Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
While I'm at it, they also keep making Kain look worse and worse, and it's really annoying.

Here's original Kain:

He has a cool dragon face helmet and blue armor. Cool.

Then they added detail for PSP, and he looks like this:

Okay, so the dragon helm is actually more like a hat with an obnoxious snout and a visor over the eyes, and he has a weird split cape. I guess.

And now he looks like this:

What is going on with his abs in that armor? What's up with his hair now being purple and sticking out of the back of his helmet? And why is he wearing nail polish?


Oct 27, 2017
Everyone should play FF5 at least once a year for the Four Job Fiesta because:
A) The fiesta is a blast
B) FF5 is awesome
Oct 25, 2017
While I'm at it, they also keep making Kain look worse and worse, and it's really annoying.

Here's original Kain:

He has a cool dragon face helmet and blue armor. Cool.

Then they added detail for PSP, and he looks like this:

Okay, so the dragon helm is actually more like a hat with an obnoxious snout and a visor over the eyes, and he has a weird split cape. I guess.

And now he looks like this:

What is going on with his abs in that armor? What's up with his hair now being purple and sticking out of the back of his helmet? And why is he wearing nail polish?

I absolutely love the attention to detail you have on this lol

He does look really REALLY off to me in DFFOO


Oct 25, 2017
BT phase almost reaching 17M.

Not really practicable to do it on regular Lufenia+ but still crazy, that L&R LD, just wow.
I bet Call are Keiss for BRV refund, and of course Cid Raines for the launches.


Oct 25, 2017
Sharing this as well, because I heard that Bartz + CoD with BT+ is a deadly combo.
So here's the latest Lufenia+ done in 8 turns



Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Yep, good luck everyone.
Personally if I spend more than 50k gems for the LD, I'll go all the way to pity the BT, otherwise I'll do that on Gabranth's banner.

I'm still deciding on what I think makes sense. Since I need basically his entire kit I'm thinking I'll throw a 200 or so tickets at the banner and hopefully not have to pity the LD. I really want to be able to use Keiss' banner for the PT pity but does it make sense to have 300 tokens on the main banner and NOT pity the BT. That's what, 200k gems on one banner?


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I had tickets, trying and failing to get Hope and Arciela ruined me T-T

EDIT : oh yeah, if you're pulling with tickets tonight with the massive lag, take care of your sanity, haha. We need the 10x tickets pull right now.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
I'm gonna have to use BT tokens or they will expire, so I am hoping I get the LD quickly


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
I have his whole kit and I kinda don't wanna grind tickets to get his LD, but I probably should since I kinda wanna use the gems for the Start Dash to hopefully get Lightning's Burst and definitely get Cloud's LD since I somehow got his burst after his LD came and went.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if I should just use gems from the get go since I need his entire kit. Committing gems though would mean I should pity the BT on that banner...then ticket Keiss' banner? Good lord.


Oct 29, 2017
I wonder if I should just use gems from the get go since I need his entire kit. Committing gems though would mean I should pity the BT on that banner...then ticket Keiss' banner? Good lord.

You should gem both as you need a lot of dupes as a new player. And if you get an extra BT thats fine too as you can sell it for BT tokens.

You are still new, so our pulling strategies don't really apply to you


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Where do you plan to chase his burst?
Keiss, because I want keiss' LD very very badly, because I love using him and I wanna hope I can get the BT on his banner so I don't "waste" getting lucky or something.

I honestly will probably pity Cecil's BT on his banner anyway, but I don't really want to since it would feel like a big waste if I accidentally pulled it later. I'll gem pull on keiss for the BT, and ticket pull for the LD, and we'll see when I get it first.

I would recommend you use Gems to pity the BT on Cecil's banner for all his kit if you'd rather, and then try tickets for keiss, since it would make more sense to get a ton of copies of the BT character's kit then of the non-BT character.

Keiss is 100% worth pulling for because he specifically enables a playstyle that is a lot of fun, and as of Cid Raines, is gonna be very broken later on. I highly suggest getting him whatever way you decide works best.
Oct 25, 2017
You should gem both as you need a lot of dupes as a new player. And if you get an extra BT thats fine too as you can sell it for BT tokens.

You are still new, so our pulling strategies don't really apply to you

Good gravy!

Yeah that makes sense. I'm sure as hell not going to MLB his entire friggin kit with 300+ tickets lol

Keiss, because I want keiss' LD very very badly, because I love using him and I wanna hope I can get the BT on his banner so I don't "waste" getting lucky or something.

I honestly will probably pity Cecil's BT on his banner anyway, but I don't really want to since it would feel like a big waste if I accidentally pulled it later. I'll gem pull on keiss for the BT, and ticket pull for the LD, and we'll see when I get it first.

I would recommend you use Gems to pity the BT on Cecil's banner for all his kit if you'd rather, and then try tickets for keiss, since it would make more sense to get a ton of copies of the BT character's kit then of the non-BT character.

Keiss is 100% worth pulling for because he specifically enables a playstyle that is a lot of fun, and as of Cid Raines, is gonna be very broken later on. I highly suggest getting him whatever way you decide works best.

Cannot wait for Keiss honestly lol I know nothing about him as a character so should be fun! Never played through CC myself.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Man, Yuna sure has a ton of scenes in the new chapter. I think her consoling Onion Knight was really cute. I think this is the first time i'm interested in the story again in awhile. Do keep the Yuna scenes coming. I think Onion knight blushes at one point....

add Rikku now god damn it and no I will never stop being annoying about it until it happens


Oct 25, 2017
Maintenance will be done in 10 mins, at the exact same time the banners will drop, making the lag even worse lol
Once again, good luck everyone.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, Yuna sure has a ton of scenes in the new chapter. I think her consoling Onion Knight was really cute. I think this is the first time i'm interested in the story again in awhile. Do keep the Yuna scenes coming. I think Onion knight blushes at one point....

add Rikku now god damn it and no I will never stop being annoying about it until it happens

The fact that she and Red XIII aren't still in the game is just wut


Oct 25, 2017
Well, 300 G tokens and no LD so I'm on my way to pity the LD with some fear, I get the LD at 460 G tokens, and then on the very last pull, I get his BT, so of course I pick up another one with my 500 G tokens.
That was expensive >.<


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Well, 300 G tokens and no LD so I'm on my way to pity the LD with some fear, I get the LD at 460 G tokens, and then on the very last pull, I get his BT, so of course I pick up another one with my 500 G tokens.
That was expensive >.<
Sorry to hear that, but at least you got one tenth of the way to a free BT of your choice later in the BT+ era! Just gotta bide your time : P

I got the LD in 5 Gem Pulls, so I'm wondering if I should pity it on Keiss or if I should go for the Keiss banner with tickets...
Oct 25, 2017
50k gems.

Got everything lol Absolutely everything.

Decent amount of dupes of well but not as many as I wanted. Think its worth pulling some more for LD/EX dupes?

Maybe pull till 300G and then grab another EX/LD?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I got Arciela's LD in 4 tickets after the maintenance. Hmmm since everyone is pulling for Paladin Cecil I guess I will too this week.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to hear that, but at least you got one tenth of the way to a free BT of your choice later in the BT+ era! Just gotta bide your time : P

I got the LD in 5 Gem Pulls, so I'm wondering if I should pity it on Keiss or if I should go for the Keiss banner with tickets...
Thanks, it's definitely building luck for later (pls Gabrant LD with tickets)

I knew Cecil + Balthier would be overkill.


Ceodore casually doing 300k HP damage to both target with each EX cast, I'm actually scared to see how reworked Squall is going to be with this.


Oct 29, 2017
Got LD in 10 tickets and decided to finally use my BT tokens and basically this banner cost me nothing.

Could not pass up the opportunity to use cecil, ceodore, baltheir lol. Everything doing max damage is beautiful