
Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever

Yeah, I do. I don't see the appeal or point. He's ugly, the story is always... bare bones? Walkin' around jumpin' on shit satisfies nothing for me. Would rather play literally anything which tries to tell an even half-decent story.

Normally I don't talk about it though cuz I know I'm definitely in the minority there, most gamers consider Mario some holy grail. Not me, but unless people ask there's no reason to rain on the parade. :)

Platformers just aren't for me.


Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, I do. I don't see the appeal or point. He's ugly, the story is always... bare bones? Walkin' around jumpin' on shit satisfies nothing for me. Would rather play literally anything which tries to tell an even half-decent story.

Normally I don't talk about it though cuz I know I'm definitely in the minority there, most gamers consider Mario some holy grail. Not me, but unless people ask there's no reason to rain on the parade. :)

Platformers just aren't for me.

Well that certainly is an opinion...

What about something like Sly Cooper? It's a platform yet also has stealth mechanics and a story that goes along with the heists. It's not just all jumping from platform to platform.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a genre per se but any game that is mired by anime tropes. If I had to pick a genre is visual novels.


Jan 6, 2018
On-rails games. Games like Star Fox (outside of the "free range" segments) and Kid Icarus Uprising make me wish they didn't go with an on-rails game design. But it is what it is.


Oct 27, 2017
Hate is a very strong word when you can simply ignore what you do not like

But I guess realistic driving games are the ones I like the least.


Nov 7, 2017
I'm curious how many people who say they hate MOBAs have given them a fair shake?

I'm not sure I hate any genre. I'm not particularly fond of a lot of JRPGs but that doesn't mean I won't play any of them or give them a chance if one looks particularly appealing. I guess if I "hate" a genre it might be first person shooters, though I put it in quotes because it's not really true. I can really enjoy a first person shooter at times but for the most part I just don't like the first person perspective, I want to see my character, maybe I'd think differently in a true first person environment like VR but otherwise I don't care for it too much.


Oct 27, 2017
I have no desire to ever play 99% of JRPGs or anything remotely anime related. Can't stand it.

I save the real hate for those awful mobile 'empire builders', which are devoid of any fun gameplay whatsoever, and are all about extracting money from the vulnerable and suckers.


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
Well that certainly is an opinion...

What about something like Sly Cooper? It's a platform yet also has stealth mechanics and a story that goes along with the heists. It's not just all jumping from platform to platform.

I mean, no shit it's an opinion. And you did ask, but are you just going to marvel at the strangeness of my tastes? If your objective is to just tell me I'm weird, I'd prefer you get it over with.

Unpopular Opinion 2: I hate biological anthropomorphic creatures. Even more so when you're supposed to take them seriously. Odd but Sole Exception: Animal Crossing.

So Sly is also a no.

Probably the closest I get to platforming is Metroidvania's with a dash of it. I don't mind platforming if it's a small section here or there. Just wouldn't play a game where that is the main design.


Oct 27, 2017
There are genres that hold little appeal like MOBAs or most 3D platformers but I'm not the type to worry about what others are enjoying so I don't exactly hate then.

If I've ever hated a genre it's what became the standard over the shoulder third person shooter template last generation. Only because it felt like a trend of various titles that were previously in other genres all doubling down on the shooting aspect to become the same type of game.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't hate, but I dislike all those management/simulator type of games. They can be very deep and I understand the appeal, but for me it feels like work.


Oct 25, 2017
Graphic adventure/point-and-click. Like Myst. I respect the genre but I don't see myself ever becoming interested. I just don't get it.


Oct 27, 2017
JRPG for sure. "Your turn, now my turn," is the goofiest game mechanic ever. Every single one I bought or tried on PS1&PS2 were horrendous.


Nov 8, 2017
Don't really hate any in particular. But never found a JRPG I have liked. And cant get into any post-modern FPS's
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
MOBA's and MMO's. They just don't interest me.

I much prefer Single Player games with a good story or some online games where I can casually dip in and out of, without spending massive amounts of time learning and grinding to get good at.


Dec 12, 2017

Which one is worse depends on individual games.

Honorable mention to fighting games.

Deleted member 123

I really despise games thats uses card system like Heartstone (I think? I don't remember) or any RPG-strategy styled game. As in, I despise games that is RPGs but needs strategizing and tactics like Brave Frontiers (on mobile), or Tales of the Rays.

I want to seek more action-oriented game, like Final Fantasy, Xenoblade Chronicles, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Hate is a strong word, but there are some genres which are definitely not my cup of tea.

- All "normal" Sports games, like Fifa, NBA, Madden etc.
- Puzzle games. My brain just doesn't get satisfaction from it. Even when I solve a puzzle. Also don't have enough patience for them. Or stuff like Tetris, where I can have some short fun, but it feels like I never improve.
- Strategy games
- Games with cards as gameplay.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never been one for realistic sports games. And I was going to say MOBAs but I love Heroes of the Storm, Smite and Arena of Valor. Then I thought maybe RTSs but I can't hate on genres I'm not good at. So I guess I'll have to say Sports games but even then, there are exceptions


Jan 19, 2018
Woah, this hate for sports game is crazy. I guess it makes sense since gamers aren't traditionally sports fans. I think to me, many of our modern sports are inherently incredibly interesting tactical games that have very high skill ceilings to master. Sports games that capture that feeling are beautiful things. Madden, FIFA, and NHL games have all been huge, incredibly fun timesinks for me in the past, especially couch-competitive with friends. And let's not forget NBA Jam, which is the greatest arcade game to play with three friends. My arcade bar has two machines of it and we play all the time. Nothing like a good, rowdy drunk NBA Jam session.

Personally I don't like to use the word hate and instead view things as things I can't connect with but understand why other people like them. But if I had to pick one genre, it would be point and click adventure games. They are infuriating to me, probably because I didn't grow up with them and have no nostalgia for them.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Sports, MOBAs, MMORPGs, FPS and competitive online multiplayer-focused games in general are a big nope for me.

Fighting games are more of a curiosity; I have not the time or the drive to really invest my time on them.

I do tend to favor platformers, RPGs, hack n' slash and single-player focused games. Generally adventure games.


Oct 28, 2017
What some people call now "simulator", which are games with a poor gameplay based on physics with bad controls. They are joke games which are not even fun to play.

Even worst are the "spam" games which are some lazy asset flips with no gameplay which try to fraudulently take advantage of the digital stores to make money.

Deleted member 11002

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Playing NHL on a couch with friends is awesome, you guys are missing out

For me, I'm going to have to go with the hide and seek sub-genre of horror games. There weren't many, but it seems like right after Amnesia came out, every horror game coming out was hide and seek and I really soured on them and got bored. I don't love walking sims either for the most part. Once in a while I enjoy one but I usually don't bother anymore

Deleted member 11025

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
Puzzle games. I don't find puzzles fun so it feels like doing a chore to get to the pieces of story. The Portal games and Tetris are the only exceptions.

Single-player action games are pretty boring too. They don't feel as mechanically satisfying as a good fighting game or multiplayer shooter and the stories are usually garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
JRPGs. Chrono Trigger being the exception. I've tried to get into them since getting OG Dragon Warrior via Nintendo Power, but I'll be damned if I can find the joy in grinding.


Feb 24, 2018
Going to have to go with puzzle games. They just are not my thing and I particularly do not care for when developers shoehorn puzzle sections in action games or RPGs.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
MOBA from LoL to hero shooter like Overwatch.

And another one, I wouldn't say hate, but not really my thing. It's over the top isometric RPG. I tried to get into Divinity, but couldn't and lose interest pretty fast. Maybe playing it on TV isn't the greatest idea, everything just seems small.

Also, any game with first person camera is likely a pass from me.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't say that I hate any one genre, but I probably like sports games the least. There are definitely sports games that I enjoy (namely NBA Jam and the like), but I don't really care much for realistic sports games.


Mar 17, 2018
i don't hate a genre but i don't care for realistic sports games or FPS games unless it's horror themed like FEAR or stylized like Borderlands.

any Japanese game that is either based around schoolgirls with whiny voices. or any sort of these soft core porn Japanese games. I'd watch porn if I wanted to thanks Japan.
for me to play a game like that it better be so stupid that it peaks my interest or has people dying in it


Oct 25, 2017
Not US
Sports, mobas and "instrument" hero games. Still, I can admit that I had enjoyed some PES with my friends back in the day.