
Oct 25, 2017
Most of Earth is reclaimed by nature. People still exist in drastically reduced populations in tribes.

I use my reality warping powers to make myself a trickster god and spend my days hopping between communities and fucking with people.


Oct 26, 2017
Free healthcare.

Free education, including college. Get bored of your career? Fine, reenroll and try something else. Want to spend your entire life as a "scholar"? Go for it.

Once you hit 18 you can go to college or enroll in some form of community service. I'm picturing community service as things like firefighting, policing, daycares, etc...

When you get a degree or complete X years of community service, you're given a small apartment for free. I'm picturing something like a Korean officetel. This way everyone has a chance to start off on the same foot. If you want to move onto bigger and better houses, great! Find a job, and from there everything is pretty much run how it is now. If you don't crave larger spaces and are happy with where you're at in life, cool, you have free healthcare and a place to live. Let's throw some form of UBI in there so that people who are fine with their space can afford food and basic hobbies.

The more manual labor your job involves, the more money you make. Someone sitting in an air conditioned office shouldn't be paid more than the person working in the hot sun making that office. Some exceptions to this would be people who are a huge benefit to society like doctors and teachers.

Wealth caps. No more billionaires.

Everyone will wear the same clothing, have the same shoes, the same phone, the same hair styles etc.

This sounds horrific. I'm all for people being able to express themselves.
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Nov 5, 2017
Probably highly advanced AI that can replace most human jobs, but would never rise up and don't have any feelings or self-awareness.

And of course humans would have a guaranteed income, and if you want more then you can work. Would also probably limit the amount of children you can have.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
No work. No one has to work. People would be provided everything without giving anything back.
I have no idea how that would be possible but it's all a fantasy so whatever.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The complete voluntary extinction of alcohol and bicycles. Ahhhh an enby can dream

The Archon

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Im sorry OP but your "vision" is highly impractical, authoritarian and flawed.
Centralizing that much power to a single entity is dangerous. Humanity's history has proved that no major institution has been able to be 100% free from corruption. Not only that being a citizen of this world government looks to be quite depressing seeing as they get to decide what I want.


Oct 26, 2017
If we were all issued the same clothing, all of this peacocking will be gone.

You can make your clothes in your own free time, but lots of people do not have this skill, so they'll be issued with government clothing.

What if someone wanted to trade their "points" for clothes that someone else made? Lots of people don't have the ability to make their own clothes in 2020, but we solve that problem by giving people who do have that skill money.

What if someone thinks the clothes that someone made looks stupid and makes fun of them for it?

John Doe

Jan 24, 2018
A few of the shouts in here are not unrealistic in any way.

If you do well at your job and also do well within society, you'll be rewarded with points. These points can be exchanged for luxury items like a holiday or new television.

Who decides this? IF there is no money and everything is provided for by the government then why would anyone work? Well the distribution of points differ depending on the job that you do? Will a construction worker who performs well at their job get more points than a doctor? Aren't these points just money? If you need 1000 points for a tv, how is that different from buying a tv for $1000?

No more armed forces. If we're all under a one world government, there is no war or conflict. That means no guns, tanks, warships etc. All of that is scrapped. All the money that we used to spend killing each other is now put towards science, medical research etc. Basically anything that benefits mankind.

No more prison system and no police. Each micro region will decide on either punishment or redemption how it sees fit.

OP where do you plan to put the murderers and rapists if there is no more prison?'

No war or conflict because there is one government? Have you thought of the possibility that some of the former countries in this world government might not like the world government because of a lack of representation? Or a longing for independence and self representation?

No prison but these micro regions (sounds like a country) decides on a punishment? What kind of punishment? Who will apprehend these criminals if there is no police? Or weapons? Civilians? Mob justice?


Dec 25, 2019
No work. No one has to work. People would be provided everything without giving anything back.
I have no idea how that would be possible but it's all a fantasy so whatever.
I mean there's a ton of essential jobs that would still have to be done. Free food sounds nice and utopian, but if you don't give anything back to the farmer, you're essentially enslaving them


Oct 27, 2017
I think coming up with a complete vision for what the world should be is incredibly intricate and I don't really have the time or inclination to think through all the details. But the more I think about it lately, the less I value democracy. I think some kind of one-world noocracy / technocracy / epistocracy would introduce the most good for the most people.


Oct 30, 2017
I want to live in Iain M. Banks' Culture. They're not too interested in dwelling on planets, but if we asked real nice, maybe they'd make ours a paradise. Or at least let me catch a ride on a General Systems Vehicle.


Oct 26, 2017
"Everything will be government issued, including clothing and phones. Everyone will wear the same clothing, have the same shoes, the same phone, the same hair styles etc."

Finally gamers can fuck


Oct 27, 2017
Change the narrative in the hearts and minds of people to value people before profit, heart before reasons...

No compromising love and care because of reasons...

Build a world with those values in the driver seat and let the system fractally evolve from there.

It's gonna happen at some point. Time to move mountains fam.
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Oct 27, 2017
Real representative democracy:
single transferable vote
10k people -> 1 rep ratio, much larger senate too
senate only drafts bills, president can veto drafted bills, but the house always has the final say on what becomes law
8 year term limit for the entire federal government


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
Basically Star Trek. I dream of what it could be like if we invested in science for positive change.


Oct 27, 2017
Enough shit for everyone, no work robots make everything, and if you can't chill you're sent to an island with all the greedy sociopaths currently ruining the world.


Oct 31, 2017
The world is pretty much the same but now dogs live for 40 to 50 years, I'm rich, and Apollo is still alive.
Oct 27, 2017
If it has to resemble our society I'd say we would need to have a much smaller global population (like 50 million) probably based in only one part of the world, with the rest of the world off-limits to anyone except scientists. Instead of plundering the world for its limited resources we would use a lot more sustainable things like wood for housing and natural materials for clothes. Energy would come from things like solar, wind and tide power and all of society would be focused on a sustainable balanced relationship with nature and the environment. Rather than relentlessly consume everything more time would be given to maintaining a symbiotic relationship with nature to protect the balance for all and for future generations.

No people, just nature.

Yeah, this is the best course of action for the planet. Except go back like 2 million years and prevent us from ever evolving so all the species mankind has killed off are given another chance.
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Jan 10, 2020
No plastic, no cars , no planes , no capitalism, no racism, no stupid humans (meaning only humans who care for others and the environment ) and no fucking plastic.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
A few of the shouts in here are not unrealistic in any way.

Who decides this? IF there is no money and everything is provided for by the government then why would anyone work? Well the distribution of points differ depending on the job that you do? Will a construction worker who performs well at their job get more points than a doctor? Aren't these points just money? If you need 1000 points for a tv, how is that different from buying a tv for $1000?

The world govt decide. People are assigned jobs based on skills, but nobody works for money. People work for the greater good of humanity and civilization. They don't work to pay for materialistic items. Points are just an added bonus for luxury items.

So, everyone would be issued a standard govt TV, but if you wanted something bigger or in HD you could exchange your social points for this item. Say you also wanted to spend your allocated time off in another location, you could then exchange your points for a government holiday.

OP where do you plan to put the murderers and rapists if there is no more prison?'

Not prison. Some form of rehabilitation program?

No war or conflict because there is one government? Have you thought of the possibility that some of the former countries in this world government might not like the world government because of a lack of representation? Or a longing for independence and self representation?

In my utopia all citizens on earth vote for this one world government. Everyone agrees to the one world government and the Prime President.

No prison but these micro regions (sounds like a country) decides on a punishment? What kind of punishment? Who will apprehend these criminals if there is no police? Or weapons? Civilians? Mob justice?

The public will apprehend these people as a citizen watch. The citizen watch isn't a job. Like jury duty, you are picked via a lottery to serve a one year term.

All guns and projectile weapons are banned from this world, so the Watch would use any melee weapons of their choice and dogs.


Jul 7, 2020
No more capitalism or money and no more materialistic objects. Everything will be government issued, including clothing and phones. Everyone will wear the same clothing, have the same shoes, the same phone, the same hair styles etc.

Sounds like hell.

My ideal world world be one with much less people. We are running the planet with our presence. I never go anywhere and think "this could be really improved if there was more people here", more like the opposite.
You could probably have a 20th off the global population and still have a nicely functioning global society.
This is very controversial - I would also get rid of domestic dogs. To many irresponsible dog owners leaving shit or bags of shit everywhere, and to many attacks on people, especially kids. It's kind of like gun ownership - should the rest of us have to suffer because you feel you have the right to own a dog? Also, just like humans they have a terrible environmental impact.

Lions can stay.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
What if someone wanted to trade their "points" for clothes that someone else made? Lots of people don't have the ability to make their own clothes in 2020, but we solve that problem by giving people who do have that skill money.

What if someone thinks the clothes that someone made looks stupid and makes fun of them for it?

You wouldn't be able to trade or give your points to other people. They can only be exchanged at government stores.

You can make clothes, but they must be solid colours, that way everyone is still on the level playing field. Boom. Problem solved.

People keep trying to unpick this future, but it's not as if my wife and I have every detail laid out. That's just ridiculous

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
No hard conservatives, fundamentalists, authoritarians and no organized religion. No alt right, no nazis, fascists, etc. Also every country is led by a woman.


Oct 27, 2017
You don't find it odd that your vision of perfect is how all media ever has portrayed dystopia?


Oct 27, 2017
Basically the last of us with cordyceps adapting to infect humans and society collapsing. Seems fun


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
What about it? How does it benefit the human race? What is it's purpose? I've spent most of my life trying to look good for other people and spending money on flash shit and it didn't benefit me at all. All it did was show me how shallow life is. If we were all issued the same clothing, all of this peacocking will be gone.

This is not a new idea, just so you know, it's like it has been taken straight from the pages of 1984. Many regimes attempted similar "solutions", but history has shown what terrible results it brings. It is not about flash shit to look good for others - it is about looking the way you want, looking good for yourself. It's about wearing the clothes you want or letting your hair grow the way you want instead of it being regulated. Do you know which country has government regulated hairstyles? North Korea.

This is literal dictatorship you're proposing - government dictating how you look. History is full of such attempts. History is full of persecuting people just because the look different. It's not a new idea. I can't believe we're even discussing this. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but you should really educate yourself on this before advocating such things.