
Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
It's every thread though and every page of this thread? FoH shit is way past corny and over done at this point. Love how relax is always the go to too. How many thread we gotta let turn to this?

Mine was just in reference to the other thread about the huge spike in One X sales due to more than likely consumer confusion. It was just meant as lighthearted is all, nothing more. And since this wasn't one of the official pre-order threads I thought it would be okay. But all that aside, if it did annoy you or others that definitely wasn't my goal.

Edit: Yeah in hindsight I apologize folks. Bad joke, bad timing or both.
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Nov 26, 2017
MS walks down the street.
"Oh but Sony already walked down there much faster"

Ms does a shit
"Oh Sony did one of those years ago, it's nothing to brag about"

Seriously you should all look at what you're getting salty about it's pathetic.

Deleted member 79058

Account closed at user request
Aug 25, 2020
I'm happy that people can spend on escapism even on this damn quarantine. World is really a crappy place right now.
Can't wait to get my Series S. Pre-order didn't start here yet.


Oct 28, 2017
Do we know - or anecdotally if all the newer countries are sold out like in the US?

My take (just a guess) is that Sony will have more consoles to sell within the next few months but MS has more consoles up for preorder today. IMO.
That's why the PS5 sold out so quickly (the Xbox sold out quickly as well but not as quickly and it could be because they had more units available as of today even though Sony will have more available within the next few weeks/months). The S was still available and IMO that's because it isn't really aimed at the hardcore crowd who are the target audience for day 1 preorders.

So all in all it's tough to say without knowing how many units MS and Sony have made available as of today.
But if MS had more units available as of today, then it was a great day for them as it almost felt like the PS5 in terms how messy it was and how quickly it sold out. Except for maybe the S in europe.

Man MS really needs to step up BIG time in europe. They need to pour a lot of money on marketing in europe and value them just as much to turn that ship around.

Taffy Lewis

Oct 27, 2017
Disregarding the empty PR statement about an alleged sales record, why would that be "humbling" in any way.


Oct 25, 2017
I am honestly surprised that there was ever any talk that these consoles wouldn't do well releasing this year because of economic concerns. People are starved for fun and even current gen consoles have been sold out at all the stores around me. All four consoles are going to sell every unit manufactured this year.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Record breaking demand is a tough metric to quantify. But I can confirm tried to by an Xbox multiple times today and failed. Microsoft humbled me! I thought they'd be available on Amazon. Didn't think a console would sell out in 2020, was arrogant about it a few weeks ago ....I remember some thread someone was asking the best way to get an xbox on Amazon and I was like "search for the Xbox, go to the page, hit preorder....wait 6 weeks, DONE"

And now I'm the one who has been humbled!

I'm tired of this use of the word "humbled" when they clearly mean "honored"

"Humbled" makes ZERO sense in this context

"To be humbled" by something -- like an extraordinary outpouring of affection or praise -- is a normal, common idiom in English.

I believe in this case it's like the Xbox developers, engineers, team, etc, being humbled at the large numbers of people who are interested in their console.


Oct 25, 2017
I just wish there was more to go around. Fighting to get a console is madness. You would think companies would want more money.

Deleted member 17289

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
Not buying an xbox console but i fully support the xbox ecosystem on PC, MS keep bringing the games and you keep getting my money. 👏


Oct 26, 2017
There are so many complete weirdos on Gaming side of ERA. Just full on obtuse dorks.


Dec 14, 2017
I'd imagine their preorder numbers from past consoles.

Nah, they broke the record for most scalping bots in a queuing system.

Or most Websites offering XAA breaking.

Or possibly the longest period a next gen console was available to pre order (XSS)

In essence their statement is meaningless if they give no context.


Sep 20, 2019
Ermm I don't get why asking what kind of record they broke is anything less than being curious?

This whole thread is wayyyy more filled with people calling this "board/forum" weirdos and whatnot for asking those questions or making jokes.

I for one am also curious what kind of records they broke. I'm curious if xbox will take the lead in the biggest markets. They've made so many right moves that I see it as a real possibility. This could impact the generation as to which console will be the primary one for development, which one has the biggest leverage for exclusivity deals etc.

So yeah I'm curious which records did it broke? And if it doesn't matter and I'm suppose to just be happy for them, then don't tweet about it and expect no one to ask questions?


Mar 21, 2018
Here in Sweden you can still pre order everywhere. To me it seems no one really cared about the Xbox One here so maybe not that unexpected the interest is low for now.


Feb 7, 2019
Maybe they put more unit for preorders than before?
Series X is #1 ahead of PS5 at amazon france.


Oct 27, 2017
No idea why everything needs to be dissected all the time.
They are happy so far and tweet out for thanks and say more are coming. Thats it.


Oct 27, 2017
well done MS. I hope the Xbox Series X/S do really well next gen.

MS walks down the street.
"Oh but Sony already walked down there much faster"

Ms does a shit
"Oh Sony did one of those years ago, it's nothing to brag about"

Seriously you should all look at what you're getting salty about it's pathetic.
Lmao. so true xD. and many of these guys are full grown adults.