Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Freelancer 2: Likelihood 1%. MS ain't interested in their old home-grown IPs, they tend to prefer stuff that old outside studios were known for.


Aug 10, 2018
For as much as Steep scratched my itch for an open-world snowboarding game, I still yearn for a new SSX, with all the character(s) and absurdity that entails.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
As much as I'd like sequels to some of my favorites, I have to say, those favorites were my "dream games", and they've already been done. I've been gaming a long time, and the last game that delivered exactly what I've wanted for years was Breath of the Wild: a Zelda game that gave me the same sense of joy and wonder as the first Zelda game, almost 30 years earlier.

At this point, everything is gravy. Every year, new incredible games arrive, and I enjoy the hell out of them. But I hardly even have a "wish list" of games any more. And after BotW, I don't have a singular "Dream Game" to wish for, either.

All that said, maybe just one: a gorgeous modern racer that uses water to as great effect as Wave Race 64 did.

Chance of that: should be off-the-charts high with the tech we have. Seems incredibly low, though, given how few have attempted it, with none succeeding, in the last 20+ years.


Oct 27, 2017
Dream game: Superman done right.

Likelihood of happening: 100%. We just have to survive long enough.
Oct 25, 2017
ASCII or Tileset roguelike based on the Japanese novel/manga/movie: "Battle Royale".

I want it to have a hyper detailed combat/injury system, good ai/character interactions and character profile generation. You should have the ability to team up with others if you can convince them.

And a secret ending if you can manage to trick the military and escape / get revenge.

I've seen someone do a mock-up once years ago, and it's never left my thoughts. It'll never be made unless I do it myself one day I suspect.
Holy shit. A hardcore roguelike adaptation of the movie would be NUTS.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Probably someone already said it but Pokémon MMORPG.
- BOTW traversal mechanics, gliding with a Pidgeotto, flying with a Pidgeot, hanging to a Machoke back while he climbs a mountain, Lapras surfing, teleportation with a Kadabra, etc.
- Turn based battles with pokemon roaming the overworld, raids for legendaries.
- Lots of actual roles that make sense in a Pokémon world. Trainer, Collector, Breeder, Gym Leader, Merchant, Team Rocket grunt, etc.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Video Game Rock Band: It probably wouldn't be called Rock Band considering the wide range of video game music but if provides the basic idea. A rhythm game made up o music from all manner of video games, old and new. Would be a licensing clusterfuck. 0% chance

Another/more Life Is Strange games in Arcadia Bay: Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying where LiS2 is going, but Before the Storm taught me that there's plenty of room for more stories in the Bay. Doubt it'll happen though unless the games absolutely crater in popularity though. 5% chance.

Tomb Raider x Mirror's Edge: Basically I want Mirror's Edge but in all the environments Lara would travel to. Plus some puzzle solving too. 10% chance.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I want the $200 million dollar version of Project Zomboid. Full third person shooter. Online servers/co-op functionality with persistence.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
A full-on open world single player RPG set in Middle-earth where you you can walk from the Shire all the way to Mordor without hitting a loading screen.

So basically I want an offline, single player version of LOTRO.


User requested ban
Oct 30, 2017
NFL2k[insert year]
Split/Second 2
Driveclub 2
Zone of the Enders 3(by Kojima)
Devil May Cry[insert number or reboot](by Kamiya)

None are ever happening in my life. 0% chance. The thought that im going to die before any of these happen makes me sick inside.


Oct 25, 2017
F-Zero NX. Direct GX sequel. Racing only. Even crazier and faster tracks. No on foot bounty hunting, we already have basically every other video game to do that in.


Oct 27, 2017
Phantasy Star V, done by Atlus. Aesthetic look of a 90s anime, a time-travel RPG where the newest heroes have to hop to all instances of Dark Force's rise in the past, building a party out of the heroes from PSI-IV.

A sci-fi, cosmic horror Souls game set on either a derelict spaceship or ruined extraterrestrial base.

A Zelda collection in the spirit of Super Mario All-Stars, with the NES games redone with Sonic Mania-esque "32-bit" pixel art.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
A Street Fighter game that mashes up the mechanics of 3rd Strike and SFV with an aesthetic and tone that just robs as much as it can from Into the Spider-Verse.

0% chance.


Oct 25, 2017

1) A SF Dream Match game where it has every character from SF1 to SFV. Packed with a buttload of content and fanservice.

0% chance of happening

2) A big budgeted Capcom All Stars (or Capcom vs Capcom). Packed with a huge roster, fanservice and cel shaded graphics.

10-20% chance of happening


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
AAA Pokemon with a fully realised open world, with all kinds of environment interaction and secrets with unique ways to discover Pokemon.

0% chance of happening with Game Freak holding the reigns.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Zelda Galaxy

Just Zelda but with the spherical landscapes and gravity mechanics of Mario Galaxy. You'd have some wild ass dungeons in a game like that.

Likelihood of ever happening: 0%


Oct 27, 2017
My dream: A true follow up to Devil May Cry 3, the return of Vergil, all the original voice actors come back, the deepest DMC combat system ever

Likelihood: It fucking came out this year!


May 20, 2019
A massively ambitious and immense Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon game. We're talking 100's of NPCs with individual schedules like Ultima VII and an absurd number of things to do and explore. Dialogue tree options that change regular seasonal events throughout the years. Features a town economy that changes depending on what you grow/craft/catch. The presence of multiple side plot lines like mysteries, exploration, crimes, etc. No one would ever make this game as the budget would be absolutely enormous and like 15 people would buy it.


Oct 25, 2017
Two spring to mind

Cyberpunk 2077 on paper is definitely one of them

The other one is a pokemon game set in a big, detailed, open world rpg. Given what Gamefreak has managed to accomplish in the last 20 years with the franchise however, I have pretty much zero expectations that this will ever happen, especially with how the next pokemon game looks.


Mar 13, 2019
Mount & Blade: Bannerlord - it's coming

Freedom Fighters 2 - I guess there's a chance, IO surely should look into expanding but I don't know how HITMAN 2 is doing to say that it's viable for them to do it right now

Shadow of War 2 / Monolith's Middle-Earth Shadow of Something 3 - It's doable, I guess? Of course they would have to write another character, but I'm okay with that

GTA San Andreas Stories - I really had hopes for it for a long time but it never came, and I think that it was for the best. Rockstar hasn't the same grip that made GTA SA my favorite game ever and I'd prefer them to let its characters and story the way it is at this point

Destroy All Humans 3 - nope

Blur 2 - shit ain't happening

Sleeping Dogs 2 - yeah, who i'm kidding

SimCity 5 - SC13' isn't bad, and I want another SimCity using what Maxis learned from 2013

Virtua Tennis 5 - yeah fuck me

Shadow of Rome 2 - this could be THE game if developed nowadays with the right budget, but it probably will keep being THE dream


Dec 29, 2017
Washington, DC
Suikoden 6, Final Fantasy Tactics 2...basically not happening. Oh god and the rest of the Xenogears episodes we never got. I'd settle for a remake of the original Xenogears though..

Would love to see games based on Brandon Sanderson's cosmere besides that weird VR game. Probably also 0%.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I missed one recently, but I want a single player game, could be RPG or action RPG that plays like WoW and has the same charm, scope, and scale, as WoW. Not something with hank mind you, I smooth ass gameplay, with fluid character movement, with a fluid quick responding camera.

Pretty sure nothing like this exists unless I play WoW solo.


Oct 25, 2017
An actual proper seamless open world FPS with a sci-fi focus.

High end sci fi, glistening tech.
Open world pvp and pve in same space. Lots of risk from other players.
Ridiculous amounts of cusomizarion.
Multiple worlds.
Space battles.
Loot, loot, loot!

Chances pretty high eventually, imo.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My dream game has always been a Harry Potter RPG you create your own student and attend all 4 years of Hogwarts while having adventures here and there, going to classes and improving your skills alongside hanging out with friends. Unfortunately unlikely I'll ever get EXACTLY this, but I might be getting a close second with that next gen RPG they leaked.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Donkey Kong Country 4

A new game in the DKC series that plays and feels very much like the original trilogy, specifically 2 and 3. Graphically, it would be a modern take on the art style and look of those games as well, borrowing the dark aesthetic and music of 2.

The energy/life system would be like the original trilogy as well: get hit once, lose a Kong and swap to the other -- get hit again without getting a DK barrel and you die. Except in DKC4, you aren't forced to use the same two Kongs for the entire game. Instead, you choose which two Kongs you want to bring into a level. You can swap between them on the world map.

You would be able to choose from Donkey, Diddy, Dixie, and Kiddy. Perhaps with unlockable characters like Funky and Cranky later on.


Oct 27, 2017
Evangelion Mecha
Made by Kojima
Co written by Kojima and Anno

Not a real pre existing thing i know this is just my dream thatll never happen


Oct 27, 2017
You're real optimistic on BoF7, OP. I don't know that it even deserves a 1/10.

But really, our lists are pretty much the same for desired games except I'd like to add a Skies of Arcadia 2.


Nov 10, 2017
Hero shooter along the lines of Apex Legends or Overwatch, but with high player count, vehicles, and multi-stage team-based objectives like Wolfenstein Enemy Territory or MAG.

As far as likelihood, it seems like it could happen. Maybe Apex itself could expand in that direction. Maybe developers will try new ways to do 100-player maps other than Battle Royale.


Oct 25, 2017
I would like to see a game set in Nazi Germany with the main character being Jewish. I don't think we are there yet in terms of technology and design but I am very much a believer that not every game has to be fun. I think eventually we will see the medium mature and try to bring more experiences to people and be less about every game being fun.

As an example in another medium, Schindler's List isn't a fun movie. When I first watched the film, it destroyed me emotionally and I would say it wasn't an enjoyable viewing experience, yet it's an incredible film. I look forward to seeing the industry attempt at making games less about the bombastic and try to create more personal human stories and experiences.


Oct 25, 2017
My dream game has always been a Harry Potter RPG you create your own student and attend all 4 years of Hogwarts while having adventures here and there, going to classes and improving your skills alongside hanging out with friends. Unfortunately unlikely I'll ever get EXACTLY this, but I might be getting a close second with that next gen RPG they leaked.
All 4 years? You're such a muggle.


Oct 25, 2017
An open-world Lord of the Rings game where you have to take the ring from The Shire to Mordor but beyond that, the game is super non-linear and isn't bound to the plot of the novels at all. You can take a huge plethora of paths to reach Mount Doom where you effectively have to complete a number of side quests in order to progress in the world. Maybe it's helping out a town in their quest, maybe it's stomping through the forest with the tree ents, maybe you take the stairs and have to wade through Shelob or maybe you take a completely different route. In a way, it acts like BOTW in that you've just got one big main quest that you're then left to your devices in how to tackle it and what routes to take. By all means have a companion (Sam) who can comment and empathise on all the bespoke shit going on in the game.

I thought of it as basically the AAA LOTR version of the indie game 80 Days.


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
Total War, Mount & Blade: Warband, and For Honor all rolled into the greatest RPG of all time.

I think it could get close but the sheer number of systems having to interact with each other all at once makes it a pipe dream.