"Hehe, you still play that stuff?!"

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2,183 85.9%
  • (Lie) N-no. That's not me. Someone else was playing...(Speech check 50% chance)

    Votes: 35 1.4%
  • (Intimidate) Don't "hehe" me. Mind your fucking business. Fuck you lookin over there for anyway?

    Votes: 113 4.4%
  • (Vex) Do something random to distract them. (+1 Charisma)

    Votes: 34 1.3%
  • (+2 Awkward)(+3 Intimidate) Do nothing. Just stare at them.

    Votes: 175 6.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I'm dating a girl who dislikes any kind of game, from monopoly to videogames and yet she accepted to watch me doing one quest from The Witcher.
Also: I've met more than 10 cases where women left their partners because they were addicted to League of Legends.

So I would say that video game addiction is a real problem and there are many people who avoid partners that play/gamble/drink/watch too much sports/anything to excess where you are ignoring your partner too much.

Fixed it.

I'm 22 and in university studying comp sci. Most people I know are already moving on from games. In my whole life there was only one older person who played strategy games. If anyone asked me I'd just say no to avoid getting looked down upon (this is mostly because I tend to avoid the mainstream games for the most part)

That insecurity is something that one just needs to work out of. I know it is difficult for some, but the more you embrace who you are, the happier you will be. Who are you worried that would look down on you? Friends? Mates? Family? If they look down on you for a hobby that 1/3 of the planet engages in, is the single biggest revenue driver in mobile applications today, and is a significant focus for some of the biggest companies in the world, then they are the ones with the problem, not you.
Last edited:


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Nobody has ever hit me with that, but I feel like my response would be something along the lines of "Sure, why wouldn't I?"


Oct 26, 2017
I'm in my 30s and everyone I know in my age group plays games to some degree. I don't see how it's any different than plopping your fat ass on the couch and watching people toss a ball around.


Oct 25, 2017
I've actually never been asked this question as an adult, but if I was, I'd probably just say something along the lines of "Sure, why wouldn't I?"

I dunno, in my field/social circles, it'd be real hard to come upon someone who isn't at least tangentially familiar with games and how big they are.


Oct 25, 2017
12 months ago sure, a bit sheepishly. I get asked rarely though, hanging around groups with similar interests to me. Since picking up Ring Fit on the Switch however, it has given me great pleasure to attribute my physical appearance to a video game. I truly believe those who "look down" on our hobby do so out of nativity, not seeing the industry for the positive impact it can have.

Usually coming from the same people who smoke/drink/gamble every night of the week. The hypocrisy can be damning.


Dec 14, 2017
In general people that look down on you while asking that are those that dont enjoy life and probably just do whatever activity is cool at the time... and yes I say that I play. Lately my gf usually comes in and says how cool it is to play VR or play some coop games bla bla bla. Then they suddenly are interested in coming to my place and playing some lol. But it is quite clear that some people, usually older, think it is a stupid childish hobby and I couldnt care less.


Oct 25, 2017
"You still play video games?!" How do you answer?



Oct 27, 2017
I dont really think even since I was a kid that's ever been asked or even hinted about. I meet people who don't like airsoft, martial arts, target practice, running, weight lifting, dnd, games, but they are all treated as someone who doesn't happen to share an interest nothing more.


Oct 11, 2018
Maybe it's different in America, I work in a non-technology field and it's considered a normal hobby by people up to around 55 years here. It's just something normal people do like watching movies, TV, reading, drinking etc.


Oct 26, 2017
Just say yeah. That isn't going to be enough to satisfy their snark so just respond with "okay" to literally anything they reply with afterwards.

I don't have the time or desire to justify my reasons for liking the stuff I like.


Oct 25, 2017
Never been ashamed to admit ive played games even since back in the 80s and 90s when it was considered NERDY with the "cool kids" in school.

Now i have a 6 year old and we play all the time :)
Oct 27, 2017
I only meant that the majority of people under 40 in my experience play games of some sort. It gets rarer as you look at people older than that, purely because gaming was more of a fringe entertainment when they were younger.

In general people tend to see the mediums they engaged with as a kid as the norm and continue to engage with them for the rest of their lives (be it books, TV, films, etc.). Obviously there are people 40+ who played games when they were kids and will always do so, but gaming as a kid for them wasn't as prevalent as it would be for a kid in the 90s or 2000s, so there will be fewer people their age who see it as just a regular activity.
in the '90s 40-year-olds were in their teens & twenties and playing Half-Life, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Resident Evil. They're the ones who normalized all of this. 0_o


Oct 28, 2017
Southeastern PA
Good thing everybody in my circle are gamers. Otherwise I would tell that person to go outside and open their eyes. Gaming is everywhere and a huge chunk of the population seems to be into it whether casual or hardcore. It is not an obscure thing.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Why yes of course I l0ve v1d3o g4m3z d00d, t3hy 4r3 l33t 4s fux!!111oneone


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe it's different in America, I work in a non-technology field and it's considered a normal hobby by people up to around 55 years here. It's just something normal people do like watching movies, TV, reading, drinking etc.
Maybe but I don't even run into it or did with parents when I was a kid which is in that timeframe. I sometimes think its just folks remember THIS particular issue versus perhaps other times maybe the same thing comes up with hobbies and it just doesn't register. I mean almost every parent I knew in the 80's 90's were the ones bringing home the genesis, snes, that kind of thing.


Linked the Fire
Jun 4, 2019
This literally just happened to me at work tonight. Was talking to a coworker about how I don't really work out because I'm "tired after work so I just go home and..."; they replied with "play video games?" in a semi condescending manner...



Oct 25, 2017
where is
"Get the fuck out of my house."?
shit poll.

Edit: Alternatively attempt to convince them that they are halucinating or have brain damage or something. "My computer isn't even on, are you okay?"
Dec 6, 2017
My new girlfriend was amused when she came over the first time and saw the amount of video game consoles under my TV.

I was about to try to downplay it weirdly enough but she said something I probably can't repeat here, then asked me to show her something 'current' I like to play and proceeded to be mindblown by Sekiro.


Oct 27, 2017
There are incredible innovations and story-telling in the indie space.
I've absolutely no shame in showing people Her Story, Papers Please, Night in the Woods, Disco Elysium, Florence, etc

AAA games I don't try to sell to non-gamers. They are what they are.


Oct 8, 2018
I explode into a violent rage, the lifetime of murder simulators finally taking its toll. I seize upon the many skills of death and suffering I inherited from these "innocent" playthings and pull out all five of the question asker's ribcages before I take flight with my helicopter hair and barrel down upon them, liquefying their body with the rotors that are my magnificent cyborg mane.


Feb 10, 2019
Personnaly I really hide this hobby among my family and friends, only childhood friend know that I really do like game
In fact many of my friends and family see vidéo game as something stupid, i dont think they are right but I give importance to the picture they have of me so...
My pseudo is linked to this 'shame' of loving game, I think its not socially acceptable to have , at least to have only, video game as a passion (yeah may be its stupid I wish I had close friends who share this passion)

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
Yeah. Do you want me to cook you some dinner? - if it were to a date.

Yeah dude - if it were to a friend.


Oct 25, 2017
This literally just happened to me at work tonight. Was talking to a coworker about how I don't really work out because I'm "tired after work so I just go home and..."; they replied with "play video games?" in a semi condescending manner...


That just sounds like a person who has irrationally dug in their heels and is lashing out at the world. That being said, I would definitely throw an equal amount of shade back their way. It is the only way people learn.


Dec 5, 2017
Next time someone condescendingly says that shit to you, say "yes, because I don't need to be boring as an adult to have my sense of security affirmed."

Deleted member 46958

User requested account closure
Aug 22, 2018
Brody, seeing this and now seeing your other thread, I must say: do you and give no fucks.

cute survey though.


Linked the Fire
Jun 4, 2019
That just sounds like a person who has irrationally dug in their heels and is lashing out at the world. That being said, I would definitely throw an equal amount of shade back their way. It is the only way people learn.
We butt heads a lot because she tries to gaslight me almost daily. Good times.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, you wanna give it a go? I say this with zero hint of sarcasm or malice.

Once you go past 30 you give zero fucks about what people think.


Oct 27, 2017
In the 90's yeah that question would come up. But nowadays? Nope. If it did...I'd just say answer with a simple "Yes".


Oct 28, 2017
You guys are lucky you aren't in a third-ish world country. Gaming as an hobby will always be ridiculed here.


Oct 26, 2017
"Of course, they're great"

Mostly I feel sorry for the person asking the question since they are the ones missing out.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
I say "yes, you sure about that haircut? Makes you look like you're trying to be 15."


Feb 11, 2019
I've literally never been asked this question by anybody. I don't even know what I'd think of a person who would ask such a meaningless and condecending question. Like why would I be around them in the first place?


Jan 11, 2018
I play it off as I am a casual who just plays Rocket League and Mario Kart. Then they come to my apartment and see my charging station for my controllers. I think that is when they know.