Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
This is not a new idea, just so you know, it's like it has been taken straight from the pages of 1984. Many regimes attempted similar "solutions", but history has shown what terrible results it brings. It is not about flash shit to look good for others - it is about looking the way you want, looking good for yourself. It's about wearing the clothes you want or letting your hair grow the way you want instead of it being regulated. Do you know which country has government regulated hairstyles? North Korea.

This is literal dictatorship you're proposing - government dictating how you look. History is full of such attempts. History is full of persecuting people just because the look different. It's not a new idea. I can't believe we're even discussing this. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but you should really educate yourself on this before advocating such things.

Hmmm. I see your point, but it wouldn't be a dictatorship because the micro regions would be able to vote for their chosen micro president from their community. Then, every four years the whole world votes for a major Prime president who runs the show.

You say it's not about "flash shit", but why do we chose what to wear, why do we want a fresh haircut or want to buy a new Kenzo hoodie? It's to look good for other people. You're not dressing up in designer clothes or getting a £50 haircut to impress yourself in the mirror are you? But this causes a divided because not everyone can afford the flashiest clothes, jewellery or haircuts. This makes it fair.


Oct 27, 2017
No more capitalism or money and no more materialistic objects. Everything will be government issued, including clothing and phones. Everyone will wear the same clothing, have the same shoes, the same phone, the same hair styles etc.
Can these be the identical hair styles everyone is forced to have?




Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Global foundational trust. Meaning a legal trust where every human is a beneficiary. Trust benefits can not be relinquished. Board of Trustees is elected via ranked voting system. Trust maintains a private organization with the goal of improving the quality of life for all beneficiaries whose articles of organization are drafted by beneficiary elected legal non-profits. Organization operates in core utility and goods sectors providing more sustainable housing, transportation, food, utilities, goods, and services at sustainable margins.

Urban structure:
Cities condensed into vernacular modular arcologies connected by a high speed rail network. Agriculture condensed into hydroponic farms.

Public park lands expanded. Rural living by permit and limited by acreage per household.

Social discourse tracked and maintained through a publicly accessed trust maintained argument database. Points of contentioned are logged, public opinion is tallied via validated user identities, contexts listed per point of contention, evidence sources listed per point, evidences being able to be nodes of points of contention themselves, with unique IDs for each point for quick referencing on other sites to point out the current state of argument and evidence backing it for any argument online or IRL. (I'd call this site Thiscourse because I'm cheesy)


Oct 30, 2017
That scenario of reshaping the world seems to risky. I'd rather take the best of what we have and just relocate to another galaxy or universe. Wouldn't want to bumb with the assholes left in earth, imagine thinking you found another civilization just to find out it's the humans from earth.

I'd move to another world similar to earth and start with a moderate size civilization, let's say the size of Europe. From there I'd start by removing the worst thing created, taking the best things and adding a few things that are impossible do to current mindsets.

So far it would mean:

Religion: The practice of any religion new or old is banned. Reading/Studying about it is not. Individuals caught practicing it or enforcing it would face jail time. Multiple infractions would lead to execution.

The reason for this is to stop religion from getting in the way. Religion has never done something good or positive

Education: Almost the same as the current one with the only difference being health/sex Ed class being more in depth ( also must be taken multiple years not yearly tho) and one more year of high school in which students will learn the basics society like being a functioning individual to society and also teaching about the economy, which includes taxes and whatnot.

Politics: Only one government, democraticno parties, no divisions, only progression in mind. We expand as a country, not divided and create new self ruling governments, and the reason for that is that as time goes on conflict would be created between the two or more governments made.
(Everything might be okay the first few hundred years but then someone like a trump or Hitler might arise)


The government funding would all go to science and health since there's no need for a military.

Kinda busy right now so can't go more in depth but that basically a quick and dirty summary of what I'd do


Oct 27, 2017
Working on that also.
I hate capitalism as much as the next guy but I'll put up with this late stage capitalistic hell scape way before I'll let anyone decide what I'm gonna fucking wear. Freedom is important to humanity. No not freedom from government like the right keeps talking about. But freedom of expression, free will, and freedom to do what I want with my body. If you want to tell people what to wear you just one step away from telling the who they can love. And fuck that.


Oct 27, 2017
I hate capitalism as much as the next guy but I'll put up with this late stage capitalistic hell scape way before I'll let anyone decide what I'm gonna fucking wear. Freedom is important to humanity. No not freedom from government like the right keeps talking about. But freedom of expression, free will, and freedom to do what I want with my body. If you want to tell people what to wear you just one step away from telling the who they can love. And fuck that.

No slippery slope needed, The OP is already ZERO steps from telling you who you can love...

The govt could assign you a partner. They could use a complex alithogram to assign you a partner that you'll be compatible with for life.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Religion: The practice of any religion new or old is banned. Reading/Studying about it is not. Individuals caught practicing it or enforcing it would face jail time. Multiple infractions would lead to execution.

LMAO. Come on now. This must be a troll post.

Holy shit at that OP lmao. How that became a utopia in your head is crazy to me.

"Our" head. This is an idea my wife and I have been working on for sometime now.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
I have always and will always hate the idea of a "skill based" employment placement system.

Why? Think about. Everything is provided for you, but in return you'll need to work a job that matches your skill set. This means that you'll be good at the role and more likely to enjoy it. Sod getting assigned a job for life that you don't enjoy.


Oct 27, 2017
Why? Think about. Everything is provided for you, but in return you'll need to work a job that matches your skill set. This means that you'll be good at the role and more likely to enjoy it. Sod getting assigned a job for life that you don't enjoy.

Your skill set tells me you'd be great at cleaning out this sewer or working in this coal mine


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Why? Think about. Everything is provided for you, but in return you'll need to work a job that matches your skill set. This means that you'll be good at the role and more likely to enjoy it. Sod getting assigned a job for life that you don't enjoy.

Thats what the military does.

On that front I've thought about this quite a few times in the past. Militarily organization, from my experience in the army, is the closest existing thing to true communism. Housing provided, food provided, work assigned based on skill, labor divided by need, etc.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Thats what the military does.

On that front I've thought about this quite a few times in the past. Militarily organization, from my experience in the army, is the closest existing thing to true communism. Housing provided, food provided, work assigned based on skill, labor divided by need, etc.

Hmmmmm. Never thought of the military like that. Now I'll probably always think of the military in that way 😂


Oct 27, 2017
Develop the ARK. Transplant all persons into the ARK where they can live their perfect life in a digital landscape replicating much of Earth but with vast improvements to adjust for human error. Humans eventually go extinct. Earth moves on without new human interference.

edit: I guess it's not fair to try and do things in the real world unrealistically.

Nazism and white supremacy is banned. Replicators exist. Star Trek life begins.
Last edited:

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
My ideal vision of earth is one where I have complete control over it but no one is aware of it.

Op's sounds hellish. I'm curious what happens to someone if they decide they don't want to wear the same clothes or hairstyle as everyone else?

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I despise our current system, but I'll take it over what the OP proposed. Good lord.

How about this:

- Universal healthcare for all
- Strong progressive tax system
- Green policies that create jobs and fight climate change
- UBI for all, if you want to earn more, learn a skill
- All education is paid for by tax dollars
- Religion is permitted, but never at the expense of science

Let's start here on a global scale and see how it goes.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Develop the ARK. Transplant all persons into the ARK where they can live their perfect life in a digital landscape replicating much of Earth but with vast improvements to adjust for human error. Kill all humans. Earth moves on without new human interference.
My ideal vision of earth is one where I have complete control over it but no one is aware of it.

Op's sounds hellish.

Straight eco fascism and an Era member as god/emperor hahahaha

This thread worries me


Oct 30, 2017

You're dystopian civilization kills people for following religion. The death sentence and even prisons and police have been absolshed in mine and religion is still legal.

i didn't have time to explain my jail system. Trust me my jail system ain't like you're probably imagining where prisoners are treated like animals. It's more of a facility for your and society betterment, and nice looking too, like a Sweden jail system. Religion is nothing more than an obstacle.


In your system I can use religion to my advantage, create a cult and overthrow your system completely, and make whatever entity my cult believes in, it's leader.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
i didn't have time to explain my jail system. Trust me my jail system ain't like you're probably imagining where prisoners are treated like animals. It's more of a facility for your and society betterment, and nice looking too, like a Sweden jail system. Religion is nothing more than an obstacle.


In your system I can use religion to my advantage, create a cult and overthrow your system completely, and make whatever entity my cult believes in, it's leader.

How does your system define religion? How does it define practicing religion?

Haha, I made an adjustment to my post to make it less fascist.

Much more reasonable ;)


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I dunno, man. I just want everyone to at least attempt to be decent to each other. I think that would go a long way.


Oct 30, 2017
How does your system define religion? How does it define practicing religion?

Much more reasonable ;)

I'm at work so I'll give a quick definition, still kinda hard to explain but I'd consider it a religion if:

-it involves believing by faith in an imaginary all powerful entity/or person
-instills fear

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
My ideal vision of earth is one where I have complete control over it but no one is aware of it.

Op's sounds hellish. I'm curious what happens to someone if they decide they don't want to wear the same clothes or hairstyle as everyone else?

Haven't really ironed out all the details yet, but I would think re-education would be the way forward. Continue breaking the rules and your forced to live in castaway island.


Oct 29, 2017
Haven't really ironed out all the details yet, but I would think re-education would be the way forward. Continue breaking the rules and your forced to live in castaway island.
I mean dude you aren't even trying. This sounds like 100% hell.

INFRACTION: Multiple hairstyles outside conventional/allowed styles
RE-EDUCATION CAMP: Re-learn your love of government! One hair-style for all supports us all, peace in unity, peace in unity
*Person crying and screaming, just for the freedom to style their hair*

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
i didn't have time to explain my jail system. Trust me my jail system ain't like you're probably imagining where prisoners are treated like animals. It's more of a facility for your and society betterment, and nice looking too, like a Sweden jail system. Religion is nothing more than an obstacle.


In your system I can use religion to my advantage, create a cult and overthrow your system completely, and make whatever entity my cult believes in, it's leader.

Good luck. My system has done away with modern weapons. The only weapons that exist are the melee weapons used by the citizens watch.

Check mate.


Oct 25, 2017
OP, what job would artists be assigned?

And if their special skill is art, who is to decide that they're skilled or not? Who decides that somebody is skilled at choosing whether other artists are skilled or not?

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Well yes but no, I mean you're not out there instilling fear telling people they'll burn in hell or saying same sex marriage is bad.

Religion as it's defined in your system is not needed for that or even necessarily the root of that. Hell modern conservatism is more a religion in that sense but without your first criteria. If hate and ignorance are your targets than they can be addressed more directly without implementing a cultural expression death police.