
Oct 25, 2017
No idea what the best Mahjong guide these days are, but I always use Barticles tips/FAQs:


Mahjong (麻雀, Mājan) is a minigame featured in the Yakuza series, first appearing in Yakuza 2. This article is an abridged guide for beginners. Common English terms are used where practical and key terms are given in bold text where they are introduced and defined. Several games give the option...

Well, that and I talked to him direct a few times as I was learning, which helped immensely. But the faq above sums things up nicely.
Oct 27, 2017
Finally finished my replay of Yakuza 5.

This game dragged so damn hard this time. It is really crazy because when it first came out in the west I loved it but now, this game is way down on my list. Maybe it is because we were starved from Yakuza and we finally got Yakuza 5 but now that I no longer feel that way I started to notice a lot of the flaws it has.

To put it simply, this game is like the MGS4 of the series. The gameplay part is great but when it comes to the story and over all pacing it is a mess. The final chapter showcased the bloated nature of the game when it had you flip flopping from one character to the other and for what? To repeat something you already knew. Like how many times do I have to see Kiryu and Akiyama fight? Why not make it one big sequence? Same goes to the main antagonist confessing something that we already learned of from the other character's part and didn't need to see them say it.

People give Yakuza 3 a lot of shit for having a certain character working for the FBI or being slow but that to me is much better than whatever stupidity this game's story had. Simplicity is underrated. Yakuza 0, Judgment, Yakuza 6, Yakuza 3 were all great games (especially the first two as they had so much better writing than the rest of the series aside from the games I didn't play like the PSP games and the samurai games so I can't judge them).

I am really glad I won't need to hear the word "yume" again.


Oct 25, 2017

Sleeping Dogs protag Wei Shen is now Masato Arakawa in Yakuza 7. Huzzah for excellent casting on this character. Gonna have to look up his cutscenes on Youtube to see how well he nails the character (I have high hopes). Certainly a more comfortable casting than Takai as Arakawa Senior.

Anyway, chapter 10 reached on Yakuza 1, a few little observations on chapter 9 and the beginning of 10:
Lau has no unique boss music :( His Kiwami music is far better for sure.

File this one under "not sure what Kiwami does", but after Lau's fight you get a prompt to save your game rather than just a checkpoint, so in theory, if Kiwami would have stuck to this then Legend's car chase would be less of an annoyance to clear as you'd have a dedicated save point before it. Kinda evil they removed that (curious though if lower difficulties on Kiwami let you manually save at this point)

Something I love about 1's random encounters on a per chapter basis - while most of the game anyone who does side stories will most likely not get side stories (to try and prevent you over leveling early on), when the game does give you them for certain chapters it gives you pre determined fights - so in chapter 10 I have Nishiki's goons coming after me, a few chapters earlier it was Shimano's. This also means the battle music changes so you get their respective awesome battle themes... again, not sure if Kiwami 1 kept this but I don't think they did, as a few of these themes are under used so damn bad in the remake compared to the original game.

Also, just for a hilarious moment - despite it being an urgent rush in terms of what is happening with the plot, chapter 10 decides you need tons of side stories to distract you while certain characters bleed out on a rooftop! At least it means my man Kano turns up again though!


Oct 25, 2017
for the last couple years i've been playing a yakuza game a year on PS4 and recently got the remastered collection with 3-5, i've made my way to 5 and discovered if you press R2 you get a red hue around you and go into some sort of beast mode, please tell me i'm not a dumb ass and this is something new to 5 and none of the newer titles like 0,K1,K2 (haven't hit 6 just yet, i've been waiting for this remaster)


Oct 28, 2017
for the last couple years i've been playing a yakuza game a year on PS4 and recently got the remastered collection with 3-5, i've made my way to 5 and discovered if you press R2 you get a red hue around you and go into some sort of beast mode, please tell me i'm not a dumb ass and this is something new to 5 and none of the newer titles like 0,K1,K2 (haven't hit 6 just yet, i've been waiting for this remaster)
New and exclusive to 5.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, Kiwami 2 also had a super mode for Kiryu that's sorta similar to his red heat mode in 5. You had to learn it from Komaki though, aside from being visually awesome I never thought it suited K2 since it made the game hilariously broken difficulty wise (and it was already too easy). It feels more balanced in 6, where I enjoyed it way more (but maybe that's also down to how it was handled in 6 - needing a full heat bar to activate it in Kiwami 2 sucked. 6 didn't need that...)


Oct 28, 2017
It's been three years since I first set foot in Kamurocho, and I've since played every mainline entry... I thought it fitting to return to where it all began, and make Yakuza 0 my 100th Platinum.

No regrets! One of the greatest games I've ever played, and my overall Game of the Generation.
This marks my 4th Yakuza series Platinum, after 3, 4, and 6. K1, K2, 5, and Judgment are still left to do.


Oct 25, 2017
Only three years ;) You make me feel so damn old! Nice one on the plat, I shouldn't be too far behind with my 1HD plat (just got a couple more chapters to go now) and then I might consider plat'ing Dead Souls... or just settle for 100%ing it instead depending on how much time I have (these next few weeks are busy with releases).


Oct 28, 2017
Only three years ;) You make me feel so damn old! Nice one on the plat, I shouldn't be too far behind with my 1HD plat (just got a couple more chapters to go now) and then I might consider plat'ing Dead Souls... or just settle for 100%ing it instead depending on how much time I have (these next few weeks are busy with releases).
0 succeeded in being a fantastic starting point for newcomers, and 2017 was the beginning of a veritable cornucopia of series localizations for the Western market, so it was an amazing time to become a fan! To think, we're just a couple months out from Like a Dragon... so excited for that.

If not for the OGs like you who continually supported Yakuza for so many years, though, I don't know that SEGA would've given the series another chance out here. Bless the fan campaign to get Yakuza 5 localized, for instance. Got nothing but respect for those that didn't need 0 to come out to discover and see how special this series is.

Regarding the 1HD Plat, you're reminding me again that the HD collection for the original 1 and 2 were never localized. Shame, that, since I'd gladly play them on the PS4/5. Never even played Dead Souls, and based on what friends have said, I'm gonna hold off on that. I do hope that even if it never gets Kiwami'd, they at least port it, since I've heard complaints about the framerate in that one.


Oct 25, 2017
HD collection being stuck on the PS3 is a crying shame, its the definitive way to experience the original versions of 1&2 (and heck, the definitive way of experiencing any version of 2). As long as it, Kenzan and Dead Souls stay on PS3, I'll keep mine handy. DS sadly is both the least likely and most in need of a remaster as it'd benefit from the better frame rate, but very few care for the game (a recent popularity poll in Japan placed it dead last... or the PSP games might have been last, its sad either way :( )


Oct 25, 2017
More Yakuza 1 progress today, getting ready to fight Majima again (ah the good old pre Majima everywhere days where this was a big event!)
But first, its time to fight Amon! I've hit full level so I should be able to take him, aside from the grenade phase I don't recall him being a nightmare so we'll see... to be honest I'm far more concerned over Komaki's arena fight, he's a real SOB in 1HD.

Meanwhile, the Arase long fight/boss fight is perhaps my favourite part of the game so far. The long fight itself is just classic Yakuza - tons of goons, tons of weapons, and guys locking doors and swarming you! Thankfully as I was max leveled I could just bust out some badass moves to beat them! All with the badass Nishiki Family theme rocking the fight! Arase himself is way easier than I remembered - I've seen numerous complaints about him due to his fighting style but honestly, he telegraphs his moves so far in advance you really shouldn't have any issues against him (and this is OG1, not Kiwami where you could just Rush sway about the place). I also really appreciate the three counters Kiryu learns from Komaki - each being very useful against different enemies - I had a pretty great brawl against the Snake Flower Triads where I'd be beating up on several, pausing only to block counter an enemy attacking from the side, leading to a heat move on the downed enemy... when you get into the flow of the combat, its just superb even if its basic compared to any of the other games.


The Wise Ones
Nov 11, 2019
HD collection being stuck on the PS3 is a crying shame, its the definitive way to experience the original versions of 1&2 (and heck, the definitive way of experiencing any version of 2). As long as it, Kenzan and Dead Souls stay on PS3, I'll keep mine handy. DS sadly is both the least likely and most in need of a remaster as it'd benefit from the better frame rate, but very few care for the game (a recent popularity poll in Japan placed it dead last... or the PSP games might have been last, its sad either way :( )
HD collection is also on the WiiU btw. Not that does much to change it's "stuck" status but still.


Oct 25, 2017
HD collection is also on the WiiU btw. Not that does much to change it's "stuck" status but still.
Oh I know that ;) I actually own a copy of it, still sealed. I just can't be assed to look into region free'ing the Wii U to try it. In terms of accessibility, I'll just stick with the PS3 version since its region free and has those wonderfully evil trophies!


Oct 25, 2017
More (trophy) progress today. Beat up Majima and Amon, quite the chapter for bosses for sure. Majima as always was a blast to fight, and still, I think the whole handling of this chapter in Kiwami was really, really bad. The whole "Majima dies?" bit in the lead up just to injure him again to have the exchange between him and Kiryu at the Soapland make sense was just really badly handled. They really should have rewritten or changed the "second" boss confrontation entirely as its just completely at odds with the Majima you've been fighting for hours. Also, his new boss theme sucks compared to his proper theme...
Also, the fight itself in 1 just "feels" better than Kiwami in terms of execution - Majima can't stance switch so that means he will always use his true fighting style (I hated him switching in Kiwami, just felt like it ruined the way the fight should feel to me - dagger all the way), plus at the halfway point where you both fall through the floor, Kiwami brightened that bit up way too much - I love the effect in the original where he would retreat into the back of the area and basically become invisible except for the aura when he dashed - again something downgraded in Kiwami.

Managed to land a few counters on Majima as well, he's got a couple of combos that you can, if timed properly but landing a tiger drop was harder (the circle counter is so much better suited for the fight for me).

Amon... well he's Amon. If he weren't hard to hit and somewhat cheap it'd be a disappointment. First phase isn't too bad really, after a few tries I'd gotten a few moves down where countering were possible and that basically was my "in" for damaging him. That and just well timed dodges. The second phase (grenade spam) is just an excuse to bust out my electric swords and just stun the bastard. Because its just a pain to get caught in his explosions and die reeeeeeeeal quick. Last phase was just a mix of the first two tactics. The remaining sword helped loads, honestly I find his Kiwami version easier but in a good way, better designed once they fixed (or removed?) the whole grenade phase (but he gets boosted damage on normal attacks to compensate)

Now onto Shimano 2... aside from the "fun" that will be Jingu I should be able to blast through the game no prob.


Oct 28, 2017
The style swap implementation in Kiwami was just awkward in general, more so for Kiryu, though... why does he have both Brawler and Dragon?


Oct 25, 2017
Brawler only exists in Kiwami to kneecap Dragon for 80% of the game (which lets just say I've never been a fan of that choice). Really I kinda wish they went further with the remake and changed more (in terms of plot etc.) so that this stuff would have fit better compared to shoehorning some of this stuff into the existing mold. Because while I definitely miss the bigger variety of moves in 1 compared to Kiwami, I feel many of the encounters (and especially bosses) just feel better in the original.


Oct 25, 2017
Final update on Yakuza for the day... cleared the penultimate chapter (Shimano 2) and then headed out to finish up the last couple of optional trophies before going to fight Jingu.
Shimano 2... unlike my above rant about how Majima was ruined in Kiwami, Shimano 2 is the direct opposite (especially if you play the Japanese version). He's a great fight and your stances make the fight so damn fun - last time I played Kiwami I was stance switching and using all manor of counters and heat moves, never repeating one. It flowed so damn well and was honestly the pinnacle of the games combat for me (and one of the most fun of the series to boot). Quite the turn around from his first fight... plus if you play the Japanese/modded PC version you get "Receive You" play, which just makes the entire thing about 1000x more epic.
The 1HD boss fight is still plenty good, but it just doesn't quite hit the awesome heights of the remake. Its why I have such a hard time picking my favourite version, because both manage to do some great things, and some not so great things!

Basically got all the optional trophies now, just need to clear the last chapter. The locker keys are always fun to get... but you'll need that guide for 1&2 so that you don't miss a couple that are evilly hidden in one and done areas...
And the arena... 1's arena is great in that it doesn't require grinding only skill, but damn is that last GP a toughie! The first dude (Lau clone) is fairly easy going, Gas Mask dude is a pain in the ass thanks to his damage output, multitude of grabs, and parts of the fight where he will just go invincible... that's not my idea of fun especially when the last fighter is...
Komaki - the old man that is just crazy to fight in this game. Equal parts camera and difficulty there... Again, I'd forgotten just quite how the fight handled aside from him being tough to hit - for example I'd forgotten that (like Amon) as he takes more damage he cycles through different fighting styles. The funny thing being that his first fighting style is probably the most dangerous of the bunch. The rest he's slightly more vulnerable (and by that I mean you can get one single hit on him timed right). Despite its tight timing window in 1 - in the end it was the Tiger Drop that saved the day. Komaki has one combo which is pretty easy to see coming and the third hit is an easy parry, and Tiger Drop is really the only decent damage move you have against him. So yeah, it was a tough fight but I managed to KO the old man. Thankfully that's all done... at least until 2! To his credit, he's one of the most fun fights in the game especially when it comes to the optional bosses... its interesting to watch how his difficulty fluctuates as the series goes on. He's pretty easy to KO in Kenzan (guess the sword is mightier than the fist...) while I felt he was pretty formiddable in 3. He's a complete pushover in FOTNS though, Kenshiro's crazy fighting style kinda walks all over him. The less said about the 2 on 1 fights in 5 the better though...
Apr 24, 2018
Finished my 100% completion for Judgment last weekend. Only need to beat Legend difficulty and get the pictures of all of the cats trophy to complete the platinum. I think I'm too burned out to do that any time soon, though. I haven't touched any games since last weekend...been trying since last night to muster up the energy to game and really not feeling it at the moment.

This will likely be the only RGG game that I (hopefully) platinum, though. Some of the things needed for full completion were just too grindy for my liking and/or just not that fun. Puyo Puyo especially was probably really not worth the time/effort that it took me.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure it's been said many times but god, Yakuza 3 has garbage boss design. Combat is such a chore in this game.


Oct 25, 2017
And I'll say it again. 3's combat is fine. Bosses are fine. It requires successful use of evasion and use of the many counters you get. Which are given to you incredibly early in the game. From there the bosses are a blast. Literally the only fight in the game I can't enjoy on my first run is Rikiya's boss fight, after that its a blast.
If people can enjoy Kiwami 2's boss design when it literally downgrades almost every encounter over the original in a pretty bad way, then I can't wrap my head around how people single out 3's boss or combat design as bad... its infinitely better. The Tiger Drop isn't actually shit for one thing.


Oct 25, 2017
And I'll say it again. 3's combat is fine. Bosses are fine. It requires successful use of evasion and use of the many counters you get. Which are given to you incredibly early in the game. From there the bosses are a blast. Literally the only fight in the game I can't enjoy on my first run is Rikiya's boss fight, after that its a blast.
If people can enjoy Kiwami 2's boss design when it literally downgrades almost every encounter over the original in a pretty bad way, then I can't wrap my head around how people single out 3's boss or combat design as bad... its infinitely better. The Tiger Drop isn't actually shit for one thing.
Not when you do chip damage to bosses and when bosses spend all their time blocking your attacks even when you attack them from behind. Spending 5+ minutes on a boss because they have too much health compared to the damage you can inflict on them isn't fun, it's tedious and boring.

I guess I may have missed some Komaki techniques tbh but still, fighting Lau took way too long and wasn't satisfying in the slightest. It's the worst experience I've had on a Yakuza game so far and I've played all those who got localized except for Dead Souls.


Oct 25, 2017

セガアトラスチャンネル | セガ・アトラスTGS2021オンライン特設サイト

セガ・アトラスTGS2021オンラインでは「#LOVE_SEGA」をキーワードに様々な企画や最新タイトルの情報を用意しています。SEGA ATLUS CHANNELではセガとアトラス、セガパートナーの最新ゲーム情報をお届けしますので、ぜひご視聴ください。

So this month's sega nama show is a part of Sega's TGS 2020 show called Sega nama Nagoshi no nama de kanpai TGS special. The description says "new information for the RGG series".
Hopefully, this means we will hear something completely new other than the second chapter of RGG online or 7.


Oct 25, 2017

セガアトラスチャンネル | セガ・アトラスTGS2021オンライン特設サイト

セガ・アトラスTGS2021オンラインでは「#LOVE_SEGA」をキーワードに様々な企画や最新タイトルの情報を用意しています。SEGA ATLUS CHANNELではセガとアトラス、セガパートナーの最新ゲーム情報をお届けしますので、ぜひご視聴ください。

So this month's sega nama show is a part of Sega's TGS 2020 show called Sega nama Nagoshi no nama de kanpai TGS special. The description says "new information for the RGG series".
Hopefully, this means we will hear something completely new other than the second chapter of RGG online or 7.
Well that's interesting, thanks for posting :) Not expecting much, except maybe a tease. RGG Online probably won't be addressed, that's rather toxic at the moment what with the whole graphical downgrade it received a couple of months back - the plot for Ryuuji's arc was bouncing along nicely though last I saw so hopefully they release chapter 4 soon (I get the feeling its on its last legs).

I do hope they don't spend much time talking about 7 either, game is already out in Japan and I'm really not interested to see them talk about next gen enhancement... I want new news instead!


Oct 27, 2017
A tease would be nice indeed, yeah! Doubt we're getting a full Yakuza 8 announcement.

Personally, I do hope for some Yakuza 7 on PS5 news (as a bonus, not as the main thing), like if there will be a free upgrade or a separate version etc. Because yeah, waiting for the game, but if there's a chance I can play it on the PS5, I wouldn't mind a few extra days when it finally releases here.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure seventy percent of the show will be taken up by rookie comedians' standup comedy stuff. You don't have to expect that much ;p


Oct 25, 2017
For sure. I'll definitely just wait for Gematsu or yourself to post a brief summary, I don't think I can watch these things live anymore! There's definitely more "other" to actual gameplay going on.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got an email from Pix n Love confirming that an English version of their Yakuza 7 CE is indeed getting released... really wish they'd bothered to announce that when the French orderes went up, now I gotta see if I can swap my preorder out to English (which is more convenient to me).


Oct 28, 2017
Just got an email from Pix n Love confirming that an English version of their Yakuza 7 CE is indeed getting released... really wish they'd bothered to announce that when the French orderes went up, now I gotta see if I can swap my preorder out to English (which is more convenient to me).
Nah, you're getting the exact same product shipped to you either way:


Oct 25, 2017
Its done...

The plat for Ryu Ga Gotoku 1HD on the PS3. Its really not a hard plat on the whole, if it weren't for the Haruka trophy it'd be easy, but that one challenge drives up the difficulty considerably.

As for replaying the game itself, fucking loved it. The camera is pretty jank these days and I missed the plethora of heat moves later games gave me but the game itself is still an absolute blast to play. Excellent soundtrack, great long fights, and some of the best characters the series saw (pity most of them will only show up again in 0 though...)
Weirdly the Jingu fight didn't feel anywhere near as annoying as I'd remembered. I guess it was the bulletproof vest that I grabbed a while back, but it sure helped against gun wielding enemies like that.
As for the final boss (you know who), I really missed the fact that there was no dynamic intro like Kiwami had :( definitely one thing that I give Kiwami over 1HD no doubt (plus I prefer the remix of his theme in Kiwami, sounds as epic as a final boss theme should). One last change I noticed - in Kiwami he has a QTE mid fight where if done successfully, you see some flashbacks from the two earlier and it was a really cool touch, again not in the original game. Though I feel landing that QTE made things easier than it should (it deals devastating power). But the fight in the original is just as good as I remember and its so damn satisfying to land that tiger drop right at the end as sort of a finishing blow. So good...

It still remains one of my favourites in the series ever. Later games have surpassed it in pretty much every way but I'll always love the original game for kickstarting the whole series, plus it being a breezy replay due to its pretty low amount of side content makes it super fun to revisit over and over (I've lost count the number of times I've finished it now).

And now to wait, maybe I'll get to Dead Souls next month, or wait on that one and instead do a replay of 2HD (for Club Adam). Decisions....
Sep 7, 2020
Got my Series S pre-order in! Have Microsoft or SEGA mentioned if Like a Dragon will be on Gamepass day one? Just wondering if I should hold off on pre-ordering the day ichi edition.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my Series S pre-order in! Have Microsoft or SEGA mentioned if Like a Dragon will be on Gamepass day one? Just wondering if I should hold off on pre-ordering (can play on One S at launch).
Nothing confirmed yet, one would have assumed if it were coming, they'd have announced it sooner. However, TGS is tomorrow so they may well announce it there. May as well wait until November before preordering, you never know.
Sep 7, 2020
Nothing confirmed yet, one would have assumed if it were coming, they'd have announced it sooner. However, TGS is tomorrow so they may well announce it there. May as well wait until November before preordering, you never know.
True! I am hoping the other missing games get made available too. So far I have only finished Kiwami, am playing 0 and will play Kiwami 2 after that.


Oct 25, 2017
Im sure the rest of the series will come eventually, but chances are 7 is taking up most of the resources at the moment. Once that's released it'll be interesting to see what's ported/localised next, especially as we have no idea when the next Yakuza game is coming (in Japan). Might be a golden opportunity to have the other platforms catch up with the PS4.


Oct 25, 2017
So... slowly working my way through (most) of the challenges in Yakuza 1HD at the moment, and its got something I really wish the other games in the series would have included - an option to replay all the long fights in the series with a fully leveled up Kiryu. There's so many awesome moments in the series, and yet replaying them (aside from obviously replaying the entire game) is a pain. Pity that they dropped the feature after 1... well, its more like they overhauled the challenge mode and made it less about just replaying stuff in the main game to more gimmick based challenges. Which is cool and all but I wish they'd included those challenges alongside the replays (they kept the boss refights after all, but not the long fights...)


Oct 25, 2017
Oh boy, another shit movie to toss on the videogame movie pile. I have 0 faith this will be better than the Japanese film (which at least got a decent director, and some of the Majima scenes were great, even if they got the eyepatch on the wrong eye).


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, honestly I don't expect much. There's a lot of things they can fuck up here and I don't even mean the general story of the movie...

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Bleh, during the PSN sale I noticed I did not buy the Remastered Collection (I'm still on 0 but want everything) since it appeared as purchasable.

After checking out, I noticed only the promotional theme was added to my downloads list, and I realized that I had already bought these games individually a few months back during the last sale.

There doesn't seem to be a way to get in touch with Sony to get a refund, so I guess I'll have to hope the theme is worth $30.

Edit: Refunded!!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Yay, new. I hope that actually means NEW though. Looking at the era thread I see people asking for Kiwami 3 (please no), Ishin (wtf? to these idiots know what "new" actually means, or what TGS is?) etc.
I hope for Yakuza 8 (unlikely) or a brand new spinoff. Just something new, not something I've played many times before.


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
This probably won't get its own thread since it's localization news but this happened (I'll edit my post in the morning since mobile isn't letting me embed). Basically, Jon Riesenbach has left Sega/Atlus for greener pastures after 6 years:

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Well that sucks :( He (and the rest of the team) put such an effort into localising the series lately. Whoever takes over that position has big shoes to fill.


Oct 28, 2017
It was Jon Riesenbach that helmed the localization effort for the Remastered Collection (in addition to his work on other games in the series). I have the utmost respect and admiration for the loc team, and Jon's departure is quite sad to hear of! Hopefully he can find comfort in the presence of his new workplace and colleagues.