
Oct 29, 2017
Oh DmC without a doubt. I genuinely think it's the best one too.

I love PC grand strategy games too and they don't seem to get much love here!
Oct 28, 2017
I always maintain, if that's the worst game someone has ever played, they're very lucky. I think there's parts of the Sonic formula that game nails, the sense of speed for example. I honestly think deadlines did it in more than anything else. There's certainly a lot of bad in it, but there's parts where I can see it as being Sonic Adventure 3, for better and for worse.

If any 3D Sonic game needs a remake/remaster, I think 06 would benefit the most
I would KILL for a Sonic 06 remaster.

To be honest I'd settle just for a backwards compatibility update on Xbox.


Oct 27, 2017
I genuinely loved that shark game from last year. Maneater? I think I'm literally the only person who put it on my top 10 list on this forum. It was exactly the right length of time and had exactly the right amount of content to feel fleshed out without overstaying its welcome.


May 17, 2018
Runescape (mainly OSRS) is one of the best RPGs out there, but the community is pretty antithetical to Era.

I recommend anybody complete the F2P RS3 quests.


Oct 27, 2017
Dragon Age 2/Inquisition, Mario Sunshine, Dark Souls 2, Bioshock Infinite, Fallout 3/4/76, Code Vein, Final Fantasy XV.

I don't trust this place a lot with game recommendations (at least at the consensus level) from a negative perspective.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
Outer Worlds and Greedfall. I think they both fit the lukewarm description here as they aren't quite hated, people enjoyed them, but they have many critics who always need to bring up how they didn't like them. It seems they both suffered a bit from backlash to the backlash, gaining positive reception as they filled voids by Bethesda and Bioware last generation, but then disappointing people when they weren't quite up to those standards. I really enjoyed them from what they are.

Elex is a bit similar but it seems those here who've actually played it knew what they were getting into and liked it.

My joke answer is Witcher 3.


Oct 27, 2017
Richmond, VA
Probably Destiny for me. The gunplay and soundtrack alone made up for the shallowness of story in my opinion. Was it grindy? Yes. Was it frustrating? Yes. But was it a helluva a lotta fun to play with friends? Yes.


Oct 28, 2017
Fallout 4, CP2077, and Kingdom Come Deliverance are all games that I consider fantastic despite their design shortcomings and/or problematic developers/publishers.

Edit: I love Dark Souls 2 as well.
MGSV is the best MGS don't @me. And I will die on that hill. But for some reasons people think it's « unfinished » and that the story is boring.
This too. In fact, MGSV may be the most hated upon masterpiece on these forums. Top 5 game for me and also my favorite MGS.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil 6.

Like RE5, it's a blast to play in coop and one of my most memorable experiences in that gen. It's a shame you don't get more offline coop games like this nowadays, most AAA budgets are aimed to single player and online games.


Oct 25, 2017
I really love the Sonic Adventure games and any thread on Era is filled with people telling me why it sucks. So I'm gonna say those games.
I remember being surprised to find out that Sonic Adventure 1 was such a widely disliked game before finding out how much worse its ports on newer and more commonly used systems were, including additional bugs, which made a lot of sense those versions were going to be what most people played.


Oct 25, 2017
World of warcraft. Every new MMO or ff14 thread becomes a dumping ground for wow hate.
Sep 23, 2018
Vampyr (was) my game of the generation (until very recently).
It is the game I enjoyed the most, in a generation where I came in late , played more games than ever , got two PS1 modernised remakes I couldn't have imagined (one a beloved childhood JRPG, the other , well , I'm just blown away by how well "we do it").

So that, and Days Gone- pretty sure that holds the title for the most amount of hours I put into a game in 2019. If I am to stand by my username at ALL, I feel no shame in saying that Days Gone is bloody fantastic. I would love a sequel.

Volume - I loved it.

Serious Sam

Oct 27, 2017
World of warcraft. Every new MMO or ff14 thread becomes a dumping ground for wow hate.
As a WoW player myself yes it's frustrating and annoying, it's been 17 years of this crap. But the way I look at this, all the negative talk means that the game is still relevant, even if people who are dumping on it do not realize this.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Alpha Protocol
Dungeon Siege 3
WWE 2k19

I want to get "Dark Souls 2 is the best one actually" tattooed on my forehead.
Apr 2, 2021
The Crew 2. Probably the best racing game I've ever played, fun arcadey physics, tons of races and a big map that all manages to feel distinct and fun to drive on. II also had a lot of fun driving around the map while in a cop car, finding other players and turning on my sirens to chase them around. Something about the idea of a player pulling over someone for speeding in a racing game made me crack up.

I could put a few Ubisoft games in this thread honestly. Their games are painfully generic but usually have great controls/game feel. Steep is another favorite of mine and I can't wait for Rider's Republic this fall.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
Final Fantasy XV. People in here seem to be too attached to the proof of concept what it was supposed to be at some point, but it's a fantastic game that tells a compelling story. The whole journey and the ending are top tier.


Oct 28, 2017
Escape from Monkey Island - outside of Monkey Kombat the game is really good and funny.

Xero grimlock

Dec 1, 2017
The better question for me would be 'A game you dislike that ERA loves'.

For the OP's question, I guess Final Fantasy VIII? It's not super disliked on here and has actually over the years gained a more vocal fanbase but there's still a select group of people on here that just go out of their way to shit on it.
honestly 2 games I've despised that I see almost nothing but topics praising all the time here are ffviii and chrono cross. 2 games I hate, but are always praised here. Given normally the superman make sure to hop into every topic about it, but I feel these games era mostly loves.

for me dragon age inquisition
the first one was alright this is way better imo
ffxv broken story, but loved the potential, Also borderlands 3 is the only borderlands my wife and I can actually finish. My wife didn't care for handsome Jack at all.


Dec 8, 2018
Wind Waker gets a lot of hate here too and I personally consider it the 3rd best 3D Zelda game.


Oct 9, 2019
Donkey Kong 64, which was critically acclaimed in 1999, but has somehow become cool to hate over the years.

for the life of me I cannot understand the hate for this game. It's an N64 showpiece, the characterization of all the characters and worlds is so good, the hub feels living and breathing in a way that's even better than Peach's castle in Super Mario 64, and there are 5 different playable characters all with their own physics, mechanics, collectibles and progression. It has the DK rap and a menacing KK Rool. It has many different collectibles all obtained through different unique methods.

It was one of the best selling N64 games. And then Nintendo killed the franchise for no reason (I guess because Rare were gone)

Overall, it's a better collectathon than Super Mario Odyssey. I don't know why everyone likes hating on this game now.


Sep 29, 2018
Yakuza 3.

I hear constant complains in here about how shitty the combat is (as well as the other brawler Yakuza games) and I just can't relate. I myself love it and never had issues dealing with the blocking enemies even on hard. 🤷‍♀️


Oct 28, 2017
State of Decay 2


Remnant: From the Ashes

Are all among my favourite games of last gen. None of them are reviled here, but definitely lukewarm or generally ambivalent.

Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
DmC (Best one in the series)
Devil May Cry 2 (not as bad as people like to say)
Bioshock Infinite
God of War Ascension (Best music of the entire saga)
Final Fantasy X (Best love story of them all)


Oct 28, 2017
For Honor. Era doesn't hate it per se, but just seem very meh about it. The OT never really took off, people think it's dead now and compare it to games it's nothing like.

I love it, it's got some of the best weapon combat mechanics and representation of martial arts styles in a game. It's the game I've always wanted as a martial arts weapon nerd.
Ubisoft have done a wonderful job supporting it, and even after 5 years, more characters, balances/reworks, armor, weapons, seasonal modes, and map changes are being added.


Oct 27, 2017
I know your thread says love and I wouldn't quite go that far, but I like Sonic 06. Unironically. People seriously exaggerate how bad the game is. I get triggered any time I hear someone say it's one of the worst games ever made or completely broken/unplayable. No.

But for a Sonic game people are negative on that I do absolutely love, I gotta go with Sonic Heroes. Super underrated.

Normally I can turn a blind eye to rose-tinted glasses but I'm going to have to make an exception here. I played 06 way after its release. I got it on a whim for single digit pricing wondering if it was actually as bad as everyone said and to my surprise it was worse. When you weren't falling off the geometry of the level every 5 seconds, you were either waiting for minutes for a "cutscene" where a couple of dialogue balloons would pop up only to be followed up for another couple minutes loading to continue on.

It's one of the most grossly unfinished and broken games ever released publicly.. heck... given the recent outcry about Cyberpunk I'm surprised the outcry for Sonic 06 wasn't worse. If I had to name one game that should have never made it to shelves and been banned from stores until it was patched, Sonic 06 would be it. It's a complete and utter unmitigated disaster and even if the game wasn't a buggy unfinished mess do I need to remind you about the *shudders* romance subplot in it? Jeez...
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Nov 15, 2017
Xenoblade 2
I do NOT care about sexualized anime designs, its when shit starts getting underageish is where i draw the line
Do not remember Xeno 2 having anything like that with the gacha characters but I didn't aim to collect all of them

Final Fantasy X (Best love story of them all)

I can definitely see the rest of the games you listed having largely negative opinions but FFX is like one of the BEST FFs by a wide margin of opinions