What will Phil announce next week?

  • Everything

    Votes: 264 30.7%
  • Most of it

    Votes: 218 25.4%
  • Something

    Votes: 199 23.2%
  • A sliver

    Votes: 94 10.9%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 73 8.5%
  • Halo 7: The Dark World

    Votes: 216 25.1%

  • Total voters
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Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
And all indications are that is exactly what they're not doing


Especially in EU. Xbox is doing bad like Wii U levels of bad..


Oct 25, 2017
If they're releasing a statement today it'll be a whole lot of nothing. PR fluff about how Xbox is the best place to play and has their full attention, probably won't even mention if titles are going multiplat let alone which. 'We're excited to share more info with you when we're ready!!!' and that's that.

Beyond not acknowledging it, this probably the second worst thing they could possibly do.


Mar 7, 2023
Honestly hoping for some clarification soon. I was looking forward to stuff like hellblade and everwild, but if they're going to make it on to other consoles, what's the point.

Honestly wished the deck was stronger so it could be my full on main device, or the rog ally to have steam os but the tech aint quite there yet.
Is this irony? You can still play those games


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
is there any reason they have not yet dropped older activision games on the service yet?
my only thinking is they wanna drop them all at the same time (or in batches) and wanna do it when they have a window with not much going on

at least thats what i was thinking a while ago, now im not so sure


Aug 1, 2022
People saying that Sony would get lazy in my opinion are wrong.
The moment they do that Nintendo would destroy them. Not only that, with niche devices like the Deck growing and PC gaming being bigger than ever. They have to always give you a reason to own a Playstation.
Sooner we can even add Apple to this. Having AAA games on your phone? Sure they won't disrupt the market per say but Apple want their customers on their ecosystem and if the casual gamer can play a few AAA games on their phone/MAC they are passive stealing sales from Sony/Nintendo
i dont think is a matter of Nintendo destroying them, but everyone in general, they admitted that they have an outdated look on how the market operates.

Realistically speaking, none of the "big 3" are totally ready to keep up with the transformation of the AAA scene, specially with the new big players coming from China and Asia like Tencent, sure, now it feels like the market is like always was, but give it 5 years, things are going to get wild.

That's the thing, he was the one who was in charge of fostering first party studios, so closing Lionhead, Press Play, Ensemble Studio, the Victoria Studio etc.. all fall on him.

And none of it is working. Xcloud and Gamepass aren't anywhere near where they were supposed to be, there's barely any hope for profit in the near future and they jeopardized their entire hardware business in the process.

The one thing that was actually good for the brand was expanding their portfolio of studios in order to have more avenue to generate money but even that seems to fall short of expectations. So we'll see in the future if they're properly set up for growth across those plateforms but I don't expect Spencer to be a part of the winning equation.
no way, they literally have King, COD and profit off of Minecraft or service games like SoT, their new studios make so much money it would be insane to categorize that as a failure.


Nov 12, 2017
The pressure to grow Game Pass and the inability to move consoles probably. I mean Xbox has probably reached a point where selling three years of Game Pass and bundling it with a free console makes more sense for the kind of growth they need.

Trying to make the Netflix model successful when game production is so much more expensive and the pool of customers isn't nearly as large felt like a Hail Mary.


Oct 25, 2017
A bit eerie how both Microsoft and Sega had a somewhat successful first* console, a smash hit second console, and a messed up third console that ultimately kneecapped the promising fourth and final console.

*Not counting the Japan-exclusive SG-1000 that is

While not inaccurate, I feel solely blaming the Saturn is an oversight when it comes to Sega. The Mega CD wasnt a runaway success and Sega shot their feet clean off with that garbage POS that was the Sega 32X. The Saturn was lackluster (outside of Japan) no doubt, but they made several bad moves BEFORE the Saturn which greatly contributed to their downfall... Its sad as the Saturn's Japanese library is legit amazing.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
Because they let it turn into one. CoD and CS are also ancient, yet managed to stay relevant.
counter strike is king on pc
COD is king on consoles

Hallo plays nothing like COD and it only caters to a small population of players on console that are still into that style of FPS. It releasing on ps5 will probably make it a little more profitable but even with Sony's user base it won't return to the top spot for more than a week.


Oct 26, 2017
Trying to make the Netflix model successful when game production is so much more expensive and the pool of customers isn't nearly as large felt like a Hail Mary.
the netflix model and the spotify model for those two industries were "needed" because of piracy. there is virtually no piracy in the console business and consumers happily pay $70 for a game. always weird to me to force a subscription for that market. as a complementary service sure but for day 1 AAA games?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Curious if Sony knew some of this stuff a while ago and that's part of the reason why they have felt less urgency to announce / push out more of their First Party games lately (on top of their GaaS plans changing)

Honestly I doubt it. If that were the case they wouldn't have been so desperate trying to get the merger shutdown last year. That one early internal email though tells quite the story though in hindsight where they scoffed at the idea that such a massive purchase will work out for Microsoft in the long run.

People hyped up Microsoft's "Bottomless Warchest" for so long they kind of forgot that there actually has to be a return on that investment.

Trying to make the Netflix model successful when game production is so much more expensive and the pool of customers isn't nearly as large felt like a Hail Mary.

The big problem there is the endgoal was always to get more people to buy the Xbox itself and it wasn't panning out like Microsoft hoped.
Oct 30, 2017
People saying that Sony would get lazy in my opinion are wrong.
The moment they do that Nintendo would destroy them. Not only that, with niche devices like the Deck growing and PC gaming being bigger than ever. They have to always give you a reason to own a Playstation.
Sooner we can even add Apple to this. Having AAA games on your phone? Sure they won't disrupt the market per say but Apple want their customers on their ecosystem and if the casual gamer can play a few AAA games on their phone/MAC they are passive stealing sales from Sony/Nintendo

Sony actively expanding their first party portfolio, releasing pro models, expanding remote play/cloud gaming, publishing on PC, pushing into China and other emerging markets.. these are signs that Sony is trying to build out their platforms to expand their business. Their motivation isn't to just take console market share away from Microsoft.

Their strategy doesn't fundamentally change with Xbox out of the picture.

Bad business decisions that affects consumers means that customers become disengaged. They spend less time gaming on PlayStation or on gaming in general. That's not what Sony wants.

Microsoft brought competition to the space. But folks that think Sony is going to become some runaway tyrant without a direct competing console fundamentally misunderstand the landscape here.

Their business isn't untouchable.


Jun 9, 2018
There are some appeals to corporate authority saying that the plan must make sense since Microsoft is a trillion dollar company and the people in charge ultimately know better than any of us. That may be true, but the company also signed off on the Xbox One reveal and thought it was the plan that made the most business sense at the time.

I don't think Xbox hardware riding on Gamepass and early access is going to survive the way they might think it will.


Jan 19, 2022
Gotta be an interesting commute this morning for Phil. I'd probably just call in.
On the one hand this really highlights how important the recent acquisitions he fought for are. Without them, not sure Xbox survives this, period. At the very least they're on their way to being one of the biggest names in gaming, even if it's mostly services and publishing down the road.

On the other hand, if all of this is actually happening, a ton of people at MS are either going to lose jobs on the hardware and marketing side, or else they're going to have their projects dramatically shifted. Leadership on those teams would have known something about all this, but regular employees very well might be learning about this just as we are, which must be super anxiety producing.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the more realistic outcome is focus on both the subscription and sales market together going forward; Game Pass day 1 releases being the focus on their own hardware, but their games still being multiplatform. If you want what a Game Pass subscription offers you either buy Xbox hardware or own a PC, outside of that you purchase their games at full price.

Well yeah, but that IS a break from the Gamepass first strategy. People are twisting in knots trying to figure out how this is meant to grow games pass, and the truth is it isn't. They gave up. Gamepass will get what it gets, but they realized they aren't going to hit the massive growth they wanted with that product, so they're going after new avenues.


Jan 10, 2020
I wonder if Switch 2 could have an impact on this choice.
It will likely be much, much more third party friendly, that would make things even more difficult than they are now for Xbox


Fallen Guardian
Jan 9, 2023
Congrats MS, you lived 23 years as a console manufacturer.

Hey at least they lasted longer than SEGA.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
no way, they literally have King, COD and profit off of Minecraft or service games like SoT, their new studios make so much money it would be insane to categorize that as a failure.
They have 80 billions worth of profits to generate before making any money on those. It'll take years before we have a clear picture on whether or not buying ActiBlizz was a success.


Oct 29, 2017
I was looking forward to stuff like hellblade and everwild, but if they're going to make it on to other consoles, what's the point.

I don't understand. What difference does it make to you looking forward to them?. It would be great if Hellbalde 2 got a PS release seeing as the first game was on that platform. The more people who have a chance to play the better as far as I'm concerned, but I'm not a tribal platform warrior.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
There should be a documentary made about how the Xbox One and Don Mattrick sunk the Xbox brand, because they have never recovered.

Mattrick hasn't been there in over ten years. At a certain point, we have to stop blaming him. Playstation recovered from the PS3 just fine, and that was almost as bad. Xbox is bad in certain areas such as localisation and marketing and that pc store that has nothing to do with Mattrick anymore. Mattrick can't be blamed for announcing games to early, or releasing Halo Infinite like it was, or Redfall.

Mattrick was shit, but he isn't the bogey man.


Mar 10, 2022
Honestly if PlayStation ends up having no competition it would be a disaster

PS can't just do whatever they want. They have big competition from Nintendo and whatever the future of Xbox looks like. Gaming is becoming more and more popular. Just look at Netflix experiment with streamed games or on their mobile subscription. Apple is joining in.

People are acting like Xbox is the only reason Sony won't sell Playstation at $800, but guess what? They know they price consumers out at $70, but can justify it due to inflation costs. If you increase your price by 75% to 100%, people will drop you and go to something else!


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
There are some appeals to corporate authority saying that the plan must make sense since Microsoft is a trillion dollar company and the people in charge ultimately know better than any of us. That may be true, but the company also signed off on the Xbox One reveal and thought it was the plan that made the most business sense at the time.

I don't think Xbox hardware riding on Gamepass and early access is going to survive the way they might think it will.

Also big tech firms are often really bad at this

Meta with the Metaverse, Google with Stadia etc, both awful ideas everyone could see failing, this seems to be Microsofts magnum opus bad idea


Oct 26, 2017
Honestly if PlayStation ends up having no competition it would be a disaster
this is right now and it's fine. Xbox hasn't been serious competition since the 360 days.

Playstation is trying to earn your time and money. They will always be competing for that with other entertainment entities even if they have no apples to apples console competitor.

yup. console gaming isn't like bread where they can just charge whatever now, they still have to make a good product that people want.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand. What difference does it make to you looking forward to them?. It would be great if Hellbalde 2 got a PS release seeing as the first game was on that platform. The more people who have a chance to play the better as far as I'm concerned, but I'm not a tribal platform warrior.
I wonder if some people actually play games to have fun anymore or they just do it to hear the coil whine of their choice of plastic console under their TV.


Feb 10, 2021
Honestly hoping for some clarification soon. I was looking forward to stuff like hellblade and everwild, but if they're going to make it on to other consoles, what's the point.

Honestly wished the deck was stronger so it could be my full on main device, or the rog ally to have steam os but the tech aint quite there yet.

Other people get to play too

Hype ruined


Oct 25, 2017
Mattrick hasn't been there in over ten years. At a certain point, we have to stop blaming him. Playstation recovered from the PS3 just fine, and that was almost as bad. Xbox is bad in certain areas such as localisation and marketing and that pc store that has nothing to do with Mattrick anymore.
Yep, Xbox had plenty of time and money to "recover" and couldnt.
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