
Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad they took the risk. As someone who had been contemplating whether or not to get into the series, the turn-based combat was what pushed me over from a "maybe buy this" to a "definitely buy this."


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wish ArenaNET had done the same with their GW2 Commando class April Fools


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
That's crazy considering how much the game seems tied around the classic RPG themes, especially with the party here.

I'm still really glad to see it happen since I've been liking this turn based approach more than any of the brawler styles in the other games.

For sure. Like classic turn based rpg is almost baked into the character of ichiban to a large degree. It makes me wonder if they rewrote large parts of the writing/characterization after the change.
Oct 26, 2017
On one hand, I don't believe it becuase of all the story stuff that ties into Dragon Quest etc.

On the other hand, the combat is janky as fuck and does feel like a mod or something hacked on top of a traditional Yakuza game.

If there's any truth to it, I'm sure it would have had to be something like FF7r. There's no way they worked in the party elements and specials in the 6 months to the reveal.


Sep 29, 2018
Beat the import and the PC version. Yeah put me on the list of people sadden by this change. Good game, but the series just isn't gonna be the same for me in this new direction. I'm brawler all the way no matter how many posts come here trashing the old combat system and such. With this change, 3D brawlers are all but dead and that sucks.

I'm just gonna hope we still get some non Yakuza real time entries like a Judgment 2 or PC ports of the previous titles.

Speak for yourself.

The simplicity of punching people to hell and back was the most fun part of the games for me.

They were never supposed to be character action games. If you went in expecting that then that's on you.

Thank you for this post. It's so annoying when people come in these tips of threads and say that the thing you enjoy is somehow invalid because they themselves don't appreciate it.


Oct 25, 2017
Again, Persona/SMT is a 30+ year old franchise. And they had to embrace the full anime/waifu aesthetic so many people despise for sales to go up.
I was thinking more Persona specifically, and mainly just 3-5 lol. I'm nowhere near informed enough on the greater SMT series to really know. But still, for fools like me, I only even started picking up on the series from Persona 3 up (and even then, I played 5 first!)
I still think Yakuza could have done well no matter the gameplay.

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
That's impressive. Personally, I really love the shift. I got tired of the old style a long time ago, and shifting to a new genre with a fresh cast was a brilliant way to make the series exciting to me again. I would have passed over 7 entirely if it wasn't for this.

The way the game transitioned a lot of old concepts to an RPG is really fun and inventive.


Oct 25, 2017
Liking it a lot, though the brawler systems were okay they were pretty mindless. You'd also get stuck into that rut of doing the same shit over and over because it was fastest. This game you get to see a lot more varied attacks and regular battles can actually feel unique. Also having a real party feels more natural with the character bond/development compared to Kiryu going solo most of the time.

I just wish the base difficulty was a harder.


Aug 10, 2020
I'm a diehard Yakuza series fan, but was getting sick of the same mindless brawler gameplay. The shift to RPG was a real breath of fresh air for the series.

Having said that, i'd love for the Judgment series to run in parallel with the old combat system.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope no one was overworked
Some of y'all are acting like the game had Bayonetta/DMC levels of depth to its combat. They were simple brawlers with only a few feet of depth. Nothing of value was lost. Most people played the games for the story and wackiness. Which seems to be better than ever now.
Yo chill

1) The idea that a game has to be the most complicated in its entire genre to actually have merit is not only just silly. Its insulting to those who are did make those games.
2) You are assuming that combat wasn't key to some peoples experiences.

If you like new yakuza? Sure fine, that's cool. I like the characters enough , the goofy bullshit is there. But Don't sit and think that people didn't loose anything with especially with a genre that was already basically dead. Like actually vhill, your statements serve no one and only serve to insult the people who likely made this new game you like as well.

Speak for yourself.

The simplicity of punching people to hell and back was the most fun part of the games for me.

They were never supposed to be character action games. If you went in expecting that then that's on you.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Oh I know. I'm saying why miss it when it was so mindless? Like a basic brawler will scratch that itch.
Uh because it is fun?

Streets of Rage 2 is a game that is really simple. Does that make it not fun?
Beat the import and the PC version. Yeah put me on the list of people sadden by this change. Good game, but the series just isn't gonna be the same for me in this new direction. I'm brawler all the way no matter how many posts come here trashing the old combat system and such. With this change, 3D brawlers are all but dead and that sucks.

I'm just gonna hope we still get some non Yakuza real time entries like a Judgment 2 or PC ports of the previous titles.

Thank you for this post. It's so annoying when people come in these tips of threads and say that the thing you enjoy is somehow invalid because they themselves don't appreciate it.
Agreed. I don't understand why people can't understand that some people (in this case people who love brawling and want more) like the combat. There are different tastes and if their taste is different that doesn't mean it is the default taste.

People always get mad about JRPGs going action or some genre of games dying and you would think people who were burned by it would understand others.


Oct 25, 2017
I just wish the base difficulty was a harder.
It kinda sucks to hear Nagoshi himself talk about difficulty in the vid where these details originated from. I mean, I get the need for east difficulty for those that just want to enjoy the game without difficulty. But I wish hard mode was actually... hard. Or at least far more challenging. Its a minor complaint though, won't stop me enjoying the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Mind telling me how?

Cause Yakuza is much more complex mechanically and you can customize the combat (without getting rid of the simplicity).

Cause there's really not much there. You get a couple styles but it's pretty much still just mash on attack, trigger some heat attacks here or there. Then you have the overhanging "you can drink/eat/use X at any time" to save your ass. Mechanically it's not really better than SoR2 and the item system pretty much breaks any challenge you could have.
Oct 27, 2017
In a world where nearly all JRPGs have shifted into action combat, it's really fun and interesting to see an action franchise put out a (likely solitary) turn-based entry.
By killing a genre?

Why is this fun? There are plenty of JRPGs and no matter how much action rpgs there is still JRPGs coming out every year.

When was the last time we got a 3D brawler that isn't Yakuza?


Oct 27, 2017
It's going to be a long time before I get to 7, but after just finishing 0 (my first Yakuza game), I'm really curious to see what the turn-based system is like. I never quite clicked with the combat in 0. It's not that it's bad or anything, but wave after wave after wave of similar mobs, even in the story missions, got really old after a while. Still a 9.5/10 game though!
Oct 27, 2017
Cause there's really not much there. You get a couple styles but it's pretty much still just hit on attack, trigger some heat attacks here or there. Then you have the overhanging "you can drink/eat X at any time" to save your ass. Mechanically it's not really better than SoR2 and the item system pretty much breaks any challenge you could have.
You haven't been experimenting if that's how you play the games. Sure you can use drinks to break the game but that doesn't mean the combat is bare bones. There is enough meat for experimenting. Different items can make you experiment different from others.

SOR2 meanwhile you can go through without much going on. It feels the same every time and that's fine because it is fun. Same goes to Yakuza (but it is still a game that does way more than you say while still being simple enough).


Oct 25, 2017
That's hard to believe given how complex the prank was and the final game releasing 9 months later. I can believe they had a prototype for a side activity that they expanded to the full game though.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio are absolute beasts. Screw it, give them the Sonic franchise, Sonic Team can't seem to do a competent job with the series.

By killing a genre?

Why is this fun? There are plenty of JRPGs and no matter how much action rpgs there is still JRPGs coming out every year.

When was the last time we got a 3D brawler that isn't Yakuza?

Relax, there's plenty of other 3D brawlers out there. It's good to see Yakuza do something like this.
Oct 27, 2017
Relax, there's plenty of other 3D brawlers out there. It's good to see Yakuza do something like this.

Can you tell us where we can get them?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pleased they mixed it up with this game. I just hope the brawler gameplay isn't gone for good.
Oct 27, 2017
If all the future Yakuza games, and all similar games in the genre switch over to turn-based JRPG combat, I'll be shocked. But I think that's extremely unlikely.
I am praying that's the case but I want to be sure.


Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Google what? Games that came out on PS2 and the older Yakuza games I played many times?

Great logic. I guess every genre like JRPGs, RTS, Shoot em ups etc should die too cause there are a lot of them.
May 19, 2020
I wasn't keen on it at first but I grew to enjoy it. I'd prefer Yakuza to be a brawler first but the turn-based style surprisingly works.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm loving Yakuza 7 and also love the brawler games. I'm sure their future games will have both.
Nov 1, 2017
I'm having a lot of fun with Y7 but honestly very little of the enjoyment is coming from the new combat. It honestly feels to me like they sacrificed the series to try to capture Persona fans. Looks like maybe it paid off for them, seeing some people in this thread shitting on the previous entries. But I hope I'm just wrong and overly emotional.


Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoy Yakuzas brawler combat, so I was slightly apprehensive when they announced such a radical departure for Like A Dragon. The turn-based system they devised is very good though, and what flaws it does have can hopefully be ironed out in a succeeding entry. For a first attempt, it's a marvelous achievement, far more accomplished than Dead Souls's shooter gameplay, and among the best turn-based systems this generation.


Oct 28, 2017
I just got into the series thanks to gamepass and it already became an RPG series :x


Sep 29, 2018
I'm having a lot of fun with Y7 but honestly very little of the enjoyment is coming from the new combat. It honestly feels to me like they sacrificed the series to try to capture Persona fans. Looks like maybe it paid off for them, seeing some people in this thread shitting on the previous entries. But I hope I'm just wrong and overly emotional.
This is where I stand too. The game is still quality and I loved plenty of aspects of it including the story, the new Yokohama map, the characters, the localization, the music, some of the new side stuff etc. It's just the new main gameplay loop isn't for me since it simply doesn't align with my tastes. For anyone that's already on board with turn based games, I can't see this game being anything else than a success.

This change simply feels like the series is moving on from audiences like me which is simply another checkmark to add on my increasing reasons for this hobby continuing to be less and less appealing to me by the day. Oh well.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If all the future Yakuza games, and all similar games in the genre switch over to turn-based JRPG combat, I'll be shocked. But I think that's extremely unlikely.

Hmm, it might not stay the exact same, but I have big doubts of the series returning to straight brawler after Y7. Ichiban is the face of the series moving forward, and I can't imagine them dumping the what 7 built up. Especially since they seemed really happy with the game.


Nov 15, 2017
Very glad this was done
I also dont expect the series to be turn based from now on, that just seems like a ridiculous statement to make


Mar 14, 2019
They said action combat would come back if Yakuza 7 was badly received, which wasn't the case at all.

I think we'll have a healthy mix of action and turn based. My dream is a Yakuza 0 style dual character game where onecharacter is action and the other turn based
My god, that would just be... the world isn't ready.


Oct 27, 2017
I have the same problems with the turn based combat version that I had with the brawler version, so I don't care either way :D


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad they did. Yakuza is one of my favourite series and up to the last chapter, 7 is my favourite of all time most likely now. What a goddamn game.