
Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
I remember being so hyped for the original and it ended up being one of the most boring, dull shooters I ever played, I was so sad lol. I hope this isn't a one-to-one remake.


Self-requested ban
Apr 21, 2020
I remember being so hyped for the original and it ended up being one of the most boring, dull shooters I ever played, I was so sad lol. I hope this isn't a one-to-one remake.

I'm pretty sure it is unfortunately, at least in terms of the abysmal level design (can't speak for the shooting or AI until we see footage). It's been years since I played the original but after looking at the levels we can see in these screenshots, and others elsewhere, and comparing them to some footage of the original game briefly it looks like one-to-one recreations of those levels with some added detail to make them appear less bland. Really noticed it with this one in particular - without even looking at any videos of the original it still looked as dull as I remembered it.


Oct 28, 2017
Those screenshots look surprisingly good. I wasn't expecting this much effort. I am curious to see how it looks in motion.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
I'm pretty sure it is unfortunately, at least in terms of the abysmal level design (can't speak for the shooting or AI until we see footage). It's been years since I played the original but after looking at the levels we can see in these screenshots, and others elsewhere, and comparing them to some footage of the original game briefly it looks like one-to-one recreations of those levels with some added detail to make them appear less bland. Really noticed it with this one in particular - without even looking at any videos of the original it still looked as dull as I remembered it.

Yeah that screenshot looks very familiar. That would be a shame then. The game ended up being so rudimentary and dull, not broken or terrible mind you, just blah. I really liked everything else about it aesthetically (and it controlled well enough) that I may still try this remake but it has to be below retail. I might bite at like $29.99-39.99-ish.


Feb 13, 2018
Never played the original, but that huge US flag in the cover is giving me major jingoistic vibes.


Oct 25, 2017
It looks like what it is: an AA budget remake of a 2003 game. The shooting looks a bit limp but the setpieces look fun enough. They've kept a lot of what worked in terms of the original game's style, e.g. the comic book style pop-out headshots. I think the original game had a more distinct style, as the increased detail and PBR material work make it look more like a normal game.


Oct 28, 2017
I remember enjoying this on GameCube, and that was about a decade after the original release, so I'm looking forward to playing this again. That trailer looks great for the budget. David Duchovny sounding as un-enthused as ever. ha


Self-requested ban
Apr 21, 2020

Big, big oof and hard pass from me. Clearly a one-to-one remake and not a good looking one at that, not at all. Somehow this genuinely looks worse in motion than the original game did. The animations, impact of weapons, etc. all look so flat here. I don't know if that's because the style of that game has also been completely lost - the comic panels that pop up when you get a headshot or to alert you of enemies as well as the sound effects completely clash against the Call of Juarez: Gunslinger / Borderlands look that they went with here for some reason - but it's certainly not good. It sounds really bad too, like either the sound effects were bad to begin with and not replaced or they've also made them worse. What a pecuilar remake.
(Also: not the devs' fault but I forgot how hilariously bad Duchovny's voice acting is in this game and Area 51 lol)


Nov 1, 2017
Still feels weird that this one gets a remake. The original was a 7 out of 10 game at best with a cool visual gimmick. Not complaining though, but i feel there are more important first person titles of that time that needed a remake more then this one.
Nov 8, 2017
This one looks more Borderlands than XIII which was a lot of the appeal. Will wait and see, maybe they've improved the gameplay from the first which was decent but not great.


Oct 30, 2017
I can remember enjoying this game, and I am pretty sure it was one of the last games I bought on my Xbox back in the day, in a 'Late to the Party' fashion.

Upon watching the above gameplay video however, only made me realise that I had not only forgotten all about the game, besides the cliffhanger ending and those vividly colourful pop up comic strip headshots, but that it kind of... doesn't look like how I remembered?

The trademark bold colours, black character outlines and the distinctive comic book style is kind of hard to see, especially when things are more detailed in the remake. The whole game looks a bit 'flat' in motion too.

If this releases at a budget price of £29, and the reviews are generally okay, I may well give it a go however, I would be more interested to know if the original game is available to buy digitally and to be able to play via backward compatibility on my Xbox One — anybody knows if XIII is part of this program?


Nov 4, 2017
It releases tomorrow. Any early impressions? Seems real different than classic.


Nov 2, 2017
I loved the original back in the day. Played through it multiple times. I imagine it will feel a bit dated now though. And the price seems kind of steep honestly.


Oct 25, 2017
It releases tomorrow. Any early impressions? Seems real different than classic.
Don't buy it, I played the first level on the One X and it's a mess. Screen tearing, no auto aim on the weapons, the controller doesn't vibrate when you fire a weapon, frame rate is all over the place, really low resolution shadows and some really jerky animations. It just feels unfinished, maybe they'll get there in the end with a patch but don't buy it in it's current state.


Nov 4, 2017
Don't buy it, I played the first level on the One X and it's a mess. Screen tearing, no auto aim on the weapons, the controller doesn't vibrate when you fire a weapon, frame rate is all over the place, really low resolution shadows and some really jerky animations. It just feels unfinished, maybe they'll get there in the end with a patch but don't buy it in it's current state.

Apparently the multiplayer has no bots, just 3 maps, and 2 gametypes

Wow. I'm refunding it. At least XIII Classic exists on Steam and works really great with mods.