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Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I should just stay here, this forum can be draining mentally sometimes ^_^'

Ended up getting death stranding, really hoping I'll be able to finish it before my Series X gets here and I'll no doubt jump into Yakuza: Like a dragon.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020

Doubt many catch this but its an interesting difference in the terminology.

Seems like grasping at straws, and probably at the most indicates that the PS5 will have a dynamic resolution scaler that kicks in more often than the Xbox One (and with 2 less TF for the same resolution, this makes sense) so maybe the PS5 will have a locked 60 mode at like 1800p or some shit and then a "4k60ish" mode or something, I don't know.


May 16, 2020

Genuinely excited for this! My girlfriend and I have sunk hours into this world, neither of us with any survival game experience prior to this. Such an enjoyable game and these updates are seriously great. I'm SO EAGER to see these koi fish baby!!!


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like grasping at straws, and probably at the most indicates that the PS5 will have a dynamic resolution scaler that kicks in more often than the Xbox One (and with 2 less TF for the same resolution, this makes sense) so maybe the PS5 will have a locked 60 mode at like 1800p or some shit and then a "4k60ish" mode or something, I don't know.

It could be nothing but just saying grasping at straws seems odd, its very specific wording in the same press release.


Oct 27, 2017

Doubt many catch this but its an interesting difference in the terminology.

I don't know if the different wording means anything (likely not), but this tidbit here is much more interesting:

Thanks to the collaboration between the game team and Microsoft to implement Xbox Velocity Architecture and DirectStorage API on Xbox Series X | S, you can take full advantage of faster loading speeds for more play time, and a smoother and more powerful experience.

So MS actively helped them to get the game running as good as possible.


Oct 31, 2017
It could be nothing but just saying grasping at straws seems odd, its very specific wording in the same press release.
It could be nothing yes. Wording might be that 4k and 60 is a 4k option or a 60 setting at lower resolution. It could just be a marketing thing but the wording might lead to certain choices. Also could lead to 100 page thread about it lol.


Dec 12, 2018

Doubt many catch this but its an interesting difference in the terminology.

I wouldn't make anything out of this unless there are other PS5 games listed as "4k At 60fps". And even then I probably wouldn't pay that much attention unless they were other Ubisoft games. Without any of that, this feels like a slow news day kind of post.
Jun 22, 2018
Anyone seen this tweet from DF?

I was sure MS announced recently that Dolby vision was coming?


It appears it is??

So what's the context of this tweet? Is Dolby vision only available for games? Will it even impact movies as my Samsung doesn't support Dolby and I don't really buy 4K Blu rays

So far, 4k UHD blurays on Xbox do not support Dolby Vision. That includes the Series X in its current state.

The Dolby Vision stuff they have been focused on is games supporting Dolby vision.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
Anyone seen this tweet from DF?

I was sure MS announced recently that Dolby vision was coming?


It appears it is??

So what's the context of this tweet? Is Dolby vision only available for games? Will it even impact movies as my Samsung doesn't support Dolby and I don't really buy 4K Blu rays

Yes DV in 2021 on xbox is only for games. There's nothing confirmed about DV for uhd discs playback.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
I know Doom Eternal is coming to Gamepass but have there been any specific Series X enhancements touted?

They've only said it will be enhanced, no specifics yet.
Implying that other version won't be locked at 60 FPS?

I wouldn't read too much into the wording. Sure, if you took it literally it could mean the ps5 has a 4k mode and a 60fps mode separately... but I would just wait and see once the game is released because it's probably the same targets.

Anyone seen this tweet from DF?

I was sure MS announced recently that Dolby vision was coming?


It appears it is??

So what's the context of this tweet? Is Dolby vision only available for games? Will it even impact movies as my Samsung doesn't support Dolby and I don't really buy 4K Blu rays

Dolby Vision is supported in streaming apps like Netflix (including right now on xbox one) but not UHD discs for whatever reason. Dolby Vision games is 2021 sometime... Cyberpunk may be the first since it's what they use as an example.


Jun 11, 2018

Doubt many catch this but its an interesting difference in the terminology.

hmmm interesting and very specific wording used?, probably nothing though.

although looking at the below quote for WDL and RT maybe the devs are just highlighting each consoles perceived strengths?

the new Xbox Series X | S; from Piccadilly Circus and its giant digital screens, to Camden High Street's neon lights and holograms, the power of real-time ray traced reflections brings a never seen before level of realism to an urban playground.


Ray tracing on PlayStation 5 will immerse players in a city full of digital screens, holograms, and neon lights.

Ubisoft On the Next Generation of Consoles – Get the Details

Ubisoft On the Next Generation of Consoles – Get the Details


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I was second in line. Needless to say...the following is a decent approximation of my leaving the store, pre-order receipt in hand.

Can't wait to hang out here on release day with do so without a console in hand would have been full of painful envy.

Gotta admit, I'm pretty impressed with how EB games has their shit together. It had been years since I had physically been in a store...wasn't even sure they would still have me in their system.
Congrats!!! I'm sure did an equally beautiful hurdle over your nearest fence.

I should just stay here, this forum can be draining mentally sometimes ^_^'

Ended up getting death stranding, really hoping I'll be able to finish it before my Series X gets here and I'll no doubt jump into Yakuza: Like a dragon.
Haha yea.. Speaking of, I wanted to engage with that GameReactor interview with Phil Spencer. SO MUCH INTERESTING STUFF IN THERE.

I think my takeaway is that Phil is looking at exclusivity in terms of delivering "Xbox" to as many players as possible. He's not necessarily focused on every individual game, but on bringing as much of the full experience as possible. So, I would not be surprised if Phil allows studios to keep making PSVR games, if to just allow them creative freedom and to keep their VR skills sharp. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a few more games come to Switch. But I would increasingly not expect most games to come to those other platforms until they allow significant hooks into the Xbox platform/ecosystem.

I thought this quote was.. interesting. I find it funny that he's (perhaps unintentionally) listing FireTV above PlayStation and Switch as targets LOL. Amazing.

Philly Spence said:
We're still working on some of our technology on PC for larger screens in terms of streaming, and getting to iOS, and I think once we get through that, we look at what the other options are. There's smart TV's out there, there's Chromebooks out there, there's FireTV out there, there's a lot of discussions we would have, we would prioritize it based on where we would find the most new players, that we could naturally bring content to. I love the Switch, I love PlayStation, honestly, I think they've done an amazing job as being a part of this industry. I'm not sure that those are the next big set of users for us, but we could be open to those discussions.

I also thought his answer to "Will there be more hardware sooner than before" was very enlightening. Seems like it's a pretty obvious "yes", which does surprise me. I expected the opposite because there wasn't a need to upgrade. But, Phil sets up his answer with a preface on how having multiple SKUs is no longer a big hurdle for development. Specifically that the "software layer" is much more impactful on the ease of development across the range of hardware than the hardware itself. It's a very Microsoft/Windows approach that is very much not been the norm for console gaming for forever.

But.. it IS proven on PC, and I can see what Spencer is talking about with games like Gears 5 or their general work with Back Compat. Because those games are "future proofed", they were up and running on next gen hardware automatically, and with significant improvements after just a couple weeks. And because they had high targets to begin with, a few more months were sufficient to take full advantage of the new hardware. Seems they're banking on development being much, much simpler across multiple hardware SKUs thanks to things like GameCore (which Jez has talked about before - though my vague memory was that it was supposed to be different from ERA development. But I know nothing.).

All that said, that could certainly be a controversial choice, and it will all come down to how the implementation works out and how easy it is for devs to use it. If more hardware leads to less support for Xbox players (either in terms of games coming because of more dev work or because some SKUs don't get as much love), then that's a shame and I think a mistake. if it works out... well... that'd be interesting.

Still, grain of salt. That's just my reading of this quote. Definitely not confirmation:

In terms of consoles not being outpaced by PC development, are you planning for console life cycles to be shorter in future, or is there a value in having the same basic development pipeline for a long period of time?

It's a trade-off, and I think you hit it. Stable platforms for longer periods of time, means developers get more familiar and comfortable with engines and the technology. It's why we have the same core gaming platform across Series S and Series X, and frankly, we've moved that onto PC as well, so that developers now can look at more consistent development platforms across our devices. Because previously you built a Win32 game, if you were on PC you built something called an ERA game - so we're bringing those technologies together in something called GameCore that can help developers build more easily across broader platforms.

I don't think the development platform has to preclude underlying hardware from improving. We've seen that on PC. So, I think there's a slight difference between, "does your development platform grow and stabilise", and "will every individual piece of hardware underneath that platform also stabilize over years", in order for developers to get the most out of them. I think the software layer is more important.

I don't think we'll get to a world where we see console life cycles mimic what we see on say graphics cards, where it seems like every year there's something new that comes out. Because with graphics cards you're changing one component of a device that's in your home. Whereas a console tends to get installed into your rack, under your TV, and you just want it to work. You want it to be there, you want it to turn on. I think there will be a difference. Maybe the cycle will upgrade a little bit more than in previous years. But we are still supporting Xbox One. Frankly, we still have millions of people that log into Xbox Live on Xbox 360. We in the industry can get involved in this new, new, new, but we still have a lot of customers who are happy with their launch day Xbox One, and I want them to be happy for years to come.

And side note.. I do feel like we're going to see xCloud streaming come to Xbox consoles. Maybe not 360, just because I don't know if the internet holds up there. But... yea maybe. The irony is that many phones are probably more powerful than the 360.. maybe even the Xbox One in some ways. But with better hardware, streaming does get better in performance and latency. So.. I think the Xbox One could be such an interesting platform for xCloud.
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Nov 2, 2017
I think I may try to get one if the Walmart restock ends up happening during their Black Friday.

I kind of want assassins creed Valhalla to play but I may just do it on my regular Xbox one if all else fails.

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
Really like the game reactor interview. I specifically liked the Bethesda acquisition answer. I think a lot of people need to understand that these devs are not being driven by Microsoft. They're just going to get more resources. That's it. Phil isn't going to say MAKE FALLOUT NEW VEGAS 2. They're just going to make what they want


Jan 28, 2019
CohhCarnage and itmeJP with Phil Spencer in one stream ? oh man i cant wait

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In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
Ah, I'm so glad AC Valhalla is confirmed to be at 60. I played the last two (well, I'm still playing Odyssey) on PC at 60, and I can't go back now. That was the deal-breaker/maker for getting it on Series X, so I'll be picking that up on the console now!

Fair enough! I've left my Origins playthrough at like 25% (mostly because I can't do the main quest until I do all the checkmarks.. and that's also burnout 101 haha.

New Doom is a Destiny clone confirmed.

I had some moments during Origins where I felt like clearing the local area of icons but yeah, that'll burn you out very quickly.

As for Doomstiny... One Destiny is plenty Destiny enough IMO ;)

They for sure need to be paced. I played 1 through to Revelations on each launch so that was good spacing for me, but by the time Revelations came round I was really starting to feel the burnout.

I agree, the rpg elements have truly freshened the series up. I always enjoy an rpg and these last two have been fantastic with my only major gripe that the hidden blade not being a OHK, but I get why they had the system that they did. Very excited for Valhalla and can see myself spending a lot of time with it because I quit Odyssey when I did.

Yeah, I did 1 - Brotherhood at release, and then stopped until Syndicate was announced. The only game in the series I don't like is Rogue, but yeah, I just can't play them back to back.

Agree about the hidden blade 1HK, that is a bit annoying. If you've taken the time to skulk around a fort and get in a position to stealth kill everyone, then that should be a viable playstyle.

Apparently Xbox has now too many games based on the other thread 😂

Please heed the staff post and the thread reply banner.

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
I wonder if the "faster downloads for games" piece in today's article is referencing an advancement where you can play games without slowing down the download speed. On Xbox one, you're talking about a 50% reduction in download speed if you play any title. I wonder if they fixed that


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if sega will port the yakuza 3-5 remastered and yakuza 6 soon, otherwise I'll have to go back and get them on my my ps4 sometime next year when I feel like continuing Kiryus saga.


Oct 26, 2017
Ah, I'm so glad AC Valhalla is confirmed to be at 60. I played the last two (well, I'm still playing Odyssey) on PC at 60, and I can't go back now. That was the deal-breaker/maker for getting it on Series X, so I'll be picking that up on the console now!

I had some moments during Origins where I felt like clearing the local area of icons but yeah, that'll burn you out very quickly.
Let's hope it is a locked 60 though. Being this game is 4k and 60 and it is Ubi Soft gives me pause for the frame rate being locked and no frame pacing issues.


Oct 27, 2017
8,497 Principal lead online engineer at Blizzard join The initiative Graphics programmer at Eidos/Naughty Dog join The initiative Expert designer at Infinity Ward join the initiative Environment artist at Santa Monica/Naughty Dog join the initiative Gameplay designer at The coalition join the initiative Animator at bungie/343i/Crystal/Sledgehammer join The initiative Environment artist at Insomniac join The initiative

Holy shit, thats some pedigree right there.


Jan 3, 2018
The Grounded update sounds good!
I will definitely play a new session with my friends once it's released.
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