can be when I'm trying to solve a puzzle... "she understands", "she knows what to do". Thank you girls, but I don't know what the hell I'm doing.


Jun 25, 2019
Just ready for the showcase. I'd like to be excited for their output again. Here's hoping they don't have a barren 6 month stretch again.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I notice in the Special Thanks for HB2 there are some The Coalition peeps (such as Colin Penty, Kate Rayner, Mike Perzel..). Significant amount of people in the Special Thanks so who knows where they all came from etc


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
Jez did say in his article about the Xbox Showcase that Iron Galaxy and Microsoft reached a deal to work on Killer Instinct franchise again.

I would 100% bet that KI2 is going to be multiplatform day and date. If any game goes multiplat, it's going to be that one.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020


If a game costs $100m to make, and takes 5 years, then you have to beat, as an example, what the business could have returned investing $100m into the stock market over that period.

For the 5 years prior to Feb 2024, the stock market averaged a rate of return of 14.5%. Investing that $100m in the stock market would net you a return of $201m, so this is our ROI baseline.

Thread on the recent Square Enix earnings stuff. Just something to keep in mind… 😬

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
After like the first hour or so, Hellblade 2 really starts to nail the pacing. It's a little slow to start but it ramps up and the flow is just fantastic.


Oct 27, 2017
Jez did say in his article about the Xbox Showcase that Iron Galaxy and Microsoft reached a deal to work on Killer Instinct franchise again.

I would 100% bet that KI2 is going to be multiplatform day and date. If any game goes multiplat, it's going to be that one.

It would be fantastic news for the IP and its fans. If they can make a sequel as good or better than the 2013 game then it will likely gain a wider following in the fighting game community.
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