Oct 3, 2019
In RE2 remake the sounds the little machine makes that you put the herbicide in aren't as good as the sounds the machine for the fuse makes from the original.


Jan 13, 2018
I disliked the combat in Spider-Man at times because the impact sound was unconvincing, as well as some of the hit animation.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
The guards in the beginning of Crash 3 in Nsane Trilogy don't have the same voice sounds as the original. My child-at-heart was gutted.

Definitely also just being turned off games with crafting / cooking systems in general. I'd really like to love them. I just don't and it saddens me because games like Breath of the Wild become significantly less appealing even though I love the games themselves.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
You can't hold down the walk button in Disco Elysium or scroll the map and it pissed me off. Makes you click a thousand times just to get somewhere. Such basic features that should've been in the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, I'm playing God of War PS4 right now and I really don't like the fast travel system. It's kinda cool that the game masks the load times with an "in between realm" of sorts where some interesting dialogue can take place, but having to travel to the stone gateways is so backwards imo. Just let me open the map and select where I want to go... All Kratos has to do is raise his hand with the gateway stone and have a door to the "between realm" appear. It's a video game. It'll work.


Dec 11, 2019
Modern warfare player chatter. Annoying as hell and makes me think enemy players can hear my character yell reload.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
during uncharted 2s intro when youre limping, if you hold down the fire button when you have ammo Drake will run at a full sprint & discovering that tinyass oversight put me off the game for a while


Dec 23, 2018
Any character design, no matter how good otherwise is instantly ruined for me if the character wears high-heels.
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Suicide King

Oct 27, 2017
I stopped playing Fire Emblem Warriors after finishing it and ignored the post-game because I read that you can't unlock Ike or Roy.


Oct 27, 2017
Please have a health bar in numbers/digits instead of....in a bar. Though some games have both bar and numbers (e.g: Borderlands) which I'm fine with it, but numbers only is all I want.


Nov 7, 2017
Those RPGs where the rest of the party is only visible during battle. And while walking around, only the protag is visible.
It really bugs me out


Jan 13, 2018
And the wonkiness between each swing.
This isn't someone being bad at the game, it's just how it is!

I don't know if it is that bad.

Truth be told, I don't have an eye for those things. I can live a happy life in blissful ignorance playing a game like Mortal Kombat X, but after you watch a SugarPunch Design Works video, you can't unsee it.

But I guess that's what nipticking means.

The thing about Spider-Man is I immediately picked it up, and I was annoyed by it more than I want to admit, even though the game had much worse problems, like some awfully padding side content, or gadgets that I feel I have no use for.

I am pretty sure this was because I used the Arkham games (probably my favorite AAA series) as a measuring stick, so while Spider-Man is amazing on so many levels, it felt a bit disappointing when you compare some facets to the Arkham games. This doesn't makes sense because I came to realize those games are different more than similar.
Oct 27, 2017
In the Super Mario World themes in the mario maker games ,when Mario clears a goal the screen no longer turns dark or do that circular fade out thing that the original game does. Its super minor but it feels like something is missing


Nov 19, 2017
When a menu in a game doesn't let you go from the top to bottom by pressing up or vice versa. :/ I deal with it but it's just inconsiderate of our time / button presses.


Oct 25, 2017
Modern CRPGs that have "fog of war" over areas of the map YOU HAVE ALREADY CLEARED. God, I'm replaying Pillars of Eternity and this bothers me so much. I can give it a pass for older games when there were probably hardware limitations, but Jesus.

Deleted member 40102

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
Overwatch being 6v6.

Make the damn game 5v5 or even 4v4 maybe.

Its hard to communicate and depend completely on 5 other people


Oct 29, 2017
Unchangeable Font Size in RPG's with little to no voiced text.
No Pause in cut scenes


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Load times everywhere in Vagrant Story, PS2 backwards compatability speeding that up was the future.


Dec 25, 2019
Well, I'm playing God of War PS4 right now and I really don't like the fast travel system. It's kinda cool that the game masks the load times with an "in between realm" of sorts where some interesting dialogue can take place, but having to travel to the stone gateways is so backwards imo. Just let me open the map and select where I want to go... All Kratos has to do is raise his hand with the gateway stone and have a door to the "between realm" appear. It's a video game. It'll work.
I don't consider that a nitpick, it's a pretty valid complaint.

I've got one from God of War as well... A lot of the finisher animations are way too long, especially the one Kratos does on Dark Elves. He wrestles a bit with the elf, then snatches his spear and throws it him. Taking control away for several seconds in middle of combat to watch these repeated flashy animations isn't fun

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
The puzzles in TLoU are too repetitive. The Mii voices in MK8D are really annoying. Forza Horizon 4 race ending song is always the same thing.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 20, 2018
Any RPG (mostly JRPGs though) that doesn't let me control anyone else outside of battles.
I'm fine with having only one visible character but please let me switch him/her if anyone else is placed as the party leader!

Example of this from games I really love otherwise: Golden Sun 1 & 2 (can't recall if 3 has that too), Persona 5 (I hope Royal will fix this)


Oct 25, 2017
When you first enter Rapture in Bioshock on the submarine a whale is swimming through the city. I always thought that was a bit too much.. It's like "yes, we are under water, we get it." I actually made a thread about that here or at the old place.


Oct 30, 2017
But I guess that's what nipticking means.
Everything to do with velocity and inertia in the game is a huge nitpick for me. The way it sort of uses some sort of generic positioning to determine swinging frustrates me. It's not a free fall with a sense of momentum as much as it could be, instead it's like you're going between a piece of physics and then a little adjustment and then another piece of physics.

I have a similar complaint in Super Mario Galaxy where Nintendo intentionally adjusts Mario's speed after each landing, so you cannot sustain a speed from a long jump, it keeps resetting itself, and it's the same thing in Spider-Man as if there's some sort of dampener on the movement, only here it doesn't feel intentional, it just feels like the solution for movement in swinging they use works against the momentum of swinging.


Oct 31, 2017
The colour grading/raised black levels in RE2. I'm sure many will call it nitpicking, but it's literally the only reason why I haven't bought the game.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Knock-kneed characters:

It's a huge pet peeve of mine when they make the girls knock-kneed. I find it really distracting. For as singular of a detail as it is, it's enough to give me a distaste for the entire character design. There is no better way to make discourage my affection for a protagonist in particular than to make them knock-kneed.

In this case the example is Sword & Shield because this is not a trait Pokémon protagonists have typically expressed and it sours me on the whole design.


Dec 10, 2018
Bleepy blorpy/child sounds/gibberish for dialogue. People say it's "charming" or whatever, I find it repulsive, annoying and making fun of the viewers intelligence. Either have voice acting or text.
Oct 25, 2017
The sound it makes when you're browsing the character select screen in Street Fighter V is horrible. The worst sound effect in the entire genre. In the entire generation. In the history of mankind.

I also dropped Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom despite enjoying the gameplay just fine simply because I can't stand when games constantly take the camera away from you to show some bullshit or keep celebrating every meaningless accomplishment with a little unskippable animation. It's the worst. One of the things that bug me the most with Nintendo games, actually.


Nov 21, 2017
Not being able to remap/reconfigure controllers.

obviously not a problem on PC/Steam, but it can still be very cumbersome on consoles.


The Fallen
Aug 19, 2018
In Dead By Daylight the barrel fires sound too similar to a totem being destroyed, so it's hard to tell the difference and can distract you.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
Super Ghouls n' Ghosts for Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

I'm not good at hard games. This took me years to beat. I never felt better.


Oct 27, 2017
Norfolk, UK
I'm playing The Outer Worlds at the moment and it reminded me how much I dislike random numbers coming out of enemies when you shoot them. Outside of turn based JRPGs I just don't like this, never have done and I genuinely don't know why I don't either, just give me a health bar and that's it


Oct 28, 2017
In Sonic Mania there is no visual cue that the drop dash is being activated before hitting the ground.

I've literally never seen anyone complain about this, but it's probably THE biggest complaint I have about the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Circle/B button for melee in DBZ Kakarot.

What the hell, this is the most awkward of the four face buttons to assign to the most used button, one that you have to often mash. I can live with any of the other three for melee, but this one is soooo bad.