
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like he was being an awful person and KEPT being awful for awhile. His apology sucks and is obviously not true. He doesn't suddenly feel bad after treating her so poorly, intentionally and repeatedly. Idk why people act like it's so difficult to be a decent person.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
It sounds like this has been publicly documented for a while by her before he was outright named specifically. It sounds horribly immature and cruel of him if true and I genuinely hope she gets the help she needs to deal with the trauma of that.

It's fucking shameful how unequal the burden of proof is for patients having their pain assessed by physicians and doctors. I know it's impossible to quantifiable measure something subjective like pain but there should be a more comprehensive assessment given to the mental anguish it can cause people. What's sad is that a lot of this probably stems from the opioid crisis which itself was caused by greedy doctors and pharmaceutical companies basically ruining the business of pain meds for the 95% of patients out there who probably need it. This is also reason #54,746 for why the wealthy Sackler family can eat my entire fucking ass.


Oct 25, 2017
We 100% have to figure out a way to make doctors stop hand waving away people saying they are in pain. It's unfucking believable how close to death she came because doctors were like "Just take Tylenol" Christ.

The issue is you have patients turning out in over saturated droves seeking drugs. Several years of that and most physicians do build an unhealthy skepticism but that's the reality.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Regular celebrities are horrible. Regular people are horrible. I don't know why influencers would be somehow exempt of that.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw that video earlier and it was absolutely heartbreaking, cannot imagine what Sabrina was going through at that time when she had a neglectful boyfriend and apparently no other support system, seems she's incredibly lucky to still even be here.

This one really sucks, I liked Gus' stuff and thought he was usually on the right side of things. The fact he was more concerned with his image and career rather than Sabrina's health is sickening.


Oct 27, 2017
I try to take the same approach and this one still got me. I was always more into Eddy Burback's content — and in fact Eddy pretty openly taking Sabrina's side on this, despite knowing Gus for much longer is how I found out — than Gus, but the two of them being so close got me to start watching Gus.
He is? That's good, I was hoping Eddy would be a good one. What did he post? I didn't see anything on Sabrinas video comments


Mar 14, 2019
Wonder how Sven is doing? That must be a hard truth to confront about your brother.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Loved his stuff. What a piece of piece of shit. Oh well. Plenty of other people to watch and enjoy. I feel so sorry for her. That's traumatic as fuck.
Oct 27, 2017
I watched this video the day it was posted (big fan of abelina's skits btw, you should watch her) and never put two and two together - I remember thinking "her ex sounds like a total douchebag, glad she got away from him and is now with Gus". Didn't realize Gus was *that* guy, or that they had broken up. Her story was gut-wrenching... and Gus can get fucked.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Holy.crap. Dude just let her go to the hospital alone while she was suffering extreme pain in her abdomen so that he could GO OUT AND GET DINNER AND DRINKS. What an absolute piece of crap. Holy. This guys career deserves to be torched, napalmed, and nuked from the heavens. What an absolute asshole to the millionth degree. I could never do that to my wife - hell, not even to a friend.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know Gus or Sabrina. I never watched their content, but that video talking about her pregnancy. Damn, I feel so terrible for her. Gus sounds like an asshole. She had practically zero support going through it.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
I thought Abelina was together with Gus this whole time, holy shit. Poor Abelina, glad she was brave enough to say something, and I hope Gus keeps his word and stays off the net for a good long while.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know they weren't together anymore, was that recent?

Brutal in either case


Oct 25, 2017
I know Eddy Burback is a friend of his so thankfully he's on the right side of this. Awful what Abelina went through.

He's been in videos for the relaunched G4, so you may have seen him there.

People are probably also avoiding G4 because of Adam Sessler's transphobia, the past sexism, Chris Hardwick, and other issues. I know I am.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2020
Want the sex, but not the responsibilities of being in a relationship.

Hope she finds someone that will prove to be a better partner.
I agree that this guy is a scumbag but I do think that regardless of who calls a pregnancy quits it should be handled as a group. Obviously you can't make someone abort or bring a child to term but you shouldn't expect someone to take on parenting if they say they are unable to. This should cut both ways. I do not think the first bullet poimt is an issue regardless of gender or who made that ultimatum.

But I don't know their financial situation so its possible that breaking up also meant being homeless. Plus that last bullet point is really creepy.


Oct 26, 2017
Made a lot of short meme-y videos on youtube.
Lol I have no idea who this piece of shit motherfucker is, I only recognize the thumbnail from that shotgun pic.


Oct 25, 2017
What the absolute fuck Gus J.

Gods I feel so bad for Sabrina. Ectopic pregnancies are scary for anyone who can get pregnant, especially since it's fatal both the mother and fetus.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm pretty much at the point where this sort of behaviour is expected from anybody who has a career performing as one of these over the top, larger than life personalities. It's all driven by ego and a need for attention, they hate it when somebody else has something going on in their lives.


Mar 2, 2020
Pacific Northwest
I have a friend who had an ectopic pregnancy and the doctor's reaction was shockingly similar to how Sabrina's doctor reacted.

Reminds me of the weird scepticism doctor's have when women are suffing from endometreosis.
This is true. I was twice misdiagnosed by male doctors as just having "bad period cramps" before I had a female actually properly examine me to determine I had endometriosis. Years of screaming, throbbing cramps with little nights of sleep because of "bad period cramps". The misdiagnoses of women is an epidemic.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That was rough to watch. I don't know how anyone could be that callous to someone they supposedly love.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah unsubbed to gus after the video, horrible that this happened to her and she got no support.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
God, I really liked Gus Johnson. I'm just trying to wrap my head around how someone could do that to their SO. If my wife was pregnant and I did ANY of that shit to her, I would absolutely expect her to leave me immediately. But therein lies the problem: I'm her first line of support. That makes this so much worse. How could someone do this to someone going through something so horrible?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm embarrassed how long it took to realize this wasn't the other Gus Johnson... Whew...

Still completely awful though


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Man the people supporting him and attacking her in his thread is disgusting. Fuck this POS
But.. nobody is supporting him or attacking her?

I can't make myself watch through her whole video. Checked to see I wasn't subscribed to him, turns out I just watched a number of his vids last year. But that'll be that. One can always hope that people are serious with their apologies in regards to trying to be a better person but like… I hate to say it, but with how it's theatrics 99.9% of the time it's hard not to see this as yet another false apology. The fact he said "both", as has been brought up, is evidence enough.


Dec 15, 2018
I watched the whole thing a few days ago. The traumatic events she had to go through were genuinely unsettling. The medical world failed her, but the absolute manipulator nonsense coming from Gus was abhorrent. Fuck that asshole


Oct 26, 2017
But.. nobody is supporting him or attacking her?

I think they mean in his twitter replies, although I will say the majority of the response even from his fanbase seems to be supporting her and condemning his actions fully. It just goes to show how he presented himself as a public persona that he cultivated a fanbase that largely won't forgive this. At least, I hope so.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
not gonna lie, I did find some of his skits funny but damn is he one huge piece of shit...

has Eddy said anything?

EDIT: just saw the tweet

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
"but I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it was for her."

WELL DONT STRAIN YOURSELF THERE BUD. She's your fucking girlfriend. You should know more than most other people how difficult it is for her. What a piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone that loved Gus "Trapped middle aged dad." series, makes me sad to see that they are a scumbag.
I only hope now that Sabrina can find closure and get justice.


Oct 27, 2017
This was hard to watch. I showed it to my wife and she wasn't surprised at all.

"If you're a woman male doctors often don't take you seriously if you say you are in pain. Women bleed from their vagina sometimes no big deal, they think."

It reminded us of a coworker she once had that had pain in her belly and severe diarrhea for months. Wasn't taken seriously. A female doctor did take her seriously and it turned out she had cancer…

And that Gus guy is a piece of shit.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Wow really loved his videos. Wont be watching his content anymore. Hope her situation improves, and I hope people dont harass her about this.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Nottingham, England
Something I'm not a fan of is how people got incredibly reactionary before Gus even responded to this - she never named him in the video.

And sure, whilst his response was shite, and unacceptable - what is also unacceptable is how 'the public/other people' reacted to the assumption that it was Gus, before it was said to even be him.

It happens a lot with content creators, ProJared for example, because he went quiet through that shitstorm he was called a paedophile and everything, and then come out and showed it as BS after the shitstorm had passed, though the general public just has it marked that he's a paedophile now so it doesn't matter.

It's just fucked really, the way people react but especially what Sabrina had to go through, although I am irked by the knee jerk response by everyone else before it was even said to be Gus.

Not that I'm annoyed at people blaming Gus, because he's a shithead for doing what he did, what I'm pointing out is how knee jerk everyone is when it comes to content creators.

Edit: And I've just read that JonTron is now Anti-Vax? What a twat... I can't stand that arguement especially since I'm autistic and know it's genetic amongst other things.


Oct 26, 2017
This one hurts.


Why get emotionally invested in content creators? It shouldn't really hurt you at all. The hurt people should be the people he actually hurt.

The whole "communities" that build up around creators like this will always seem a little unhealthy to me. Consume the content but don't shape your identity around it.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Nottingham, England
Why get emotionally invested in content creators? It shouldn't really hurt you at all. The hurt people should be the people he actually hurt.

The whole "communities" that build up around creators like this will always seem a little unhealthy to me. Consume the content but don't shape your identity around it.

I think this answers, at least partially, what I said above - people get too invested in people and then find out they're milkshake ducks.

I'm partially worried about myself possibly ever getting bigger as a content creater, and then things due to my autism and PTSD coming out, which I have apologised for directly to people after having therapy, but them just not responding to me.

It's like, how the fuck do I deal with that? If someone wanted to fuck me over they easily could, for something I couldn't mentally deal with at the time and since then have tried to deal with.

The whole culture around content creaters is brutal, although really it's a wider issue that goes into other media and even sports teams too, perhaps this isn't really the thread for me to talk about it.